/* * Copyright (c) 2011-2021 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for * any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the * above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all * copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL * WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR * PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* * This file lim_utils.cc contains the utility functions * LIM uses. * Author: Chandra Modumudi * Date: 02/13/02 * History:- * Date Modified by Modification Information * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "sch_api.h" #include "lim_utils.h" #include "lim_types.h" #include "lim_security_utils.h" #include "lim_prop_exts_utils.h" #include "lim_send_messages.h" #include "lim_ser_des_utils.h" #include "lim_admit_control.h" #include "dot11f.h" #include "dot11fdefs.h" #include "wmm_apsd.h" #include "lim_trace.h" #include "wlan_vdev_mlme_api.h" #include "../../core/src/vdev_mgr_ops.h" #ifdef FEATURE_WLAN_DIAG_SUPPORT #include "host_diag_core_event.h" #endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_DIAG_SUPPORT */ #include "lim_session_utils.h" #include "lim_ft_defs.h" #include "lim_session.h" #include "cds_reg_service.h" #include "nan_datapath.h" #include "wma.h" #include "wlan_reg_services_api.h" #include "wlan_policy_mgr_api.h" #include "wlan_mlme_public_struct.h" #include "wlan_mlme_ucfg_api.h" #include "wma_pasn_peer_api.h" #ifdef WLAN_FEATURE_11AX_BSS_COLOR #include "wma_he.h" #endif #include "wlan_utility.h" #include "wni_cfg.h" #include "cfg_mlme_obss_ht40.h" #include "cfg_ucfg_api.h" #include "lim_ft.h" #include "wlan_mlme_main.h" #include "qdf_util.h" #include "wlan_qct_sys.h" #include #include #include #include "wlan_mlme_ucfg_api.h" #include "nan_ucfg_api.h" #include "wlan_twt_ucfg_ext_cfg.h" #ifdef WLAN_FEATURE_11BE #include "wma_eht.h" #endif #ifdef WLAN_FEATURE_11BE_MLO #include #endif #include "wlan_cmn_ieee80211.h" #include #include #include "parser_api.h" #include "wlan_mlo_mgr_link_switch.h" #include "wlan_epcs_api.h" #include "wlan_nan_api_i.h" /** ------------------------------------------------------------- \fn lim_delete_dialogue_token_list \brief deletes the complete lim dialogue token linked list. \param struct mac_context * mac \return None -------------------------------------------------------------*/ void lim_delete_dialogue_token_list(struct mac_context *mac) { tpDialogueToken pCurrNode = mac->lim.pDialogueTokenHead; while (mac->lim.pDialogueTokenHead) { pCurrNode = mac->lim.pDialogueTokenHead; mac->lim.pDialogueTokenHead = mac->lim.pDialogueTokenHead->next; qdf_mem_free(pCurrNode); pCurrNode = NULL; } mac->lim.pDialogueTokenTail = NULL; } char *lim_mlm_state_str(tLimMlmStates state) { switch (state) { case eLIM_MLM_OFFLINE_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_OFFLINE_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_IDLE_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_IDLE_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_WT_JOIN_BEACON_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_WT_JOIN_BEACON_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_JOINED_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_JOINED_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_BSS_STARTED_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_BSS_STARTED_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_WT_AUTH_FRAME2_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_WT_AUTH_FRAME2_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_WT_AUTH_FRAME3_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_WT_AUTH_FRAME3_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_WT_AUTH_FRAME4_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_WT_AUTH_FRAME4_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_AUTH_RSP_TIMEOUT_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_AUTH_RSP_TIMEOUT_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_AUTHENTICATED_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_AUTHENTICATED_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_WT_ASSOC_RSP_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_WT_ASSOC_RSP_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_WT_REASSOC_RSP_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_WT_REASSOC_RSP_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_WT_FT_REASSOC_RSP_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_WT_FT_REASSOC_RSP_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_WT_DEL_STA_RSP_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_WT_DEL_STA_RSP_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_WT_DEL_BSS_RSP_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_WT_DEL_BSS_RSP_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_WT_ADD_STA_RSP_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_WT_ADD_STA_RSP_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_WT_ADD_BSS_RSP_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_WT_ADD_BSS_RSP_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_REASSOCIATED_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_REASSOCIATED_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_LINK_ESTABLISHED_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_LINK_ESTABLISHED_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_WT_ASSOC_CNF_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_WT_ASSOC_CNF_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_WT_ADD_BSS_RSP_ASSOC_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_WT_ADD_BSS_RSP_ASSOC_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_WT_ADD_BSS_RSP_REASSOC_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_WT_ADD_BSS_RSP_REASSOC_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_WT_ADD_BSS_RSP_FT_REASSOC_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_WT_ADD_BSS_RSP_FT_REASSOC_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_WT_ASSOC_DEL_STA_RSP_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_WT_ASSOC_DEL_STA_RSP_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_WT_SET_BSS_KEY_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_WT_SET_BSS_KEY_STATE"; case eLIM_MLM_WT_SET_STA_KEY_STATE: return "eLIM_MLM_WT_SET_STA_KEY_STATE"; default: return "INVALID MLM state"; } } void lim_print_mlm_state(struct mac_context *mac, uint16_t logLevel, tLimMlmStates state) { pe_debug("Mlm state: %s", lim_mlm_state_str(state)); } char *lim_sme_state_str(tLimSmeStates state) { switch (state) { case eLIM_SME_OFFLINE_STATE: return "eLIM_SME_OFFLINE_STATE"; case eLIM_SME_IDLE_STATE: return "eLIM_SME_OFFLINE_STATE"; case eLIM_SME_SUSPEND_STATE: return "eLIM_SME_SUSPEND_STATE"; case eLIM_SME_WT_JOIN_STATE: return "eLIM_SME_WT_JOIN_STATE"; case eLIM_SME_WT_AUTH_STATE: return "eLIM_SME_WT_AUTH_STATE"; case eLIM_SME_WT_ASSOC_STATE: return "eLIM_SME_WT_ASSOC_STATE"; case eLIM_SME_WT_REASSOC_STATE: return "eLIM_SME_WT_REASSOC_STATE"; case eLIM_SME_JOIN_FAILURE_STATE: return "eLIM_SME_JOIN_FAILURE_STATE"; case eLIM_SME_ASSOCIATED_STATE: return "eLIM_SME_ASSOCIATED_STATE"; case eLIM_SME_REASSOCIATED_STATE: return "eLIM_SME_REASSOCIATED_STATE"; case eLIM_SME_LINK_EST_STATE: return "eLIM_SME_LINK_EST_STATE"; case eLIM_SME_WT_PRE_AUTH_STATE: return "eLIM_SME_WT_PRE_AUTH_STATE"; case eLIM_SME_WT_DISASSOC_STATE: return "eLIM_SME_WT_DISASSOC_STATE"; case eLIM_SME_WT_DEAUTH_STATE: return "eLIM_SME_WT_DEAUTH_STATE"; case eLIM_SME_WT_START_BSS_STATE: return "eLIM_SME_WT_START_BSS_STATE"; case eLIM_SME_WT_STOP_BSS_STATE: return "eLIM_SME_WT_STOP_BSS_STATE"; case eLIM_SME_NORMAL_STATE: return "eLIM_SME_NORMAL_STATE"; default: return "INVALID SME STATE"; } } void lim_print_sme_state(struct mac_context *mac, uint16_t logLevel, tLimSmeStates state) { pe_debug("SME state: %s", lim_sme_state_str(state)); } char *lim_msg_str(uint32_t msgType) { switch (msgType) { case eWNI_SME_SYS_READY_IND: return "eWNI_SME_SYS_READY_IND"; case eWNI_SME_JOIN_REQ: return "eWNI_SME_JOIN_REQ"; case eWNI_SME_JOIN_RSP: return "eWNI_SME_JOIN_RSP"; case eWNI_SME_SETCONTEXT_RSP: return "eWNI_SME_SETCONTEXT_RSP"; case eWNI_SME_REASSOC_REQ: return "eWNI_SME_REASSOC_REQ"; case eWNI_SME_REASSOC_RSP: return "eWNI_SME_REASSOC_RSP"; case eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_REQ: return "eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_REQ"; case eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_RSP: return "eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_RSP"; case eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_IND: return "eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_IND"; case eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_CNF: return "eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_CNF"; case eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_REQ: return "eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_REQ"; case eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_RSP: return "eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_RSP"; case eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_IND: return "eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_IND"; case eWNI_SME_START_BSS_REQ: return "eWNI_SME_START_BSS_REQ"; case eWNI_SME_START_BSS_RSP: return "eWNI_SME_START_BSS_RSP"; case eWNI_SME_ASSOC_IND: return "eWNI_SME_ASSOC_IND"; case eWNI_SME_ASSOC_IND_UPPER_LAYER: return "eWNI_SME_ASSOC_IND_UPPER_LAYER"; case eWNI_SME_ASSOC_CNF: return "eWNI_SME_ASSOC_CNF"; case eWNI_SME_SWITCH_CHL_IND: return "eWNI_SME_SWITCH_CHL_IND"; case eWNI_SME_STOP_BSS_REQ: return "eWNI_SME_STOP_BSS_REQ"; case eWNI_SME_STOP_BSS_RSP: return "eWNI_SME_STOP_BSS_RSP"; case eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_CNF: return "eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_CNF"; case eWNI_SME_ADDTS_REQ: return "eWNI_SME_ADDTS_REQ"; case eWNI_SME_MSCS_REQ: return "eWNI_SME_MSCS_REQ"; case eWNI_SME_ADDTS_RSP: return "eWNI_SME_ADDTS_RSP"; case eWNI_SME_DELTS_REQ: return "eWNI_SME_DELTS_REQ"; case eWNI_SME_DELTS_RSP: return "eWNI_SME_DELTS_RSP"; case eWNI_SME_DELTS_IND: return "eWNI_SME_DELTS_IND"; case SIR_BB_XPORT_MGMT_MSG: return "SIR_BB_XPORT_MGMT_MSG"; case SIR_LIM_JOIN_FAIL_TIMEOUT: return "SIR_LIM_JOIN_FAIL_TIMEOUT"; case SIR_LIM_AUTH_FAIL_TIMEOUT: return "SIR_LIM_AUTH_FAIL_TIMEOUT"; case SIR_LIM_AUTH_RSP_TIMEOUT: return "SIR_LIM_AUTH_RSP_TIMEOUT"; case SIR_LIM_ASSOC_FAIL_TIMEOUT: return "SIR_LIM_ASSOC_FAIL_TIMEOUT"; case SIR_LIM_REASSOC_FAIL_TIMEOUT: return "SIR_LIM_REASSOC_FAIL_TIMEOUT"; case SIR_LIM_HEART_BEAT_TIMEOUT: return "SIR_LIM_HEART_BEAT_TIMEOUT"; case SIR_LIM_ADDTS_RSP_TIMEOUT: return "SIR_LIM_ADDTS_RSP_TIMEOUT"; case SIR_LIM_LINK_TEST_DURATION_TIMEOUT: return "SIR_LIM_LINK_TEST_DURATION_TIMEOUT"; case SIR_LIM_UPDATE_OLBC_CACHEL_TIMEOUT: return "SIR_LIM_UPDATE_OLBC_CACHEL_TIMEOUT"; case SIR_LIM_CNF_WAIT_TIMEOUT: return "SIR_LIM_CNF_WAIT_TIMEOUT"; case SIR_LIM_FT_PREAUTH_RSP_TIMEOUT: return "SIR_LIM_FT_PREAUTH_RSP_TIMEOUT"; #ifdef FEATURE_WLAN_ESE case eWNI_SME_GET_TSM_STATS_REQ: return "eWNI_SME_GET_TSM_STATS_REQ"; case eWNI_SME_GET_TSM_STATS_RSP: return "eWNI_SME_GET_TSM_STATS_RSP"; #endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_ESE */ case eWNI_SME_SET_HW_MODE_REQ: return "eWNI_SME_SET_HW_MODE_REQ"; case eWNI_SME_SET_HW_MODE_RESP: return "eWNI_SME_SET_HW_MODE_RESP"; case eWNI_SME_HW_MODE_TRANS_IND: return "eWNI_SME_HW_MODE_TRANS_IND"; case SIR_LIM_PROCESS_DEFERRED_QUEUE: return "SIR_LIM_PROCESS_DEFERRED_QUEUE"; default: return "Unknown"; } } char *lim_result_code_str(tSirResultCodes resultCode) { switch (resultCode) { case eSIR_SME_SUCCESS: return "eSIR_SME_SUCCESS"; case eSIR_LOGE_EXCEPTION: return "eSIR_LOGE_EXCEPTION"; case eSIR_SME_INVALID_PARAMETERS: return "eSIR_SME_INVALID_PARAMETERS"; case eSIR_SME_UNEXPECTED_REQ_RESULT_CODE: return "eSIR_SME_UNEXPECTED_REQ_RESULT_CODE"; case eSIR_SME_RESOURCES_UNAVAILABLE: return "eSIR_SME_RESOURCES_UNAVAILABLE"; case eSIR_SME_SCAN_FAILED: return "eSIR_SME_SCAN_FAILED"; case eSIR_SME_BSS_ALREADY_STARTED_OR_JOINED: return "eSIR_SME_BSS_ALREADY_STARTED_OR_JOINED"; case eSIR_SME_LOST_LINK_WITH_PEER_RESULT_CODE: return "eSIR_SME_LOST_LINK_WITH_PEER_RESULT_CODE"; case eSIR_SME_REFUSED: return "eSIR_SME_REFUSED"; case eSIR_SME_JOIN_TIMEOUT_RESULT_CODE: return "eSIR_SME_JOIN_TIMEOUT_RESULT_CODE"; case eSIR_SME_AUTH_TIMEOUT_RESULT_CODE: return "eSIR_SME_AUTH_TIMEOUT_RESULT_CODE"; case eSIR_SME_ASSOC_TIMEOUT_RESULT_CODE: return "eSIR_SME_ASSOC_TIMEOUT_RESULT_CODE"; case eSIR_SME_REASSOC_TIMEOUT_RESULT_CODE: return "eSIR_SME_REASSOC_TIMEOUT_RESULT_CODE"; case eSIR_SME_MAX_NUM_OF_PRE_AUTH_REACHED: return "eSIR_SME_MAX_NUM_OF_PRE_AUTH_REACHED"; case eSIR_SME_AUTH_REFUSED: return "eSIR_SME_AUTH_REFUSED"; case eSIR_SME_INVALID_WEP_DEFAULT_KEY: return "eSIR_SME_INVALID_WEP_DEFAULT_KEY"; case eSIR_SME_ASSOC_REFUSED: return "eSIR_SME_ASSOC_REFUSED"; case eSIR_SME_REASSOC_REFUSED: return "eSIR_SME_REASSOC_REFUSED"; case eSIR_SME_STA_NOT_AUTHENTICATED: return "eSIR_SME_STA_NOT_AUTHENTICATED"; case eSIR_SME_STA_NOT_ASSOCIATED: return "eSIR_SME_STA_NOT_ASSOCIATED"; case eSIR_SME_ALREADY_JOINED_A_BSS: return "eSIR_SME_ALREADY_JOINED_A_BSS"; case eSIR_SME_MORE_SCAN_RESULTS_FOLLOW: return "eSIR_SME_MORE_SCAN_RESULTS_FOLLOW"; case eSIR_SME_INVALID_ASSOC_RSP_RXED: return "eSIR_SME_INVALID_ASSOC_RSP_RXED"; case eSIR_SME_MIC_COUNTER_MEASURES: return "eSIR_SME_MIC_COUNTER_MEASURES"; case eSIR_SME_ADDTS_RSP_TIMEOUT: return "eSIR_SME_ADDTS_RSP_TIMEOUT"; case eSIR_SME_CHANNEL_SWITCH_FAIL: return "eSIR_SME_CHANNEL_SWITCH_FAIL"; case eSIR_SME_HAL_SCAN_INIT_FAILED: return "eSIR_SME_HAL_SCAN_INIT_FAILED"; case eSIR_SME_HAL_SCAN_END_FAILED: return "eSIR_SME_HAL_SCAN_END_FAILED"; case eSIR_SME_HAL_SCAN_FINISH_FAILED: return "eSIR_SME_HAL_SCAN_FINISH_FAILED"; case eSIR_SME_HAL_SEND_MESSAGE_FAIL: return "eSIR_SME_HAL_SEND_MESSAGE_FAIL"; default: return "Unknown resultCode"; } } void lim_print_msg_name(struct mac_context *mac, uint16_t logLevel, uint32_t msgType) { pe_debug("Msg: %s", lim_msg_str(msgType)); } /** * lim_init_mlm() - This function is called by limProcessSmeMessages() to * initialize MLM state machine on STA * @mac: Pointer to Global MAC structure * * @Return: Status of operation */ QDF_STATUS lim_init_mlm(struct mac_context *mac) { uint32_t retVal; mac->lim.gLimTimersCreated = 0; MTRACE(mac_trace(mac, TRACE_CODE_MLM_STATE, NO_SESSION, mac->lim.gLimMlmState)); /* Initialize number of pre-auth contexts */ mac->lim.gLimNumPreAuthContexts = 0; /* Initialize MAC based Authentication STA list */ lim_init_pre_auth_list(mac); /* Create timers used by LIM */ retVal = lim_create_timers(mac); if (retVal != TX_SUCCESS) { pe_err("lim_create_timers Failed"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } mac->lim.gLimTimersCreated = 1; return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /*** end lim_init_mlm() ***/ void lim_deactivate_timers(struct mac_context *mac_ctx) { uint32_t n; tLimTimers *lim_timer = &mac_ctx->lim.lim_timers; lim_deactivate_timers_host_roam(mac_ctx); /* Deactivate addts response timer. */ tx_timer_deactivate(&lim_timer->gLimAddtsRspTimer); if (tx_timer_running(&lim_timer->gLimJoinFailureTimer)) { pe_err("Join failure timer running call the timeout API"); /* Cleanup as if join timer expired */ lim_timer_handler(mac_ctx, SIR_LIM_JOIN_FAIL_TIMEOUT); } /* Deactivate Join failure timer. */ tx_timer_deactivate(&lim_timer->gLimJoinFailureTimer); /* Deactivate Periodic Join Probe Request timer. */ tx_timer_deactivate(&lim_timer->gLimPeriodicJoinProbeReqTimer); /* Deactivate Auth Retry timer. */ tx_timer_deactivate (&lim_timer->g_lim_periodic_auth_retry_timer); if (tx_timer_running(&lim_timer->gLimAssocFailureTimer)) { pe_err("Assoc failure timer running call the timeout API"); /* Cleanup as if assoc timer expired */ lim_assoc_failure_timer_handler(mac_ctx, LIM_ASSOC); } /* Deactivate Association failure timer. */ tx_timer_deactivate(&lim_timer->gLimAssocFailureTimer); if (tx_timer_running(&mac_ctx->lim.lim_timers.gLimAuthFailureTimer)) { pe_err("Auth failure timer running call the timeout API"); /* Cleanup as if auth timer expired */ lim_timer_handler(mac_ctx, SIR_LIM_AUTH_FAIL_TIMEOUT); } /* Deactivate Authentication failure timer. */ tx_timer_deactivate(&lim_timer->gLimAuthFailureTimer); /* Deactivate cnf wait timer */ for (n = 0; n < (mac_ctx->lim.maxStation + 1); n++) { tx_timer_deactivate(&lim_timer->gpLimCnfWaitTimer[n]); } /* Deactivate any Authentication response timers */ lim_delete_pre_auth_list(mac_ctx); tx_timer_deactivate(&lim_timer->gLimUpdateOlbcCacheTimer); tx_timer_deactivate(&lim_timer->gLimPreAuthClnupTimer); if (tx_timer_running(&lim_timer->gLimDisassocAckTimer)) { pe_err("Disassoc timer running call the timeout API"); lim_timer_handler(mac_ctx, SIR_LIM_DISASSOC_ACK_TIMEOUT); } tx_timer_deactivate(&lim_timer->gLimDisassocAckTimer); if (tx_timer_running(&lim_timer->gLimDeauthAckTimer)) { pe_err("Deauth timer running call the timeout API"); lim_process_deauth_ack_timeout(mac_ctx, WLAN_INVALID_VDEV_ID); } tx_timer_deactivate(&lim_timer->gLimDeauthAckTimer); if (tx_timer_running(&lim_timer->sae_auth_timer)) { pe_err("SAE Auth failure timer running call the timeout API"); /* Cleanup as if SAE auth timer expired */ lim_timer_handler(mac_ctx, SIR_LIM_AUTH_SAE_TIMEOUT); } tx_timer_deactivate(&lim_timer->sae_auth_timer); if (tx_timer_running(&lim_timer->rrm_sta_stats_resp_timer)) { pe_err("sta stats resp timer running call the timeout API"); lim_timer_handler(mac_ctx, SIR_LIM_RRM_STA_STATS_RSP_TIMEOUT); } tx_timer_deactivate(&lim_timer->rrm_sta_stats_resp_timer); } void lim_deactivate_timers_for_vdev(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t vdev_id) { tLimTimers *lim_timer = &mac_ctx->lim.lim_timers; struct pe_session *pe_session; pe_session = pe_find_session_by_vdev_id(mac_ctx, vdev_id); if (!pe_session) { pe_err("pe session invalid for vdev %d", vdev_id); return; } pe_debug("pe limMlmState %s vdev %d", lim_mlm_state_str(pe_session->limMlmState), vdev_id); switch (pe_session->limMlmState) { case eLIM_MLM_WT_JOIN_BEACON_STATE: if (tx_timer_running( &lim_timer->gLimJoinFailureTimer)) { pe_debug("Trigger Join failure timeout for vdev %d", vdev_id); tx_timer_deactivate( &lim_timer->gLimJoinFailureTimer); lim_process_join_failure_timeout(mac_ctx); } break; case eLIM_MLM_WT_AUTH_FRAME2_STATE: case eLIM_MLM_WT_AUTH_FRAME4_STATE: if (tx_timer_running( &lim_timer->gLimAuthFailureTimer)) { pe_debug("Trigger Auth failure timeout for vdev %d", vdev_id); tx_timer_deactivate( &lim_timer->gLimAuthFailureTimer); lim_process_auth_failure_timeout(mac_ctx); } break; case eLIM_MLM_WT_ASSOC_RSP_STATE: if (tx_timer_running( &lim_timer->gLimAssocFailureTimer)) { pe_debug("Trigger Assoc failure timeout for vdev %d", vdev_id); tx_timer_deactivate( &lim_timer->gLimAssocFailureTimer); lim_process_assoc_failure_timeout(mac_ctx, LIM_ASSOC); } break; case eLIM_MLM_WT_SAE_AUTH_STATE: if (tx_timer_running(&lim_timer->sae_auth_timer)) { pe_debug("Trigger SAE Auth failure timeout for vdev %d", vdev_id); tx_timer_deactivate( &lim_timer->sae_auth_timer); lim_process_sae_auth_timeout(mac_ctx); } break; case eLIM_MLM_LINK_ESTABLISHED_STATE: if (!pe_session->ftPEContext.ftPreAuthSession) break; pe_debug("pre-auth in progress"); if (tx_timer_running(&lim_timer->gLimFTPreAuthRspTimer)) { pe_debug("Trigger pre auth timeout for vdev %d", vdev_id); tx_timer_deactivate( &lim_timer->gLimFTPreAuthRspTimer); } lim_process_ft_preauth_rsp_timeout(mac_ctx); break; default: return; } } #if defined(WIFI_POS_CONVERGED) && defined(WLAN_FEATURE_RTT_11AZ_SUPPORT) QDF_STATUS lim_process_pasn_delete_all_peers(struct mac_context *mac, struct pasn_peer_delete_msg *msg) { struct wlan_objmgr_vdev *vdev; tp_wma_handle wma = cds_get_context(QDF_MODULE_ID_WMA); QDF_STATUS status; if (!wma) return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; vdev = wlan_objmgr_get_vdev_by_id_from_psoc(mac->psoc, msg->vdev_id, WLAN_WIFI_POS_CORE_ID); if (!vdev) return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; status = wma_delete_all_pasn_peers(wma, vdev); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(status)) pe_err("Failed to delete all PASN peers for vdev:%d", msg->vdev_id); wlan_objmgr_vdev_release_ref(vdev, WLAN_WIFI_POS_CORE_ID); return status; } #endif /** * lim_cleanup_mlm() - This function is called to cleanup * @mac_ctx: Pointer to Global MAC structure * * Function is called to cleanup any resources allocated by the MLM * state machine. * * Return: none */ void lim_cleanup_mlm(struct mac_context *mac_ctx) { uint32_t n; tLimPreAuthNode **pAuthNode; tLimTimers *lim_timer = NULL; if (mac_ctx->lim.gLimTimersCreated == 1) { lim_timer = &mac_ctx->lim.lim_timers; lim_deactivate_timers(mac_ctx); lim_delete_timers_host_roam(mac_ctx); /* Delete addts response timer. */ tx_timer_delete(&lim_timer->gLimAddtsRspTimer); /* Delete Join failure timer. */ tx_timer_delete(&lim_timer->gLimJoinFailureTimer); /* Delete Periodic Join Probe Request timer. */ tx_timer_delete(&lim_timer->gLimPeriodicJoinProbeReqTimer); /* Delete Auth Retry timer. */ tx_timer_delete(&lim_timer->g_lim_periodic_auth_retry_timer); /* Delete Association failure timer. */ tx_timer_delete(&lim_timer->gLimAssocFailureTimer); /* Delete Authentication failure timer. */ tx_timer_delete(&lim_timer->gLimAuthFailureTimer); /* Delete cnf wait timer */ for (n = 0; n < (mac_ctx->lim.maxStation + 1); n++) { tx_timer_delete(&lim_timer->gpLimCnfWaitTimer[n]); } pAuthNode = mac_ctx->lim.gLimPreAuthTimerTable.pTable; /* Delete any Auth rsp timers, which might have been started */ for (n = 0; n < mac_ctx->lim.gLimPreAuthTimerTable.numEntry; n++) tx_timer_delete(&pAuthNode[n]->timer); tx_timer_delete(&lim_timer->gLimUpdateOlbcCacheTimer); tx_timer_delete(&lim_timer->gLimPreAuthClnupTimer); tx_timer_delete(&lim_timer->gLimDisassocAckTimer); tx_timer_delete(&lim_timer->gLimDeauthAckTimer); tx_timer_delete(&lim_timer->sae_auth_timer); tx_timer_delete(&lim_timer->rrm_sta_stats_resp_timer); mac_ctx->lim.gLimTimersCreated = 0; } } /*** end lim_cleanup_mlm() ***/ /* * lim_reset_deferred_msg_q() * ***FUNCTION: * This function resets the deferred message queue parameters. * ***PARAMS: * @param mac - Pointer to Global MAC structure * ***LOGIC: * ***ASSUMPTIONS: * NA * ***NOTE: * NA * ***RETURNS: * None */ void lim_reset_deferred_msg_q(struct mac_context *mac) { struct scheduler_msg *read_msg = {0}; if (mac->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.size > 0) { while ((read_msg = lim_read_deferred_msg_q(mac)) != NULL) { pe_free_msg(mac, read_msg); } } mac->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.size = mac->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.write = mac->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.read = 0; } #define LIM_DEFERRED_Q_CHECK_THRESHOLD (MAX_DEFERRED_QUEUE_LEN/2) #define LIM_MAX_NUM_MGMT_FRAME_DEFERRED (MAX_DEFERRED_QUEUE_LEN/2) /** * lim_write_deferred_msg_q() - This function queues up a deferred message * * @mac_ctx: Pointer to Global MAC structure * @lim_msg: a LIM message * * Function queues up a deferred message for later processing on the * STA side. * * Return: none */ uint8_t lim_write_deferred_msg_q(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct scheduler_msg *lim_msg) { uint8_t type = 0, subtype = 0; pe_debug("Queue a deferred message size: %d write: %d - type: 0x%x", mac_ctx->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.size, mac_ctx->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.write, lim_msg->type); /* check if the deferred message queue is full */ if (mac_ctx->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.size >= MAX_DEFERRED_QUEUE_LEN) { if (!(mac_ctx->lim.deferredMsgCnt & 0xF)) { pe_err("queue->MsgQ full Msg: %d Msgs Failed: %d", lim_msg->type, ++mac_ctx->lim.deferredMsgCnt); cds_flush_logs(WLAN_LOG_TYPE_NON_FATAL, WLAN_LOG_INDICATOR_HOST_DRIVER, WLAN_LOG_REASON_QUEUE_FULL, false, false); } else { mac_ctx->lim.deferredMsgCnt++; } return TX_QUEUE_FULL; } /* * In the application, there should not be more than 1 message get * queued up. If happens, flags a warning. In the future, this can * happen. */ if (mac_ctx->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.size > 0) pe_debug("%d Deferred Msg type: 0x%x global sme: %d global mlme: %d addts: %d", mac_ctx->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.size, lim_msg->type, mac_ctx->lim.gLimSmeState, mac_ctx->lim.gLimMlmState, mac_ctx->lim.gLimAddtsSent); if (SIR_BB_XPORT_MGMT_MSG == lim_msg->type) { lim_util_get_type_subtype(lim_msg->bodyptr, &type, &subtype); pe_debug(" Deferred management type %d subtype %d ", type, subtype); } /* * To prevent the deferred Q is full of management frames, only give * them certain space */ if ((SIR_BB_XPORT_MGMT_MSG == lim_msg->type) && (LIM_DEFERRED_Q_CHECK_THRESHOLD < mac_ctx->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.size)) { uint16_t idx, count = 0; for (idx = 0; idx < mac_ctx->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.size; idx++) { if (SIR_BB_XPORT_MGMT_MSG == mac_ctx->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ. deferredQueue[idx].type) { count++; } } if (LIM_MAX_NUM_MGMT_FRAME_DEFERRED < count) { /* * We reach the quota for management frames, * drop this one */ pe_warn_rl("Too many queue->MsgQ Msg: %d count: %d", lim_msg->type, count); /* Return error, caller knows what to do */ return TX_QUEUE_FULL; } } ++mac_ctx->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.size; /* reset the count here since we are able to defer the message */ if (mac_ctx->lim.deferredMsgCnt != 0) mac_ctx->lim.deferredMsgCnt = 0; /* if the write pointer hits the end of the queue, rewind it */ if (mac_ctx->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.write >= MAX_DEFERRED_QUEUE_LEN) mac_ctx->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.write = 0; /* save the message to the queue and advanced the write pointer */ qdf_mem_copy((uint8_t *) &mac_ctx->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ. deferredQueue[mac_ctx->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.write++], (uint8_t *) lim_msg, sizeof(struct scheduler_msg)); return TX_SUCCESS; } /* * lim_read_deferred_msg_q() * ***FUNCTION: * This function dequeues a deferred message for processing on the * STA side. * ***PARAMS: * @param mac - Pointer to Global MAC structure * ***LOGIC: * ***ASSUMPTIONS: * NA * ***NOTE: * * ***RETURNS: * Returns the message at the head of the deferred message queue */ struct scheduler_msg *lim_read_deferred_msg_q(struct mac_context *mac) { struct scheduler_msg *msg = {0}; /* ** check any messages left. If no, return **/ if (mac->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.size <= 0) return NULL; /* ** decrement the queue size **/ mac->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.size--; /* ** retrieve the message from the head of the queue **/ msg = &mac->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.deferredQueue[mac->lim. gLimDeferredMsgQ.read]; /* ** advance the read pointer **/ mac->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.read++; /* ** if the read pointer hits the end of the queue, rewind it **/ if (mac->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.read >= MAX_DEFERRED_QUEUE_LEN) mac->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.read = 0; pe_debug("DeQueue a deferred message size: %d read: %d - type: 0x%x", mac->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.size, mac->lim.gLimDeferredMsgQ.read, msg->type); pe_debug("DQ msg -- global sme: %d global mlme: %d addts: %d", mac->lim.gLimSmeState, mac->lim.gLimMlmState, mac->lim.gLimAddtsSent); return msg; } /* * lim_handle_update_olbc_cache() - This function update olbc cache * * @mac_ctx: Pointer to Global MAC structure * * Function updates olbc cache * * Return: none */ void lim_handle_update_olbc_cache(struct mac_context *mac_ctx) { int i; static int enable; tUpdateBeaconParams beaconParams; struct pe_session *pe_session = lim_is_ap_session_active(mac_ctx); if (!pe_session) { pe_debug(" Session not found"); return; } if (pe_session->is_session_obss_offload_enabled) { pe_debug("protection offloaded"); return; } qdf_mem_zero((uint8_t *) &beaconParams, sizeof(tUpdateBeaconParams)); beaconParams.bss_idx = pe_session->vdev_id; beaconParams.paramChangeBitmap = 0; /* * This is doing a 2 pass check. The first pass is to invalidate * all the cache entries. The second pass is to decide whether to * disable protection. */ if (!enable) { pe_debug("Resetting OLBC cache"); pe_session->gLimOlbcParams.numSta = 0; pe_session->gLimOverlap11gParams.numSta = 0; pe_session->gLimOverlapHt20Params.numSta = 0; pe_session->gLimNonGfParams.numSta = 0; pe_session->gLimLsigTxopParams.numSta = 0; for (i = 0; i < LIM_PROT_STA_OVERLAP_CACHE_SIZE; i++) mac_ctx->lim.protStaOverlapCache[i].active = false; enable = 1; } else { if ((!pe_session->gLimOlbcParams.numSta) && (pe_session->gLimOlbcParams.protectionEnabled) && (!pe_session->gLim11bParams.protectionEnabled)) { pe_debug("Overlap cache clear and no 11B STA set"); lim_enable11g_protection(mac_ctx, false, true, &beaconParams, pe_session); } if ((!pe_session->gLimOverlap11gParams.numSta) && (pe_session->gLimOverlap11gParams.protectionEnabled) && (!pe_session->gLim11gParams.protectionEnabled)) { pe_debug("Overlap cache clear and no 11G STA set"); lim_enable_ht_protection_from11g(mac_ctx, false, true, &beaconParams, pe_session); } if ((!pe_session->gLimOverlapHt20Params.numSta) && (pe_session->gLimOverlapHt20Params.protectionEnabled) && (!pe_session->gLimHt20Params.protectionEnabled)) { pe_debug("Overlap cache clear and no HT20 STA set"); lim_enable11g_protection(mac_ctx, false, true, &beaconParams, pe_session); } enable = 0; } if ((false == mac_ctx->sap.SapDfsInfo.is_dfs_cac_timer_running) && beaconParams.paramChangeBitmap) { sch_set_fixed_beacon_fields(mac_ctx, pe_session); lim_send_beacon_params(mac_ctx, &beaconParams, pe_session); } /* Start OLBC timer */ if (tx_timer_activate(&mac_ctx->lim.lim_timers.gLimUpdateOlbcCacheTimer) != TX_SUCCESS) pe_err("tx_timer_activate failed"); } /** * lim_is_null_ssid() - This function checks if ssid supplied is Null SSID * @ssid: pointer to tSirMacSSid * * Function checks if ssid supplied is Null SSID * * Return: none */ uint8_t lim_is_null_ssid(tSirMacSSid *ssid) { uint8_t fnull_ssid = false; uint32_t ssid_len; uint8_t *ssid_str; if (0 == ssid->length) { fnull_ssid = true; return fnull_ssid; } /* If the first characters is space, then check if all * characters in SSID are spaces to consider it as NULL SSID */ if ((ASCII_SPACE_CHARACTER == ssid->ssId[0]) && (ssid->length == 1)) { fnull_ssid = true; return fnull_ssid; } else { /* check if all the characters in SSID are NULL */ ssid_len = ssid->length; ssid_str = ssid->ssId; while (ssid_len) { if (*ssid_str) return fnull_ssid; ssid_str++; ssid_len--; } if (0 == ssid_len) { fnull_ssid = true; return fnull_ssid; } } return fnull_ssid; } /** ------------------------------------------------------------- \fn lim_update_prot_sta_params \brief updates protection related counters. \param struct mac_context * mac \param tSirMacAddr peerMacAddr \param tLimProtStaCacheType protStaCacheType \param tHalBitVal gfSupported \param tHalBitVal lsigTxopSupported \return None -------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void lim_update_prot_sta_params(struct mac_context *mac, tSirMacAddr peerMacAddr, tLimProtStaCacheType protStaCacheType, tHalBitVal gfSupported, tHalBitVal lsigTxopSupported, struct pe_session *pe_session) { uint32_t i; pe_debug("Associated STA addr is: "QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT, QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(peerMacAddr)); for (i = 0; i < LIM_PROT_STA_CACHE_SIZE; i++) { if (pe_session->protStaCache[i].active) { pe_debug("Addr:" QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT, QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(pe_session->protStaCache[i].addr)); if (!qdf_mem_cmp (pe_session->protStaCache[i].addr, peerMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr))) { pe_debug("matching cache entry at: %d already active", i); return; } } } for (i = 0; i < LIM_PROT_STA_CACHE_SIZE; i++) { if (!pe_session->protStaCache[i].active) break; } if (i >= LIM_PROT_STA_CACHE_SIZE) { pe_err("No space in ProtStaCache"); return; } qdf_mem_copy(pe_session->protStaCache[i].addr, peerMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr)); pe_session->protStaCache[i].protStaCacheType = protStaCacheType; pe_session->protStaCache[i].active = true; if (eLIM_PROT_STA_CACHE_TYPE_llB == protStaCacheType) { pe_session->gLim11bParams.numSta++; pe_debug("11B,"); } else if (eLIM_PROT_STA_CACHE_TYPE_llG == protStaCacheType) { pe_session->gLim11gParams.numSta++; pe_debug("11G,"); } else if (eLIM_PROT_STA_CACHE_TYPE_HT20 == protStaCacheType) { pe_session->gLimHt20Params.numSta++; pe_debug("HT20,"); } if (!gfSupported) { pe_session->gLimNonGfParams.numSta++; pe_debug("NonGf,"); } if (!lsigTxopSupported) { pe_session->gLimLsigTxopParams.numSta++; pe_debug("!lsigTxopSupported"); } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** ------------------------------------------------------------- \fn lim_decide_ap_protection \brief Decides all the protection related staiton coexistence and also sets \ short preamble and short slot appropriately. This function will be called \ when AP is ready to send assocRsp tp the station joining right now. \param struct mac_context * mac \param tSirMacAddr peerMacAddr \return None -------------------------------------------------------------*/ void lim_decide_ap_protection(struct mac_context *mac, tSirMacAddr peerMacAddr, tpUpdateBeaconParams pBeaconParams, struct pe_session *pe_session) { uint16_t tmpAid; tpDphHashNode sta; enum reg_wifi_band rfBand = REG_BAND_UNKNOWN; uint32_t phyMode; tLimProtStaCacheType protStaCacheType = eLIM_PROT_STA_CACHE_TYPE_INVALID; tHalBitVal gfSupported = eHAL_SET, lsigTxopSupported = eHAL_SET; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap = 0; /* check whether to enable protection or not */ sta = dph_lookup_hash_entry(mac, peerMacAddr, &tmpAid, &pe_session->dph.dphHashTable); if (!sta) return; lim_get_rf_band_new(mac, &rfBand, pe_session); /* if we are in 5 GHZ band */ if (REG_BAND_5G == rfBand) { /* We are 11N. we need to protect from 11A and Ht20. we don't need any other protection in 5 GHZ. */ /* HT20 case is common between both the bands and handled down as common code. */ if (true == pe_session->htCapability) { /* we are 11N and 11A station is joining. */ /* protection from 11A required. */ if (false == sta->mlmStaContext.htCapability) { lim_update_11a_protection(mac, true, false, pBeaconParams, pe_session); return; } } } else if (REG_BAND_2G == rfBand) { lim_get_phy_mode(mac, &phyMode, pe_session); /* We are 11G. Check if we need protection from 11b Stations. */ if ((phyMode == WNI_CFG_PHY_MODE_11G) && (false == pe_session->htCapability)) { if (sta->erpEnabled == eHAL_CLEAR) { protStaCacheType = eLIM_PROT_STA_CACHE_TYPE_llB; /* enable protection */ pe_debug("Enabling protection from 11B"); lim_enable11g_protection(mac, true, false, pBeaconParams, pe_session); } } /* HT station. */ if (true == pe_session->htCapability) { /* check if we need protection from 11b station */ if ((sta->erpEnabled == eHAL_CLEAR) && (!sta->mlmStaContext.htCapability)) { protStaCacheType = eLIM_PROT_STA_CACHE_TYPE_llB; /* enable protection */ pe_debug("Enabling protection from 11B"); lim_enable11g_protection(mac, true, false, pBeaconParams, pe_session); } /* station being joined is non-11b and non-ht ==> 11g device */ else if (!sta->mlmStaContext.htCapability) { protStaCacheType = eLIM_PROT_STA_CACHE_TYPE_llG; /* enable protection */ lim_enable_ht_protection_from11g(mac, true, false, pBeaconParams, pe_session); } /* ERP mode is enabled for the latest station joined */ /* latest station joined is HT capable */ /* This case is being handled in common code (commn between both the bands) below. */ } } /* we are HT and HT station is joining. This code is common for both the bands. */ if ((true == pe_session->htCapability) && (true == sta->mlmStaContext.htCapability)) { if (!sta->htGreenfield) { lim_enable_ht_non_gf_protection(mac, true, false, pBeaconParams, pe_session); gfSupported = eHAL_CLEAR; } /* Station joining is HT 20Mhz */ if ((eHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20MHZ == sta->htSupportedChannelWidthSet) && (eHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20MHZ != pe_session->htSupportedChannelWidthSet)){ protStaCacheType = eLIM_PROT_STA_CACHE_TYPE_HT20; lim_enable_ht20_protection(mac, true, false, pBeaconParams, pe_session); } /* Station joining does not support LSIG TXOP Protection */ if (!sta->htLsigTXOPProtection) { lim_enable_ht_lsig_txop_protection(mac, false, false, pBeaconParams, pe_session); lsigTxopSupported = eHAL_CLEAR; } } lim_update_prot_sta_params(mac, peerMacAddr, protStaCacheType, gfSupported, lsigTxopSupported, pe_session); return; } /** ------------------------------------------------------------- \fn lim_enable_overlap11g_protection \brief wrapper function for setting overlap 11g protection. \param struct mac_context * mac \param tpUpdateBeaconParams pBeaconParams \param tpSirMacMgmtHdr pMh \return None -------------------------------------------------------------*/ void lim_enable_overlap11g_protection(struct mac_context *mac, tpUpdateBeaconParams pBeaconParams, tpSirMacMgmtHdr pMh, struct pe_session *pe_session) { lim_update_overlap_sta_param(mac, pMh->bssId, &(pe_session->gLimOlbcParams)); if (pe_session->gLimOlbcParams.numSta && !pe_session->gLimOlbcParams.protectionEnabled) { /* enable protection */ pe_debug("OLBC happens!!!"); lim_enable11g_protection(mac, true, true, pBeaconParams, pe_session); } } /** * lim_update_short_preamble() - This function Updates short preamble * @mac_ctx: pointer to Global MAC structure * @peer_mac_addr: pointer to tSirMacAddr * @pbeaconparams: pointer to tpUpdateBeaconParams * @psession_entry: pointer to struct pe_session * * * Function Updates short preamble if needed when a new station joins * * Return: none */ void lim_update_short_preamble(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tSirMacAddr peer_mac_addr, tpUpdateBeaconParams beaconparams, struct pe_session *psession_entry) { uint16_t aid; tpDphHashNode sta_ds; uint32_t phy_mode; uint16_t i; /* check whether to enable protection or not */ sta_ds = dph_lookup_hash_entry(mac_ctx, peer_mac_addr, &aid, &psession_entry->dph.dphHashTable); lim_get_phy_mode(mac_ctx, &phy_mode, psession_entry); if (!sta_ds || phy_mode != WNI_CFG_PHY_MODE_11G) return; if (sta_ds->shortPreambleEnabled != eHAL_CLEAR) return; pe_debug("Short Preamble is not enabled in Assoc Req from "QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT, QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(peer_mac_addr)); for (i = 0; i < LIM_PROT_STA_CACHE_SIZE; i++) { if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(psession_entry) && (psession_entry->gLimNoShortParams. staNoShortCache[i].active) && (!qdf_mem_cmp (psession_entry->gLimNoShortParams. staNoShortCache[i].addr, peer_mac_addr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr)))) return; else if (!LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(psession_entry) && (mac_ctx->lim.gLimNoShortParams. staNoShortCache[i].active) && (!qdf_mem_cmp(mac_ctx->lim.gLimNoShortParams. staNoShortCache[i].addr, peer_mac_addr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr)))) return; } for (i = 0; i < LIM_PROT_STA_CACHE_SIZE; i++) { if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(psession_entry) && !psession_entry->gLimNoShortParams. staNoShortCache[i].active) break; else if (!mac_ctx->lim.gLimNoShortParams. staNoShortCache[i].active) break; } if (i >= LIM_PROT_STA_CACHE_SIZE) { tLimNoShortParams *lim_params = &psession_entry->gLimNoShortParams; if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(psession_entry)) { pe_err("No space in Short cache active: %d sta: %d for sta "QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT, i, lim_params->numNonShortPreambleSta, QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(peer_mac_addr)); return; } else { pe_err("No space in Short cache active: %d sta: %d for sta "QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT, i, lim_params->numNonShortPreambleSta, QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(peer_mac_addr)); return; } } if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(psession_entry)) { qdf_mem_copy(psession_entry->gLimNoShortParams. staNoShortCache[i].addr, peer_mac_addr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr)); psession_entry->gLimNoShortParams.staNoShortCache[i]. active = true; psession_entry->gLimNoShortParams.numNonShortPreambleSta++; } else { qdf_mem_copy(mac_ctx->lim.gLimNoShortParams. staNoShortCache[i].addr, peer_mac_addr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr)); mac_ctx->lim.gLimNoShortParams.staNoShortCache[i].active = true; mac_ctx->lim.gLimNoShortParams.numNonShortPreambleSta++; } /* enable long preamble */ pe_debug("Disabling short preamble"); if (lim_enable_short_preamble(mac_ctx, false, beaconparams, psession_entry) != QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS) pe_err("Cannot enable long preamble"); } /** * lim_update_short_slot_time() - This function Updates short slot time * @mac_ctx: pointer to Global MAC structure * @peer_mac_addr: pointer to tSirMacAddr * @beacon_params: pointer to tpUpdateBeaconParams * @psession_entry: pointer to struct pe_session * * * Function Updates short slot time if needed when a new station joins * * Return: None */ void lim_update_short_slot_time(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tSirMacAddr peer_mac_addr, tpUpdateBeaconParams beacon_params, struct pe_session *session_entry) { uint16_t aid; tpDphHashNode sta_ds; uint32_t phy_mode; uint32_t val; uint16_t i; /* check whether to enable protection or not */ sta_ds = dph_lookup_hash_entry(mac_ctx, peer_mac_addr, &aid, &session_entry->dph.dphHashTable); lim_get_phy_mode(mac_ctx, &phy_mode, session_entry); if (!sta_ds || phy_mode != WNI_CFG_PHY_MODE_11G) return; /* * Only in case of softap in 11g mode, slot time might change * depending on the STA being added. In 11a case, it should * be always 1 and in 11b case, it should be always 0. * Only when the new STA has short slot time disabled, we need to * change softap's overall slot time settings else the default for * softap is always short slot enabled. When the last long slot STA * leaves softAP, we take care of it in lim_decide_short_slot */ if (sta_ds->shortSlotTimeEnabled != eHAL_CLEAR) return; pe_debug("Short Slot Time is not enabled in Assoc Req from "QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT, QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(peer_mac_addr)); for (i = 0; i < LIM_PROT_STA_CACHE_SIZE; i++) { if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry) && session_entry->gLimNoShortSlotParams. staNoShortSlotCache[i].active) { if (!qdf_mem_cmp(session_entry-> gLimNoShortSlotParams.staNoShortSlotCache[i].addr, peer_mac_addr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr))) return; } else if (!LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry)) { if (mac_ctx->lim.gLimNoShortSlotParams. staNoShortSlotCache[i].active) { if (!qdf_mem_cmp(mac_ctx-> lim.gLimNoShortSlotParams. staNoShortSlotCache[i].addr, peer_mac_addr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr))) return; } } } for (i = 0; i < LIM_PROT_STA_CACHE_SIZE; i++) { if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry) && !session_entry->gLimNoShortSlotParams. staNoShortSlotCache[i].active) break; else if (!mac_ctx->lim.gLimNoShortSlotParams. staNoShortSlotCache[i].active) break; } if (i >= LIM_PROT_STA_CACHE_SIZE) { if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry)) { pe_err("No space in ShortSlot cache active: %d sta: %d for sta "QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT, i, session_entry->gLimNoShortSlotParams.numNonShortSlotSta, QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(peer_mac_addr)); return; } else { pe_err("No space in ShortSlot cache active: %d sta: %d for sta "QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT, i, mac_ctx->lim.gLimNoShortSlotParams.numNonShortSlotSta, QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(peer_mac_addr)); return; } } if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry)) { qdf_mem_copy(session_entry->gLimNoShortSlotParams. staNoShortSlotCache[i].addr, peer_mac_addr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr)); session_entry->gLimNoShortSlotParams. staNoShortSlotCache[i].active = true; session_entry->gLimNoShortSlotParams.numNonShortSlotSta++; } else { qdf_mem_copy(mac_ctx->lim.gLimNoShortSlotParams. staNoShortSlotCache[i].addr, peer_mac_addr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr)); mac_ctx->lim.gLimNoShortSlotParams. staNoShortSlotCache[i].active = true; mac_ctx->lim.gLimNoShortSlotParams. numNonShortSlotSta++; } val = mac_ctx->mlme_cfg->feature_flags.enable_short_slot_time_11g; /* * Here we check if we are AP role and short slot enabled * (both admin and oper modes) but we have atleast one STA * connected with only long slot enabled, we need to change * our beacon/pb rsp to broadcast short slot disabled */ if ((LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry)) && (val && session_entry->gLimNoShortSlotParams.numNonShortSlotSta && session_entry->shortSlotTimeSupported)) { /* enable long slot time */ beacon_params->fShortSlotTime = false; beacon_params->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_SHORT_SLOT_TIME_CHANGED; pe_debug("Disable short slot time. Enable long slot time"); session_entry->shortSlotTimeSupported = false; } else if (!LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry) && (val && mac_ctx->lim.gLimNoShortSlotParams. numNonShortSlotSta && session_entry->shortSlotTimeSupported)) { /* enable long slot time */ beacon_params->fShortSlotTime = false; beacon_params->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_SHORT_SLOT_TIME_CHANGED; pe_debug("Disable short slot time. Enable long slot time"); session_entry->shortSlotTimeSupported = false; } } /** ------------------------------------------------------------- \fn lim_decide_sta_protection_on_assoc \brief Decide protection related settings on Sta while association. \param struct mac_context * mac \param tpSchBeaconStruct pBeaconStruct \return None -------------------------------------------------------------*/ void lim_decide_sta_protection_on_assoc(struct mac_context *mac, tpSchBeaconStruct pBeaconStruct, struct pe_session *pe_session) { enum reg_wifi_band rfBand = REG_BAND_UNKNOWN; uint32_t phyMode = WNI_CFG_PHY_MODE_NONE; lim_get_rf_band_new(mac, &rfBand, pe_session); lim_get_phy_mode(mac, &phyMode, pe_session); if (REG_BAND_5G == rfBand) { if ((eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_MIXED == pBeaconStruct->HTInfo.opMode) || (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY == pBeaconStruct->HTInfo.opMode)) { if (mac->lim.cfgProtection.fromlla) pe_session->beaconParams.llaCoexist = true; } else if (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_NO_LEGACY_20MHZ_HT == pBeaconStruct->HTInfo.opMode) { if (mac->lim.cfgProtection.ht20) pe_session->beaconParams.ht20Coexist = true; } } else if (REG_BAND_2G == rfBand) { /* spec */ /* UseProtection will be set when nonERP STA is associated. */ /* NonERPPresent bit will be set when: */ /* --nonERP Sta is associated OR */ /* --nonERP Sta exists in overlapping BSS */ /* when useProtection is not set then protection from nonERP stations is optional. */ /* CFG protection from 11b is enabled and */ /* 11B device in the BSS */ /* TODO, This is not sessionized */ if (phyMode != WNI_CFG_PHY_MODE_11B) { if (mac->lim.cfgProtection.fromllb && pBeaconStruct->erpPresent && (pBeaconStruct->erpIEInfo.useProtection || pBeaconStruct->erpIEInfo.nonErpPresent)) { pe_session->beaconParams.llbCoexist = true; } /* AP has no 11b station associated. */ else { pe_session->beaconParams.llbCoexist = false; } } /* following code block is only for HT station. */ if ((pe_session->htCapability) && (pBeaconStruct->HTInfo.present)) { tDot11fIEHTInfo htInfo = pBeaconStruct->HTInfo; /* Obss Non HT STA present mode */ pe_session->beaconParams.gHTObssMode = (uint8_t) htInfo.obssNonHTStaPresent; /* CFG protection from 11G is enabled and */ /* our AP has at least one 11G station associated. */ if (mac->lim.cfgProtection.fromllg && ((eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_MIXED == htInfo.opMode) || (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY == htInfo.opMode)) && (!pe_session->beaconParams.llbCoexist)) { if (mac->lim.cfgProtection.fromllg) pe_session->beaconParams.llgCoexist = true; } /* AP has only HT stations associated and at least one station is HT 20 */ /* disable protection from any non-HT devices. */ /* decision for disabling protection from 11b has already been taken above. */ if (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_NO_LEGACY_20MHZ_HT == htInfo.opMode) { /* Disable protection from 11G station. */ pe_session->beaconParams.llgCoexist = false; /* CFG protection from HT 20 is enabled. */ if (mac->lim.cfgProtection.ht20) pe_session->beaconParams. ht20Coexist = true; } /* Disable protection from non-HT and HT20 devices. */ /* decision for disabling protection from 11b has already been taken above. */ if (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_PURE == htInfo.opMode) { pe_session->beaconParams.llgCoexist = false; pe_session->beaconParams.ht20Coexist = false; } } } /* protection related factors other than HT operating mode. Applies to 2.4 GHZ as well as 5 GHZ. */ if ((pe_session->htCapability) && (pBeaconStruct->HTInfo.present)) { tDot11fIEHTInfo htInfo = pBeaconStruct->HTInfo; pe_session->beaconParams.fRIFSMode = (uint8_t) htInfo.rifsMode; pe_session->beaconParams.llnNonGFCoexist = (uint8_t) htInfo.nonGFDevicesPresent; pe_session->beaconParams.fLsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport = (uint8_t) htInfo.lsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport; } } /** * lim_decide_sta_11bg_protection() - decides protection related settings on sta * @mac_ctx: pointer to global mac structure * @beacon_struct: pointer to tpschbeaconstruct * @beaconparams: pointer to tpupdatebeaconparams * @psession_entry: pointer to tppesession * @phy_mode: phy mode index * * decides 11bg protection related settings on sta while processing beacon * * Return: none */ static void lim_decide_sta_11bg_protection(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tpSchBeaconStruct beacon_struct, tpUpdateBeaconParams beaconparams, struct pe_session *psession_entry, uint32_t phy_mode) { tDot11fIEHTInfo htInfo; /* * spec * UseProtection will be set when nonERP STA is associated. * NonERPPresent bit will be set when: * --nonERP Sta is associated OR * --nonERP Sta exists in overlapping BSS * when useProtection is not set then protection from * nonERP stations is optional. */ if (phy_mode != WNI_CFG_PHY_MODE_11B) { if (beacon_struct->erpPresent && (beacon_struct->erpIEInfo.useProtection || beacon_struct->erpIEInfo.nonErpPresent)) { lim_enable11g_protection(mac_ctx, true, false, beaconparams, psession_entry); } /* AP has no 11b station associated. */ else { /* disable protection from 11b station */ lim_enable11g_protection(mac_ctx, false, false, beaconparams, psession_entry); } } if (!(psession_entry->htCapability) || !(beacon_struct->HTInfo.present)) return; /* following code is only for HT station. */ htInfo = beacon_struct->HTInfo; /* AP has at least one 11G station associated. */ if (((eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_MIXED == htInfo.opMode) || (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY == htInfo.opMode)) && (!psession_entry->beaconParams.llbCoexist)) { lim_enable_ht_protection_from11g(mac_ctx, true, false, beaconparams, psession_entry); } /* * no HT operating mode change ==> no change in * protection settings except for MIXED_MODE/Legacy * Mode. */ /* * in Mixed mode/legacy Mode even if there is no * change in HT operating mode, there might be * change in 11bCoexist or 11gCoexist. Hence this * check is being done after mixed/legacy mode * check. */ if (mac_ctx->lim.gHTOperMode != (tSirMacHTOperatingMode)htInfo.opMode) { mac_ctx->lim.gHTOperMode = (tSirMacHTOperatingMode) htInfo.opMode; /* * AP has only HT stations associated and * at least one station is HT 20 */ /* disable protection from any non-HT devices. */ /* * decision for disabling protection from * 11b has already been taken above. */ if (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_NO_LEGACY_20MHZ_HT == htInfo.opMode) { /* Disable protection from 11G station. */ lim_enable_ht_protection_from11g(mac_ctx, false, false, beaconparams, psession_entry); lim_enable_ht20_protection(mac_ctx, true, false, beaconparams, psession_entry); } /* * Disable protection from non-HT and * HT20 devices. */ /* * decision for disabling protection from * 11b has already been taken above. */ else if (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_PURE == htInfo.opMode) { lim_enable_ht_protection_from11g(mac_ctx, false, false, beaconparams, psession_entry); lim_enable_ht20_protection(mac_ctx, false, false, beaconparams, psession_entry); } } } /** * lim_decide_sta_protection() - decides protection related settings on sta * @mac_ctx: pointer to global mac structure * @beacon_struct: pointer to tpschbeaconstruct * @beaconparams: pointer to tpupdatebeaconparams * @psession_entry: pointer to tppesession * * decides protection related settings on sta while processing beacon * * Return: none */ void lim_decide_sta_protection(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tpSchBeaconStruct beacon_struct, tpUpdateBeaconParams beaconparams, struct pe_session *psession_entry) { enum reg_wifi_band rfband = REG_BAND_UNKNOWN; uint32_t phy_mode = WNI_CFG_PHY_MODE_NONE; lim_get_rf_band_new(mac_ctx, &rfband, psession_entry); lim_get_phy_mode(mac_ctx, &phy_mode, psession_entry); if ((REG_BAND_5G == rfband) && /* we are HT capable. */ (true == psession_entry->htCapability) && (beacon_struct->HTInfo.present)) { /* * we are HT capable, AP's HT OPMode is * mixed / overlap legacy ==> need protection * from 11A. */ if ((eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_MIXED == beacon_struct->HTInfo.opMode) || (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY == beacon_struct->HTInfo.opMode)) { lim_update_11a_protection(mac_ctx, true, false, beaconparams, psession_entry); } /* * we are HT capable, AP's HT OPMode is * HT20 ==> disable protection from 11A if * enabled. */ /* protection from HT20 if needed. */ else if (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_NO_LEGACY_20MHZ_HT == beacon_struct->HTInfo.opMode) { lim_update_11a_protection(mac_ctx, false, false, beaconparams, psession_entry); lim_enable_ht20_protection(mac_ctx, true, false, beaconparams, psession_entry); } else if (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_PURE == beacon_struct->HTInfo.opMode) { lim_update_11a_protection(mac_ctx, false, false, beaconparams, psession_entry); lim_enable_ht20_protection(mac_ctx, false, false, beaconparams, psession_entry); } } else if (REG_BAND_2G == rfband) { lim_decide_sta_11bg_protection(mac_ctx, beacon_struct, beaconparams, psession_entry, phy_mode); } /* * following code block is only for HT station. * (2.4 GHZ as well as 5 GHZ) */ if ((psession_entry->htCapability) && (beacon_struct->HTInfo.present)) { tDot11fIEHTInfo htInfo = beacon_struct->HTInfo; /* * Check for changes in protection related factors other * than HT operating mode. */ /* * Check for changes in RIFS mode, nonGFDevicesPresent, * lsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport. */ if (psession_entry->beaconParams.fRIFSMode != (uint8_t) htInfo.rifsMode) { beaconparams->fRIFSMode = psession_entry->beaconParams.fRIFSMode = (uint8_t) htInfo.rifsMode; beaconparams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_RIFS_MODE_CHANGED; } if (psession_entry->beaconParams.llnNonGFCoexist != htInfo.nonGFDevicesPresent) { beaconparams->llnNonGFCoexist = psession_entry->beaconParams.llnNonGFCoexist = (uint8_t) htInfo.nonGFDevicesPresent; beaconparams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_NON_GF_DEVICES_PRESENT_CHANGED; } if (psession_entry->beaconParams. fLsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport != (uint8_t) htInfo.lsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport) { beaconparams->fLsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport = psession_entry->beaconParams. fLsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport = (uint8_t) htInfo. lsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport; beaconparams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_LSIG_TXOP_FULL_SUPPORT_CHANGED; } /* * For Station just update the global lim variable, * no need to send message to HAL since Station already * taking care of HT OPR Mode=01, * meaning AP is seeing legacy */ /* stations in overlapping BSS. */ if (psession_entry->beaconParams.gHTObssMode != (uint8_t) htInfo.obssNonHTStaPresent) psession_entry->beaconParams.gHTObssMode = (uint8_t) htInfo.obssNonHTStaPresent; } } /** * __lim_process_channel_switch_timeout() * ***FUNCTION: * This function is invoked when Channel Switch Timer expires at * the STA. Now, STA must stop traffic, and then change/disable * primary or secondary channel. * * ***NOTE: * @param pe_session - Pointer to pe session * * @return qdf_status */ static QDF_STATUS __lim_process_channel_switch_timeout(struct pe_session *pe_session) { struct mac_context *mac; uint32_t channel_freq; QDF_STATUS status = QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; if (!pe_session) { pe_err("Invalid pe session"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } mac = pe_session->mac_ctx; if (!mac) { pe_err("Invalid mac context"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } if (!LIM_IS_STA_ROLE(pe_session)) { pe_warn("Channel switch can be done only in STA role, Current Role: %d", GET_LIM_SYSTEM_ROLE(pe_session)); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } if (pe_session->gLimSpecMgmt.dot11hChanSwState != eLIM_11H_CHANSW_RUNNING) { pe_warn("Channel switch timer should not have been running in state: %d", pe_session->gLimSpecMgmt.dot11hChanSwState); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } channel_freq = pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.sw_target_freq; /* Restore Channel Switch parameters to default */ pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.switchTimeoutValue = 0; /* Channel-switch timeout has occurred. reset the state */ pe_session->gLimSpecMgmt.dot11hChanSwState = eLIM_11H_CHANSW_END; /* Check if the AP is switching to a channel that we support. * Else, just don't bother to switch. Indicate HDD to look for a * better AP to associate */ if (!lim_is_channel_valid_for_channel_switch(mac, channel_freq)) { /* We need to restore pre-channelSwitch state on the STA */ if (lim_restore_pre_channel_switch_state(mac, pe_session) != QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS) { pe_err("Could not restore pre-channelSwitch (11h) state, resetting the system"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } /* * The channel switch request received from AP is carrying * invalid channel. It's ok to ignore this channel switch * request as it might be from spoof AP. If it's from genuine * AP, it may lead to heart beat failure and result in * disconnection. DUT can go ahead and reconnect to it/any * other AP once it disconnects. */ pe_err("Invalid channel freq %u Ignore CSA request", channel_freq); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } switch (pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.state) { case eLIM_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PRIMARY_ONLY: status = lim_switch_primary_channel(mac, pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.sw_target_freq, pe_session); pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.state = eLIM_CHANNEL_SWITCH_IDLE; break; case eLIM_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PRIMARY_AND_SECONDARY: status = lim_switch_primary_secondary_channel(mac, pe_session); pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.state = eLIM_CHANNEL_SWITCH_IDLE; break; case eLIM_CHANNEL_SWITCH_IDLE: default: pe_err("incorrect state"); if (lim_restore_pre_channel_switch_state(mac, pe_session) != QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS) { pe_err("Could not restore pre-channelSwitch (11h) state, resetting the system"); status = QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } /* Please note, this is 'return' and not 'break' */ return status; } return status; } void lim_disconnect_complete(struct pe_session *session, bool del_bss) { QDF_STATUS status; struct mac_context *mac = session->mac_ctx; if (wlan_vdev_mlme_get_substate(session->vdev) == WLAN_VDEV_SS_STOP_STOP_PROGRESS) { status = wlan_vdev_mlme_sm_deliver_evt(session->vdev, WLAN_VDEV_SM_EV_STOP_REQ, sizeof(*session), session); return; } status = wlan_vdev_mlme_sm_deliver_evt(session->vdev, WLAN_VDEV_SM_EV_DISCONNECT_COMPLETE, sizeof(*session), session); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(status)) lim_send_stop_bss_failure_resp(mac, session); } void lim_process_channel_switch(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t vdev_id) { struct pe_session *session_entry; QDF_STATUS status; session_entry = pe_find_session_by_vdev_id(mac_ctx, vdev_id); if (!session_entry) { pe_err("Session does not exist for given vdev_id %d", vdev_id); return; } session_entry->channelChangeReasonCode = LIM_SWITCH_CHANNEL_OPERATION; mlme_set_chan_switch_in_progress(session_entry->vdev, true); status = wlan_vdev_mlme_sm_deliver_evt( session_entry->vdev, WLAN_VDEV_SM_EV_FW_VDEV_RESTART, sizeof(*session_entry), session_entry); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(status)) mlme_set_chan_switch_in_progress(session_entry->vdev, false); } /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/ /** * keep track of the number of ANI peers associated in the BSS * For the first and last ANI peer, we have to update EDCA params as needed * * When the first ANI peer joins the BSS, we notify SCH * When the last ANI peer leaves the BSS, we notfiy SCH */ void lim_util_count_sta_add(struct mac_context *mac, tpDphHashNode pSta, struct pe_session *pe_session) { if ((!pSta) || (!pSta->valid) || (pSta->fAniCount)) return; pSta->fAniCount = 1; if (mac->lim.gLimNumOfAniSTAs++ != 0) return; if (mac->mlme_cfg->wmm_params.edca_profile != WNI_CFG_EDCA_PROFILE_ANI) return; /* get here only if this is the first ANI peer in the BSS */ sch_edca_profile_update(mac, pe_session); } void lim_util_count_sta_del(struct mac_context *mac, tpDphHashNode pSta, struct pe_session *pe_session) { if ((!pSta) || (!pSta->fAniCount)) return; /* Only if sta is invalid and the validInDummyState bit is set to 1, * then go ahead and update the count and profiles. This ensures * that the "number of ani station" count is properly incremented/decremented. */ if (pSta->valid == 1) return; pSta->fAniCount = 0; if (mac->lim.gLimNumOfAniSTAs <= 0) { pe_err("CountStaDel: ignoring Delete Req when AniPeer count: %d", mac->lim.gLimNumOfAniSTAs); return; } mac->lim.gLimNumOfAniSTAs--; if (mac->lim.gLimNumOfAniSTAs != 0) return; if (mac->mlme_cfg->wmm_params.edca_profile != WNI_CFG_EDCA_PROFILE_ANI) return; /* get here only if this is the last ANI peer in the BSS */ sch_edca_profile_update(mac, pe_session); } /** * lim_switch_channel_vdev_started() - Send vdev started when switch channel * * @pe_session: PE session entry * * This function is called to deliver WLAN_VDEV_SM_EV_START_SUCCESS to VDEV SM * * Return: None */ static void lim_switch_channel_vdev_started(struct pe_session *pe_session) { QDF_STATUS status; status = wlan_vdev_mlme_sm_deliver_evt( pe_session->vdev, WLAN_VDEV_SM_EV_START_SUCCESS, sizeof(*pe_session), pe_session); } /** * lim_switch_channel_cback() * ***FUNCTION: * This is the callback function registered while requesting to switch channel * after AP indicates a channel switch for spectrum management (11h). * ***NOTE: * @param mac Pointer to Global MAC structure * @param status Status of channel switch request * @param data User data * @param pe_session Session information * @return NONE */ void lim_switch_channel_cback(struct mac_context *mac, QDF_STATUS status, uint32_t *data, struct pe_session *pe_session) { struct scheduler_msg mmhMsg = { 0 }; struct switch_channel_ind *pSirSmeSwitchChInd; struct wlan_channel *des_chan; struct vdev_mlme_obj *mlme_obj; if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(status)) { lim_tear_down_link_with_ap(mac, pe_session->peSessionId, REASON_CHANNEL_SWITCH_FAILED, eLIM_HOST_DISASSOC); return; } mlme_obj = wlan_vdev_mlme_get_cmpt_obj(pe_session->vdev); if (!mlme_obj) { pe_err("vdev component object is NULL"); return; } des_chan = mlme_obj->vdev->vdev_mlme.des_chan; if (!des_chan) { pe_err("des_chan is NULL"); return; } pe_session->curr_op_freq = pe_session->curr_req_chan_freq; /* We need to restore pre-channelSwitch state on the STA */ if (lim_restore_pre_channel_switch_state(mac, pe_session) != QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS) { pe_err("Could not restore pre-channelSwitch (11h) state, resetting the system"); return; } mmhMsg.type = eWNI_SME_SWITCH_CHL_IND; pSirSmeSwitchChInd = qdf_mem_malloc(sizeof(*pSirSmeSwitchChInd)); if (!pSirSmeSwitchChInd) return; pSirSmeSwitchChInd->messageType = eWNI_SME_SWITCH_CHL_IND; pSirSmeSwitchChInd->length = sizeof(*pSirSmeSwitchChInd); pSirSmeSwitchChInd->freq = des_chan->ch_freq; pSirSmeSwitchChInd->sessionId = pe_session->smeSessionId; pSirSmeSwitchChInd->chan_params.ch_width = des_chan->ch_width; if (des_chan->ch_width > CH_WIDTH_20MHZ) { pSirSmeSwitchChInd->chan_params.sec_ch_offset = pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.sec_ch_offset; pSirSmeSwitchChInd->chan_params.center_freq_seg0 = des_chan->ch_freq_seg1; pSirSmeSwitchChInd->chan_params.mhz_freq_seg0 = des_chan->ch_cfreq1; pSirSmeSwitchChInd->chan_params.center_freq_seg1 = des_chan->ch_freq_seg2; pSirSmeSwitchChInd->chan_params.mhz_freq_seg1 = des_chan->ch_cfreq2; } pSirSmeSwitchChInd->ch_phymode = des_chan->ch_phymode; pSirSmeSwitchChInd->status = status; qdf_mem_copy(pSirSmeSwitchChInd->bssid.bytes, pe_session->bssId, QDF_MAC_ADDR_SIZE); mmhMsg.bodyptr = pSirSmeSwitchChInd; mmhMsg.bodyval = 0; MTRACE(mac_trace(mac, TRACE_CODE_TX_SME_MSG, pe_session->peSessionId, mmhMsg.type)); sys_process_mmh_msg(mac, &mmhMsg); lim_switch_channel_vdev_started(pe_session); } #ifdef WLAN_FEATURE_11BE /** * lim_set_puncture_from_chan_switch_to_session() - set puncture from channel * switch to pe session * @pe_session: pointer to pe session * * Return: void */ static void lim_set_puncture_from_chan_switch_to_session(struct pe_session *pe_session) { pe_session->puncture_bitmap = pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.puncture_bitmap; } #else static void lim_set_puncture_from_chan_switch_to_session(struct pe_session *pe_session) { } #endif QDF_STATUS lim_switch_primary_channel(struct mac_context *mac, uint32_t new_channel_freq, struct pe_session *pe_session) { pe_debug("freq: %d --> freq: %d", pe_session->curr_op_freq, new_channel_freq); pe_session->curr_req_chan_freq = new_channel_freq; pe_session->curr_op_freq = pe_session->curr_req_chan_freq; pe_session->ch_center_freq_seg0 = 0; pe_session->ch_center_freq_seg1 = 0; pe_session->ch_width = CH_WIDTH_20MHZ; lim_set_puncture_from_chan_switch_to_session(pe_session); pe_session->limRFBand = lim_get_rf_band(pe_session->curr_req_chan_freq); pe_session->channelChangeReasonCode = LIM_SWITCH_CHANNEL_OPERATION; mac->lim.gpchangeChannelCallback = lim_switch_channel_cback; mac->lim.gpchangeChannelData = NULL; return lim_send_switch_chnl_params(mac, pe_session); } QDF_STATUS lim_switch_primary_secondary_channel(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *pe_session) { uint32_t new_channel_freq; uint8_t ch_center_freq_seg0; uint8_t ch_center_freq_seg1; enum phy_ch_width ch_width; new_channel_freq = pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.sw_target_freq, ch_center_freq_seg0 = pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.ch_center_freq_seg0, ch_center_freq_seg1 = pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.ch_center_freq_seg1, ch_width = pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.ch_width; /* Assign the callback to resume TX once channel is changed. */ pe_session->curr_req_chan_freq = new_channel_freq; pe_session->limRFBand = lim_get_rf_band(pe_session->curr_req_chan_freq); pe_session->channelChangeReasonCode = LIM_SWITCH_CHANNEL_OPERATION; mac->lim.gpchangeChannelCallback = lim_switch_channel_cback; mac->lim.gpchangeChannelData = NULL; /* Store the new primary and secondary channel in session entries if different */ if (pe_session->curr_op_freq != new_channel_freq || pe_session->ch_width != ch_width) { pe_warn("freq: %d[%d] --> freq: %d[%d]", pe_session->curr_op_freq, pe_session->ch_width, new_channel_freq, ch_width); pe_session->curr_op_freq = new_channel_freq; } if (pe_session->htSecondaryChannelOffset != pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.sec_ch_offset) { pe_warn("HT sec chnl: %d --> HT sec chnl: %d", pe_session->htSecondaryChannelOffset, pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.sec_ch_offset); pe_session->htSecondaryChannelOffset = pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.sec_ch_offset; if (pe_session->htSecondaryChannelOffset == PHY_SINGLE_CHANNEL_CENTERED) { pe_session->htSupportedChannelWidthSet = WNI_CFG_CHANNEL_BONDING_MODE_DISABLE; } else { pe_session->htSupportedChannelWidthSet = WNI_CFG_CHANNEL_BONDING_MODE_ENABLE; } pe_session->htRecommendedTxWidthSet = pe_session->htSupportedChannelWidthSet; } pe_session->ch_center_freq_seg0 = ch_center_freq_seg0; pe_session->ch_center_freq_seg1 = ch_center_freq_seg1; pe_session->ch_width = ch_width; lim_set_puncture_from_chan_switch_to_session(pe_session); return lim_send_switch_chnl_params(mac, pe_session); } /** * lim_get_ht_capability() * ***FUNCTION: * A utility function that returns the "current HT capability state" for the HT * capability of interest (as requested in the API) * ***LOGIC: * This routine will return with the "current" setting of a requested HT * capability. This state info could be retrieved from - * a) CFG (for static entries) * b) Run time info * - Dynamic state maintained by LIM * - Configured at radio init time by SME * * ***ASSUMPTIONS: * NA * ***NOTE: * * @param mac Pointer to Global MAC structure * @param htCap The HT capability being queried * @return uint8_t The current state of the requested HT capability is returned in a * uint8_t variable */ uint8_t lim_get_ht_capability(struct mac_context *mac, uint32_t htCap, struct pe_session *pe_session) { uint8_t retVal = 0; uint8_t *ptr; tSirMacTxBFCapabilityInfo macTxBFCapabilityInfo = { 0 }; tSirMacASCapabilityInfo macASCapabilityInfo = { 0 }; struct mlme_vht_capabilities_info *vht_cap_info; vht_cap_info = &mac->mlme_cfg->vht_caps.vht_cap_info; /* */ /* Determine which CFG to read from. Not ALL of the HT */ /* related CFG's need to be read each time this API is */ /* accessed */ /* */ if (htCap >= eHT_ANTENNA_SELECTION && htCap < eHT_SI_GRANULARITY) { /* Get Antenna Selection HT Capabilities */ ptr = (uint8_t *) &macASCapabilityInfo; *((uint8_t *)ptr) = (uint8_t)(vht_cap_info->as_cap & 0xff); } else if (htCap >= eHT_TX_BEAMFORMING && htCap < eHT_ANTENNA_SELECTION) { /* Get Transmit Beam Forming HT Capabilities */ ptr = (uint8_t *)&macTxBFCapabilityInfo; *((uint32_t *)ptr) = (uint32_t)(vht_cap_info->tx_bf_cap); } switch (htCap) { case eHT_LSIG_TXOP_PROTECTION: retVal = mac->lim.gHTLsigTXOPProtection; break; case eHT_STBC_CONTROL_FRAME: retVal = (uint8_t)mac->mlme_cfg->ht_caps.ht_cap_info. stbc_control_frame; break; case eHT_PSMP: retVal = mac->lim.gHTPSMPSupport; break; case eHT_DSSS_CCK_MODE_40MHZ: retVal = mac->lim.gHTDsssCckRate40MHzSupport; break; case eHT_MAX_AMSDU_LENGTH: retVal = (uint8_t)mac->mlme_cfg->ht_caps.ht_cap_info. maximal_amsdu_size; break; case eHT_MAX_AMSDU_NUM: retVal = (uint8_t) pe_session->max_amsdu_num; break; case eHT_RX_STBC: retVal = (uint8_t) pe_session->ht_config.rx_stbc; break; case eHT_TX_STBC: retVal = (uint8_t) pe_session->ht_config.tx_stbc; break; case eHT_SHORT_GI_40MHZ: retVal = (uint8_t)(pe_session->ht_config.short_gi_40_mhz) ? mac->mlme_cfg->ht_caps.ht_cap_info.short_gi_40_mhz : 0; break; case eHT_SHORT_GI_20MHZ: retVal = (uint8_t)(pe_session->ht_config.short_gi_20_mhz) ? mac->mlme_cfg->ht_caps.ht_cap_info.short_gi_20_mhz : 0; break; case eHT_GREENFIELD: retVal = (uint8_t)mac->mlme_cfg->ht_caps.ht_cap_info. green_field; break; case eHT_MIMO_POWER_SAVE: retVal = (uint8_t) mac->lim.gHTMIMOPSState; break; case eHT_SUPPORTED_CHANNEL_WIDTH_SET: retVal = (uint8_t) pe_session->htSupportedChannelWidthSet; break; case eHT_ADVANCED_CODING: retVal = (uint8_t) pe_session->ht_config.adv_coding_cap; break; case eHT_MAX_RX_AMPDU_FACTOR: retVal = mac->lim.gHTMaxRxAMpduFactor; break; case eHT_MPDU_DENSITY: retVal = mac->lim.gHTAMpduDensity; break; case eHT_PCO: retVal = (uint8_t)mac->mlme_cfg->ht_caps.ext_cap_info.pco; break; case eHT_TRANSITION_TIME: retVal = (uint8_t)mac->mlme_cfg->ht_caps.ext_cap_info. transition_time; break; case eHT_MCS_FEEDBACK: retVal = (uint8_t)mac->mlme_cfg->ht_caps.ext_cap_info. mcs_feedback; break; case eHT_TX_BEAMFORMING: retVal = (uint8_t) macTxBFCapabilityInfo.txBF; break; case eHT_ANTENNA_SELECTION: retVal = (uint8_t) macASCapabilityInfo.antennaSelection; break; case eHT_SI_GRANULARITY: retVal = mac->lim.gHTServiceIntervalGranularity; break; case eHT_CONTROLLED_ACCESS: retVal = mac->lim.gHTControlledAccessOnly; break; case eHT_RIFS_MODE: retVal = pe_session->beaconParams.fRIFSMode; break; case eHT_RECOMMENDED_TX_WIDTH_SET: retVal = pe_session->htRecommendedTxWidthSet; break; case eHT_EXTENSION_CHANNEL_OFFSET: retVal = pe_session->htSecondaryChannelOffset; break; case eHT_OP_MODE: if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session)) retVal = pe_session->htOperMode; else retVal = mac->lim.gHTOperMode; break; case eHT_BASIC_STBC_MCS: retVal = mac->lim.gHTSTBCBasicMCS; break; case eHT_DUAL_CTS_PROTECTION: retVal = mac->lim.gHTDualCTSProtection; break; case eHT_LSIG_TXOP_PROTECTION_FULL_SUPPORT: retVal = pe_session->beaconParams.fLsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport; break; case eHT_PCO_ACTIVE: retVal = mac->lim.gHTPCOActive; break; case eHT_PCO_PHASE: retVal = mac->lim.gHTPCOPhase; break; default: break; } return retVal; } /** * lim_enable_11a_protection() - updates protection params for enable 11a * protection request * @mac_ctx: pointer to Global MAC structure * @overlap: 1=> called from overlap context, 0 => called from assoc context. * @bcn_prms: beacon parameters * @pe_session: pe session entry * * This function updates protection params for enable 11a protection request * * @Return: void */ static void lim_enable_11a_protection(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t overlap, tpUpdateBeaconParams bcn_prms, struct pe_session *pe_session) { /* * If we are AP and HT capable, we need to set the HT OP mode * appropriately. */ if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session) && (true == pe_session->htCapability)) { if (overlap) { pe_session->gLimOverlap11aParams.protectionEnabled = true; if ((eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY != mac_ctx->lim.gHTOperMode) && (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_MIXED != mac_ctx->lim.gHTOperMode)) { mac_ctx->lim.gHTOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY; pe_session->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY; lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac_ctx, true, overlap, bcn_prms, pe_session); lim_enable_ht_obss_protection(mac_ctx, true, overlap, bcn_prms, pe_session); } } else { pe_session->gLim11aParams.protectionEnabled = true; if (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_MIXED != pe_session->htOperMode) { mac_ctx->lim.gHTOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_MIXED; pe_session->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_MIXED; lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac_ctx, true, overlap, bcn_prms, pe_session); lim_enable_ht_obss_protection(mac_ctx, true, overlap, bcn_prms, pe_session); } } } /* This part is common for station as well. */ if (false == pe_session->beaconParams.llaCoexist) { pe_debug(" => protection from 11A Enabled"); bcn_prms->llaCoexist = true; pe_session->beaconParams.llaCoexist = true; bcn_prms->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_llACOEXIST_CHANGED; } } /** * lim_disable_11a_protection() - updates protection params for disable 11a * protection request * @mac_ctx: pointer to Global MAC structure * @overlap: 1=> called from overlap context, 0 => called from assoc context. * @bcn_prms: beacon parameters * @pe_session: pe session entry * * This function updates protection params for disable 11a protection request * * @Return: void */ static void lim_disable_11a_protection(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t overlap, tpUpdateBeaconParams bcn_prms, struct pe_session *pe_session) { if (false == pe_session->beaconParams.llaCoexist) return; /* for station role */ if (!LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session)) { pe_debug("===> Protection from 11A Disabled"); bcn_prms->llaCoexist = false; pe_session->beaconParams.llaCoexist = false; bcn_prms->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_llACOEXIST_CHANGED; return; } /* * for AP role. * we need to take care of HT OP mode change if needed. * We need to take care of Overlap cases. */ if (overlap) { /* Overlap Legacy protection disabled. */ pe_session->gLimOverlap11aParams.protectionEnabled = false; /* * We need to take care of HT OP mode iff we are HT AP. * OR no HT op-mode change is needed if any of the overlap * protection enabled. */ if (!pe_session->htCapability || (pe_session->gLimOverlap11aParams.protectionEnabled || pe_session->gLimOverlapHt20Params.protectionEnabled || pe_session->gLimOverlapNonGfParams.protectionEnabled)) goto disable_11a_end; /* Check if there is a need to change HT OP mode. */ if (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY == mac_ctx->lim.gHTOperMode) { lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac_ctx, false, overlap, bcn_prms, pe_session); lim_enable_ht_obss_protection(mac_ctx, false, overlap, bcn_prms, pe_session); if (pe_session->gLimHt20Params.protectionEnabled) mac_ctx->lim.gHTOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_NO_LEGACY_20MHZ_HT; else mac_ctx->lim.gHTOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_PURE; } } else { /* Disable protection from 11A stations. */ pe_session->gLim11aParams.protectionEnabled = false; lim_enable_ht_obss_protection(mac_ctx, false, overlap, bcn_prms, pe_session); /* * Check if any other non-HT protection enabled. Right now we * are in HT OP Mixed mode. Change HT op mode appropriately. */ /* Change HT OP mode to 01 if any overlap protection enabled */ if (pe_session->gLimOverlap11aParams.protectionEnabled || pe_session->gLimOverlapHt20Params.protectionEnabled || pe_session->gLimOverlapNonGfParams.protectionEnabled) { mac_ctx->lim.gHTOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY; pe_session->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY; lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac_ctx, true, overlap, bcn_prms, pe_session); } else if (pe_session->gLimHt20Params.protectionEnabled) { mac_ctx->lim.gHTOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_NO_LEGACY_20MHZ_HT; pe_session->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_NO_LEGACY_20MHZ_HT; lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac_ctx, false, overlap, bcn_prms, pe_session); } else { mac_ctx->lim.gHTOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_PURE; pe_session->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_PURE; lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac_ctx, false, overlap, bcn_prms, pe_session); } } disable_11a_end: if (!pe_session->gLimOverlap11aParams.protectionEnabled && !pe_session->gLim11aParams.protectionEnabled) { pe_warn("===> Protection from 11A Disabled"); bcn_prms->llaCoexist = false; pe_session->beaconParams.llaCoexist = false; bcn_prms->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_llACOEXIST_CHANGED; } } /** * lim_update_11a_protection() - based on config setting enables\disables 11a * protection. * @mac_ctx: pointer to Global MAC structure * @enable: 1=> enable protection, 0=> disable protection. * @overlap: 1=> called from overlap context, 0 => called from assoc context. * @bcn_prms: beacon parameters * @session: pe session entry * * This based on config setting enables\disables 11a protection. * * @Return: success of failure of operation */ QDF_STATUS lim_update_11a_protection(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t enable, uint8_t overlap, tpUpdateBeaconParams bcn_prms, struct pe_session *session) { if (!session) { pe_err("session is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } /* overlapping protection configuration check. */ if (!overlap) { /* normal protection config check */ if ((LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session)) && (!session->cfgProtection.fromlla)) { /* protection disabled. */ pe_warn("protection from 11a is disabled"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } if (enable) lim_enable_11a_protection(mac_ctx, overlap, bcn_prms, session); else lim_disable_11a_protection(mac_ctx, overlap, bcn_prms, session); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** * lim_handle_enable11g_protection_enabled() - handle 11g protection enabled * @mac_ctx: pointer to Globale Mac structure * @beaconparams: pointer to tpUpdateBeaconParams * @overlap: 1=> called from overlap context, 0 => called from assoc context. * @session_entry: pointer to struct pe_session * * * Function handles 11g protection enaled case * * Return: none */ static void lim_handle_enable11g_protection_enabled(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tpUpdateBeaconParams beaconparams, uint8_t overlap, struct pe_session *session_entry) { /* * If we are AP and HT capable, we need to set the HT OP mode * appropriately. */ if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry) && overlap) { session_entry->gLimOlbcParams.protectionEnabled = true; pe_debug("protection from olbc is enabled"); if (true == session_entry->htCapability) { if ((eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY != session_entry->htOperMode) && (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_MIXED != session_entry->htOperMode)) { session_entry->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY; } /* * CR-263021: OBSS bit is not switching back to 0 after * disabling the overlapping legacy BSS */ /* * This fixes issue of OBSS bit not set after 11b, 11g * station leaves */ lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac_ctx, true, overlap, beaconparams, session_entry); /* * Not processing OBSS bit from other APs, as we are * already taking care of Protection from overlapping * BSS based on erp IE or useProtection bit */ lim_enable_ht_obss_protection(mac_ctx, true, overlap, beaconparams, session_entry); } } else if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry) && !overlap) { session_entry->gLim11bParams.protectionEnabled = true; pe_debug("protection from 11b is enabled"); if (true == session_entry->htCapability) { if (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_MIXED != session_entry->htOperMode) { session_entry->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_MIXED; lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac_ctx, true, overlap, beaconparams, session_entry); lim_enable_ht_obss_protection(mac_ctx, true, overlap, beaconparams, session_entry); } } } /* This part is common for staiton as well. */ if (false == session_entry->beaconParams.llbCoexist) { pe_debug("=> 11G Protection Enabled"); beaconparams->llbCoexist = session_entry->beaconParams.llbCoexist = true; beaconparams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_llBCOEXIST_CHANGED; } } /** * lim_handle_11g_protection_for_11bcoexist() - 11g protection for 11b co-ex * @mac_ctx: pointer to Globale Mac structure * @beaconparams: pointer to tpUpdateBeaconParams * @overlap: 1=> called from overlap context, 0 => called from assoc context. * @session_entry: pointer to struct pe_session * * * Function handles 11g protection for 11b co-exist * * Return: none */ static void lim_handle_11g_protection_for_11bcoexist(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tpUpdateBeaconParams beaconparams, uint8_t overlap, struct pe_session *session_entry) { /* * For AP role: * we need to take care of HT OP mode change if needed. * We need to take care of Overlap cases. */ if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry) && overlap) { /* Overlap Legacy protection disabled. */ session_entry->gLimOlbcParams.protectionEnabled = false; /* We need to take care of HT OP mode if we are HT AP. */ if (session_entry->htCapability) { /* * no HT op mode change if any of the overlap * protection enabled. */ if (!(session_entry->gLimOverlap11gParams. protectionEnabled || session_entry->gLimOverlapHt20Params. protectionEnabled || session_entry->gLimOverlapNonGfParams. protectionEnabled) && /* * Check if there is a need to change HT * OP mode. */ (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY == session_entry->htOperMode)) { lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac_ctx, false, overlap, beaconparams, session_entry); lim_enable_ht_obss_protection(mac_ctx, false, overlap, beaconparams, session_entry); if (session_entry->gLimHt20Params. protectionEnabled) { if (eHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20MHZ == session_entry->htSupportedChannelWidthSet) session_entry->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_PURE; else session_entry->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_NO_LEGACY_20MHZ_HT; } else session_entry->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_PURE; } } } else if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry) && !overlap) { /* Disable protection from 11B stations. */ session_entry->gLim11bParams.protectionEnabled = false; pe_debug("===> 11B Protection Disabled"); /* Check if any other non-HT protection enabled. */ if (!session_entry->gLim11gParams.protectionEnabled) { /* Right now we are in HT OP Mixed mode. */ /* Change HT op mode appropriately. */ lim_enable_ht_obss_protection(mac_ctx, false, overlap, beaconparams, session_entry); /* * Change HT OP mode to 01 if any overlap protection * enabled */ if (session_entry->gLimOlbcParams.protectionEnabled || session_entry->gLimOverlap11gParams. protectionEnabled || session_entry->gLimOverlapHt20Params. protectionEnabled || session_entry->gLimOverlapNonGfParams. protectionEnabled) { session_entry->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY; pe_debug("===> 11G Protection Disabled"); lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac_ctx, true, overlap, beaconparams, session_entry); } else if (session_entry->gLimHt20Params. protectionEnabled) { /* Commenting because of CR 258588 WFA cert */ /* session_entry->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_NO_LEGACY_20MHZ_HT; */ session_entry->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_PURE; pe_debug("===> 11G Protection Disabled"); lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac_ctx, false, overlap, beaconparams, session_entry); } else { session_entry->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_PURE; lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac_ctx, false, overlap, beaconparams, session_entry); } } } if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry)) { if (!session_entry->gLimOlbcParams.protectionEnabled && !session_entry->gLim11bParams.protectionEnabled) { pe_debug("===> 11G Protection Disabled"); beaconparams->llbCoexist = session_entry->beaconParams.llbCoexist = false; beaconparams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_llBCOEXIST_CHANGED; } } /* For station role */ if (!LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry)) { pe_debug("===> 11G Protection Disabled"); beaconparams->llbCoexist = session_entry->beaconParams.llbCoexist = false; beaconparams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_llBCOEXIST_CHANGED; } } /** * lim_enable11g_protection() - Function to enable 11g protection * @mac_ctx: pointer to Global Mac structure * @enable: 1=> enable protection, 0=> disable protection. * @overlap: 1=> called from overlap context, 0 => called from assoc context. * @beaconparams: pointer to tpUpdateBeaconParams * @session_entry: pointer to struct pe_session * * * based on config setting enables\disables 11g protection. * * Return: Success - QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS - Success, Error number - Failure */ QDF_STATUS lim_enable11g_protection(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t enable, uint8_t overlap, tpUpdateBeaconParams beaconparams, struct pe_session *session_entry) { /* overlapping protection configuration check. */ if (!overlap) { /* normal protection config check */ if ((LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry)) && !session_entry->cfgProtection.fromllb) { /* protection disabled. */ pe_debug("protection from 11b is disabled"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if (!LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry)) { if (!mac_ctx->lim.cfgProtection.fromllb) { /* protection disabled. */ pe_debug("protection from 11b is disabled"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } if (enable) { lim_handle_enable11g_protection_enabled(mac_ctx, beaconparams, overlap, session_entry); } else if (true == session_entry->beaconParams.llbCoexist) { lim_handle_11g_protection_for_11bcoexist(mac_ctx, beaconparams, overlap, session_entry); } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** ------------------------------------------------------------- \fn lim_enable_ht_protection_from11g \brief based on cofig enables\disables protection from 11g. \param uint8_t enable : 1=> enable protection, 0=> disable protection. \param uint8_t overlap: 1=> called from overlap context, 0 => called from assoc context. \param tpUpdateBeaconParams pBeaconParams \return None -------------------------------------------------------------*/ QDF_STATUS lim_enable_ht_protection_from11g(struct mac_context *mac, uint8_t enable, uint8_t overlap, tpUpdateBeaconParams pBeaconParams, struct pe_session *pe_session) { if (!pe_session->htCapability) return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* protection from 11g is only for HT stations. */ /* overlapping protection configuration check. */ if (overlap) { if ((LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session)) && (!pe_session->cfgProtection.overlapFromllg)) { /* protection disabled. */ pe_debug("overlap protection from 11g is disabled"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } else { /* normal protection config check */ if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session) && !pe_session->cfgProtection.fromllg) { /* protection disabled. */ pe_debug("protection from 11g is disabled"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if (!LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session)) { if (!mac->lim.cfgProtection.fromllg) { /* protection disabled. */ pe_debug("protection from 11g is disabled"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } if (enable) { /* If we are AP and HT capable, we need to set the HT OP mode */ /* appropriately. */ if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session)) { if (overlap) { pe_session->gLimOverlap11gParams. protectionEnabled = true; /* 11g exists in overlap BSS. */ /* need not to change the operating mode to overlap_legacy */ /* if higher or same protection operating mode is enabled right now. */ if ((eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY != pe_session->htOperMode) && (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_MIXED != pe_session->htOperMode)) { pe_session->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY; } lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac, true, overlap, pBeaconParams, pe_session); lim_enable_ht_obss_protection(mac, true, overlap, pBeaconParams, pe_session); } else { /* 11g is associated to an AP operating in 11n mode. */ /* Change the HT operating mode to 'mixed mode'. */ pe_session->gLim11gParams.protectionEnabled = true; if (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_MIXED != pe_session->htOperMode) { pe_session->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_MIXED; lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac, true, overlap, pBeaconParams, pe_session); lim_enable_ht_obss_protection(mac, true, overlap, pBeaconParams, pe_session); } } } /* This part is common for staiton as well. */ if (false == pe_session->beaconParams.llgCoexist) { pBeaconParams->llgCoexist = pe_session->beaconParams.llgCoexist = true; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_llGCOEXIST_CHANGED; } else if (true == pe_session->gLimOverlap11gParams. protectionEnabled) { /* As operating mode changed after G station assoc some way to update beacon */ /* This addresses the issue of mode not changing to - 11 in beacon when OBSS overlap is enabled */ /* mac->sch.beacon_changed = 1; */ pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_llGCOEXIST_CHANGED; } } else if (true == pe_session->beaconParams.llgCoexist) { /* for AP role. */ /* we need to take care of HT OP mode change if needed. */ /* We need to take care of Overlap cases. */ if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session)) { if (overlap) { /* Overlap Legacy protection disabled. */ if (pe_session->gLim11gParams.numSta == 0) pe_session->gLimOverlap11gParams. protectionEnabled = false; /* no HT op mode change if any of the overlap protection enabled. */ if (! (pe_session->gLimOlbcParams. protectionEnabled || pe_session->gLimOverlapHt20Params. protectionEnabled || pe_session->gLimOverlapNonGfParams. protectionEnabled)) { /* Check if there is a need to change HT OP mode. */ if (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY == pe_session->htOperMode) { lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac, false, overlap, pBeaconParams, pe_session); lim_enable_ht_obss_protection(mac, false, overlap, pBeaconParams, pe_session); if (pe_session->gLimHt20Params.protectionEnabled) { if (eHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20MHZ == pe_session->htSupportedChannelWidthSet) pe_session->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_PURE; else pe_session->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_NO_LEGACY_20MHZ_HT; } else pe_session->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_PURE; } } } else { /* Disable protection from 11G stations. */ pe_session->gLim11gParams.protectionEnabled = false; /* Check if any other non-HT protection enabled. */ if (!pe_session->gLim11bParams. protectionEnabled) { /* Right now we are in HT OP Mixed mode. */ /* Change HT op mode appropriately. */ lim_enable_ht_obss_protection(mac, false, overlap, pBeaconParams, pe_session); /* Change HT OP mode to 01 if any overlap protection enabled */ if (pe_session->gLimOlbcParams. protectionEnabled || pe_session-> gLimOverlap11gParams. protectionEnabled || pe_session-> gLimOverlapHt20Params. protectionEnabled || pe_session-> gLimOverlapNonGfParams. protectionEnabled) { pe_session->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY; lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac, true, overlap, pBeaconParams, pe_session); } else if (pe_session-> gLimHt20Params. protectionEnabled) { /* Commenting because of CR 258588 WFA cert */ /* pe_session->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_NO_LEGACY_20MHZ_HT; */ pe_session->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_PURE; lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac, false, overlap, pBeaconParams, pe_session); } else { pe_session->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_PURE; lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac, false, overlap, pBeaconParams, pe_session); } } } if (!pe_session->gLimOverlap11gParams. protectionEnabled && !pe_session->gLim11gParams. protectionEnabled) { pe_debug("===> Protection from 11G Disabled"); pBeaconParams->llgCoexist = pe_session->beaconParams.llgCoexist = false; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_llGCOEXIST_CHANGED; } } /* for station role */ else { pe_debug("===> Protection from 11G Disabled"); pBeaconParams->llgCoexist = pe_session->beaconParams.llgCoexist = false; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_llGCOEXIST_CHANGED; } } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* FIXME_PROTECTION : need to check for no APSD whenever we want to enable this protection. */ /* This check will be done at the caller. */ /** ------------------------------------------------------------- \fn limEnableHtObssProtection \brief based on cofig enables\disables obss protection. \param uint8_t enable : 1=> enable protection, 0=> disable protection. \param uint8_t overlap: 1=> called from overlap context, 0 => called from assoc context. \param tpUpdateBeaconParams pBeaconParams \return None -------------------------------------------------------------*/ QDF_STATUS lim_enable_ht_obss_protection(struct mac_context *mac, uint8_t enable, uint8_t overlap, tpUpdateBeaconParams pBeaconParams, struct pe_session *pe_session) { if (!pe_session->htCapability) return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* this protection is only for HT stations. */ /* overlapping protection configuration check. */ if (overlap) { /* overlapping protection configuration check. */ } else { /* normal protection config check */ if ((LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session)) && !pe_session->cfgProtection.obss) { /* ToDo Update this field */ /* protection disabled. */ pe_debug("protection from Obss is disabled"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if (!LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session)) { if (!mac->lim.cfgProtection.obss) { /* ToDo Update this field */ /* protection disabled. */ pe_debug("protection from Obss is disabled"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session)) { if ((enable) && (false == pe_session->beaconParams.gHTObssMode)) { pe_debug("=>obss protection enabled"); pe_session->beaconParams.gHTObssMode = true; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_OBSS_MODE_CHANGED; /* UPDATE AN ENUM FOR OBSS MODE */ } else if (!enable && (true == pe_session->beaconParams.gHTObssMode)) { pe_debug("===> obss Protection disabled"); pe_session->beaconParams.gHTObssMode = false; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_OBSS_MODE_CHANGED; } /* CR-263021: OBSS bit is not switching back to 0 after disabling the overlapping legacy BSS */ if (!enable && !overlap) { pe_session->gLimOverlap11gParams.protectionEnabled = false; } } else { if ((enable) && (false == pe_session->beaconParams.gHTObssMode)) { pe_debug("=>obss protection enabled"); pe_session->beaconParams.gHTObssMode = true; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_OBSS_MODE_CHANGED; /* UPDATE AN ENUM FOR OBSS MODE */ } else if (!enable && (true == pe_session->beaconParams.gHTObssMode)) { pe_debug("===> obss Protection disabled"); pe_session->beaconParams.gHTObssMode = false; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_OBSS_MODE_CHANGED; } } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** * lim_handle_ht20protection_enabled() - Handle ht20 protection enabled * @mac_ctx: pointer to Gloal Mac Structure * @overlap: variable for overlap detection * @beaconparams: pointer to tpUpdateBeaconParams * @session_entry: pointer to struct pe_session * * * Function handles ht20 protection enabled * * Return: none */ static void lim_handle_ht20protection_enabled(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t overlap, tpUpdateBeaconParams beaconparams, struct pe_session *session_entry) { /* * If we are AP and HT capable, we need to set the HT OP mode * appropriately. */ if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry) && overlap) { session_entry->gLimOverlapHt20Params.protectionEnabled = true; if ((eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY != session_entry->htOperMode) && (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_MIXED != session_entry->htOperMode)) { session_entry->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY; lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac_ctx, true, overlap, beaconparams, session_entry); } } else if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry) && !overlap) { session_entry->gLimHt20Params.protectionEnabled = true; if (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_PURE == session_entry->htOperMode) { if (session_entry->htSupportedChannelWidthSet != eHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20MHZ) session_entry->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_NO_LEGACY_20MHZ_HT; lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac_ctx, false, overlap, beaconparams, session_entry); lim_enable_ht_obss_protection(mac_ctx, false, overlap, beaconparams, session_entry); } } /* This part is common for staiton as well. */ if (false == session_entry->beaconParams.ht20Coexist) { pe_debug("=> Protection from HT20 Enabled"); beaconparams->ht20MhzCoexist = session_entry->beaconParams.ht20Coexist = true; beaconparams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_HT20MHZCOEXIST_CHANGED; } } /** * lim_handle_ht20coexist_ht20protection() - ht20 protection for ht20 coexist * @mac_ctx: pointer to Gloal Mac Structure * @beaconparams: pointer to tpUpdateBeaconParams * @session_entry: pointer to struct pe_session * * @overlap: variable for overlap detection * * Function handles ht20 protection for ht20 coexist * * Return: none */ static void lim_handle_ht20coexist_ht20protection(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tpUpdateBeaconParams beaconparams, struct pe_session *session_entry, uint8_t overlap) { /* * For AP role: * we need to take care of HT OP mode change if needed. * We need to take care of Overlap cases. */ if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry) && overlap) { /* Overlap Legacy protection disabled. */ session_entry->gLimOverlapHt20Params.protectionEnabled = false; /* * no HT op mode change if any of the overlap * protection enabled. */ if (!(session_entry->gLimOlbcParams.protectionEnabled || session_entry->gLimOverlap11gParams.protectionEnabled || session_entry->gLimOverlapHt20Params.protectionEnabled || session_entry->gLimOverlapNonGfParams. protectionEnabled) && /* * Check if there is a need to change HT * OP mode. */ (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_OVERLAP_LEGACY == session_entry->htOperMode)) { if (session_entry->gLimHt20Params. protectionEnabled) { if (eHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20MHZ == session_entry-> htSupportedChannelWidthSet) session_entry->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_PURE; else session_entry->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_NO_LEGACY_20MHZ_HT; lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac_ctx, false, overlap, beaconparams, session_entry); lim_enable_ht_obss_protection(mac_ctx, false, overlap, beaconparams, session_entry); } else { session_entry->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_PURE; } } } else if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry) && !overlap) { /* Disable protection from 11G stations. */ session_entry->gLimHt20Params.protectionEnabled = false; /* Change HT op mode appropriately. */ if (eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_NO_LEGACY_20MHZ_HT == session_entry->htOperMode) { session_entry->htOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_PURE; lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(mac_ctx, false, overlap, beaconparams, session_entry); lim_enable_ht_obss_protection(mac_ctx, false, overlap, beaconparams, session_entry); } } if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry)) { pe_debug("===> Protection from HT 20 Disabled"); beaconparams->ht20MhzCoexist = session_entry->beaconParams.ht20Coexist = false; beaconparams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_HT20MHZCOEXIST_CHANGED; } if (!LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry)) { /* For station role */ pe_debug("===> Protection from HT20 Disabled"); beaconparams->ht20MhzCoexist = session_entry->beaconParams.ht20Coexist = false; beaconparams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_HT20MHZCOEXIST_CHANGED; } } /** * lim_enable_ht20_protection() - Function to enable ht20 protection * @mac_ctx: pointer to Global Mac structure * @enable: 1=> enable protection, 0=> disable protection. * @overlap: 1=> called from overlap context, 0 => called from assoc context. * @beaconparams: pointer to tpUpdateBeaconParams * @session_entry: pointer to struct pe_session * * * based on cofig enables\disables protection from Ht20 * * Return: 0 - success */ QDF_STATUS lim_enable_ht20_protection(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t enable, uint8_t overlap, tpUpdateBeaconParams beaconparams, struct pe_session *session_entry) { /* This protection is only for HT stations. */ if (!session_entry->htCapability) return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* overlapping protection configuration check. */ if (!overlap) { /* normal protection config check */ if ((LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry)) && !session_entry->cfgProtection.ht20) { /* protection disabled. */ pe_debug("protection from HT20 is disabled"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if (!LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry)) { if (!mac_ctx->lim.cfgProtection.ht20) { /* protection disabled. */ pe_debug("protection from HT20 is disabled"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } if (enable) lim_handle_ht20protection_enabled(mac_ctx, overlap, beaconparams, session_entry); else if (true == session_entry->beaconParams.ht20Coexist) lim_handle_ht20coexist_ht20protection(mac_ctx, beaconparams, session_entry, overlap); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** ------------------------------------------------------------- \fn lim_enable_ht_non_gf_protection \brief based on cofig enables\disables protection from NonGf. \param uint8_t enable : 1=> enable protection, 0=> disable protection. \param uint8_t overlap: 1=> called from overlap context, 0 => called from assoc context. \param tpUpdateBeaconParams pBeaconParams \return None -------------------------------------------------------------*/ QDF_STATUS lim_enable_ht_non_gf_protection(struct mac_context *mac, uint8_t enable, uint8_t overlap, tpUpdateBeaconParams pBeaconParams, struct pe_session *pe_session) { if (!pe_session->htCapability) return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* this protection is only for HT stations. */ /* overlapping protection configuration check. */ if (overlap) { } else { /* normal protection config check */ if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session) && !pe_session->cfgProtection.nonGf) { /* protection disabled. */ pe_debug("protection from NonGf is disabled"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if (!LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session)) { /* normal protection config check */ if (!mac->lim.cfgProtection.nonGf) { /* protection disabled. */ pe_debug("protection from NonGf is disabled"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session)) { if ((enable) && (false == pe_session->beaconParams.llnNonGFCoexist)) { pe_debug(" => Protection from non GF Enabled"); pBeaconParams->llnNonGFCoexist = pe_session->beaconParams.llnNonGFCoexist = true; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_NON_GF_DEVICES_PRESENT_CHANGED; } else if (!enable && (true == pe_session->beaconParams.llnNonGFCoexist)) { pe_debug("===> Protection from Non GF Disabled"); pBeaconParams->llnNonGFCoexist = pe_session->beaconParams.llnNonGFCoexist = false; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_NON_GF_DEVICES_PRESENT_CHANGED; } } else { if ((enable) && (false == pe_session->beaconParams.llnNonGFCoexist)) { pe_debug(" => Protection from non GF Enabled"); pBeaconParams->llnNonGFCoexist = pe_session->beaconParams.llnNonGFCoexist = true; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_NON_GF_DEVICES_PRESENT_CHANGED; } else if (!enable && (true == pe_session->beaconParams.llnNonGFCoexist)) { pe_debug("===> Protection from Non GF Disabled"); pBeaconParams->llnNonGFCoexist = pe_session->beaconParams.llnNonGFCoexist = false; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_NON_GF_DEVICES_PRESENT_CHANGED; } } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** ------------------------------------------------------------- \fn lim_enable_ht_lsig_txop_protection \brief based on cofig enables\disables LsigTxop protection. \param uint8_t enable : 1=> enable protection, 0=> disable protection. \param uint8_t overlap: 1=> called from overlap context, 0 => called from assoc context. \param tpUpdateBeaconParams pBeaconParams \return None -------------------------------------------------------------*/ QDF_STATUS lim_enable_ht_lsig_txop_protection(struct mac_context *mac, uint8_t enable, uint8_t overlap, tpUpdateBeaconParams pBeaconParams, struct pe_session *pe_session) { if (!pe_session->htCapability) return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* this protection is only for HT stations. */ /* overlapping protection configuration check. */ if (overlap) { } else { /* normal protection config check */ if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session) && !pe_session->cfgProtection.lsigTxop) { /* protection disabled. */ pe_debug("protection from LsigTxop not supported is disabled"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if (!LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session)) { /* normal protection config check */ if (!mac->lim.cfgProtection.lsigTxop) { /* protection disabled. */ pe_debug("protection from LsigTxop not supported is disabled"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session)) { if ((enable) && (false == pe_session->beaconParams. fLsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport)) { pe_debug(" => Protection from LsigTxop Enabled"); pBeaconParams->fLsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport = pe_session->beaconParams. fLsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport = true; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_LSIG_TXOP_FULL_SUPPORT_CHANGED; } else if (!enable && (true == pe_session->beaconParams. fLsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport)) { pe_debug("===> Protection from LsigTxop Disabled"); pBeaconParams->fLsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport = pe_session->beaconParams. fLsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport = false; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_LSIG_TXOP_FULL_SUPPORT_CHANGED; } } else { if ((enable) && (false == pe_session->beaconParams. fLsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport)) { pe_debug(" => Protection from LsigTxop Enabled"); pBeaconParams->fLsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport = pe_session->beaconParams. fLsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport = true; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_LSIG_TXOP_FULL_SUPPORT_CHANGED; } else if (!enable && (true == pe_session->beaconParams. fLsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport)) { pe_debug("===> Protection from LsigTxop Disabled"); pBeaconParams->fLsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport = pe_session->beaconParams. fLsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport = false; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_LSIG_TXOP_FULL_SUPPORT_CHANGED; } } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* FIXME_PROTECTION : need to check for no APSD whenever we want to enable this protection. */ /* This check will be done at the caller. */ /** ------------------------------------------------------------- \fn lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection \brief based on cofig enables\disables Rifs protection. \param uint8_t enable : 1=> enable protection, 0=> disable protection. \param uint8_t overlap: 1=> called from overlap context, 0 => called from assoc context. \param tpUpdateBeaconParams pBeaconParams \return None -------------------------------------------------------------*/ QDF_STATUS lim_enable_ht_rifs_protection(struct mac_context *mac, uint8_t enable, uint8_t overlap, tpUpdateBeaconParams pBeaconParams, struct pe_session *pe_session) { if (!pe_session->htCapability) return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* this protection is only for HT stations. */ /* overlapping protection configuration check. */ if (overlap) { } else { /* normal protection config check */ if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session) && !pe_session->cfgProtection.rifs) { /* protection disabled. */ pe_debug("protection from Rifs is disabled"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if (!LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session)) { /* normal protection config check */ if (!mac->lim.cfgProtection.rifs) { /* protection disabled. */ pe_debug("protection from Rifs is disabled"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session)) { /* Disabling the RIFS Protection means Enable the RIFS mode of operation in the BSS */ if ((!enable) && (false == pe_session->beaconParams.fRIFSMode)) { pe_debug(" => Rifs protection Disabled"); pBeaconParams->fRIFSMode = pe_session->beaconParams.fRIFSMode = true; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_RIFS_MODE_CHANGED; } /* Enabling the RIFS Protection means Disable the RIFS mode of operation in the BSS */ else if (enable && (true == pe_session->beaconParams.fRIFSMode)) { pe_debug("===> Rifs Protection Enabled"); pBeaconParams->fRIFSMode = pe_session->beaconParams.fRIFSMode = false; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_RIFS_MODE_CHANGED; } } else { /* Disabling the RIFS Protection means Enable the RIFS mode of operation in the BSS */ if ((!enable) && (false == pe_session->beaconParams.fRIFSMode)) { pe_debug(" => Rifs protection Disabled"); pBeaconParams->fRIFSMode = pe_session->beaconParams.fRIFSMode = true; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_RIFS_MODE_CHANGED; } /* Enabling the RIFS Protection means Disable the RIFS mode of operation in the BSS */ else if (enable && (true == pe_session->beaconParams.fRIFSMode)) { pe_debug("===> Rifs Protection Enabled"); pBeaconParams->fRIFSMode = pe_session->beaconParams.fRIFSMode = false; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_RIFS_MODE_CHANGED; } } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * lim_enable_short_preamble * * FUNCTION: * Enable/Disable short preamble * * LOGIC: * * ASSUMPTIONS: * * NOTE: * * @param enable Flag to enable/disable short preamble * @return None */ QDF_STATUS lim_enable_short_preamble(struct mac_context *mac, uint8_t enable, tpUpdateBeaconParams pBeaconParams, struct pe_session *pe_session) { if (!mac->mlme_cfg->ht_caps.short_preamble) return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* 11G short preamble switching is disabled. */ if (!mac->mlme_cfg->feature_flags.enable_short_preamble_11g) return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session)) { if (enable && (pe_session->beaconParams.fShortPreamble == 0)) { pe_debug("===> Short Preamble Enabled"); pe_session->beaconParams.fShortPreamble = true; pBeaconParams->fShortPreamble = (uint8_t) pe_session->beaconParams. fShortPreamble; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_SHORT_PREAMBLE_CHANGED; } else if (!enable && (pe_session->beaconParams.fShortPreamble == 1)) { pe_debug("===> Short Preamble Disabled"); pe_session->beaconParams.fShortPreamble = false; pBeaconParams->fShortPreamble = (uint8_t) pe_session->beaconParams. fShortPreamble; pBeaconParams->paramChangeBitmap |= PARAM_SHORT_PREAMBLE_CHANGED; } } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** * lim_tx_complete * * Function: * This is LIM's very own "TX MGMT frame complete" completion routine. * * Logic: * LIM wants to send a MGMT frame (broadcast or unicast) * LIM allocates memory using cds_packet_alloc( ..., **pData, **pPacket ) * LIM transmits the MGMT frame using the API: * wma_tx_frame( ... pPacket, ..., (void *) lim_tx_complete, pData ) * HDD, via wma_tx_frame/DXE, "transfers" the packet over to BMU * HDD, if it determines that a TX completion routine (in this case * lim_tx_complete) has been provided, will invoke this callback * LIM will try to free the TX MGMT packet that was earlier allocated, in order * to send this MGMT frame, using the PAL API cds_packet_free( ... pData, pPacket ) * * Assumptions: * Presently, this is ONLY being used for MGMT frames/packets * TODO: * Would it do good for LIM to have some sort of "signature" validation to * ensure that the pData argument passed in was a buffer that was actually * allocated by LIM and/or is not corrupted? * * Note: FIXME and TODO * Looks like cds_packet_free() is interested in pPacket. But, when this completion * routine is called, only pData is made available to LIM!! * * @param void A pointer to pData. Shouldn't it be pPacket?! * * @return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS - in case of success */ QDF_STATUS lim_tx_complete(void *context, qdf_nbuf_t buf, bool free) { if (free) cds_packet_free((void *)buf); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static QDF_STATUS lim_ht_switch_chnl_params(struct pe_session *pe_session) { uint8_t center_freq = 0; enum phy_ch_width ch_width = CH_WIDTH_20MHZ; struct mac_context *mac; uint8_t primary_channel; mac = pe_session->mac_ctx; if (!mac) { pe_err("Invalid mac_ctx"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } primary_channel = wlan_reg_freq_to_chan(mac->pdev, pe_session->curr_op_freq); if (eHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_40MHZ == pe_session->htRecommendedTxWidthSet) { ch_width = CH_WIDTH_40MHZ; if (PHY_DOUBLE_CHANNEL_LOW_PRIMARY == pe_session->htSecondaryChannelOffset) center_freq = primary_channel + 2; else if (PHY_DOUBLE_CHANNEL_HIGH_PRIMARY == pe_session->htSecondaryChannelOffset) center_freq = primary_channel - 2; else ch_width = CH_WIDTH_20MHZ; } pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.primaryChannel = primary_channel; pe_session->curr_req_chan_freq = pe_session->curr_op_freq; pe_session->ch_center_freq_seg0 = center_freq; pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.ch_center_freq_seg0 = center_freq; pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.sw_target_freq = pe_session->curr_op_freq; pe_session->ch_width = ch_width; pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.ch_width = ch_width; pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.sec_ch_offset = pe_session->htSecondaryChannelOffset; pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.ch_center_freq_seg1 = 0; pe_debug("HT IE changed: Primary Channel: %d center chan: %d Channel Width: %d cur op freq %d", primary_channel, center_freq, pe_session->htRecommendedTxWidthSet, pe_session->gLimChannelSwitch.sw_target_freq); pe_session->channelChangeReasonCode = LIM_SWITCH_CHANNEL_HT_WIDTH; mac->lim.gpchangeChannelCallback = lim_switch_channel_cback; mac->lim.gpchangeChannelData = NULL; return lim_send_switch_chnl_params(mac, pe_session); } static void lim_ht_switch_chnl_req(struct pe_session *session) { struct mac_context *mac; QDF_STATUS status; mac = session->mac_ctx; if (!mac) { pe_err("Invalid mac context"); return; } session->channelChangeReasonCode = LIM_SWITCH_CHANNEL_HT_WIDTH; mlme_set_chan_switch_in_progress(session->vdev, true); status = wlan_vdev_mlme_sm_deliver_evt( session->vdev, WLAN_VDEV_SM_EV_FW_VDEV_RESTART, sizeof(*session), session); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(status)) { pe_err("Failed to post WLAN_VDEV_SM_EV_FW_VDEV_RESTART for vdevid %d", session->smeSessionId); mlme_set_chan_switch_in_progress(session->vdev, false); } } uint8_t lim_get_cb_mode_for_freq(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *session, qdf_freq_t chan_freq) { uint8_t cb_mode = mac->roam.configParam.channelBondingMode5GHz; if (WLAN_REG_IS_24GHZ_CH_FREQ(chan_freq)) { if (wlan_cm_get_force_20mhz_in_24ghz(session->vdev)) { cb_mode = WNI_CFG_CHANNEL_BONDING_MODE_DISABLE; pe_debug_rl("vdev %d force 20 Mhz in 2.4 GHz", session->vdev_id); } else { cb_mode = mac->roam.configParam.channelBondingMode24GHz; } } return cb_mode; } static uint8_t lim_get_sta_cb_mode_for_24ghz(struct mac_context *mac, uint8_t vdev_id) { struct wlan_objmgr_vdev *vdev; uint8_t cb_mode = mac->roam.configParam.channelBondingMode24GHz; vdev = wlan_objmgr_get_vdev_by_id_from_psoc(mac->psoc, vdev_id, WLAN_MLME_SB_ID); if (!vdev) return cb_mode; if (!wlan_cm_get_force_20mhz_in_24ghz(vdev)) goto end; cb_mode = WNI_CFG_CHANNEL_BONDING_MODE_DISABLE; end: wlan_objmgr_vdev_release_ref(vdev, WLAN_MLME_SB_ID); return cb_mode; } void lim_update_sta_run_time_ht_switch_chnl_params(struct mac_context *mac, tDot11fIEHTInfo *pHTInfo, struct pe_session *pe_session) { qdf_freq_t chan_freq; uint8_t cb_mode; cb_mode = lim_get_cb_mode_for_freq(mac, pe_session, pe_session->curr_op_freq); /* If self capability is set to '20Mhz only', then do not change the CB mode. */ if (cb_mode == WNI_CFG_CHANNEL_BONDING_MODE_DISABLE) { pe_debug_rl("self_cb_mode 0 for freq %d", pe_session->curr_op_freq); return; } if (!wlan_cm_is_vdev_connected(pe_session->vdev)) { pe_debug_rl("vdev not connected, ignore HT IE BW update"); return; } if (pe_session->ch_switch_in_progress == true) { pe_debug("ch switch is in progress, ignore HT IE BW update"); return; } chan_freq = wlan_reg_legacy_chan_to_freq(mac->pdev, pHTInfo->primaryChannel); if (reg_is_chan_enum_invalid( wlan_reg_get_chan_enum_for_freq(chan_freq))) { pe_debug("Ignore Invalid channel in HT info"); return; } /* If channel mismatch the CSA will take care of this change */ if (pHTInfo->primaryChannel != wlan_reg_freq_to_chan( mac->pdev, pe_session->curr_op_freq)) { pe_debug("Current channel doesn't match HT info ignore"); return; } if (pe_session->htSecondaryChannelOffset != (uint8_t) pHTInfo->secondaryChannelOffset || pe_session->htRecommendedTxWidthSet != (uint8_t) pHTInfo->recommendedTxWidthSet) { pe_session->htSecondaryChannelOffset = (ePhyChanBondState) pHTInfo->secondaryChannelOffset; pe_session->htRecommendedTxWidthSet = (uint8_t) pHTInfo->recommendedTxWidthSet; pe_session->htSupportedChannelWidthSet = pe_session->htRecommendedTxWidthSet; /* Before restarting vdev, delete the tdls peers */ lim_update_tdls_set_state_for_fw(pe_session, false); lim_delete_tdls_peers(mac, pe_session); lim_ht_switch_chnl_req(pe_session); } } /* End limUpdateStaRunTimeHTParams. */ /** * \brief This function updates the lim global structure, if any of the * HT Capabilities have changed. * * * \param mac Pointer to Global MAC structure * * \param pHTCapability Pointer to HT Capability Information Element * obtained from a Beacon or Probe Response * * * */ void lim_update_sta_run_time_ht_capability(struct mac_context *mac, tDot11fIEHTCaps *pHTCaps) { if (mac->lim.gHTLsigTXOPProtection != (uint8_t) pHTCaps->lsigTXOPProtection) { mac->lim.gHTLsigTXOPProtection = (uint8_t) pHTCaps->lsigTXOPProtection; /* Send change notification to HAL */ } if (mac->lim.gHTAMpduDensity != (uint8_t) pHTCaps->mpduDensity) { mac->lim.gHTAMpduDensity = (uint8_t) pHTCaps->mpduDensity; /* Send change notification to HAL */ } if (mac->lim.gHTMaxRxAMpduFactor != (uint8_t) pHTCaps->maxRxAMPDUFactor) { mac->lim.gHTMaxRxAMpduFactor = (uint8_t) pHTCaps->maxRxAMPDUFactor; /* Send change notification to HAL */ } } /* End lim_update_sta_run_time_ht_capability. */ /** * \brief This function updates lim global structure, if any of the HT * Info Parameters have changed. * * * \param mac Pointer to the global MAC structure * * \param pHTInfo Pointer to the HT Info IE obtained from a Beacon or * Probe Response * * */ void lim_update_sta_run_time_ht_info(struct mac_context *mac, tDot11fIEHTInfo *pHTInfo, struct pe_session *pe_session) { if (pe_session->htRecommendedTxWidthSet != (uint8_t) pHTInfo->recommendedTxWidthSet) { pe_session->htRecommendedTxWidthSet = (uint8_t) pHTInfo->recommendedTxWidthSet; /* Send change notification to HAL */ } if (pe_session->beaconParams.fRIFSMode != (uint8_t) pHTInfo->rifsMode) { pe_session->beaconParams.fRIFSMode = (uint8_t) pHTInfo->rifsMode; /* Send change notification to HAL */ } if (mac->lim.gHTServiceIntervalGranularity != (uint8_t) pHTInfo->serviceIntervalGranularity) { mac->lim.gHTServiceIntervalGranularity = (uint8_t) pHTInfo->serviceIntervalGranularity; /* Send change notification to HAL */ } if (mac->lim.gHTOperMode != (tSirMacHTOperatingMode) pHTInfo->opMode) { mac->lim.gHTOperMode = (tSirMacHTOperatingMode) pHTInfo->opMode; /* Send change notification to HAL */ } if (pe_session->beaconParams.llnNonGFCoexist != pHTInfo->nonGFDevicesPresent) { pe_session->beaconParams.llnNonGFCoexist = (uint8_t) pHTInfo->nonGFDevicesPresent; } if (mac->lim.gHTSTBCBasicMCS != (uint8_t) pHTInfo->basicSTBCMCS) { mac->lim.gHTSTBCBasicMCS = (uint8_t) pHTInfo->basicSTBCMCS; /* Send change notification to HAL */ } if (mac->lim.gHTDualCTSProtection != (uint8_t) pHTInfo->dualCTSProtection) { mac->lim.gHTDualCTSProtection = (uint8_t) pHTInfo->dualCTSProtection; /* Send change notification to HAL */ } if (mac->lim.gHTSecondaryBeacon != (uint8_t) pHTInfo->secondaryBeacon) { mac->lim.gHTSecondaryBeacon = (uint8_t) pHTInfo->secondaryBeacon; /* Send change notification to HAL */ } if (pe_session->beaconParams.fLsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport != (uint8_t) pHTInfo->lsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport) { pe_session->beaconParams.fLsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport = (uint8_t) pHTInfo->lsigTXOPProtectionFullSupport; /* Send change notification to HAL */ } if (mac->lim.gHTPCOActive != (uint8_t) pHTInfo->pcoActive) { mac->lim.gHTPCOActive = (uint8_t) pHTInfo->pcoActive; /* Send change notification to HAL */ } if (mac->lim.gHTPCOPhase != (uint8_t) pHTInfo->pcoPhase) { mac->lim.gHTPCOPhase = (uint8_t) pHTInfo->pcoPhase; /* Send change notification to HAL */ } } /* End lim_update_sta_run_time_ht_info. */ /** * lim_validate_delts_req() - This function validates DelTs req * @mac_ctx: pointer to Global Mac structure * @delts_req: pointer to delete traffic stream structure * @peer_mac_addr: variable for peer mac address * @session: pe session entry * * Function validates DelTs req originated by SME or by HAL and also * sends halMsg_DelTs to HAL * * Return: QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS - Success, QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE - Failure */ QDF_STATUS lim_validate_delts_req(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tpSirDeltsReq delts_req, tSirMacAddr peer_mac_addr, struct pe_session *session) { tpDphHashNode sta; uint8_t ts_status; struct mac_ts_info *tsinfo; uint32_t i; uint8_t tspec_idx; /* * if sta * - verify assoc state * - del tspec locally * if ap * - verify sta is in assoc state * - del sta tspec locally */ if (!delts_req) { pe_err("Delete TS request pointer is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } if (LIM_IS_STA_ROLE(session)) { uint32_t val; /* station always talks to the AP */ sta = dph_get_hash_entry(mac_ctx, DPH_STA_HASH_INDEX_PEER, &session->dph.dphHashTable); val = sizeof(tSirMacAddr); sir_copy_mac_addr(peer_mac_addr, session->bssId); } else { uint16_t associd; uint8_t *macaddr = (uint8_t *) peer_mac_addr; associd = delts_req->aid; if (associd != 0) sta = dph_get_hash_entry(mac_ctx, associd, &session->dph.dphHashTable); else sta = dph_lookup_hash_entry(mac_ctx, delts_req->macaddr.bytes, &associd, &session->dph. dphHashTable); if (sta) /* TBD: check sta assoc state as well */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(tSirMacAddr); i++) macaddr[i] = sta->staAddr[i]; } if (!sta) { pe_err("Cannot find station context for delts req"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } if ((!sta->valid) || (sta->mlmStaContext.mlmState != eLIM_MLM_LINK_ESTABLISHED_STATE)) { pe_err("Invalid Sta (or state) for DelTsReq"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } delts_req->req.wsmTspecPresent = 0; delts_req->req.wmeTspecPresent = 0; delts_req->req.lleTspecPresent = 0; if ((sta->wsmEnabled) && (delts_req->req.tspec.tsinfo.traffic.accessPolicy != SIR_MAC_ACCESSPOLICY_EDCA)) delts_req->req.wsmTspecPresent = 1; else if (sta->wmeEnabled) delts_req->req.wmeTspecPresent = 1; else if (sta->lleEnabled) delts_req->req.lleTspecPresent = 1; else { pe_warn("DELTS_REQ ignore - qos is disabled"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } tsinfo = delts_req->req.wmeTspecPresent ? &delts_req->req.tspec.tsinfo : &delts_req->req.tsinfo; pe_debug("received DELTS_REQ message wmeTspecPresent: %d lleTspecPresent: %d wsmTspecPresent: %d tsid: %d up: %d direction: %d", delts_req->req.wmeTspecPresent, delts_req->req.lleTspecPresent, delts_req->req.wsmTspecPresent, tsinfo->traffic.tsid, tsinfo->traffic.userPrio, tsinfo->traffic.direction); /* if no Access Control, ignore the request */ if (lim_admit_control_delete_ts(mac_ctx, sta->assocId, tsinfo, &ts_status, &tspec_idx) != QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS) { pe_err("DELTS request for sta assocId: %d tsid: %d up: %d", sta->assocId, tsinfo->traffic.tsid, tsinfo->traffic.userPrio); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } else if ((tsinfo->traffic.accessPolicy == SIR_MAC_ACCESSPOLICY_HCCA) || (tsinfo->traffic.accessPolicy == SIR_MAC_ACCESSPOLICY_BOTH)) { /* edca only now. */ } else if (tsinfo->traffic.accessPolicy == SIR_MAC_ACCESSPOLICY_EDCA) { /* send message to HAL to delete TS */ if (QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS != lim_send_hal_msg_del_ts(mac_ctx, tspec_idx, delts_req->req, session->peSessionId, session->bssId)) { pe_warn("DelTs with UP: %d failed in lim_send_hal_msg_del_ts - ignoring request", tsinfo->traffic.userPrio); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** * @function : lim_post_sm_state_update() * * @brief : This function Updates the HAL and Softmac about the change in the STA's SMPS state. * * LOGIC: * * ASSUMPTIONS: * NA * * NOTE: * NA * * @param mac - Pointer to Global MAC structure * @param limMsg - Lim Message structure object with the MimoPSparam in body * @return None */ QDF_STATUS lim_post_sm_state_update(struct mac_context *mac, tSirMacHTMIMOPowerSaveState state, uint8_t *pPeerStaMac, uint8_t sessionId) { QDF_STATUS retCode = QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct scheduler_msg msgQ = {0}; tpSetMIMOPS pMIMO_PSParams; msgQ.reserved = 0; msgQ.type = WMA_SET_MIMOPS_REQ; /* Allocate for WMA_SET_MIMOPS_REQ */ pMIMO_PSParams = qdf_mem_malloc(sizeof(tSetMIMOPS)); if (!pMIMO_PSParams) return QDF_STATUS_E_NOMEM; pMIMO_PSParams->htMIMOPSState = state; pMIMO_PSParams->fsendRsp = true; pMIMO_PSParams->sessionId = sessionId; qdf_mem_copy(pMIMO_PSParams->peerMac, pPeerStaMac, sizeof(tSirMacAddr)); msgQ.bodyptr = pMIMO_PSParams; msgQ.bodyval = 0; pe_debug("Sending WMA_SET_MIMOPS_REQ"); MTRACE(mac_trace_msg_tx(mac, NO_SESSION, msgQ.type)); retCode = wma_post_ctrl_msg(mac, &msgQ); if (QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS != retCode) { pe_err("Posting WMA_SET_MIMOPS_REQ to HAL failed! Reason: %d", retCode); qdf_mem_free(pMIMO_PSParams); return retCode; } return retCode; } void lim_pkt_free(struct mac_context *mac, eFrameType frmType, uint8_t *pRxPacketInfo, void *pBody) { (void)mac; (void)frmType; (void)pRxPacketInfo; (void)pBody; } /** * lim_get_b_dfrom_rx_packet() * ***FUNCTION: * This function is called to get pointer to Polaris * Buffer Descriptor containing MAC header & other control * info from the body of the message posted to LIM. * ***LOGIC: * NA * ***ASSUMPTIONS: * NA * ***NOTE: * NA * * @param body - Received message body * @param pRxPacketInfo - Pointer to received BD * @return None */ void lim_get_b_dfrom_rx_packet(struct mac_context *mac, void *body, uint32_t **pRxPacketInfo) { *pRxPacketInfo = (uint32_t *) body; } /*** end lim_get_b_dfrom_rx_packet() ***/ bool lim_is_channel_valid_for_channel_switch(struct mac_context *mac, uint32_t channel_freq) { bool ok = false; if (policy_mgr_is_chan_ok_for_dnbs(mac->psoc, channel_freq, &ok)) { pe_err("policy_mgr_is_chan_ok_for_dnbs() returned error"); return false; } if (!ok) { pe_debug("channel not ok for DNBS"); return false; } if (wlan_reg_is_freq_enabled(mac->pdev, channel_freq, REG_CURRENT_PWR_MODE)) return true; /* channel does not belong to list of valid channels */ return false; } /** * @function : lim_restore_pre_channel_switch_state() * * @brief : This API is called by the user to undo any * specific changes done on the device during * channel switch. * LOGIC: * * ASSUMPTIONS: * NA * * NOTE: * NA * * @param mac - Pointer to Global MAC structure * @return None */ QDF_STATUS lim_restore_pre_channel_switch_state(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *pe_session) { QDF_STATUS retCode = QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; if (!LIM_IS_STA_ROLE(pe_session)) return retCode; /* Channel switch should be ready for the next time */ pe_session->gLimSpecMgmt.dot11hChanSwState = eLIM_11H_CHANSW_INIT; return retCode; } /** * @function: lim_prepare_for11h_channel_switch() * * @brief : This API is called by the user to prepare for * 11h channel switch. As of now, the API does * very minimal work. User can add more into the * same API if needed. * LOGIC: * * ASSUMPTIONS: * NA * * NOTE: * NA * * @param mac - Pointer to Global MAC structure * @param pe_session * @return None */ void lim_prepare_for11h_channel_switch(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *pe_session) { if (!LIM_IS_STA_ROLE(pe_session)) return; /* Flag to indicate 11h channel switch in progress */ pe_session->gLimSpecMgmt.dot11hChanSwState = eLIM_11H_CHANSW_RUNNING; /** We are safe to switch channel at this point */ lim_stop_tx_and_switch_channel(mac, pe_session->peSessionId); } tSirNwType lim_get_nw_type(struct mac_context *mac, uint32_t chan_freq, uint32_t type, tpSchBeaconStruct pBeacon) { tSirNwType nwType = eSIR_11B_NW_TYPE; /* Logic to be cleaned up for 11AC & 11AX */ if (type == SIR_MAC_DATA_FRAME) { if (WLAN_REG_IS_24GHZ_CH_FREQ(chan_freq)) { nwType = eSIR_11G_NW_TYPE; } else { nwType = eSIR_11A_NW_TYPE; } } else { if (WLAN_REG_IS_24GHZ_CH_FREQ(chan_freq)) { int i; /* 11b or 11g packet */ /* 11g iff extended Rate IE is present or */ /* if there is an A rate in suppRate IE */ for (i = 0; i < pBeacon->supportedRates.numRates; i++) { if (sirIsArate (pBeacon->supportedRates.rate[i] & 0x7f)) { nwType = eSIR_11G_NW_TYPE; break; } } if (pBeacon->extendedRatesPresent) { nwType = eSIR_11G_NW_TYPE; } else if (pBeacon->HTInfo.present || IS_BSS_VHT_CAPABLE(pBeacon->VHTCaps)) { nwType = eSIR_11G_NW_TYPE; } } else { /* 11a packet */ nwType = eSIR_11A_NW_TYPE; } } return nwType; } uint32_t lim_get_channel_from_beacon(struct mac_context *mac, tpSchBeaconStruct pBeacon) { uint8_t chan_freq = 0; if (pBeacon->he_op.oper_info_6g_present) chan_freq = wlan_reg_chan_band_to_freq(mac->pdev, pBeacon->he_op.oper_info_6g.info.primary_ch, BIT(REG_BAND_6G)); else if (pBeacon->dsParamsPresent) chan_freq = pBeacon->chan_freq; else if (pBeacon->HTInfo.present) chan_freq = wlan_reg_legacy_chan_to_freq(mac->pdev, pBeacon->HTInfo.primaryChannel); else chan_freq = pBeacon->chan_freq; return chan_freq; } void lim_set_tspec_uapsd_mask_per_session(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *pe_session, struct mac_ts_info *pTsInfo, uint32_t action) { uint8_t userPrio = (uint8_t) pTsInfo->traffic.userPrio; uint16_t direction = pTsInfo->traffic.direction; uint8_t ac = upToAc(userPrio); pe_debug("Set UAPSD mask for AC: %d dir: %d action: %d" , ac, direction, action); /* Converting AC to appropriate Uapsd Bit Mask * AC_BE(0) --> UAPSD_BITOFFSET_ACVO(3) * AC_BK(1) --> UAPSD_BITOFFSET_ACVO(2) * AC_VI(2) --> UAPSD_BITOFFSET_ACVO(1) * AC_VO(3) --> UAPSD_BITOFFSET_ACVO(0) */ ac = ((~ac) & 0x3); if (action == CLEAR_UAPSD_MASK) { if (direction == SIR_MAC_DIRECTION_UPLINK) pe_session->gUapsdPerAcTriggerEnableMask &= ~(1 << ac); else if (direction == SIR_MAC_DIRECTION_DNLINK) pe_session->gUapsdPerAcDeliveryEnableMask &= ~(1 << ac); else if (direction == SIR_MAC_DIRECTION_BIDIR) { pe_session->gUapsdPerAcTriggerEnableMask &= ~(1 << ac); pe_session->gUapsdPerAcDeliveryEnableMask &= ~(1 << ac); } } else if (action == SET_UAPSD_MASK) { if (direction == SIR_MAC_DIRECTION_UPLINK) pe_session->gUapsdPerAcTriggerEnableMask |= (1 << ac); else if (direction == SIR_MAC_DIRECTION_DNLINK) pe_session->gUapsdPerAcDeliveryEnableMask |= (1 << ac); else if (direction == SIR_MAC_DIRECTION_BIDIR) { pe_session->gUapsdPerAcTriggerEnableMask |= (1 << ac); pe_session->gUapsdPerAcDeliveryEnableMask |= (1 << ac); } } pe_debug("New pe_session->gUapsdPerAcTriggerEnableMask 0x%x pe_session->gUapsdPerAcDeliveryEnableMask 0x%x", pe_session->gUapsdPerAcTriggerEnableMask, pe_session->gUapsdPerAcDeliveryEnableMask); return; } /** * lim_handle_heart_beat_timeout_for_session() - Handle heart beat time out * @mac_ctx: pointer to Global Mac Structure * @psession_entry: pointer to struct pe_session * * * Function handles heart beat time out for session * * Return: none */ void lim_handle_heart_beat_timeout_for_session(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct pe_session *psession_entry) { if (psession_entry->valid) { if ((psession_entry->bssType == eSIR_INFRASTRUCTURE_MODE) && (LIM_IS_STA_ROLE(psession_entry))) lim_handle_heart_beat_failure(mac_ctx, psession_entry); } } void lim_process_add_sta_rsp(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct scheduler_msg *msg) { struct pe_session *session; tpAddStaParams add_sta_params; add_sta_params = (tpAddStaParams) msg->bodyptr; session = pe_find_session_by_session_id(mac_ctx, add_sta_params->sessionId); if (!session) { pe_err("Session Does not exist for given sessionID"); qdf_mem_free(add_sta_params); return; } session->csaOffloadEnable = add_sta_params->csaOffloadEnable; if (LIM_IS_NDI_ROLE(session)) lim_ndp_add_sta_rsp(mac_ctx, session, msg->bodyptr); #ifdef FEATURE_WLAN_TDLS else if (add_sta_params->staType == STA_ENTRY_TDLS_PEER) lim_process_tdls_add_sta_rsp(mac_ctx, msg->bodyptr, session); #endif else lim_process_mlm_add_sta_rsp(mac_ctx, msg, session); } /** * lim_update_beacon() - This function updates beacon * @mac_ctx: pointer to Global Mac Structure * * This Function is invoked to update the beacon * * Return: none */ void lim_update_beacon(struct mac_context *mac_ctx) { uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i < mac_ctx->lim.maxBssId; i++) { if (mac_ctx->lim.gpSession[i].valid != true) continue; if ((mac_ctx->lim.gpSession[i].limSystemRole == eLIM_AP_ROLE) && (eLIM_SME_NORMAL_STATE == mac_ctx->lim.gpSession[i].limSmeState)) { sch_set_fixed_beacon_fields(mac_ctx, &mac_ctx->lim.gpSession[i]); if (false == mac_ctx->sap.SapDfsInfo. is_dfs_cac_timer_running) lim_send_beacon_ind(mac_ctx, &mac_ctx->lim.gpSession[i], REASON_DEFAULT); } } } struct pe_session *lim_is_ap_session_active(struct mac_context *mac) { uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i < mac->lim.maxBssId; i++) { if (mac->lim.gpSession[i].valid && (mac->lim.gpSession[i].limSystemRole == eLIM_AP_ROLE)) return &mac->lim.gpSession[i]; } return NULL; } /**--------------------------------------------------------- \fn lim_handle_defer_msg_error \brief handles error scenario, when the msg can not be deferred. \param mac \param pLimMsg LIM msg, which could not be deferred. \return void -----------------------------------------------------------*/ void lim_handle_defer_msg_error(struct mac_context *mac, struct scheduler_msg *pLimMsg) { if (SIR_BB_XPORT_MGMT_MSG == pLimMsg->type) { lim_decrement_pending_mgmt_count(mac); cds_pkt_return_packet((cds_pkt_t *) pLimMsg->bodyptr); pLimMsg->bodyptr = NULL; } else if (pLimMsg->bodyptr) { qdf_mem_free(pLimMsg->bodyptr); pLimMsg->bodyptr = NULL; } } #ifdef FEATURE_WLAN_DIAG_SUPPORT /**--------------------------------------------------------- \fn lim_diag_event_report \brief This function reports Diag event \param mac \param eventType \param bssid \param status \param reasonCode \return void -----------------------------------------------------------*/ void lim_diag_event_report(struct mac_context *mac, uint16_t eventType, struct pe_session *pe_session, uint16_t status, uint16_t reasonCode) { tSirMacAddr nullBssid = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; WLAN_HOST_DIAG_EVENT_DEF(peEvent, host_event_wlan_pe_payload_type); qdf_mem_zero(&peEvent, sizeof(host_event_wlan_pe_payload_type)); if (!pe_session) { qdf_mem_copy(peEvent.bssid, nullBssid, sizeof(tSirMacAddr)); peEvent.sme_state = (uint16_t) mac->lim.gLimSmeState; peEvent.mlm_state = (uint16_t) mac->lim.gLimMlmState; } else { qdf_mem_copy(peEvent.bssid, pe_session->bssId, sizeof(tSirMacAddr)); peEvent.sme_state = (uint16_t) pe_session->limSmeState; peEvent.mlm_state = (uint16_t) pe_session->limMlmState; } peEvent.event_type = eventType; peEvent.status = status; peEvent.reason_code = reasonCode; WLAN_HOST_DIAG_EVENT_REPORT(&peEvent, EVENT_WLAN_PE); return; } static void lim_diag_fill_mgmt_event_report(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tpSirMacMgmtHdr mac_hdr, struct pe_session *session, uint16_t result_code, uint16_t reason_code, struct host_event_wlan_mgmt_payload_type *mgmt_event) { uint8_t length; qdf_mem_zero(mgmt_event, sizeof(*mgmt_event)); mgmt_event->mgmt_type = mac_hdr->fc.type; mgmt_event->mgmt_subtype = mac_hdr->fc.subType; qdf_mem_copy(mgmt_event->self_mac_addr, session->self_mac_addr, QDF_MAC_ADDR_SIZE); qdf_mem_copy(mgmt_event->bssid, mac_hdr->bssId, QDF_MAC_ADDR_SIZE); length = session->ssId.length; if (length > WLAN_SSID_MAX_LEN) length = WLAN_SSID_MAX_LEN; qdf_mem_copy(mgmt_event->ssid, session->ssId.ssId, length); mgmt_event->ssid_len = length; mgmt_event->operating_channel = wlan_reg_freq_to_chan( mac_ctx->pdev, session->curr_op_freq); mgmt_event->result_code = result_code; mgmt_event->reason_code = reason_code; } void lim_diag_mgmt_tx_event_report(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, void *mgmt_hdr, struct pe_session *session, uint16_t result_code, uint16_t reason_code) { tpSirMacMgmtHdr mac_hdr = mgmt_hdr; WLAN_HOST_DIAG_EVENT_DEF(mgmt_event, struct host_event_wlan_mgmt_payload_type); if (!session || !mac_hdr) { pe_err("not valid input"); return; } lim_diag_fill_mgmt_event_report(mac_ctx, mac_hdr, session, result_code, reason_code, &mgmt_event); pe_debug("TX frame: type:%d sub_type:%d seq_num:%d ssid:" QDF_SSID_FMT " selfmacaddr:" QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT " bssid:" QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT " channel:%d", mgmt_event.mgmt_type, mgmt_event.mgmt_subtype, ((mac_hdr->seqControl.seqNumHi << 4) | mac_hdr->seqControl.seqNumLo), QDF_SSID_REF(mgmt_event.ssid_len, mgmt_event.ssid), QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(mgmt_event.self_mac_addr), QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(mgmt_event.bssid), mgmt_event.operating_channel); WLAN_HOST_DIAG_EVENT_REPORT(&mgmt_event, EVENT_WLAN_HOST_MGMT_TX_V2); } void lim_diag_mgmt_rx_event_report(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, void *mgmt_hdr, struct pe_session *session, uint16_t result_code, uint16_t reason_code) { tpSirMacMgmtHdr mac_hdr = mgmt_hdr; WLAN_HOST_DIAG_EVENT_DEF(mgmt_event, struct host_event_wlan_mgmt_payload_type); if (!session || !mac_hdr) { pe_debug("not valid input"); return; } lim_diag_fill_mgmt_event_report(mac_ctx, mac_hdr, session, result_code, reason_code, &mgmt_event); pe_debug("RX frame: type:%d sub_type:%d seq_num:%d ssid:" QDF_SSID_FMT " selfmacaddr:" QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT " bssid:" QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT " channel:%d", mgmt_event.mgmt_type, mgmt_event.mgmt_subtype, ((mac_hdr->seqControl.seqNumHi << 4) | mac_hdr->seqControl.seqNumLo), QDF_SSID_REF(mgmt_event.ssid_len, mgmt_event.ssid), QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(mgmt_event.self_mac_addr), QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(mgmt_event.bssid), mgmt_event.operating_channel); WLAN_HOST_DIAG_EVENT_REPORT(&mgmt_event, EVENT_WLAN_HOST_MGMT_RX_V2); } #endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_DIAG_SUPPORT */ /* Returns length of P2P stream and Pointer ie passed to this function is filled with noa stream */ uint8_t lim_build_p2p_ie(struct mac_context *mac, uint8_t *ie, uint8_t *data, uint8_t ie_len) { int length = 0; uint8_t *ptr = ie; ptr[length++] = WLAN_ELEMID_VENDOR; ptr[length++] = ie_len + SIR_MAC_P2P_OUI_SIZE; qdf_mem_copy(&ptr[length], SIR_MAC_P2P_OUI, SIR_MAC_P2P_OUI_SIZE); qdf_mem_copy(&ptr[length + SIR_MAC_P2P_OUI_SIZE], data, ie_len); return ie_len + SIR_P2P_IE_HEADER_LEN; } /* Returns length of NoA stream and Pointer pNoaStream passed to this function is filled with noa stream */ uint8_t lim_get_noa_attr_stream(struct mac_context *mac, uint8_t *pNoaStream, struct pe_session *pe_session) { uint8_t len = 0; uint8_t *pBody = pNoaStream; if ((pe_session) && (pe_session->valid) && (pe_session->opmode == QDF_P2P_GO_MODE)) { if ((!(pe_session->p2pGoPsUpdate.uNoa1Duration)) && (!(pe_session->p2pGoPsUpdate.uNoa2Duration)) && (!pe_session->p2pGoPsUpdate.oppPsFlag) ) return 0; /* No NoA Descriptor then return 0 */ pBody[0] = SIR_P2P_NOA_ATTR; pBody[3] = pe_session->p2pGoPsUpdate.index; pBody[4] = pe_session->p2pGoPsUpdate.ctWin | (pe_session-> p2pGoPsUpdate. oppPsFlag << 7); len = 5; pBody += len; if (pe_session->p2pGoPsUpdate.uNoa1Duration) { *pBody = pe_session->p2pGoPsUpdate.uNoa1IntervalCnt; pBody += 1; len += 1; *((uint32_t *) (pBody)) = sir_swap_u32if_needed(pe_session->p2pGoPsUpdate. uNoa1Duration); pBody += sizeof(uint32_t); len += 4; *((uint32_t *) (pBody)) = sir_swap_u32if_needed(pe_session->p2pGoPsUpdate. uNoa1Interval); pBody += sizeof(uint32_t); len += 4; *((uint32_t *) (pBody)) = sir_swap_u32if_needed(pe_session->p2pGoPsUpdate. uNoa1StartTime); pBody += sizeof(uint32_t); len += 4; } if (pe_session->p2pGoPsUpdate.uNoa2Duration) { *pBody = pe_session->p2pGoPsUpdate.uNoa2IntervalCnt; pBody += 1; len += 1; *((uint32_t *) (pBody)) = sir_swap_u32if_needed(pe_session->p2pGoPsUpdate. uNoa2Duration); pBody += sizeof(uint32_t); len += 4; *((uint32_t *) (pBody)) = sir_swap_u32if_needed(pe_session->p2pGoPsUpdate. uNoa2Interval); pBody += sizeof(uint32_t); len += 4; *((uint32_t *) (pBody)) = sir_swap_u32if_needed(pe_session->p2pGoPsUpdate. uNoa2StartTime); pBody += sizeof(uint32_t); len += 4; } pBody = pNoaStream + 1; *((uint16_t *) (pBody)) = sir_swap_u16if_needed(len - 3); /*one byte for Attr and 2 bytes for length */ return len; } return 0; } void pe_set_resume_channel(struct mac_context *mac, uint16_t channel, ePhyChanBondState phyCbState) { mac->lim.gResumeChannel = channel; mac->lim.gResumePhyCbState = phyCbState; } bool lim_isconnected_on_dfs_freq(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, qdf_freq_t oper_freq) { /* Indoor channels are also marked DFS, therefore * check if the channel has REGULATORY_CHAN_RADAR * channel flag to identify if the channel is DFS */ if (wlan_reg_is_dfs_for_freq(mac_ctx->pdev, oper_freq)) return true; else return false; } void lim_pmf_sa_query_timer_handler(void *pMacGlobal, uint32_t param) { struct mac_context *mac = (struct mac_context *) pMacGlobal; tPmfSaQueryTimerId timerId; struct pe_session *pe_session; tpDphHashNode pSta; uint8_t maxretries; pe_debug("SA Query timer fires"); timerId.value = param; /* Check that SA Query is in progress */ pe_session = pe_find_session_by_session_id(mac, timerId.fields.sessionId); if (!pe_session) { pe_err("Session does not exist for given session ID: %d", timerId.fields.sessionId); return; } pSta = dph_get_hash_entry(mac, timerId.fields.peerIdx, &pe_session->dph.dphHashTable); if (!pSta) { pe_err("Entry does not exist for given peer index: %d", timerId.fields.peerIdx); return; } if (DPH_SA_QUERY_IN_PROGRESS != pSta->pmfSaQueryState) return; /* Increment the retry count, check if reached maximum */ maxretries = mac->mlme_cfg->gen.pmf_sa_query_max_retries; pSta->pmfSaQueryRetryCount++; if (pSta->pmfSaQueryRetryCount >= maxretries) { pe_err("SA Query timed out,Deleting STA: "QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT, QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(pSta->staAddr)); lim_send_disassoc_mgmt_frame(mac, REASON_DISASSOC_DUE_TO_INACTIVITY, pSta->staAddr, pe_session, false); lim_trigger_sta_deletion(mac, pSta, pe_session); pSta->pmfSaQueryState = DPH_SA_QUERY_TIMED_OUT; return; } /* Retry SA Query */ lim_send_sa_query_request_frame(mac, (uint8_t *) &(pSta-> pmfSaQueryCurrentTransId), pSta->staAddr, pe_session); pSta->pmfSaQueryCurrentTransId++; pe_debug("Starting SA Query retry: %d", pSta->pmfSaQueryRetryCount); if (tx_timer_activate(&pSta->pmfSaQueryTimer) != TX_SUCCESS) { pe_err("PMF SA Query timer activation failed!"); pSta->pmfSaQueryState = DPH_SA_QUERY_NOT_IN_PROGRESS; } } /** * lim_get_update_bw_allow() whether bw can be sent to target directly * @session: pe session * @new_bw: bandwdith to set * @update_allow: return true if bw and puncture can be updated directly * * Return: QDF_STATUS */ static QDF_STATUS lim_get_update_bw_allow(struct pe_session *session, enum phy_ch_width new_bw, bool *update_allow) { enum phy_ch_width ch_width; struct wlan_objmgr_psoc *psoc; enum wlan_phymode phy_mode; QDF_STATUS status = QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; if (!session || !update_allow) { pe_err("invalid input"); return status; } *update_allow = false; psoc = wlan_vdev_get_psoc(session->vdev); if (!psoc) { pe_err("psoc object invalid"); return status; } status = mlme_get_peer_phymode(psoc, session->bssId, &phy_mode); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(status)) { pe_err("failed to get phy_mode %d mac: " QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT, status, QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(session->bssId)); return status; } ch_width = wlan_mlme_get_ch_width_from_phymode(phy_mode); if (new_bw <= ch_width) *update_allow = true; return status; } bool lim_check_vht_op_mode_change(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *pe_session, uint8_t chanWidth, uint8_t *peerMac) { QDF_STATUS status; bool update_allow; struct ch_params ch_params; struct csa_offload_params *csa_param; enum QDF_OPMODE mode = wlan_vdev_mlme_get_opmode(pe_session->vdev); if (mode == QDF_STA_MODE || mode == QDF_P2P_CLIENT_MODE) { status = lim_get_update_bw_allow(pe_session, chanWidth, &update_allow); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(status)) return false; } else { update_allow = true; } if (update_allow) { tUpdateVHTOpMode tempParam; tempParam.opMode = chanWidth; tempParam.smesessionId = pe_session->smeSessionId; qdf_mem_copy(tempParam.peer_mac, peerMac, sizeof(tSirMacAddr)); lim_send_mode_update(mac, &tempParam, pe_session); lim_update_tdls_2g_bw(pe_session); return true; } if (!wlan_cm_is_vdev_connected(pe_session->vdev)) return false; /* use vdev restart to update STA mode */ qdf_mem_zero(&ch_params, sizeof(ch_params)); ch_params.ch_width = chanWidth; wlan_reg_set_channel_params_for_pwrmode(mac->pdev, pe_session->curr_op_freq, 0, &ch_params, REG_CURRENT_PWR_MODE); csa_param = qdf_mem_malloc(sizeof(*csa_param)); if (!csa_param) { pe_err("csa_param allocation fails"); return false; } csa_param->channel = wlan_reg_freq_to_chan(mac->pdev, pe_session->curr_op_freq); csa_param->csa_chan_freq = pe_session->curr_op_freq; csa_param->new_ch_width = ch_params.ch_width; csa_param->new_ch_freq_seg1 = ch_params.center_freq_seg0; csa_param->new_ch_freq_seg2 = ch_params.center_freq_seg1; qdf_copy_macaddr(&csa_param->bssid, (struct qdf_mac_addr *)pe_session->bssId); lim_handle_sta_csa_param(mac, csa_param, false); return true; } #ifdef WLAN_FEATURE_11AX_BSS_COLOR bool lim_send_he_ie_update(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct pe_session *pe_session) { QDF_STATUS status; status = wma_update_he_ops_ie(cds_get_context(QDF_MODULE_ID_WMA), pe_session->smeSessionId, &pe_session->he_op); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(status)) return false; return true; } #endif bool lim_set_nss_change(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *pe_session, uint8_t rxNss, uint8_t *peerMac) { tUpdateRxNss tempParam; if (!rxNss) { pe_err("Invalid rxNss value: %u", rxNss); return false; } tempParam.rxNss = rxNss; tempParam.smesessionId = pe_session->smeSessionId; qdf_mem_copy(tempParam.peer_mac, peerMac, sizeof(tSirMacAddr)); lim_send_rx_nss_update(mac, &tempParam, pe_session); return true; } bool lim_check_membership_user_position(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *pe_session, uint32_t membership, uint32_t userPosition) { tUpdateMembership tempParamMembership; tUpdateUserPos tempParamUserPosition; tempParamMembership.membership = membership; tempParamMembership.smesessionId = pe_session->smeSessionId; qdf_mem_copy(tempParamMembership.peer_mac, pe_session->bssId, sizeof(tSirMacAddr)); lim_set_membership(mac, &tempParamMembership, pe_session); tempParamUserPosition.userPos = userPosition; tempParamUserPosition.smesessionId = pe_session->smeSessionId; qdf_mem_copy(tempParamUserPosition.peer_mac, pe_session->bssId, sizeof(tSirMacAddr)); lim_set_user_pos(mac, &tempParamUserPosition, pe_session); return true; } void lim_get_short_slot_from_phy_mode(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *pe_session, uint32_t phyMode, uint8_t *pShortSlotEnabled) { uint8_t val = 0; /* only 2.4G band should have short slot enable, rest it should be default */ if (phyMode == WNI_CFG_PHY_MODE_11G) { /* short slot is default in all other modes */ if ((pe_session->opmode == QDF_SAP_MODE) || (pe_session->opmode == QDF_IBSS_MODE) || (pe_session->opmode == QDF_P2P_GO_MODE)) { val = true; } /* Program Polaris based on AP capability */ if (pe_session->limMlmState == eLIM_MLM_WT_JOIN_BEACON_STATE) { /* Joining BSS. */ val = SIR_MAC_GET_SHORT_SLOT_TIME(pe_session-> limCurrentBssCaps); } else if (pe_session->limMlmState == eLIM_MLM_WT_REASSOC_RSP_STATE) { /* Reassociating with AP. */ val = SIR_MAC_GET_SHORT_SLOT_TIME(pe_session-> limReassocBssCaps); } } else { /* * 11B does not short slot and short slot is default * for 11A mode. Hence, not need to set this bit */ val = false; } pe_debug("phyMode: %u shortslotsupported: %u", phyMode, val); *pShortSlotEnabled = val; } /** * * \brief This function is called by various LIM modules to correctly set * the Protected bit in the Frame Control Field of the 802.11 frame MAC header * * * \param mac Pointer to Global MAC structure * * \param pe_session Pointer to session corresponding to the connection * * \param peer Peer address of the STA to which the frame is to be sent * * \param pMacHdr Pointer to the frame MAC header * * \return nothing * * */ void lim_set_protected_bit(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *pe_session, tSirMacAddr peer, tpSirMacMgmtHdr pMacHdr) { uint16_t aid; tpDphHashNode sta; sta = dph_lookup_hash_entry(mac, peer, &aid, &pe_session->dph.dphHashTable); if (sta) { /* rmfenabled will be set at the time of addbss. * but sometimes EAP auth fails and keys are not * installed then if we send any management frame * like deauth/disassoc with this bit set then * firmware crashes. so check for keys are * installed or not also before setting the bit */ if (sta->rmfEnabled && sta->is_key_installed) pMacHdr->fc.wep = 1; pe_debug("wep:%d rmf:%d is_key_set:%d", pMacHdr->fc.wep, sta->rmfEnabled, sta->is_key_installed); } } /*** end lim_set_protected_bit() ***/ void lim_set_ht_caps(struct mac_context *p_mac, uint8_t *p_ie_start, uint32_t num_bytes) { const uint8_t *p_ie = NULL; tDot11fIEHTCaps dot11_ht_cap = {0,}; populate_dot11f_ht_caps(p_mac, NULL, &dot11_ht_cap); p_ie = wlan_get_ie_ptr_from_eid(DOT11F_EID_HTCAPS, p_ie_start, num_bytes); pe_debug("p_ie: %pK dot11_ht_cap.supportedMCSSet[0]: 0x%x", p_ie, dot11_ht_cap.supportedMCSSet[0]); if (p_ie) { /* convert from unpacked to packed structure */ tHtCaps *p_ht_cap = (tHtCaps *) &p_ie[2]; p_ht_cap->advCodingCap = dot11_ht_cap.advCodingCap; p_ht_cap->supportedChannelWidthSet = dot11_ht_cap.supportedChannelWidthSet; p_ht_cap->mimoPowerSave = dot11_ht_cap.mimoPowerSave; p_ht_cap->greenField = dot11_ht_cap.greenField; p_ht_cap->shortGI20MHz = dot11_ht_cap.shortGI20MHz; p_ht_cap->shortGI40MHz = dot11_ht_cap.shortGI40MHz; p_ht_cap->txSTBC = dot11_ht_cap.txSTBC; p_ht_cap->rxSTBC = dot11_ht_cap.rxSTBC; p_ht_cap->delayedBA = dot11_ht_cap.delayedBA; p_ht_cap->maximalAMSDUsize = dot11_ht_cap.maximalAMSDUsize; p_ht_cap->dsssCckMode40MHz = dot11_ht_cap.dsssCckMode40MHz; p_ht_cap->psmp = dot11_ht_cap.psmp; p_ht_cap->stbcControlFrame = dot11_ht_cap.stbcControlFrame; p_ht_cap->lsigTXOPProtection = dot11_ht_cap.lsigTXOPProtection; p_ht_cap->maxRxAMPDUFactor = dot11_ht_cap.maxRxAMPDUFactor; p_ht_cap->mpduDensity = dot11_ht_cap.mpduDensity; qdf_mem_copy((void *)p_ht_cap->supportedMCSSet, (void *)(dot11_ht_cap.supportedMCSSet), sizeof(p_ht_cap->supportedMCSSet)); p_ht_cap->pco = dot11_ht_cap.pco; p_ht_cap->transitionTime = dot11_ht_cap.transitionTime; p_ht_cap->mcsFeedback = dot11_ht_cap.mcsFeedback; p_ht_cap->txBF = dot11_ht_cap.txBF; p_ht_cap->rxStaggeredSounding = dot11_ht_cap.rxStaggeredSounding; p_ht_cap->txStaggeredSounding = dot11_ht_cap.txStaggeredSounding; p_ht_cap->rxZLF = dot11_ht_cap.rxZLF; p_ht_cap->txZLF = dot11_ht_cap.txZLF; p_ht_cap->implicitTxBF = dot11_ht_cap.implicitTxBF; p_ht_cap->calibration = dot11_ht_cap.calibration; p_ht_cap->explicitCSITxBF = dot11_ht_cap.explicitCSITxBF; p_ht_cap->explicitUncompressedSteeringMatrix = dot11_ht_cap.explicitUncompressedSteeringMatrix; p_ht_cap->explicitBFCSIFeedback = dot11_ht_cap.explicitBFCSIFeedback; p_ht_cap->explicitUncompressedSteeringMatrixFeedback = dot11_ht_cap.explicitUncompressedSteeringMatrixFeedback; p_ht_cap->explicitCompressedSteeringMatrixFeedback = dot11_ht_cap.explicitCompressedSteeringMatrixFeedback; p_ht_cap->csiNumBFAntennae = dot11_ht_cap.csiNumBFAntennae; p_ht_cap->uncompressedSteeringMatrixBFAntennae = dot11_ht_cap.uncompressedSteeringMatrixBFAntennae; p_ht_cap->compressedSteeringMatrixBFAntennae = dot11_ht_cap.compressedSteeringMatrixBFAntennae; p_ht_cap->antennaSelection = dot11_ht_cap.antennaSelection; p_ht_cap->explicitCSIFeedbackTx = dot11_ht_cap.explicitCSIFeedbackTx; p_ht_cap->antennaIndicesFeedbackTx = dot11_ht_cap.antennaIndicesFeedbackTx; p_ht_cap->explicitCSIFeedback = dot11_ht_cap.explicitCSIFeedback; p_ht_cap->antennaIndicesFeedback = dot11_ht_cap.antennaIndicesFeedback; p_ht_cap->rxAS = dot11_ht_cap.rxAS; p_ht_cap->txSoundingPPDUs = dot11_ht_cap.txSoundingPPDUs; } } void lim_set_vht_caps(struct mac_context *p_mac, uint8_t *p_ie_start, uint32_t num_bytes) { const uint8_t *p_ie = NULL; tDot11fIEVHTCaps dot11_vht_cap; populate_dot11f_vht_caps(p_mac, NULL, &dot11_vht_cap); p_ie = wlan_get_ie_ptr_from_eid(DOT11F_EID_VHTCAPS, p_ie_start, num_bytes); if (p_ie) { tSirMacVHTCapabilityInfo *vht_cap = (tSirMacVHTCapabilityInfo *) &p_ie[2]; tSirVhtMcsInfo *vht_mcs = (tSirVhtMcsInfo *) &p_ie[2 + sizeof(tSirMacVHTCapabilityInfo)]; union { uint16_t u_value; tSirMacVHTRxSupDataRateInfo vht_rx_supp_rate; tSirMacVHTTxSupDataRateInfo vht_tx_supp_rate; } u_vht_data_rate_info; vht_cap->maxMPDULen = dot11_vht_cap.maxMPDULen; vht_cap->supportedChannelWidthSet = dot11_vht_cap.supportedChannelWidthSet; vht_cap->ldpcCodingCap = dot11_vht_cap.ldpcCodingCap; vht_cap->shortGI80MHz = dot11_vht_cap.shortGI80MHz; vht_cap->shortGI160and80plus80MHz = dot11_vht_cap.shortGI160and80plus80MHz; vht_cap->txSTBC = dot11_vht_cap.txSTBC; vht_cap->rxSTBC = dot11_vht_cap.rxSTBC; vht_cap->suBeamFormerCap = dot11_vht_cap.suBeamFormerCap; vht_cap->suBeamformeeCap = dot11_vht_cap.suBeamformeeCap; vht_cap->csnofBeamformerAntSup = dot11_vht_cap.csnofBeamformerAntSup; vht_cap->numSoundingDim = dot11_vht_cap.numSoundingDim; vht_cap->muBeamformerCap = dot11_vht_cap.muBeamformerCap; vht_cap->muBeamformeeCap = dot11_vht_cap.muBeamformeeCap; vht_cap->vhtTXOPPS = dot11_vht_cap.vhtTXOPPS; vht_cap->htcVHTCap = dot11_vht_cap.htcVHTCap; vht_cap->maxAMPDULenExp = dot11_vht_cap.maxAMPDULenExp; vht_cap->vhtLinkAdaptCap = dot11_vht_cap.vhtLinkAdaptCap; vht_cap->rxAntPattern = dot11_vht_cap.rxAntPattern; vht_cap->txAntPattern = dot11_vht_cap.txAntPattern; vht_cap->extended_nss_bw_supp = dot11_vht_cap.extended_nss_bw_supp; /* Populate VHT MCS Information */ vht_mcs->rxMcsMap = dot11_vht_cap.rxMCSMap; u_vht_data_rate_info.vht_rx_supp_rate.rxSupDataRate = dot11_vht_cap.rxHighSupDataRate; u_vht_data_rate_info.vht_rx_supp_rate.max_nsts_total = dot11_vht_cap.max_nsts_total; vht_mcs->rxHighest = u_vht_data_rate_info.u_value; vht_mcs->txMcsMap = dot11_vht_cap.txMCSMap; u_vht_data_rate_info.vht_tx_supp_rate.txSupDataRate = dot11_vht_cap.txSupDataRate; u_vht_data_rate_info.vht_tx_supp_rate.vht_extended_nss_bw_cap = dot11_vht_cap.vht_extended_nss_bw_cap; vht_mcs->txHighest = u_vht_data_rate_info.u_value; } } /* * Firmware will send RTS for every frame and also will disable SIFS bursting * if value 0x11 is sent for RTS profile. */ #define A_EDCA_SCC_RTS_PROFILE_VALUE 0x11 #define MAX_NUMBER_OF_SINGLE_PORT_CONC_CONNECTIONS 2 static void lim_update_sta_edca_params(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *sta_session) { uint8_t i; for (i = QCA_WLAN_AC_BE; i < QCA_WLAN_AC_ALL; i++) { sta_session->gLimEdcaParamsActive[i] = sta_session->gLimEdcaParams[i]; } lim_send_edca_params(mac, sta_session->gLimEdcaParamsActive, sta_session->vdev_id, false); } static void check_and_send_vendor_oui(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *sta_session) { QDF_STATUS status; uint8_t *tmp_ptr = NULL; struct element_info frame; status = wlan_scan_get_entry_by_mac_addr( mac->pdev, (struct qdf_mac_addr *)&sta_session->bssId, &frame); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(status) && !frame.len) { pe_err("Failed to get scan entry for " QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT, QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(sta_session->bssId)); return; } tmp_ptr = frame.ptr; tmp_ptr += SIR_MAC_HDR_LEN_3A + SIR_MAC_B_PR_SSID_OFFSET; frame.len -= SIR_MAC_HDR_LEN_3A + SIR_MAC_B_PR_SSID_OFFSET; if (!lim_enable_cts_to_self_for_exempted_iot_ap( mac, sta_session, tmp_ptr, frame.len)) wma_cli_set_command(sta_session->vdev_id, wmi_vdev_param_enable_rtscts, cfg_get(mac->psoc, CFG_ENABLE_FW_RTS_PROFILE), VDEV_CMD); qdf_mem_free(frame.ptr); } /** * lim_check_conc_and_send_edca() - Function to check and update EDCA params * and RTS profile based on STA/SAP * concurrency. If updated, it will also send * the updated parameters to FW. It will update * EDCA params and RTS profile such that: * 1) For STA and SAP concurrency, send STA's AP EDCA params to fw. * Also, for SAP or P2P Go, update the value in Broadcast EDCA params * as well so that it should be broadcasted to other stations connected * to that BSS. Also, update the RTS profile value to 0x11 for which * FW will send RTS for every frame and will also disable SIFS * bursting. * * 2) For standalone STA (can even happen after SAP/P2P Go * disconnects), if the parameters are updated, reset them to original * parameters and send them to FW. Also, update the RTS profile * value to which it was set before. * * 3) For standalone SAP (can even happen after STA disconnects), * if the parameters are updated, reset them to original * parameters and send them to FW and reset the Broadcast EDCA params * as well so that it should be broadcasted to other stations connected * to that BSS Also, update the RTS profile value to which it was set * before. * * This update is needed because throughput drop was seen because of * inconsistency in the EDCA params used in STA-SAP or STA-P2P_GO concurrency. * * Return: void */ static void lim_check_conc_and_send_edca(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *sta_session, struct pe_session *sap_session) { bool params_update_required = false; uint8_t i; tpDphHashNode sta_ds = NULL; uint16_t assoc_id; if (sta_session && sap_session && (sta_session->curr_op_freq == sap_session->curr_op_freq)) { /* RTS profile update to FW */ wma_cli_set_command(sap_session->vdev_id, wmi_vdev_param_enable_rtscts, A_EDCA_SCC_RTS_PROFILE_VALUE, VDEV_CMD); wma_cli_set_command(sta_session->vdev_id, wmi_vdev_param_enable_rtscts, A_EDCA_SCC_RTS_PROFILE_VALUE, VDEV_CMD); sta_ds = dph_lookup_hash_entry(mac, sta_session->bssId, &assoc_id, &sta_session->dph.dphHashTable); if (!sta_ds) { pe_debug("No STA DS entry found for " QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT, QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(sta_session->bssId)); return; } if (!sta_ds->qos.peer_edca_params.length) { pe_debug("No sta_ds edca_params present"); return; } /* * Here what we do is disable A-EDCA by sending the edca params of * connected AP which we got as part of assoc resp So as these EDCA * params are updated per mac , its fine to send for SAP which will * be used for STA as well on the same channel. No need to send for * both SAP and STA. */ sap_session->gLimEdcaParamsBC[QCA_WLAN_AC_BE] = sta_ds->qos.peer_edca_params.acbe; sap_session->gLimEdcaParamsBC[QCA_WLAN_AC_BK] = sta_ds->qos.peer_edca_params.acbk; sap_session->gLimEdcaParamsBC[QCA_WLAN_AC_VI] = sta_ds->qos.peer_edca_params.acvi; sap_session->gLimEdcaParamsBC[QCA_WLAN_AC_VO] = sta_ds->qos.peer_edca_params.acvo; sap_session->gLimEdcaParamsActive[QCA_WLAN_AC_BE] = sta_ds->qos.peer_edca_params.acbe; sap_session->gLimEdcaParamsActive[QCA_WLAN_AC_BK] = sta_ds->qos.peer_edca_params.acbk; sap_session->gLimEdcaParamsActive[QCA_WLAN_AC_VI] = sta_ds->qos.peer_edca_params.acvi; sap_session->gLimEdcaParamsActive[QCA_WLAN_AC_VO] = sta_ds->qos.peer_edca_params.acvo; for (i = QCA_WLAN_AC_BE; i < QCA_WLAN_AC_ALL; i++) { sta_session->gLimEdcaParamsActive[i] = sap_session->gLimEdcaParamsActive[i]; } /* For AP, the bssID is stored in LIM Global context. */ lim_send_edca_params(mac, sap_session->gLimEdcaParamsActive, sap_session->vdev_id, false); sap_session->gLimEdcaParamSetCount++; csr_update_beacon(mac); } else if (!sap_session && sta_session) { /* * Enable A-EDCA for standalone STA. The original EDCA parameters are * stored in gLimEdcaParams (computed by sch_beacon_edca_process()), * if active parameters are not equal that means they have been updated * because of conncurrency and are need to be restored now */ check_and_send_vendor_oui(mac, sta_session); for (i = QCA_WLAN_AC_BE; i < QCA_WLAN_AC_ALL; i++) { if (qdf_mem_cmp(&sta_session->gLimEdcaParamsActive[i], &sta_session->gLimEdcaParams[i], sizeof(tSirMacEdcaParamRecord))) { pe_debug("local sta EDCA params are not equal to Active EDCA params, hence update required"); params_update_required = true; break; } } if (params_update_required) { lim_update_sta_edca_params(mac, sta_session); } } else { /* * For STA+SAP/GO DBS, STA+SAP/GO MCC or standalone SAP/GO */ wma_cli_set_command(sap_session->vdev_id, wmi_vdev_param_enable_rtscts, cfg_get(mac->psoc, CFG_ENABLE_FW_RTS_PROFILE), VDEV_CMD); if (sta_session) { check_and_send_vendor_oui(mac, sta_session); } for (i = QCA_WLAN_AC_BE; i < QCA_WLAN_AC_ALL; i++) { if (qdf_mem_cmp(&sap_session->gLimEdcaParamsActive[i], &sap_session->gLimEdcaParams[i], sizeof(tSirMacEdcaParamRecord))) { pe_debug("local sap EDCA params are not equal to Active EDCA params, hence update required"); params_update_required = true; break; } } if (params_update_required) { for (i = QCA_WLAN_AC_BE; i < QCA_WLAN_AC_ALL; i++) { sap_session->gLimEdcaParamsActive[i] = sap_session->gLimEdcaParams[i]; } lim_send_edca_params(mac, sap_session->gLimEdcaParamsActive, sap_session->vdev_id, false); sch_qos_update_broadcast(mac, sap_session); /* * In case of mcc, where cb can come from scc to mcc switch where we * need to restore the default parameters */ if (sta_session) { lim_update_sta_edca_params(mac, sta_session); } } } } void lim_send_conc_params_update(void) { struct pe_session *sta_session = NULL; struct pe_session *sap_session = NULL; uint8_t i; struct mac_context *mac = cds_get_context(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE); if (!mac) return; if (!mac->mlme_cfg->edca_params.enable_edca_params || (policy_mgr_get_connection_count(mac->psoc) > MAX_NUMBER_OF_SINGLE_PORT_CONC_CONNECTIONS)) { pe_debug("A-EDCA not enabled or max number of connections: %d", policy_mgr_get_connection_count(mac->psoc)); return; } for (i = 0; i < mac->lim.maxBssId; i++) { /* * Finding whether STA or Go session exists */ if (sta_session && sap_session) break; if ((mac->lim.gpSession[i].valid) && (mac->lim.gpSession[i].limSystemRole == eLIM_STA_ROLE)) { sta_session = &mac->lim.gpSession[i]; continue; } if ((mac->lim.gpSession[i].valid) && ((mac->lim.gpSession[i].limSystemRole == eLIM_AP_ROLE) || (mac->lim.gpSession[i].limSystemRole == eLIM_P2P_DEVICE_GO))) { sap_session = &mac->lim.gpSession[i]; continue; } } if (!(sta_session || sap_session)) { pe_debug("No sta or sap or P2P go session"); return; } pe_debug("Valid STA session: %d Valid SAP session: %d", (sta_session ? sta_session->valid : 0), (sap_session ? sap_session->valid : 0)); lim_check_conc_and_send_edca(mac, sta_session, sap_session); } /** * lim_validate_received_frame_a1_addr() - To validate received frame's A1 addr * @mac_ctx: pointer to mac context * @a1: received frame's a1 address which is nothing but our self address * @session: PE session pointer * * This routine will validate, A1 address of the received frame * * Return: true or false */ bool lim_validate_received_frame_a1_addr(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tSirMacAddr a1, struct pe_session *session) { if (!mac_ctx || !session) { pe_err("mac or session context is null"); /* let main routine handle it */ return true; } if (IEEE80211_IS_MULTICAST(a1) || QDF_IS_ADDR_BROADCAST(a1)) { /* just for fail safe, don't handle MC/BC a1 in this routine */ return true; } if (qdf_mem_cmp(a1, session->self_mac_addr, 6)) { pe_err("Invalid A1 address in received frame"); return false; } return true; } /** * lim_check_and_reset_protection_params() - reset protection related parameters * * @mac_ctx: pointer to global mac structure * * resets protection related global parameters if the pe active session count * is zero. * * Return: None */ void lim_check_and_reset_protection_params(struct mac_context *mac_ctx) { if (!pe_get_active_session_count(mac_ctx)) { mac_ctx->lim.gHTOperMode = eSIR_HT_OP_MODE_PURE; } } /** * lim_set_stads_rtt_cap() - update station node RTT capability * @sta_ds: Station hash node * @ext_cap: Pointer to extended capability * @mac_ctx: global MAC context * * This function update hash node's RTT capability based on received * Extended capability IE. * * Return: None */ void lim_set_stads_rtt_cap(tpDphHashNode sta_ds, struct s_ext_cap *ext_cap, struct mac_context *mac_ctx) { sta_ds->timingMeasCap = 0; sta_ds->timingMeasCap |= (ext_cap->timing_meas) ? RTT_TIMING_MEAS_CAPABILITY : RTT_INVALID; sta_ds->timingMeasCap |= (ext_cap->fine_time_meas_initiator) ? RTT_FINE_TIME_MEAS_INITIATOR_CAPABILITY : RTT_INVALID; sta_ds->timingMeasCap |= (ext_cap->fine_time_meas_responder) ? RTT_FINE_TIME_MEAS_RESPONDER_CAPABILITY : RTT_INVALID; pe_debug("ExtCap present, timingMeas: %d Initiator: %d Responder: %d", ext_cap->timing_meas, ext_cap->fine_time_meas_initiator, ext_cap->fine_time_meas_responder); } #ifdef WLAN_SUPPORT_TWT void lim_set_peer_twt_cap(struct pe_session *session, struct s_ext_cap *ext_cap) { if (session->enable_session_twt_support) { session->peer_twt_requestor = ext_cap->twt_requestor_support; session->peer_twt_responder = ext_cap->twt_responder_support; } pe_debug("Ext Cap peer TWT requestor: %d, responder: %d, enable_twt %d", ext_cap->twt_requestor_support, ext_cap->twt_responder_support, session->enable_session_twt_support); } #endif /** * lim_send_ie() - sends IE to wma * @mac_ctx: global MAC context * @vdev_id: vdev_id * @eid: IE id * @band: band for which IE is intended * @buf: buffer containing IE * @len: length of buffer * * This function sends the IE data to WMA. * * Return: status of operation */ static QDF_STATUS lim_send_ie(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint32_t vdev_id, uint8_t eid, enum cds_band_type band, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len) { struct vdev_ie_info *ie_msg; struct scheduler_msg msg = {0}; QDF_STATUS status; /* Allocate memory for the WMI request */ ie_msg = qdf_mem_malloc(sizeof(*ie_msg) + len); if (!ie_msg) return QDF_STATUS_E_NOMEM; ie_msg->vdev_id = vdev_id; ie_msg->ie_id = eid; ie_msg->length = len; ie_msg->band = band; /* IE data buffer starts at end of the struct */ ie_msg->data = (uint8_t *)&ie_msg[1]; qdf_mem_copy(ie_msg->data, buf, len); msg.type = WMA_SET_IE_INFO; msg.bodyptr = ie_msg; msg.reserved = 0; status = scheduler_post_message(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE, QDF_MODULE_ID_WMA, QDF_MODULE_ID_WMA, &msg); if (QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS != status) { pe_err("Not able to post WMA_SET_IE_INFO to WMA"); qdf_mem_free(ie_msg); return status; } return status; } /** * lim_get_rx_ldpc() - gets ldpc setting for given channel(band) * @mac_ctx: global mac context * @ch: channel enum for which ldpc setting is required * Note: ch param is not absolute channel number rather it is * channel number enum. * * Return: true if enabled and false otherwise */ static inline bool lim_get_rx_ldpc(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, enum channel_enum ch) { if (mac_ctx->mlme_cfg->ht_caps.ht_cap_info.adv_coding_cap && wma_is_rx_ldpc_supported_for_channel(wlan_reg_ch_to_freq(ch))) return true; else return false; } /** * lim_populate_mcs_set_ht_per_vdev() - update the MCS set according to vdev nss * @mac_ctx: global mac context * @ht_cap: pointer to ht caps * @vdev_id: vdev for which IE is targeted * @band: band for which the MCS set has to be updated * * This function updates the MCS set according to vdev nss * * Return: None */ static void lim_populate_mcs_set_ht_per_vdev(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct sHtCaps *ht_cap, uint8_t vdev_id, uint8_t band) { struct wlan_mlme_nss_chains *nss_chains_ini_cfg; struct wlan_objmgr_vdev *vdev = wlan_objmgr_get_vdev_by_id_from_psoc(mac_ctx->psoc, vdev_id, WLAN_MLME_SB_ID); if (!vdev) { pe_err("Got NULL vdev obj, returning"); return; } if (!ht_cap->supportedMCSSet[1]) goto end; nss_chains_ini_cfg = mlme_get_ini_vdev_config(vdev); if (!nss_chains_ini_cfg) { pe_err("nss chain dynamic config NULL"); goto end; } /* convert from unpacked to packed structure */ if (nss_chains_ini_cfg->rx_nss[band] == 1) ht_cap->supportedMCSSet[1] = 0; end: wlan_objmgr_vdev_release_ref(vdev, WLAN_MLME_SB_ID); } /** * lim_populate_mcs_set_vht_per_vdev() - update MCS set according to vdev nss * @mac_ctx: global mac context * @vht_caps: pointer to vht_caps * @vdev_id: vdev for which IE is targeted * @band: band for which the MCS set has to be updated * * This function updates the MCS set according to vdev nss * * Return: None */ static void lim_populate_mcs_set_vht_per_vdev(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t *vht_caps, uint8_t vdev_id, uint8_t band) { struct wlan_mlme_nss_chains *nss_chains_ini_cfg; tSirVhtMcsInfo *vht_mcs; struct wlan_objmgr_vdev *vdev = wlan_objmgr_get_vdev_by_id_from_psoc(mac_ctx->psoc, vdev_id, WLAN_MLME_SB_ID); if (!vdev) { pe_err("Got NULL vdev obj, returning"); return; } nss_chains_ini_cfg = mlme_get_ini_vdev_config(vdev); if (!nss_chains_ini_cfg) { pe_err("nss chain dynamic config NULL"); goto end; } vht_mcs = (tSirVhtMcsInfo *)&vht_caps[2 + sizeof(tSirMacVHTCapabilityInfo)]; if (nss_chains_ini_cfg->tx_nss[band] == 1) { /* Populate VHT MCS Information */ vht_mcs->txMcsMap |= DISABLE_NSS2_MCS; vht_mcs->txHighest = VHT_TX_HIGHEST_SUPPORTED_DATA_RATE_1_1; } if (nss_chains_ini_cfg->rx_nss[band] == 1) { /* Populate VHT MCS Information */ vht_mcs->rxMcsMap |= DISABLE_NSS2_MCS; vht_mcs->rxHighest = VHT_RX_HIGHEST_SUPPORTED_DATA_RATE_1_1; } end: wlan_objmgr_vdev_release_ref(vdev, WLAN_MLME_SB_ID); } /** * is_dot11mode_support_ht_cap() - Check dot11mode supports HT capability * @dot11mode: dot11mode * * This function checks whether dot11mode support HT capability or not * * Return: True, if supports. False otherwise */ static bool is_dot11mode_support_ht_cap(enum csr_cfgdot11mode dot11mode) { if ((dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_AUTO) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11N) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11AC) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11N_ONLY) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11AC_ONLY) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11AX) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11AX_ONLY) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11BE) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11BE_ONLY)) { return true; } return false; } /** * is_dot11mode_support_vht_cap() - Check dot11mode supports VHT capability * @dot11mode: dot11mode * * This function checks whether dot11mode support VHT capability or not * * Return: True, if supports. False otherwise */ static bool is_dot11mode_support_vht_cap(enum csr_cfgdot11mode dot11mode) { if ((dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_AUTO) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11AC) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11AC_ONLY) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11AX) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11AX_ONLY) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11BE) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11BE_ONLY)) { return true; } return false; } /** * is_dot11mode_support_he_cap() - Check dot11mode supports HE capability * @dot11mode: dot11mode * * This function checks whether dot11mode support HE capability or not * * Return: True, if supports. False otherwise */ static bool is_dot11mode_support_he_cap(enum csr_cfgdot11mode dot11mode) { if ((dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_AUTO) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11AX) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11AX_ONLY) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11BE) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11BE_ONLY)) { return true; } return false; } #ifdef WLAN_FEATURE_11BE /** * is_dot11mode_support_eht_cap() - Check dot11mode supports EHT capability * @dot11mode: dot11mode * * This function checks whether dot11mode support EHT capability or not * * Return: True, if supports. False otherwise */ static bool is_dot11mode_support_eht_cap(enum csr_cfgdot11mode dot11mode) { if ((dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_AUTO) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11BE) || (dot11mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11BE_ONLY)) { return true; } return false; } bool lim_is_session_chwidth_320mhz(struct pe_session *session) { return session->ch_width == CH_WIDTH_320MHZ; } #else static bool is_dot11mode_support_eht_cap(enum csr_cfgdot11mode dot11mode) { return false; } #endif /** * lim_send_ht_caps_ie() - gets HT capability and send to firmware via wma * @mac_ctx: global mac context * @device_mode: VDEV op mode * @vdev_id: vdev for which IE is targeted * * This function gets HT capability and send to firmware via wma * * Return: QDF_STATUS */ static QDF_STATUS lim_send_ht_caps_ie(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, enum QDF_OPMODE device_mode, uint8_t vdev_id) { uint8_t ht_caps[DOT11F_IE_HTCAPS_MIN_LEN + 2] = {0}; tHtCaps *p_ht_cap = (tHtCaps *)(&ht_caps[2]); QDF_STATUS status_5g, status_2g; bool nan_beamforming_supported; ht_caps[0] = DOT11F_EID_HTCAPS; ht_caps[1] = DOT11F_IE_HTCAPS_MIN_LEN; lim_set_ht_caps(mac_ctx, ht_caps, DOT11F_IE_HTCAPS_MIN_LEN + 2); /* Get LDPC and over write for 2G */ p_ht_cap->advCodingCap = lim_get_rx_ldpc(mac_ctx, CHAN_ENUM_2437); /* Get self cap for HT40 support in 2G */ if (lim_get_sta_cb_mode_for_24ghz(mac_ctx, vdev_id)) { p_ht_cap->supportedChannelWidthSet = 1; p_ht_cap->shortGI40MHz = 1; } else { p_ht_cap->supportedChannelWidthSet = 0; p_ht_cap->shortGI40MHz = 0; } lim_populate_mcs_set_ht_per_vdev(mac_ctx, p_ht_cap, vdev_id, NSS_CHAINS_BAND_2GHZ); nan_beamforming_supported = ucfg_nan_is_beamforming_supported(mac_ctx->psoc); if (device_mode == QDF_NDI_MODE && !nan_beamforming_supported) { p_ht_cap->txBF = 0; p_ht_cap->implicitTxBF = 0; p_ht_cap->explicitCSITxBF = 0; } status_2g = lim_send_ie(mac_ctx, vdev_id, DOT11F_EID_HTCAPS, CDS_BAND_2GHZ, &ht_caps[2], DOT11F_IE_HTCAPS_MIN_LEN); /* * Get LDPC and over write for 5G - using channel 64 because it * is available in all reg domains. */ p_ht_cap->advCodingCap = lim_get_rx_ldpc(mac_ctx, CHAN_ENUM_5320); /* Get self cap for HT40 support in 5G */ if (mac_ctx->roam.configParam.channelBondingMode5GHz) { p_ht_cap->supportedChannelWidthSet = 1; p_ht_cap->shortGI40MHz = 1; } else { p_ht_cap->supportedChannelWidthSet = 0; p_ht_cap->shortGI40MHz = 0; } lim_populate_mcs_set_ht_per_vdev(mac_ctx, p_ht_cap, vdev_id, NSS_CHAINS_BAND_5GHZ); status_5g = lim_send_ie(mac_ctx, vdev_id, DOT11F_EID_HTCAPS, CDS_BAND_5GHZ, &ht_caps[2], DOT11F_IE_HTCAPS_MIN_LEN); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status_2g) && QDF_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status_5g)) return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } /** * lim_send_vht_caps_ie() - gets VHT capability and send to firmware via wma * @mac_ctx: global mac context * @device_mode: VDEV op mode * @vdev_id: vdev for which IE is targeted * * This function gets VHT capability and send to firmware via wma * * Return: QDF_STATUS */ static QDF_STATUS lim_send_vht_caps_ie(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, enum QDF_OPMODE device_mode, uint8_t vdev_id) { uint8_t vht_caps[DOT11F_IE_VHTCAPS_MAX_LEN + 2] = {0}; bool vht_for_2g_enabled = false, nan_beamforming_supported; tSirMacVHTCapabilityInfo *p_vht_cap = (tSirMacVHTCapabilityInfo *)(&vht_caps[2]); QDF_STATUS status_5g, status_2g; vht_caps[0] = DOT11F_EID_VHTCAPS; vht_caps[1] = DOT11F_IE_VHTCAPS_MAX_LEN; lim_set_vht_caps(mac_ctx, vht_caps, DOT11F_IE_VHTCAPS_MIN_LEN + 2); /* * Get LDPC and over write for 5G - using channel 64 because it * is available in all reg domains. */ p_vht_cap->ldpcCodingCap = lim_get_rx_ldpc(mac_ctx, CHAN_ENUM_5320); lim_populate_mcs_set_vht_per_vdev(mac_ctx, vht_caps, vdev_id, NSS_CHAINS_BAND_5GHZ); nan_beamforming_supported = ucfg_nan_is_beamforming_supported(mac_ctx->psoc); if (device_mode == QDF_NDI_MODE && !nan_beamforming_supported) { p_vht_cap->muBeamformeeCap = 0; p_vht_cap->muBeamformerCap = 0; p_vht_cap->suBeamformeeCap = 0; p_vht_cap->suBeamFormerCap = 0; } /* * Self VHT channel width for 5G is already negotiated * with FW */ status_5g = lim_send_ie(mac_ctx, vdev_id, DOT11F_EID_VHTCAPS, CDS_BAND_5GHZ, &vht_caps[2], DOT11F_IE_VHTCAPS_MIN_LEN); /* Send VHT CAP for 2.4G band based on CFG_ENABLE_VHT_FOR_24GHZ ini */ ucfg_mlme_get_vht_for_24ghz(mac_ctx->psoc, &vht_for_2g_enabled); if (!vht_for_2g_enabled) return status_5g; /* Get LDPC and over write for 2G */ p_vht_cap->ldpcCodingCap = lim_get_rx_ldpc(mac_ctx, CHAN_ENUM_2437); /* Self VHT 80/160/80+80 channel width for 2G is 0 */ p_vht_cap->supportedChannelWidthSet = 0; p_vht_cap->shortGI80MHz = 0; p_vht_cap->shortGI160and80plus80MHz = 0; lim_populate_mcs_set_vht_per_vdev(mac_ctx, vht_caps, vdev_id, NSS_CHAINS_BAND_2GHZ); status_2g = lim_send_ie(mac_ctx, vdev_id, DOT11F_EID_VHTCAPS, CDS_BAND_2GHZ, &vht_caps[2], DOT11F_IE_VHTCAPS_MIN_LEN); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status_2g) && QDF_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status_5g)) return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } QDF_STATUS lim_send_ies_per_band(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t vdev_id, enum csr_cfgdot11mode dot11_mode, enum QDF_OPMODE device_mode) { QDF_STATUS status_ht = QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; QDF_STATUS status_vht = QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; QDF_STATUS status_he = QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; QDF_STATUS status_eht = QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* * Note: Do not use Dot11f VHT structure, since 1 byte present flag in * it is causing weird padding errors. Instead use Sir Mac VHT struct * to send IE to wma. */ if (is_dot11mode_support_ht_cap(dot11_mode)) status_ht = lim_send_ht_caps_ie(mac_ctx, device_mode, vdev_id); if (is_dot11mode_support_vht_cap(dot11_mode)) status_vht = lim_send_vht_caps_ie(mac_ctx, device_mode, vdev_id); if (is_dot11mode_support_he_cap(dot11_mode)) { status_he = lim_send_he_caps_ie(mac_ctx, device_mode, vdev_id); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status_he)) status_he = lim_send_he_6g_band_caps_ie(mac_ctx, vdev_id); } if (is_dot11mode_support_eht_cap(dot11_mode)) { if ((device_mode == QDF_NAN_DISC_MODE || device_mode == QDF_NDI_MODE) && !wlan_nan_is_eht_capable(mac_ctx->psoc)) goto end; status_eht = lim_send_eht_caps_ie(mac_ctx, device_mode, vdev_id); } end: if (QDF_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status_ht) && QDF_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status_vht) && QDF_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status_he) && QDF_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status_eht)) return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } #ifdef WLAN_FEATURE_11AX static void lim_update_ext_cap_he_params(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tDot11fIEExtCap *ext_cap_data, uint8_t vdev_id) { struct wlan_objmgr_vdev *vdev; struct mlme_legacy_priv *mlme_priv; tDot11fIEhe_cap *he_cap; struct s_ext_cap *p_ext_cap; vdev = wlan_objmgr_get_vdev_by_id_from_psoc(mac_ctx->psoc, vdev_id, WLAN_LEGACY_MAC_ID); if (!vdev) return; mlme_priv = wlan_vdev_mlme_get_ext_hdl(vdev); if (!mlme_priv) { wlan_objmgr_vdev_release_ref(vdev, WLAN_LEGACY_MAC_ID); return; } he_cap = &mlme_priv->he_config; p_ext_cap = (struct s_ext_cap *)ext_cap_data->bytes; p_ext_cap->twt_requestor_support = he_cap->twt_request; p_ext_cap->twt_responder_support = he_cap->twt_responder; wlan_objmgr_vdev_release_ref(vdev, WLAN_LEGACY_MAC_ID); ext_cap_data->num_bytes = lim_compute_ext_cap_ie_length(ext_cap_data); } /** * lim_update_ap_he_op() - update ap he op * @session: session * @ch_params: pointer to ch_params * * Return: void */ static void lim_update_ap_he_op(struct pe_session *session, struct ch_params *ch_params) { pe_debug("freq0: %d, freq1: %d, width: %d", ch_params->center_freq_seg0, ch_params->center_freq_seg1, ch_params->ch_width); if (session->he_op.vht_oper_present) { session->he_op.vht_oper.info.center_freq_seg0 = ch_params->center_freq_seg0; session->he_op.vht_oper.info.center_freq_seg1 = ch_params->center_freq_seg1; session->he_op.vht_oper.info.chan_width = ch_params->ch_width; } else if (session->he_6ghz_band) { session->he_op.oper_info_6g_present = 1; session->he_op.oper_info_6g.info.center_freq_seg0 = ch_params->center_freq_seg0; session->he_op.oper_info_6g.info.center_freq_seg1 = ch_params->center_freq_seg1; session->he_op.oper_info_6g.info.ch_width = ch_params->ch_width; } } #else static inline void lim_update_ext_cap_he_params(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tDot11fIEExtCap *ext_cap_data, uint8_t vdev_id) {} static void lim_update_ap_he_op(struct pe_session *session, struct ch_params *ch_params) {} #endif /** * lim_send_ext_cap_ie() - send ext cap IE to FW * @mac_ctx: global MAC context * @session_entry: PE session * @extra_extcap: extracted ext cap * @merge: merge extra ext cap * * This function is invoked after VDEV is created to update firmware * about the extended capabilities that the corresponding VDEV is capable * of. Since STA/SAP can have different Extended capabilities set, this function * is called per vdev creation. * * Return: QDF_STATUS */ QDF_STATUS lim_send_ext_cap_ie(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint32_t vdev_id, tDot11fIEExtCap *extra_extcap, bool merge) { tDot11fIEExtCap ext_cap_data = {0}; uint32_t dot11mode, num_bytes; bool vht_enabled = false; struct vdev_ie_info *vdev_ie; struct scheduler_msg msg = {0}; QDF_STATUS status; struct pe_session *session_entry; dot11mode = mac_ctx->mlme_cfg->dot11_mode.dot11_mode; if (IS_DOT11_MODE_VHT(dot11mode)) vht_enabled = true; status = populate_dot11f_ext_cap(mac_ctx, vht_enabled, &ext_cap_data, NULL); if (QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS != status) { pe_err("Failed to populate ext cap IE"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } lim_update_ext_cap_he_params(mac_ctx, &ext_cap_data, vdev_id); num_bytes = ext_cap_data.num_bytes; if (merge && extra_extcap && extra_extcap->num_bytes > 0) { if (extra_extcap->num_bytes > ext_cap_data.num_bytes) num_bytes = extra_extcap->num_bytes; lim_merge_extcap_struct(&ext_cap_data, extra_extcap, true); } /* After merging extcap, check whether disable btm bit require or not */ session_entry = pe_find_session_by_vdev_id(mac_ctx, vdev_id); if (session_entry) populate_dot11f_btm_extended_caps(mac_ctx, session_entry, &ext_cap_data); /* Allocate memory for the WMI request, and copy the parameter */ vdev_ie = qdf_mem_malloc(sizeof(*vdev_ie) + num_bytes); if (!vdev_ie) return QDF_STATUS_E_NOMEM; vdev_ie->vdev_id = vdev_id; vdev_ie->ie_id = DOT11F_EID_EXTCAP; vdev_ie->length = num_bytes; vdev_ie->band = 0; vdev_ie->data = (uint8_t *)vdev_ie + sizeof(*vdev_ie); qdf_mem_copy(vdev_ie->data, ext_cap_data.bytes, num_bytes); msg.type = WMA_SET_IE_INFO; msg.bodyptr = vdev_ie; msg.reserved = 0; if (QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS != scheduler_post_message(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE, QDF_MODULE_ID_WMA, QDF_MODULE_ID_WMA, &msg)) { pe_err("Not able to post WMA_SET_IE_INFO to WDA"); qdf_mem_free(vdev_ie); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } QDF_STATUS lim_strip_ie(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t *addn_ie, uint16_t *addn_ielen, uint8_t eid, enum size_of_len_field size_of_len_field, uint8_t *oui, uint8_t oui_length, uint8_t *extracted_ie, uint32_t eid_max_len) { return wlan_strip_ie(addn_ie, addn_ielen, eid, size_of_len_field, oui, oui_length, extracted_ie, eid_max_len); } void lim_del_pmf_sa_query_timer(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct pe_session *pe_session) { uint32_t associated_sta; tpDphHashNode sta_ds = NULL; for (associated_sta = 1; associated_sta <= mac_ctx->lim.max_sta_of_pe_session; associated_sta++) { sta_ds = dph_get_hash_entry(mac_ctx, associated_sta, &pe_session->dph.dphHashTable); if (!sta_ds) continue; if (!sta_ds->rmfEnabled) { pe_debug("no PMF timer for assoc-id:%d sta mac" QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT, sta_ds->assocId, QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(sta_ds->staAddr)); continue; } pe_debug("Deleting pmfSaQueryTimer for assoc-id:%d sta mac" QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT, sta_ds->assocId, QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(sta_ds->staAddr)); tx_timer_deactivate(&sta_ds->pmfSaQueryTimer); tx_timer_delete(&sta_ds->pmfSaQueryTimer); } } QDF_STATUS lim_strip_supp_op_class_update_struct(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t *addn_ie, uint16_t *addn_ielen, tDot11fIESuppOperatingClasses *dst) { uint8_t extracted_buff[DOT11F_IE_SUPPOPERATINGCLASSES_MAX_LEN + 2]; QDF_STATUS status; qdf_mem_zero((uint8_t *)&extracted_buff[0], DOT11F_IE_SUPPOPERATINGCLASSES_MAX_LEN + 2); status = lim_strip_ie(mac_ctx, addn_ie, addn_ielen, DOT11F_EID_SUPPOPERATINGCLASSES, ONE_BYTE, NULL, 0, extracted_buff, DOT11F_IE_SUPPOPERATINGCLASSES_MAX_LEN); if (QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS != status) { pe_warn("Failed to strip supp_op_mode IE status: %d", status); return status; } if (DOT11F_EID_SUPPOPERATINGCLASSES != extracted_buff[0] || extracted_buff[1] > DOT11F_IE_SUPPOPERATINGCLASSES_MAX_LEN) { pe_warn("Invalid IEs eid: %d elem_len: %d", extracted_buff[0], extracted_buff[1]); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } /* update the extracted supp op class to struct*/ if (DOT11F_PARSE_SUCCESS != dot11f_unpack_ie_supp_operating_classes( mac_ctx, &extracted_buff[2], extracted_buff[1], dst, false)) { pe_err("dot11f_unpack Parse Error"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } uint8_t lim_op_class_from_bandwidth(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint16_t channel_freq, enum phy_ch_width ch_bandwidth, enum offset_t offset) { uint8_t op_class = 0; uint16_t ch_behav_limit = BEHAV_NONE; uint8_t channel; if (ch_bandwidth == CH_WIDTH_40MHZ && wlan_reg_is_24ghz_ch_freq(channel_freq)) { if (offset == BW40_LOW_PRIMARY) ch_behav_limit = BEHAV_BW40_LOW_PRIMARY; else ch_behav_limit = BEHAV_BW40_HIGH_PRIMARY; } else if (ch_bandwidth == CH_WIDTH_80P80MHZ) { ch_behav_limit = BEHAV_BW80_PLUS; } wlan_reg_freq_width_to_chan_op_class(mac_ctx->pdev, channel_freq, ch_width_in_mhz(ch_bandwidth), true, BIT(ch_behav_limit), &op_class, &channel); return op_class; } /** * lim_update_extcap_struct() - poputlate the dot11f structure * @mac_ctx: global MAC context * @buf: extracted IE buffer * @dst: extended capability IE structure to be updated * * This function is used to update the extended capability structure * with @buf. * * Return: None */ void lim_update_extcap_struct(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t *buf, tDot11fIEExtCap *dst) { uint8_t out[DOT11F_IE_EXTCAP_MAX_LEN]; uint32_t status; if (!buf) { pe_err("Invalid Buffer Address"); return; } if (!dst) { pe_err("NULL dst pointer"); return; } if (DOT11F_EID_EXTCAP != buf[0] || buf[1] > DOT11F_IE_EXTCAP_MAX_LEN) { pe_debug_rl("Invalid IEs eid: %d elem_len: %d", buf[0], buf[1]); return; } qdf_mem_zero((uint8_t *)&out[0], DOT11F_IE_EXTCAP_MAX_LEN); qdf_mem_copy(&out[0], &buf[2], buf[1]); status = dot11f_unpack_ie_ext_cap(mac_ctx, &out[0], buf[1], dst, false); if (DOT11F_PARSE_SUCCESS != status) pe_err("dot11f_unpack Parse Error %d", status); } /** * lim_strip_extcap_update_struct - strip extended capability IE and populate * the dot11f structure * @mac_ctx: global MAC context * @addn_ie: Additional IE buffer * @addn_ielen: Length of additional IE * @dst: extended capability IE structure to be updated * * This function is used to strip extended capability IE from IE buffer and * update the passed structure. * * Return: QDF_STATUS */ QDF_STATUS lim_strip_extcap_update_struct(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t *addn_ie, uint16_t *addn_ielen, tDot11fIEExtCap *dst) { uint8_t extracted_buff[DOT11F_IE_EXTCAP_MAX_LEN + 2]; QDF_STATUS status; qdf_mem_zero((uint8_t *)&extracted_buff[0], DOT11F_IE_EXTCAP_MAX_LEN + 2); status = lim_strip_ie(mac_ctx, addn_ie, addn_ielen, DOT11F_EID_EXTCAP, ONE_BYTE, NULL, 0, extracted_buff, DOT11F_IE_EXTCAP_MAX_LEN); if (QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS != status) { pe_debug("Failed to strip extcap IE status: %d", status); return status; } /* update the extracted ExtCap to struct*/ lim_update_extcap_struct(mac_ctx, extracted_buff, dst); return status; } /** * lim_merge_extcap_struct() - merge extended capabilities info * @dst: destination extended capabilities * @src: source extended capabilities * @add: true if add the capabilities, false if strip the capabilities. * * This function is used to take @src info and add/strip it to/from * @dst extended capabilities info. * * Return: None */ void lim_merge_extcap_struct(tDot11fIEExtCap *dst, tDot11fIEExtCap *src, bool add) { uint8_t *tempdst = (uint8_t *)dst->bytes; uint8_t *tempsrc = (uint8_t *)src->bytes; uint8_t structlen = member_size(tDot11fIEExtCap, bytes); /* Return if @src not present */ if (!src->present) return; pe_debug("source extended capabilities length:%d", src->num_bytes); QDF_TRACE_HEX_DUMP(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG, src->bytes, src->num_bytes); /* Return if strip the capabilities from @dst which not present */ if (!dst->present && !add) return; /* Merge the capabilities info in other cases */ while (tempdst && tempsrc && structlen--) { if (add) *tempdst |= *tempsrc; else *tempdst &= *tempsrc; tempdst++; tempsrc++; } dst->num_bytes = lim_compute_ext_cap_ie_length(dst); if (dst->num_bytes == 0) { dst->present = 0; } else { dst->present = 1; pe_debug("destination extended capabilities length: %d", dst->num_bytes); QDF_TRACE_HEX_DUMP(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG, dst->bytes, dst->num_bytes); } } /** * lim_send_action_frm_tb_ppdu_cfg_flush_cb() - flush TB PPDU cfg msg * @msg: Message pointer * * Flushes the send action frame in HE TB PPDU configuration message. * * Return: QDF_STATUS */ static QDF_STATUS lim_send_action_frm_tb_ppdu_cfg_flush_cb(struct scheduler_msg *msg) { if (msg->bodyptr) { qdf_mem_free(msg->bodyptr); msg->bodyptr = NULL; } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } QDF_STATUS lim_send_action_frm_tb_ppdu_cfg(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint32_t vdev_id, uint8_t cfg) { tDot11fvendor_action_frame *frm; uint8_t frm_len = sizeof(*frm); struct pe_session *session; struct cfg_action_frm_tb_ppdu *cfg_msg; struct scheduler_msg msg = {0}; uint8_t *data_buf; session = pe_find_session_by_vdev_id(mac_ctx, vdev_id); if (!session) { pe_err("pe session does not exist for vdev_id %d", vdev_id); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } data_buf = qdf_mem_malloc(frm_len + sizeof(*cfg_msg)); if (!data_buf) return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; cfg_msg = (struct cfg_action_frm_tb_ppdu *)data_buf; frm = (tDot11fvendor_action_frame *)(data_buf + sizeof(*cfg_msg)); frm->Category.category = ACTION_CATEGORY_VENDOR_SPECIFIC; frm->vendor_oui.oui_data[0] = 0x00; frm->vendor_oui.oui_data[1] = 0xA0; frm->vendor_oui.oui_data[2] = 0xC6; frm->vendor_action_subtype.subtype = 0xFF; cfg_msg->vdev_id = vdev_id; cfg_msg->cfg = cfg; cfg_msg->frm_len = frm_len; cfg_msg->data = (uint8_t *)frm; msg.type = WMA_CFG_VENDOR_ACTION_TB_PPDU; msg.bodyptr = cfg_msg; msg.reserved = 0; msg.flush_callback = lim_send_action_frm_tb_ppdu_cfg_flush_cb; if (QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS != scheduler_post_message(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE, QDF_MODULE_ID_WMA, QDF_MODULE_ID_WMA, &msg)) { pe_err("Not able to post WMA_SET_IE_INFO to WDA"); qdf_mem_free(data_buf); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** * lim_get_80Mhz_center_channel - finds 80 Mhz center channel * * @primary_channel: Primary channel for given 80 MHz band * * There are fixed 80MHz band and for each fixed band there is only one center * valid channel. Also location of primary channel decides what 80 MHz band will * it use, hence it decides what center channel will be used. This function * does thus calculation and returns the center channel. * * Return: center channel */ uint8_t lim_get_80Mhz_center_channel(uint8_t primary_channel) { if (primary_channel >= 36 && primary_channel <= 48) return (36+48)/2; if (primary_channel >= 52 && primary_channel <= 64) return (52+64)/2; if (primary_channel >= 100 && primary_channel <= 112) return (100+112)/2; if (primary_channel >= 116 && primary_channel <= 128) return (116+128)/2; if (primary_channel >= 132 && primary_channel <= 144) return (132+144)/2; if (primary_channel >= 149 && primary_channel <= 161) return (149+161)/2; return INVALID_CHANNEL_ID; } /** * lim_bss_type_to_string(): converts bss type enum to string. * @bss_type: enum value of bss_type. * * Return: Printable string for bss_type */ const char *lim_bss_type_to_string(const uint16_t bss_type) { switch (bss_type) { CASE_RETURN_STRING(eSIR_INFRASTRUCTURE_MODE); CASE_RETURN_STRING(eSIR_INFRA_AP_MODE); CASE_RETURN_STRING(eSIR_AUTO_MODE); CASE_RETURN_STRING(eSIR_NDI_MODE); default: return "Unknown bss_type"; } } /** * lim_init_obss_params(): Initializes the OBSS Scan Parameters * @session: LIM session * @mac_ctx: Mac context * * Return: None */ void lim_init_obss_params(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct pe_session *session) { struct wlan_mlme_obss_ht40 *obss_ht40; if (!(mac_ctx->mlme_cfg)) { pe_err("invalid mlme cfg"); return; } obss_ht40 = &mac_ctx->mlme_cfg->obss_ht40; session->obss_ht40_scanparam.obss_active_dwelltime = obss_ht40->active_dwelltime; session->obss_ht40_scanparam.obss_passive_dwelltime = obss_ht40->passive_dwelltime; session->obss_ht40_scanparam.obss_width_trigger_interval = obss_ht40->width_trigger_interval; session->obss_ht40_scanparam.obss_active_total_per_channel = obss_ht40->active_per_channel; session->obss_ht40_scanparam.obss_passive_total_per_channel = obss_ht40->passive_per_channel; session->obss_ht40_scanparam.bsswidth_ch_trans_delay = obss_ht40->width_trans_delay; session->obss_ht40_scanparam.obss_activity_threshold = obss_ht40->scan_activity_threshold; } /** * lim_update_obss_scanparams(): Updates OBSS SCAN IE parameters to session * @session: LIM session * @scan_params: Scan parameters * * Return: None */ void lim_update_obss_scanparams(struct pe_session *session, tDot11fIEOBSSScanParameters *scan_params) { /* * If the received value is not in the range specified * by the Specification then it will be the default value * configured through cfg */ if ((scan_params->obssScanActiveDwell > cfg_min(CFG_OBSS_HT40_SCAN_ACTIVE_DWELL_TIME)) && (scan_params->obssScanActiveDwell < cfg_max(CFG_OBSS_HT40_SCAN_ACTIVE_DWELL_TIME))) session->obss_ht40_scanparam.obss_active_dwelltime = scan_params->obssScanActiveDwell; if ((scan_params->obssScanPassiveDwell > cfg_min(CFG_OBSS_HT40_SCAN_PASSIVE_DWELL_TIME)) && (scan_params->obssScanPassiveDwell < cfg_max(CFG_OBSS_HT40_SCAN_PASSIVE_DWELL_TIME))) session->obss_ht40_scanparam.obss_passive_dwelltime = scan_params->obssScanPassiveDwell; if ((scan_params->bssWidthChannelTransitionDelayFactor > cfg_min(CFG_OBSS_HT40_WIDTH_CH_TRANSITION_DELAY)) && (scan_params->bssWidthChannelTransitionDelayFactor < cfg_max(CFG_OBSS_HT40_WIDTH_CH_TRANSITION_DELAY))) session->obss_ht40_scanparam.bsswidth_ch_trans_delay = scan_params->bssWidthChannelTransitionDelayFactor; if ((scan_params->obssScanActiveTotalPerChannel > cfg_min(CFG_OBSS_HT40_SCAN_ACTIVE_TOTAL_PER_CHANNEL)) && (scan_params->obssScanActiveTotalPerChannel < cfg_max(CFG_OBSS_HT40_SCAN_ACTIVE_TOTAL_PER_CHANNEL))) session->obss_ht40_scanparam.obss_active_total_per_channel = scan_params->obssScanActiveTotalPerChannel; if ((scan_params->obssScanPassiveTotalPerChannel > cfg_min(CFG_OBSS_HT40_SCAN_PASSIVE_TOTAL_PER_CHANNEL)) && (scan_params->obssScanPassiveTotalPerChannel < cfg_max(CFG_OBSS_HT40_SCAN_PASSIVE_TOTAL_PER_CHANNEL))) session->obss_ht40_scanparam.obss_passive_total_per_channel = scan_params->obssScanPassiveTotalPerChannel; if ((scan_params->bssChannelWidthTriggerScanInterval > cfg_min(CFG_OBSS_HT40_SCAN_WIDTH_TRIGGER_INTERVAL)) && (scan_params->bssChannelWidthTriggerScanInterval < cfg_max(CFG_OBSS_HT40_SCAN_WIDTH_TRIGGER_INTERVAL))) session->obss_ht40_scanparam.obss_width_trigger_interval = scan_params->bssChannelWidthTriggerScanInterval; if ((scan_params->obssScanActivityThreshold > cfg_min(CFG_OBSS_HT40_SCAN_ACTIVITY_THRESHOLD)) && (scan_params->obssScanActivityThreshold < cfg_max(CFG_OBSS_HT40_SCAN_ACTIVITY_THRESHOLD))) session->obss_ht40_scanparam.obss_activity_threshold = scan_params->obssScanActivityThreshold; return; } /** * lim_compute_ext_cap_ie_length - compute the length of ext cap ie * based on the bits set * @ext_cap: extended IEs structure * * Return: length of the ext cap ie, 0 means should not present */ uint8_t lim_compute_ext_cap_ie_length(tDot11fIEExtCap *ext_cap) { uint8_t i = DOT11F_IE_EXTCAP_MAX_LEN; while (i) { if (ext_cap->bytes[i-1]) break; i--; } return i; } /** * lim_update_caps_info_for_bss - Update capability info for this BSS * * @mac_ctx: mac context * @caps: Pointer to capability info to be updated * @bss_caps: Capability info of the BSS * * Update the capability info in Assoc/Reassoc request frames and reset * the spectrum management, short preamble, immediate block ack bits * if the BSS does not support it * * Return: None */ void lim_update_caps_info_for_bss(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint16_t *caps, uint16_t bss_caps) { if (!(bss_caps & LIM_SPECTRUM_MANAGEMENT_BIT_MASK)) { *caps &= (~LIM_SPECTRUM_MANAGEMENT_BIT_MASK); pe_debug("Clearing spectrum management:no AP support"); } if (!(bss_caps & LIM_SHORT_PREAMBLE_BIT_MASK)) { *caps &= (~LIM_SHORT_PREAMBLE_BIT_MASK); pe_debug("Clearing short preamble:no AP support"); } if (!(bss_caps & LIM_IMMEDIATE_BLOCK_ACK_MASK)) { *caps &= (~LIM_IMMEDIATE_BLOCK_ACK_MASK); pe_debug("Clearing Immed Blk Ack:no AP support"); } } /** * lim_send_set_dtim_period(): Send SIR_HAL_SET_DTIM_PERIOD message * to set dtim period. * * @session: LIM session * @dtim_period: dtim value * @mac_ctx: Mac context * @return None */ void lim_send_set_dtim_period(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t dtim_period, struct pe_session *session) { struct set_dtim_params *dtim_params = NULL; QDF_STATUS ret = QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct scheduler_msg msg = {0}; if (!session) { pe_err("Inavalid parameters"); return; } dtim_params = qdf_mem_malloc(sizeof(*dtim_params)); if (!dtim_params) return; dtim_params->dtim_period = dtim_period; dtim_params->session_id = session->smeSessionId; msg.type = WMA_SET_DTIM_PERIOD; msg.bodyptr = dtim_params; msg.bodyval = 0; pe_debug("Post WMA_SET_DTIM_PERIOD to WMA"); ret = wma_post_ctrl_msg(mac_ctx, &msg); if (QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS != ret) { pe_err("wma_post_ctrl_msg() failed"); qdf_mem_free(dtim_params); } } /** * lim_is_valid_frame(): validate RX frame using last processed frame details * to find if it is duplicate frame. * * @last_processed_frm: last processed frame pointer. * @pRxPacketInfo: RX packet. * * Frame treat as duplicate: * if retry bit is set and * if source address and seq number matches with the last processed frame * * Return: false if duplicate frame, else true. */ bool lim_is_valid_frame(last_processed_msg *last_processed_frm, uint8_t *pRxPacketInfo) { uint16_t seq_num; tpSirMacMgmtHdr pHdr; if (!pRxPacketInfo) { pe_err("Invalid RX frame"); return false; } pHdr = WMA_GET_RX_MAC_HEADER(pRxPacketInfo); if (pHdr->fc.retry == 0) return true; seq_num = (((pHdr->seqControl.seqNumHi << HIGH_SEQ_NUM_OFFSET) | pHdr->seqControl.seqNumLo)); if (last_processed_frm->seq_num == seq_num && qdf_mem_cmp(last_processed_frm->sa, pHdr->sa, ETH_ALEN) == 0) { pe_err("Duplicate frame from "QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT " Seq Number %d", QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(pHdr->sa), seq_num); return false; } return true; } /** * lim_update_last_processed_frame(): update new processed frame info to cache. * * @last_processed_frm: last processed frame pointer. * @pRxPacketInfo: Successfully processed RX packet. * * Return: None. */ void lim_update_last_processed_frame(last_processed_msg *last_processed_frm, uint8_t *pRxPacketInfo) { uint16_t seq_num; tpSirMacMgmtHdr pHdr; if (!pRxPacketInfo) { pe_err("Invalid RX frame"); return; } pHdr = WMA_GET_RX_MAC_HEADER(pRxPacketInfo); seq_num = (((pHdr->seqControl.seqNumHi << HIGH_SEQ_NUM_OFFSET) | pHdr->seqControl.seqNumLo)); qdf_mem_copy(last_processed_frm->sa, pHdr->sa, ETH_ALEN); last_processed_frm->seq_num = seq_num; } #if defined(CONFIG_BAND_6GHZ) && defined(WLAN_FEATURE_11AX) static bool lim_support_6ghz_band_op_class(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tDot11fIESuppOperatingClasses * op_class_ie) { uint16_t i; if (!op_class_ie->present) return false; for (i = 0; i < op_class_ie->num_classes; i++) { if (wlan_reg_is_6ghz_op_class(mac_ctx->pdev, op_class_ie->classes[i])) break; } if (i < op_class_ie->num_classes) return true; return false; } void lim_ap_check_6g_compatible_peer(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct pe_session *session) { uint16_t i; tpDphHashNode sta_ds; bool legacy_client_present = false; if (!LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session)) return; for (i = 1; i < session->dph.dphHashTable.size; i++) { sta_ds = dph_get_hash_entry(mac_ctx, i, &session->dph.dphHashTable); if (!sta_ds) continue; if (sta_ds->staType != STA_ENTRY_PEER) continue; if (!lim_support_6ghz_band_op_class( mac_ctx, &sta_ds->supp_operating_classes)) { legacy_client_present = true; pe_debug("peer "QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT" 6ghz not supported", QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(sta_ds->staAddr)); break; } pe_debug("peer "QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT" 6ghz supported", QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(sta_ds->staAddr)); } if (legacy_client_present) policy_mgr_set_ap_6ghz_capable( mac_ctx->psoc, session->vdev_id, false, CONN_6GHZ_FLAG_NO_LEGACY_CLIENT); else policy_mgr_set_ap_6ghz_capable( mac_ctx->psoc, session->vdev_id, true, CONN_6GHZ_FLAG_NO_LEGACY_CLIENT); } #endif #ifdef WLAN_FEATURE_11AX void lim_update_he_6ghz_band_caps(struct mac_context *mac, tDot11fIEhe_6ghz_band_cap *he_6ghz_band_cap, tpAddStaParams params) { qdf_mem_copy(¶ms->he_6ghz_band_caps, he_6ghz_band_cap, sizeof(tDot11fIEhe_6ghz_band_cap)); lim_log_he_6g_cap(mac, ¶ms->he_6ghz_band_caps); } void lim_add_he_cap(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct pe_session *pe_session, tpAddStaParams add_sta_params, tpSirAssocReq assoc_req) { if (!add_sta_params->he_capable || !assoc_req) return; qdf_mem_copy(&add_sta_params->he_config, &assoc_req->he_cap, sizeof(add_sta_params->he_config)); if (lim_is_he_6ghz_band(pe_session)) lim_update_he_6ghz_band_caps(mac_ctx, &assoc_req->he_6ghz_band_cap, add_sta_params); } void lim_add_self_he_cap(tpAddStaParams add_sta_params, struct pe_session *session) { if (!session) return; add_sta_params->he_capable = true; qdf_mem_copy(&add_sta_params->he_config, &session->he_config, sizeof(add_sta_params->he_config)); qdf_mem_copy(&add_sta_params->he_op, &session->he_op, sizeof(add_sta_params->he_op)); } static bool lim_check_is_bss_greater_than_4_nss_supp(struct pe_session *session, tDot11fIEhe_cap *he_cap) { uint8_t i; uint16_t mcs_map; #define NSS_4 4 #define NSS_8 8 if (!session->he_capable || !he_cap->present) return false; mcs_map = he_cap->rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80; for (i = NSS_4; i < NSS_8; i++) { if (((mcs_map >> (i * 2)) & 0x3) != 0x3) return true; } return false; } bool lim_check_he_80_mcs11_supp(struct pe_session *session, tDot11fIEhe_cap *he_cap) { uint16_t rx_mcs_map; uint16_t tx_mcs_map; rx_mcs_map = he_cap->rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80; tx_mcs_map = he_cap->tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80; if ((session->nss == NSS_1x1_MODE) && ((HE_GET_MCS_4_NSS(rx_mcs_map, 1) == HE_MCS_0_11) || (HE_GET_MCS_4_NSS(tx_mcs_map, 1) == HE_MCS_0_11))) return true; if ((session->nss == NSS_2x2_MODE) && ((HE_GET_MCS_4_NSS(rx_mcs_map, 2) == HE_MCS_0_11) || (HE_GET_MCS_4_NSS(tx_mcs_map, 2) == HE_MCS_0_11))) return true; return false; } /** * lim_check_he_ldpc_cap() - set he ldpc coding to one if * channel width is > 20 or mcs 10/11 bit are supported or * nss is greater than 4. * @beacon_struct: beacon structure * @session: A pointer to session entry. * * Return: None */ void lim_check_and_force_he_ldpc_cap(struct pe_session *session, tDot11fIEhe_cap *he_cap) { if (!he_cap->ldpc_coding && (session->ch_width > CH_WIDTH_20MHZ || lim_check_he_80_mcs11_supp(session, he_cap) || lim_check_is_bss_greater_than_4_nss_supp(session, he_cap))) he_cap->ldpc_coding = 1; } /** * lim_intersect_he_caps() - Intersect peer capability and self capability * @rcvd_he: pointer to received peer capability * @peer_he: pointer to Intersected capability * @session: A pointer to session entry. * * Return: None */ static void lim_intersect_he_caps(tDot11fIEhe_cap *rcvd_he, tDot11fIEhe_cap *peer_he, struct pe_session *session) { uint8_t val; tDot11fIEhe_cap *session_he = &session->he_config; qdf_mem_copy(peer_he, rcvd_he, sizeof(*peer_he)); peer_he->fragmentation = QDF_MIN(session_he->fragmentation, peer_he->fragmentation); peer_he->ldpc_coding &= session_he->ldpc_coding; lim_check_and_force_he_ldpc_cap(session, peer_he); if (session_he->tb_ppdu_tx_stbc_lt_80mhz && peer_he->rx_stbc_lt_80mhz) peer_he->rx_stbc_lt_80mhz = 1; else peer_he->rx_stbc_lt_80mhz = 0; if (session_he->rx_stbc_lt_80mhz && peer_he->tb_ppdu_tx_stbc_lt_80mhz) peer_he->tb_ppdu_tx_stbc_lt_80mhz = 1; else peer_he->tb_ppdu_tx_stbc_lt_80mhz = 0; if (session_he->tb_ppdu_tx_stbc_gt_80mhz && peer_he->rx_stbc_gt_80mhz) peer_he->rx_stbc_gt_80mhz = 1; else peer_he->rx_stbc_gt_80mhz = 0; if (session_he->rx_stbc_gt_80mhz && peer_he->tb_ppdu_tx_stbc_gt_80mhz) peer_he->tb_ppdu_tx_stbc_gt_80mhz = 1; else peer_he->tb_ppdu_tx_stbc_gt_80mhz = 0; /* Tx Doppler is first bit and Rx Doppler is second bit */ if (session_he->doppler) { val = 0; if ((session_he->doppler & 0x1) && (peer_he->doppler & 0x10)) val |= (1 << 1); if ((session_he->doppler & 0x10) && (peer_he->doppler & 0x1)) val |= (1 << 0); peer_he->doppler = val; } peer_he->su_beamformer = session_he->su_beamformee ? peer_he->su_beamformer : 0; peer_he->su_beamformee = (session_he->su_beamformer || session_he->mu_beamformer) ? peer_he->su_beamformee : 0; peer_he->mu_beamformer = session_he->su_beamformee ? peer_he->mu_beamformer : 0; peer_he->twt_request = session_he->twt_responder ? peer_he->twt_request : 0; peer_he->twt_responder = session_he->twt_request ? peer_he->twt_responder : 0; } void lim_intersect_sta_he_caps(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tpSirAssocReq assoc_req, struct pe_session *session, tpDphHashNode sta_ds) { tDot11fIEhe_cap *rcvd_he = &assoc_req->he_cap; tDot11fIEhe_cap *peer_he = &sta_ds->he_config; struct wlan_mlme_cfg *mlme_cfg = mac_ctx->mlme_cfg; if (!sta_ds->mlmStaContext.he_capable) return; /* If HE is not supported, do not fill sta_ds and return */ if (!IS_DOT11_MODE_HE(session->dot11mode)) return; lim_intersect_he_caps(rcvd_he, peer_he, session); if ((mlme_cfg->he_caps.disable_sap_mcs_12_13 & BIT(DISABLE_MCS_12_13_2G_40M)) && LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session) && wlan_reg_is_24ghz_ch_freq(session->curr_op_freq) && session->ch_width == CH_WIDTH_40MHZ) { sta_ds->he_mcs_12_13_map = 0; return; } /* If MCS 12/13 is supported from assoc QCN IE */ if (assoc_req->qcn_ie.present && assoc_req->qcn_ie.he_mcs13_attr.present) { sta_ds->he_mcs_12_13_map = assoc_req->qcn_ie.he_mcs13_attr.he_mcs_12_13_supp_80 | assoc_req->qcn_ie.he_mcs13_attr.he_mcs_12_13_supp_160 << 8; } else { return; } /* Take intersection of FW capability for HE MCS 12/13 */ if (wlan_reg_is_24ghz_ch_freq(session->curr_op_freq)) sta_ds->he_mcs_12_13_map &= mac_ctx->mlme_cfg->he_caps.he_mcs_12_13_supp_2g; else sta_ds->he_mcs_12_13_map &= mac_ctx->mlme_cfg->he_caps.he_mcs_12_13_supp_5g; } static bool lim_is_vendor_htc_he_ap(struct bss_description *bss_desc) { struct action_oui_search_attr vendor_ap_search_attr = {0}; uint16_t ie_len; ie_len = wlan_get_ielen_from_bss_description(bss_desc); vendor_ap_search_attr.ie_data = (uint8_t *)&bss_desc->ieFields[0]; vendor_ap_search_attr.ie_length = ie_len; return wlan_get_vendor_ie_ptr_from_oui(SIR_MAC_BAD_HTC_HE_VENDOR_OUI1, SIR_MAC_BAD_HTC_HE_VENDOR_OUI_LEN, vendor_ap_search_attr.ie_data, ie_len) && wlan_get_vendor_ie_ptr_from_oui( SIR_MAC_BAD_HTC_HE_VENDOR_OUI2, SIR_MAC_BAD_HTC_HE_VENDOR_OUI_LEN, vendor_ap_search_attr.ie_data, ie_len); } void lim_intersect_ap_he_caps(struct pe_session *session, struct bss_params *add_bss, tSchBeaconStruct *beacon, tpSirAssocRsp assoc_rsp, struct bss_description *bss_desc) { tDot11fIEhe_cap *rcvd_he; tDot11fIEhe_cap *peer_he = &add_bss->staContext.he_config; bool vendor_ap_present = false; if (assoc_rsp && assoc_rsp->he_cap.present) rcvd_he = &assoc_rsp->he_cap; else rcvd_he = &beacon->he_cap; lim_intersect_he_caps(rcvd_he, peer_he, session); peer_he->htc_he = rcvd_he->htc_he; vendor_ap_present = lim_is_vendor_htc_he_ap(bss_desc); if (vendor_ap_present) { if (session->he_config.htc_he && peer_he->htc_he) peer_he->htc_he = 1; else peer_he->htc_he = 0; pe_debug("intersected htc he is: %d", peer_he->htc_he); } pe_debug("HTC HE: self: %d recvd: %d, peer: %d", session->he_config.htc_he, rcvd_he->htc_he, peer_he->htc_he); add_bss->staContext.he_capable = true; } void lim_add_bss_he_cap(struct bss_params *add_bss, tpSirAssocRsp assoc_rsp) { tDot11fIEhe_cap *he_cap; tDot11fIEhe_op *he_op; he_cap = &assoc_rsp->he_cap; he_op = &assoc_rsp->he_op; add_bss->he_capable = he_cap->present; if (he_cap) qdf_mem_copy(&add_bss->staContext.he_config, he_cap, sizeof(*he_cap)); if (he_op) qdf_mem_copy(&add_bss->staContext.he_op, he_op, sizeof(*he_op)); } void lim_add_bss_he_cfg(struct bss_params *add_bss, struct pe_session *session) { add_bss->he_sta_obsspd = session->he_sta_obsspd; } void lim_update_he_6gop_assoc_resp(struct bss_params *pAddBssParams, tDot11fIEhe_op *he_op, struct pe_session *pe_session) { if (!pe_session->he_6ghz_band) return; if (!he_op->oper_info_6g_present) { pe_debug("6G operation info not present in beacon"); return; } if (!pe_session->ch_width) return; pAddBssParams->ch_width = QDF_MIN(he_op->oper_info_6g.info.ch_width, pe_session->ch_width); if (pAddBssParams->ch_width == CH_WIDTH_160MHZ) pAddBssParams->ch_width = pe_session->ch_width; pAddBssParams->staContext.ch_width = pAddBssParams->ch_width; } void lim_update_stads_he_caps(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tpDphHashNode sta_ds, tpSirAssocRsp assoc_rsp, struct pe_session *session_entry, tSchBeaconStruct *beacon) { /* If HE is not supported, do not fill sta_ds and return */ if (!IS_DOT11_MODE_HE(session_entry->dot11mode)) goto out; if (!assoc_rsp->he_cap.present && beacon && beacon->he_cap.present) { /* Use beacon HE caps if assoc resp doesn't have he caps */ pe_debug("he_caps missing in assoc rsp"); qdf_mem_copy(&assoc_rsp->he_cap, &beacon->he_cap, sizeof(tDot11fIEhe_cap)); } /* assoc resp and beacon doesn't have he caps */ if (!assoc_rsp->he_cap.present) goto out; sta_ds->mlmStaContext.he_capable = assoc_rsp->he_cap.present; /* setting ldpc_coding if any of assoc_rsp or beacon has ldpc_coding * enabled */ if (beacon) assoc_rsp->he_cap.ldpc_coding |= beacon->he_cap.ldpc_coding; lim_check_and_force_he_ldpc_cap(session_entry, &assoc_rsp->he_cap); if (beacon) beacon->he_cap.ldpc_coding = assoc_rsp->he_cap.ldpc_coding; qdf_mem_copy(&sta_ds->he_config, &assoc_rsp->he_cap, sizeof(tDot11fIEhe_cap)); /* If MCS 12/13 is supported by the assoc resp QCN IE */ if (assoc_rsp->qcn_ie.present && assoc_rsp->qcn_ie.he_mcs13_attr.present) { sta_ds->he_mcs_12_13_map = assoc_rsp->qcn_ie.he_mcs13_attr.he_mcs_12_13_supp_80 | assoc_rsp->qcn_ie.he_mcs13_attr.he_mcs_12_13_supp_160 << 8; } /* Take intersection of the FW capability for HE MCS 12/13 */ if (wlan_reg_is_24ghz_ch_freq(session_entry->curr_op_freq)) sta_ds->he_mcs_12_13_map &= mac_ctx->mlme_cfg->he_caps.he_mcs_12_13_supp_2g; else sta_ds->he_mcs_12_13_map &= mac_ctx->mlme_cfg->he_caps.he_mcs_12_13_supp_5g; out: pe_debug("he_mcs_12_13_map: sta_ds 0x%x, 2g_fw 0x%x, 5g_fw 0x%x", sta_ds->he_mcs_12_13_map, mac_ctx->mlme_cfg->he_caps.he_mcs_12_13_supp_2g, mac_ctx->mlme_cfg->he_caps.he_mcs_12_13_supp_5g); lim_update_he_mcs_12_13_map(mac_ctx->psoc, session_entry->smeSessionId, sta_ds->he_mcs_12_13_map); } void lim_update_stads_he_6ghz_op(struct pe_session *session, tpDphHashNode sta_ds) { tDot11fIEhe_cap *peer_he = &sta_ds->he_config; enum phy_ch_width ch_width; if (!session->he_6ghz_band) return; if (!peer_he->present) { pe_debug("HE cap not present in peer"); return; } if (peer_he->chan_width_3) ch_width = CH_WIDTH_80P80MHZ; else if (peer_he->chan_width_2) ch_width = CH_WIDTH_160MHZ; else if (peer_he->chan_width_1) ch_width = CH_WIDTH_80MHZ; else ch_width = CH_WIDTH_20MHZ; if (ch_width > session->ch_width) ch_width = session->ch_width; sta_ds->ch_width = ch_width; } void lim_update_usr_he_cap(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct pe_session *session) { struct add_ie_params *add_ie = &session->add_ie_params; tDot11fIEhe_cap *he_cap = &session->he_config; struct he_cap_network_endian *he_cap_from_ie; uint8_t extracted_buff[DOT11F_IE_HE_CAP_MAX_LEN + 2]; QDF_STATUS status; struct wlan_vht_config *vht_cfg = &session->vht_config; struct mlme_legacy_priv *mlme_priv; qdf_mem_zero(extracted_buff, sizeof(extracted_buff)); status = lim_strip_ie(mac_ctx, add_ie->probeRespBCNData_buff, &add_ie->probeRespBCNDataLen, DOT11F_EID_HE_CAP, ONE_BYTE, HE_CAP_OUI_TYPE, (uint8_t)HE_CAP_OUI_SIZE, extracted_buff, DOT11F_IE_HE_CAP_MAX_LEN); if (QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS != status) { pe_debug("Failed to strip HE cap IE status: %d", status); return; } pe_debug("Before update: su_beamformer: %d, su_beamformee: %d, mu_beamformer: %d", he_cap->su_beamformer, he_cap->su_beamformee, he_cap->mu_beamformer); he_cap_from_ie = (struct he_cap_network_endian *) &extracted_buff[HE_CAP_OUI_SIZE + 2]; he_cap->su_beamformer = he_cap->su_beamformer & he_cap_from_ie->su_beamformer; he_cap->su_beamformee = he_cap->su_beamformee & he_cap_from_ie->su_beamformee; he_cap->mu_beamformer = he_cap->mu_beamformer & he_cap_from_ie->mu_beamformer; pe_debug("After update: su_beamformer: %d, su_beamformee: %d, mu_beamformer: %d", he_cap->su_beamformer, he_cap->su_beamformee, he_cap->mu_beamformer); if (!he_cap->su_beamformer) { he_cap->mu_beamformer = 0; he_cap->num_sounding_lt_80 = 0; he_cap->num_sounding_gt_80 = 0; vht_cfg->su_beam_former = 0; vht_cfg->mu_beam_former = 0; vht_cfg->num_soundingdim = 0; } if (!he_cap->su_beamformee) { he_cap->bfee_sts_lt_80 = 0; he_cap->bfee_sts_gt_80 = 0; vht_cfg->su_beam_formee = 0; vht_cfg->mu_beam_formee = 0; vht_cfg->csnof_beamformer_antSup = 0; } mlme_priv = wlan_vdev_mlme_get_ext_hdl(session->vdev); if (mlme_priv) { mlme_priv->he_config.mu_beamformer = he_cap->mu_beamformer; mlme_priv->he_config.su_beamformer = he_cap->su_beamformer; mlme_priv->he_config.su_beamformee = he_cap->su_beamformee; mlme_priv->he_config.bfee_sts_lt_80 = he_cap->bfee_sts_lt_80; mlme_priv->he_config.bfee_sts_gt_80 = he_cap->bfee_sts_gt_80; mlme_priv->he_config.num_sounding_lt_80 = he_cap->num_sounding_lt_80; mlme_priv->he_config.num_sounding_gt_80 = he_cap->num_sounding_gt_80; } wma_set_he_txbf_params(session->vdev_id, he_cap->su_beamformer, he_cap->su_beamformee, he_cap->mu_beamformer); } void lim_decide_he_op(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint32_t *mlme_he_ops, struct pe_session *session) { uint32_t val; uint8_t color; struct he_ops_network_endian *he_ops_from_ie; tDot11fIEhe_op he_ops = {0}; struct add_ie_params *add_ie = &session->add_ie_params; uint8_t extracted_buff[DOT11F_IE_HE_OP_MAX_LEN + 2]; QDF_STATUS status; qdf_mem_zero(extracted_buff, sizeof(extracted_buff)); status = lim_strip_ie(mac_ctx, add_ie->probeRespBCNData_buff, &add_ie->probeRespBCNDataLen, DOT11F_EID_HE_OP, ONE_BYTE, HE_OP_OUI_TYPE, (uint8_t)HE_OP_OUI_SIZE, extracted_buff, DOT11F_IE_HE_OP_MAX_LEN); if (QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS != status) { pe_debug("Failed to strip HE OP IE status: %d", status); return; } he_ops_from_ie = (struct he_ops_network_endian *) &extracted_buff[HE_OP_OUI_SIZE + 2]; if (he_ops_from_ie->bss_color) { he_ops.bss_color = he_ops_from_ie->bss_color; } else { qdf_get_random_bytes(&color, sizeof(color)); /* make sure color is within 1-63*/ he_ops.bss_color = (color % WNI_CFG_HE_OPS_BSS_COLOR_MAX) + 1; } he_ops.default_pe = he_ops_from_ie->default_pe; he_ops.twt_required = he_ops_from_ie->twt_required; he_ops.txop_rts_threshold = he_ops_from_ie->txop_rts_threshold; he_ops.partial_bss_col = he_ops_from_ie->partial_bss_col; val = mac_ctx->mlme_cfg->he_caps.he_ops_basic_mcs_nss; *((uint16_t *)he_ops.basic_mcs_nss) = (uint16_t)val; qdf_mem_copy(&session->he_op, &he_ops, sizeof(tDot11fIEhe_op)); pe_debug("HE Op: bss_color: 0x%0x, default_pe_duration: 0x%0x", he_ops.bss_color, he_ops.default_pe); pe_debug("He Op: twt_required: 0x%0x, txop_rts_threshold: 0x%0x", he_ops.twt_required, he_ops.txop_rts_threshold); pe_debug("HE Op: partial_bss_color: 0x%0x", he_ops.partial_bss_col); pe_debug("HE Op: BSS color disabled: 0x%0x", he_ops.bss_col_disabled); pe_debug("HE Op: Basic MCS NSS: 0x%04x", *((uint16_t *)he_ops.basic_mcs_nss)); wma_update_vdev_he_ops(mlme_he_ops, &he_ops); } void lim_update_he_caps_mcs(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *session) { uint32_t tx_mcs_map = 0; uint32_t rx_mcs_map = 0; uint32_t mcs_map = 0; struct wlan_objmgr_vdev *vdev = session->vdev; struct mlme_legacy_priv *mlme_priv; struct wlan_mlme_cfg *mlme_cfg = mac->mlme_cfg; mlme_priv = wlan_vdev_mlme_get_ext_hdl(vdev); if (!mlme_priv) return; rx_mcs_map = mlme_cfg->he_caps.dot11_he_cap.rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80; tx_mcs_map = mlme_cfg->he_caps.dot11_he_cap.tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80; mcs_map = rx_mcs_map & 0x3; if (session->nss == 1) { tx_mcs_map = HE_SET_MCS_4_NSS(tx_mcs_map, HE_MCS_DISABLE, 2); rx_mcs_map = HE_SET_MCS_4_NSS(rx_mcs_map, HE_MCS_DISABLE, 2); } else { tx_mcs_map = HE_SET_MCS_4_NSS(tx_mcs_map, mcs_map, 2); rx_mcs_map = HE_SET_MCS_4_NSS(rx_mcs_map, mcs_map, 2); } mlme_priv->he_config.tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80 = tx_mcs_map; mlme_priv->he_config.rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80 = rx_mcs_map; *((uint16_t *)mlme_priv->he_config.tx_he_mcs_map_160) = tx_mcs_map; *((uint16_t *)mlme_priv->he_config.rx_he_mcs_map_160) = rx_mcs_map; qdf_mem_copy(mlme_priv->he_config.tx_he_mcs_map_160, &tx_mcs_map, sizeof(u_int16_t)); qdf_mem_copy(mlme_priv->he_config.rx_he_mcs_map_160, &rx_mcs_map, sizeof(u_int16_t)); } static void lim_revise_req_he_cap_per_band(struct mlme_legacy_priv *mlme_priv, struct pe_session *session) { struct mac_context *mac = session->mac_ctx; tDot11fIEhe_cap *he_config; struct wlan_objmgr_psoc *psoc; uint32_t max_ampdu_len_exp; psoc = wlan_vdev_get_psoc(session->vdev); if (!psoc) { pe_err("Failed to get psoc"); return; } max_ampdu_len_exp = cfg_get(psoc, CFG_HE_MAX_AMPDU_LEN); he_config = &mlme_priv->he_config; if (wlan_reg_is_24ghz_ch_freq(session->curr_op_freq)) { he_config->bfee_sts_lt_80 = mac->he_cap_2g.bfee_sts_lt_80; he_config->tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80 = mac->he_cap_2g.tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80; he_config->rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80 = mac->he_cap_2g.rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80; he_config->max_ampdu_len_exp_ext = QDF_MIN(max_ampdu_len_exp, mac->he_cap_2g.max_ampdu_len_exp_ext); he_config->ul_2x996_tone_ru_supp = 0; he_config->num_sounding_gt_80 = 0; he_config->bfee_sts_gt_80 = 0; he_config->tb_ppdu_tx_stbc_gt_80mhz = 0; he_config->rx_stbc_gt_80mhz = 0; he_config->he_ppdu_20_in_160_80p80Mhz = 0; he_config->he_ppdu_80_in_160_80p80Mhz = 0; } else { he_config->bfee_sts_lt_80 = mac->he_cap_5g.bfee_sts_lt_80; he_config->tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80 = mac->he_cap_5g.tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80; he_config->rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80 = mac->he_cap_5g.rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80; he_config->num_sounding_lt_80 = mac->he_cap_5g.num_sounding_lt_80; he_config->max_ampdu_len_exp_ext = QDF_MIN(max_ampdu_len_exp, mac->he_cap_5g.max_ampdu_len_exp_ext); if (he_config->chan_width_2 || he_config->chan_width_3) { he_config->bfee_sts_gt_80 = mac->he_cap_5g.bfee_sts_gt_80; he_config->num_sounding_gt_80 = mac->he_cap_5g.num_sounding_gt_80; he_config->he_ppdu_20_in_160_80p80Mhz = mac->he_cap_5g.he_ppdu_20_in_160_80p80Mhz; he_config->he_ppdu_80_in_160_80p80Mhz = mac->he_cap_5g.he_ppdu_80_in_160_80p80Mhz; he_config->rx_stbc_gt_80mhz = mac->he_cap_5g.rx_stbc_gt_80mhz; he_config->tb_ppdu_tx_stbc_gt_80mhz = mac->he_cap_5g.tb_ppdu_tx_stbc_gt_80mhz; he_config->ul_2x996_tone_ru_supp = mac->he_cap_5g.ul_2x996_tone_ru_supp; } he_config->su_feedback_tone16 = mac->he_cap_5g.su_feedback_tone16; he_config->mu_feedback_tone16 = mac->he_cap_5g.mu_feedback_tone16; he_config->codebook_su = mac->he_cap_5g.codebook_su; he_config->codebook_mu = mac->he_cap_5g.codebook_mu; } } void lim_copy_bss_he_cap(struct pe_session *session) { struct mlme_legacy_priv *mlme_priv; mlme_priv = wlan_vdev_mlme_get_ext_hdl(session->vdev); if (!mlme_priv) return; lim_revise_req_he_cap_per_band(mlme_priv, session); lim_update_he_caps_mcs(session->mac_ctx, session); qdf_mem_copy(&(session->he_config), &(mlme_priv->he_config), sizeof(session->he_config)); } void lim_copy_join_req_he_cap(struct pe_session *session) { struct mlme_legacy_priv *mlme_priv; mlme_priv = wlan_vdev_mlme_get_ext_hdl(session->vdev); if (!mlme_priv) return; if (!session->mac_ctx->usr_cfg_tx_bfee_nsts) lim_revise_req_he_cap_per_band(mlme_priv, session); qdf_mem_copy(&(session->he_config), &(mlme_priv->he_config), sizeof(session->he_config)); if (WLAN_REG_IS_24GHZ_CH_FREQ(session->curr_op_freq)) { session->he_config.chan_width_1 = 0; session->he_config.chan_width_2 = 0; session->he_config.chan_width_3 = 0; session->he_config.chan_width_5 = 0; session->he_config.chan_width_6 = 0; } else { session->he_config.chan_width_0 = 0; session->he_config.chan_width_4 = 0; session->he_config.chan_width_6 = 0; } } void lim_log_he_cap(struct mac_context *mac, tDot11fIEhe_cap *he_cap) { uint8_t chan_width; struct ppet_hdr *hdr; if (!he_cap->present) return; pe_nofl_debug("HE Capabilities: htc_he 0x%x twt_req 0x%x twt_res 0x%x fragmentation 0x%x max frag msdu amsdu 0x%x min frag 0x%x", he_cap->htc_he, he_cap->twt_request, he_cap->twt_responder, he_cap->fragmentation, he_cap->max_num_frag_msdu_amsdu_exp, he_cap->min_frag_size); pe_nofl_debug("\ttrig frm mac pad 0x%x multi tid aggr supp 0x%x link adaptation 0x%x all ack 0x%x trigd_rsp_sched 0x%x a_bsr 0x%x", he_cap->trigger_frm_mac_pad, he_cap->multi_tid_aggr_rx_supp, he_cap->he_link_adaptation, he_cap->all_ack, he_cap->trigd_rsp_sched, he_cap->a_bsr); pe_nofl_debug("\tBC twt 0x%x ba_32bit_bitmap supp 0x%x mu_cascade 0x%x ack_enabled_multitid 0x%x omi_a_ctrl 0x%x ofdma_ra 0x%x", he_cap->broadcast_twt, he_cap->ba_32bit_bitmap, he_cap->mu_cascade, he_cap->ack_enabled_multitid, he_cap->omi_a_ctrl, he_cap->ofdma_ra); pe_nofl_debug("\tmax_ampdu_len exp ext 0x%x amsdu_frag 0x%x flex_twt_sched 0x%x rx_ctrl frm 0x%x bsrp_ampdu_aggr 0x%x qtp 0x%x a_bqr 0x%x", he_cap->max_ampdu_len_exp_ext, he_cap->amsdu_frag, he_cap->flex_twt_sched, he_cap->rx_ctrl_frame, he_cap->bsrp_ampdu_aggr, he_cap->qtp, he_cap->a_bqr); pe_nofl_debug("\tSR Reponder 0x%x ndp_feedback 0x%x ops_supp 0x%x amsdu_in_ampdu 0x%x multi_tid_aggr_tx 0x%x he_sub_ch_sel_tx 0x%x", he_cap->spatial_reuse_param_rspder, he_cap->ndp_feedback_supp, he_cap->ops_supp, he_cap->amsdu_in_ampdu, he_cap->multi_tid_aggr_tx_supp, he_cap->he_sub_ch_sel_tx_supp); pe_nofl_debug("\tul_2x996_tone_ru 0x%x om_ctrl_ul_mu_data_dis_rx 0x%x dynamic_smps 0x%x punctured_sounding 0x%x ht_vht_trg_frm_rx 0x%x", he_cap->ul_2x996_tone_ru_supp, he_cap->om_ctrl_ul_mu_data_dis_rx, he_cap->he_dynamic_smps, he_cap->punctured_sounding_supp, he_cap->ht_vht_trg_frm_rx_supp); chan_width = HE_CH_WIDTH_COMBINE(he_cap->chan_width_0, he_cap->chan_width_1, he_cap->chan_width_2, he_cap->chan_width_3, he_cap->chan_width_4, he_cap->chan_width_5, he_cap->chan_width_6); pe_nofl_debug("\tchan width %d rx_pream_puncturing 0x%x device_class 0x%x ldpc_coding 0x%x 1x_ltf_800_gi_ppdu 0x%x midamble_tx_rx_max_nsts 0x%x", chan_width, he_cap->rx_pream_puncturing, he_cap->device_class, he_cap->ldpc_coding, he_cap->he_1x_ltf_800_gi_ppdu, he_cap->midamble_tx_rx_max_nsts); pe_nofl_debug("\t4x_ltf_3200_gi_ndp 0x%x tb_ppdu_tx_stbc_lt_80mhz 0x%x rx_stbc_lt_80mhz 0x%x doppler 0x%x ul_mu 0x%x dcm_enc_tx 0x%x dcm_enc_rx 0x%x", he_cap->he_4x_ltf_3200_gi_ndp, he_cap->tb_ppdu_tx_stbc_lt_80mhz, he_cap->rx_stbc_lt_80mhz, he_cap->doppler, he_cap->ul_mu, he_cap->dcm_enc_tx, he_cap->dcm_enc_rx); pe_nofl_debug("\tul_he_mu 0x%x su_bfer 0x%x su_fee 0x%x mu_bfer 0x%x bfee_sts_lt_80 0x%x bfee_sts_gt_80 0x%x num_sd_lt_80 0x%x num_sd_gt_80 0x%x", he_cap->ul_he_mu, he_cap->su_beamformer, he_cap->su_beamformee, he_cap->mu_beamformer, he_cap->bfee_sts_lt_80, he_cap->bfee_sts_gt_80, he_cap->num_sounding_lt_80, he_cap->num_sounding_gt_80); pe_nofl_debug("\tsu_fb_tone16 0x%x mu_fb_tone16 0x%x codebook_su 0x%x codebook_mu 0x%x bforming_feedback 0x%x he_er_su_ppdu 0x%x dl_mu_mimo_part_bw 0x%x", he_cap->su_feedback_tone16, he_cap->mu_feedback_tone16, he_cap->codebook_su, he_cap->codebook_mu, he_cap->beamforming_feedback, he_cap->he_er_su_ppdu, he_cap->dl_mu_mimo_part_bw); pe_nofl_debug("\tppet_present 0x%x srp 0x%x power_boost 0x%x ltf_800_gi_4x 0x%x tb_ppdu_tx_stbc_gt_80mhz 0x%x rx_stbc_gt_80mhz 0x%x max_nc 0x%x", he_cap->ppet_present, he_cap->srp, he_cap->power_boost, he_cap->he_ltf_800_gi_4x, he_cap->tb_ppdu_tx_stbc_gt_80mhz, he_cap->rx_stbc_gt_80mhz, he_cap->max_nc); pe_nofl_debug("\ter_ltf_800_gi_4x 0x%x ppdu_20_in_40Mhz_2G 0x%x ppdu_20_in_160_80p80Mhz 0x%x ppdu_80_in_160_80p80Mhz 0x%x er_1x_ltf_gi 0x%x", he_cap->er_he_ltf_800_gi_4x, he_cap->he_ppdu_20_in_40Mhz_2G, he_cap->he_ppdu_20_in_160_80p80Mhz, he_cap->he_ppdu_80_in_160_80p80Mhz, he_cap->er_1x_he_ltf_gi); pe_nofl_debug("\tmidamble_tx_rx_1x_ltf 0x%x dcm_max_bw 0x%x longer_than_16_he_sigb_ofdm_sym 0x%x non_trig_cqi_feedback 0x%x tx_1024_qam_lt_242_tone_ru 0x%x", he_cap->midamble_tx_rx_1x_he_ltf, he_cap->dcm_max_bw, he_cap->longer_than_16_he_sigb_ofdm_sym, he_cap->non_trig_cqi_feedback, he_cap->tx_1024_qam_lt_242_tone_ru); pe_nofl_debug("\trx_1024_qam_lt_242_tone_ru 0x%x rx_full_bw_su_he_mu_compress_sigb 0x%x rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80 0x%x tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80 0x%x", he_cap->rx_1024_qam_lt_242_tone_ru, he_cap->rx_full_bw_su_he_mu_compress_sigb, he_cap->rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80, he_cap->tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80); hdr = (struct ppet_hdr *)&he_cap->ppet; pe_nofl_debug("\tRx MCS map 160 Mhz: 0x%x Tx MCS map 160 Mhz: 0x%x Rx MCS map 80+80 Mhz: 0x%x Tx MCS map 80+80 Mhz: 0x%x ppe_th:: nss_count: %d, ru_idx_msk: %d", *((uint16_t *)he_cap->rx_he_mcs_map_160), *((uint16_t *)he_cap->tx_he_mcs_map_160), *((uint16_t *)he_cap->rx_he_mcs_map_80_80), *((uint16_t *)he_cap->tx_he_mcs_map_80_80), hdr->nss, hdr->ru_idx_mask); QDF_TRACE_HEX_DUMP(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG, &he_cap->ppet, HE_MAX_PPET_SIZE); } void lim_log_he_op(struct mac_context *mac, tDot11fIEhe_op *he_ops, struct pe_session *session) { pe_debug("bss_color 0x%x pe_dur 0x%x twt req 0x%x txop_rts_thres 0x%x vht_op 0x%x part color 0x%x Co-located 0x%x color dis 0x%x basic mcs nss 0x%x", he_ops->bss_color, he_ops->default_pe, he_ops->twt_required, he_ops->txop_rts_threshold, he_ops->vht_oper_present, he_ops->partial_bss_col,\ he_ops->co_located_bss, he_ops->bss_col_disabled, *((uint16_t *)he_ops->basic_mcs_nss)); if (!session->he_6ghz_band && he_ops->vht_oper_present) pe_debug("VHT Info: ch_bw %d cntr_freq0 %d cntr_freq1 %d", he_ops->vht_oper.info.chan_width, he_ops->vht_oper.info.center_freq_seg0, he_ops->vht_oper.info.center_freq_seg1); else if (he_ops->oper_info_6g_present) pe_debug("6G_op_info:ch_bw %d cntr_freq0 %d cntr_freq1 %d dup_bcon %d, min_rate %d", he_ops->oper_info_6g.info.ch_width, he_ops->oper_info_6g.info.center_freq_seg0, he_ops->oper_info_6g.info.center_freq_seg1, he_ops->oper_info_6g.info.dup_bcon, he_ops->oper_info_6g.info.min_rate); } void lim_log_he_6g_cap(struct mac_context *mac, tDot11fIEhe_6ghz_band_cap *he_6g_cap) { pe_debug("min_mpdu_space: %0d, max_mpdu_len_exp: %0x, max_mpdu_len %0x, smps %0x, rd %0x rx_ant_ptn %d tx_ant_ptn %d", he_6g_cap->min_mpdu_start_spacing, he_6g_cap->max_ampdu_len_exp, he_6g_cap->max_mpdu_len, he_6g_cap->sm_pow_save, he_6g_cap->rd_responder, he_6g_cap->rx_ant_pattern_consistency, he_6g_cap->tx_ant_pattern_consistency); } #ifdef WLAN_FEATURE_11AX_BSS_COLOR void lim_log_he_bss_color(struct mac_context *mac, tDot11fIEbss_color_change *he_bss_color) { pe_debug("countdown: %d, new_color: %d", he_bss_color->countdown, he_bss_color->new_color); } #endif void lim_update_sta_he_capable(struct mac_context *mac, tpAddStaParams add_sta_params, tpDphHashNode sta_ds, struct pe_session *session_entry) { if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry)) add_sta_params->he_capable = sta_ds->mlmStaContext.he_capable && session_entry->he_capable; #ifdef FEATURE_WLAN_TDLS else if (STA_ENTRY_TDLS_PEER == sta_ds->staType) add_sta_params->he_capable = sta_ds->mlmStaContext.he_capable; #endif else add_sta_params->he_capable = session_entry->he_capable; add_sta_params->he_mcs_12_13_map = sta_ds->he_mcs_12_13_map; pe_debug("he_capable: %d", add_sta_params->he_capable); } void lim_update_bss_he_capable(struct mac_context *mac, struct bss_params *add_bss) { add_bss->he_capable = true; pe_debug("he_capable: %d", add_bss->he_capable); } void lim_update_stads_he_capable(tpDphHashNode sta_ds, tpSirAssocReq assoc_req) { sta_ds->mlmStaContext.he_capable = assoc_req->he_cap.present; } void lim_update_session_he_capable(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *session) { session->he_capable = true; if (wlan_reg_is_6ghz_chan_freq(session->curr_op_freq)) { session->htCapability = 0; session->vhtCapability = 0; session->he_6ghz_band = 1; } if (wlan_reg_is_24ghz_ch_freq(session->curr_op_freq)) { session->he_config.ul_mu = mac->he_cap_2g.ul_mu; if (!mac->mlme_cfg->vht_caps.vht_cap_info.b24ghz_band) session->vhtCapability = 0; } if (!wlan_reg_is_24ghz_ch_freq(session->curr_op_freq)) { session->he_config.ul_mu = mac->he_cap_5g.ul_mu; session->he_config.rx_pream_puncturing = mac->he_cap_5g.rx_pream_puncturing; } } void lim_update_session_he_capable_chan_switch(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *session, uint32_t new_chan_freq) { session->he_capable = true; if (wlan_reg_is_6ghz_chan_freq(session->curr_op_freq) && !wlan_reg_is_6ghz_chan_freq(new_chan_freq)) { session->htCapability = 1; session->vhtCapability = 1; session->he_6ghz_band = 0; } else if (!wlan_reg_is_6ghz_chan_freq(session->curr_op_freq) && wlan_reg_is_6ghz_chan_freq(new_chan_freq)) { session->htCapability = 0; session->vhtCapability = 0; session->he_6ghz_band = 1; } /* * If new channel is 2.4gh set VHT as per the b24ghz_band INI * if new channel is 5Ghz set the vht, this will happen if we move from * 2.4Ghz to 5Ghz. */ if (wlan_reg_is_24ghz_ch_freq(new_chan_freq) && !mac->mlme_cfg->vht_caps.vht_cap_info.b24ghz_band) session->vhtCapability = 0; else if (wlan_reg_is_5ghz_ch_freq(new_chan_freq)) session->vhtCapability = 1; /* * Re-initialize color bss parameters during channel change */ session->he_op.bss_col_disabled = 1; session->bss_color_changing = 1; session->he_bss_color_change.new_color = session->he_op.bss_color; session->he_bss_color_change.countdown = BSS_COLOR_SWITCH_COUNTDOWN; pe_debug("he_capable: %d ht %d vht %d 6ghz_band %d new freq %d vht in 2.4gh %d", session->he_capable, session->htCapability, session->vhtCapability, session->he_6ghz_band, new_chan_freq, mac->mlme_cfg->vht_caps.vht_cap_info.b24ghz_band); } void lim_set_he_caps(struct mac_context *mac, uint8_t *ie_start, uint32_t num_bytes, uint8_t band) { const uint8_t *ie = NULL; tDot11fIEhe_cap dot11_cap; struct he_capability_info *he_cap; bool is_band_2g = false; if (band == CDS_BAND_2GHZ) is_band_2g = true; populate_dot11f_he_caps_by_band(mac, is_band_2g, &dot11_cap, NULL); lim_log_he_cap(mac, &dot11_cap); ie = wlan_get_ext_ie_ptr_from_ext_id(HE_CAP_OUI_TYPE, HE_CAP_OUI_SIZE, ie_start, num_bytes); if (ie) { /* convert from unpacked to packed structure */ he_cap = (struct he_capability_info *) &ie[2 + HE_CAP_OUI_SIZE]; he_cap->htc_he = dot11_cap.htc_he; he_cap->twt_request = dot11_cap.twt_request; he_cap->twt_responder = dot11_cap.twt_responder; he_cap->fragmentation = dot11_cap.fragmentation; he_cap->max_num_frag_msdu_amsdu_exp = dot11_cap.max_num_frag_msdu_amsdu_exp; he_cap->min_frag_size = dot11_cap.min_frag_size; he_cap->trigger_frm_mac_pad = dot11_cap.trigger_frm_mac_pad; he_cap->multi_tid_aggr_rx_supp = dot11_cap.multi_tid_aggr_rx_supp; he_cap->he_link_adaptation = dot11_cap.he_link_adaptation; he_cap->all_ack = dot11_cap.all_ack; he_cap->trigd_rsp_sched = dot11_cap.trigd_rsp_sched; he_cap->a_bsr = dot11_cap.a_bsr; he_cap->broadcast_twt = dot11_cap.broadcast_twt; he_cap->ba_32bit_bitmap = dot11_cap.ba_32bit_bitmap; he_cap->mu_cascade = dot11_cap.mu_cascade; he_cap->ack_enabled_multitid = dot11_cap.ack_enabled_multitid; he_cap->omi_a_ctrl = dot11_cap.omi_a_ctrl; he_cap->ofdma_ra = dot11_cap.ofdma_ra; he_cap->max_ampdu_len_exp_ext = dot11_cap.max_ampdu_len_exp_ext; he_cap->amsdu_frag = dot11_cap.amsdu_frag; he_cap->flex_twt_sched = dot11_cap.flex_twt_sched; he_cap->rx_ctrl_frame = dot11_cap.rx_ctrl_frame; he_cap->bsrp_ampdu_aggr = dot11_cap.bsrp_ampdu_aggr; he_cap->qtp = dot11_cap.qtp; he_cap->a_bqr = dot11_cap.a_bqr; he_cap->spatial_reuse_param_rspder = dot11_cap.spatial_reuse_param_rspder; he_cap->ops_supp = dot11_cap.ops_supp; he_cap->ndp_feedback_supp = dot11_cap.ndp_feedback_supp; he_cap->amsdu_in_ampdu = dot11_cap.amsdu_in_ampdu; if (!mac->roam.configParam.channelBondingMode5GHz) { /* * clearing bits for setting 20MHz support */ dot11_cap.chan_width_1 = HE_CH_WIDTH_CLR_BIT(dot11_cap.chan_width_1, 0); dot11_cap.chan_width_2 = HE_CH_WIDTH_CLR_BIT(dot11_cap.chan_width_2, 0); dot11_cap.chan_width_3 = HE_CH_WIDTH_CLR_BIT(dot11_cap.chan_width_3, 0); he_cap->he_ppdu_20_in_160_80p80Mhz = 0; } he_cap->chan_width = HE_CH_WIDTH_COMBINE(dot11_cap.chan_width_0, dot11_cap.chan_width_1, dot11_cap.chan_width_2, dot11_cap.chan_width_3, dot11_cap.chan_width_4, dot11_cap.chan_width_5, dot11_cap.chan_width_6); he_cap->rx_pream_puncturing = dot11_cap.rx_pream_puncturing; he_cap->device_class = dot11_cap.device_class; he_cap->ldpc_coding = dot11_cap.ldpc_coding; he_cap->he_1x_ltf_800_gi_ppdu = dot11_cap.he_1x_ltf_800_gi_ppdu; he_cap->midamble_tx_rx_max_nsts = dot11_cap.midamble_tx_rx_max_nsts; he_cap->he_4x_ltf_3200_gi_ndp = dot11_cap.he_4x_ltf_3200_gi_ndp; he_cap->tb_ppdu_tx_stbc_lt_80mhz = dot11_cap.tb_ppdu_tx_stbc_lt_80mhz; he_cap->rx_stbc_lt_80mhz = dot11_cap.rx_stbc_lt_80mhz; he_cap->tb_ppdu_tx_stbc_gt_80mhz = dot11_cap.tb_ppdu_tx_stbc_gt_80mhz; he_cap->rx_stbc_gt_80mhz = dot11_cap.rx_stbc_gt_80mhz; he_cap->doppler = dot11_cap.doppler; he_cap->ul_mu = dot11_cap.ul_mu; he_cap->dcm_enc_tx = dot11_cap.dcm_enc_tx; he_cap->dcm_enc_rx = dot11_cap.dcm_enc_rx; he_cap->ul_he_mu = dot11_cap.ul_he_mu; he_cap->su_beamformer = dot11_cap.su_beamformer; he_cap->su_beamformee = dot11_cap.su_beamformee; he_cap->mu_beamformer = dot11_cap.mu_beamformer; he_cap->bfee_sts_lt_80 = dot11_cap.bfee_sts_lt_80; he_cap->bfee_sts_gt_80 = dot11_cap.bfee_sts_gt_80; he_cap->num_sounding_lt_80 = dot11_cap.num_sounding_lt_80; he_cap->num_sounding_gt_80 = dot11_cap.num_sounding_gt_80; he_cap->su_feedback_tone16 = dot11_cap.su_feedback_tone16; he_cap->mu_feedback_tone16 = dot11_cap.mu_feedback_tone16; he_cap->codebook_su = dot11_cap.codebook_su; he_cap->codebook_mu = dot11_cap.codebook_mu; he_cap->beamforming_feedback = dot11_cap.beamforming_feedback; he_cap->he_er_su_ppdu = dot11_cap.he_er_su_ppdu; he_cap->dl_mu_mimo_part_bw = dot11_cap.dl_mu_mimo_part_bw; he_cap->ppet_present = dot11_cap.ppet_present; he_cap->srp = dot11_cap.srp; he_cap->power_boost = dot11_cap.power_boost; he_cap->tx_1024_qam_lt_242_tone_ru = dot11_cap.tx_1024_qam_lt_242_tone_ru; he_cap->rx_1024_qam_lt_242_tone_ru = dot11_cap.rx_1024_qam_lt_242_tone_ru; he_cap->he_ltf_800_gi_4x = dot11_cap.he_ltf_800_gi_4x; he_cap->max_nc = dot11_cap.max_nc; he_cap->er_he_ltf_800_gi_4x = dot11_cap.er_he_ltf_800_gi_4x; he_cap->he_ppdu_20_in_40Mhz_2G = dot11_cap.he_ppdu_20_in_40Mhz_2G; he_cap->he_ppdu_20_in_160_80p80Mhz = dot11_cap.he_ppdu_20_in_160_80p80Mhz; he_cap->he_ppdu_80_in_160_80p80Mhz = dot11_cap.he_ppdu_80_in_160_80p80Mhz; he_cap->er_1x_he_ltf_gi = dot11_cap.er_1x_he_ltf_gi; he_cap->midamble_tx_rx_1x_he_ltf = dot11_cap.midamble_tx_rx_1x_he_ltf; he_cap->reserved2 = dot11_cap.reserved2; he_cap->rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80 = dot11_cap.rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80; he_cap->tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80 = dot11_cap.tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80; if (dot11_cap.chan_width_2) { he_cap->rx_he_mcs_map_160 = *((uint16_t *)dot11_cap.rx_he_mcs_map_160); he_cap->tx_he_mcs_map_160 = *((uint16_t *)dot11_cap.tx_he_mcs_map_160); ie_start[1] += HE_CAP_160M_MCS_MAP_LEN; } if (dot11_cap.chan_width_3) { he_cap->rx_he_mcs_map_80_80 = *((uint16_t *)dot11_cap.rx_he_mcs_map_80_80); he_cap->tx_he_mcs_map_80_80 = *((uint16_t *)dot11_cap.tx_he_mcs_map_80_80); ie_start[1] += HE_CAP_80P80_MCS_MAP_LEN; } } } static void lim_intersect_he_ch_width_2g(struct mac_context *mac, struct he_capability_info *he_cap, uint8_t vdev_id) { struct wlan_objmgr_psoc *psoc; uint32_t cbm_24ghz; psoc = mac->psoc; if (!psoc) return; cbm_24ghz = lim_get_sta_cb_mode_for_24ghz(mac, vdev_id); pe_debug("channel bonding mode 2.4GHz %d", cbm_24ghz); if (!cbm_24ghz) { /* B0: 40Mhz channel width in the 2.4GHz band */ he_cap->chan_width = HE_CH_WIDTH_CLR_BIT(he_cap->chan_width, 0); he_cap->he_ppdu_20_in_40Mhz_2G = 0; } pe_debug("HE cap: chan_width: 0x%07x he_ppdu_20_in_40Mhz_2G %d", he_cap->chan_width, he_cap->he_ppdu_20_in_40Mhz_2G); } static uint8_t lim_set_he_caps_ppet(struct mac_context *mac, uint8_t *ie, enum cds_band_type band) { uint8_t ppe_th[WNI_CFG_HE_PPET_LEN] = {0}; /* Append at the end after ID + LEN + OUI + IE_Data */ uint8_t offset = ie[1] + 1 + 1 + 1; uint8_t num_ppe_th; if (band == CDS_BAND_2GHZ) qdf_mem_copy(ppe_th, mac->mlme_cfg->he_caps.he_ppet_2g, WNI_CFG_HE_PPET_LEN); else if (band == CDS_BAND_5GHZ) qdf_mem_copy(ppe_th, mac->mlme_cfg->he_caps.he_ppet_5g, WNI_CFG_HE_PPET_LEN); else return 0; num_ppe_th = lim_truncate_ppet(ppe_th, WNI_CFG_HE_PPET_LEN); qdf_mem_copy(ie + offset, ppe_th, num_ppe_th); return num_ppe_th; } QDF_STATUS lim_send_he_caps_ie(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, enum QDF_OPMODE device_mode, uint8_t vdev_id) { uint8_t he_caps[SIR_MAC_HE_CAP_MIN_LEN + HE_CAP_OUI_LEN + HE_CAP_160M_MCS_MAP_LEN + HE_CAP_80P80_MCS_MAP_LEN + WNI_CFG_HE_PPET_LEN]; struct he_capability_info *he_cap; QDF_STATUS status_5g, status_2g; uint8_t he_cap_total_len = SIR_MAC_HE_CAP_MIN_LEN + HE_CAP_OUI_LEN + HE_CAP_160M_MCS_MAP_LEN + HE_CAP_80P80_MCS_MAP_LEN; uint8_t num_ppe_th = 0; bool nan_beamforming_supported; bool disable_nan_tx_bf = false, value = false; /* Sending only minimal info(no PPET) to FW now, update if required */ qdf_mem_zero(he_caps, he_cap_total_len); he_caps[0] = DOT11F_EID_HE_CAP; he_caps[1] = SIR_MAC_HE_CAP_MIN_LEN; qdf_mem_copy(&he_caps[2], HE_CAP_OUI_TYPE, HE_CAP_OUI_SIZE); lim_set_he_caps(mac_ctx, he_caps, he_cap_total_len, CDS_BAND_5GHZ); he_cap = (struct he_capability_info *) (&he_caps[2 + HE_CAP_OUI_SIZE]); nan_beamforming_supported = ucfg_nan_is_beamforming_supported(mac_ctx->psoc); if (device_mode == QDF_NDI_MODE && !nan_beamforming_supported) { he_cap->su_beamformee = 0; he_cap->su_beamformer = 0; he_cap->mu_beamformer = 0; he_cap->bfee_sts_gt_80 = 0; he_cap->bfee_sts_lt_80 = 0; he_cap->num_sounding_gt_80 = 0; he_cap->num_sounding_lt_80 = 0; he_cap->su_feedback_tone16 = 0; he_cap->mu_feedback_tone16 = 0; disable_nan_tx_bf = true; } /* * For 5G band HE cap, set the beamformee STS <= 80Mhz to * mac->he_cap_5g.bfee_sts_lt_80 to keep the values same * as initial connection */ if (!disable_nan_tx_bf) { he_cap->bfee_sts_lt_80 = mac_ctx->he_cap_5g.bfee_sts_lt_80; he_cap->bfee_sts_gt_80 = mac_ctx->he_cap_5g.bfee_sts_gt_80; he_cap->num_sounding_gt_80 = mac_ctx->he_cap_5g.num_sounding_gt_80; pe_debug("he_cap_5g: bfee_sts_gt_80 %d num_sounding_gt_80 %d", he_cap->bfee_sts_gt_80, he_cap->num_sounding_gt_80); } if (he_cap->ppet_present) num_ppe_th = lim_set_he_caps_ppet(mac_ctx, he_caps, CDS_BAND_5GHZ); if ((device_mode == QDF_STA_MODE) || (device_mode == QDF_P2P_CLIENT_MODE)) { ucfg_twt_cfg_get_requestor(mac_ctx->psoc, &value); if (!value) { he_cap->twt_request = false; he_cap->flex_twt_sched = false; } he_cap->twt_responder = false; } else if ((device_mode == QDF_SAP_MODE) || (device_mode == QDF_P2P_GO_MODE)) { ucfg_twt_cfg_get_responder(mac_ctx->psoc, &value); if (!value) { he_cap->twt_responder = false; he_cap->flex_twt_sched = false; } he_cap->twt_request = false; } status_5g = lim_send_ie(mac_ctx, vdev_id, DOT11F_EID_HE_CAP, CDS_BAND_5GHZ, &he_caps[2], he_caps[1] + 1 + num_ppe_th); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(status_5g)) pe_err("Unable send HE Cap IE for 5GHZ band, status: %d", status_5g); qdf_mem_zero(he_caps, he_cap_total_len); he_caps[0] = DOT11F_EID_HE_CAP; he_caps[1] = SIR_MAC_HE_CAP_MIN_LEN; qdf_mem_copy(&he_caps[2], HE_CAP_OUI_TYPE, HE_CAP_OUI_SIZE); lim_set_he_caps(mac_ctx, he_caps, he_cap_total_len, CDS_BAND_2GHZ); he_cap = (struct he_capability_info *)(&he_caps[2 + HE_CAP_OUI_SIZE]); /* * For 5G band HE cap, set the beamformee STS <= 80Mhz to * mac->he_cap_5g.bfee_sts_lt_80 to keep the values same * as initial connection */ if (!disable_nan_tx_bf) { he_cap->bfee_sts_lt_80 = mac_ctx->he_cap_2g.bfee_sts_lt_80; he_cap->bfee_sts_gt_80 = mac_ctx->he_cap_2g.bfee_sts_gt_80; he_cap->num_sounding_gt_80 = mac_ctx->he_cap_2g.num_sounding_gt_80; pe_debug("he_cap_2g: bfee_sts_gt_80 %d num_sounding_gt_80 %d", he_cap->bfee_sts_gt_80, he_cap->num_sounding_gt_80); } lim_intersect_he_ch_width_2g(mac_ctx, he_cap, vdev_id); if (he_cap->ppet_present) num_ppe_th = lim_set_he_caps_ppet(mac_ctx, he_caps, CDS_BAND_2GHZ); status_2g = lim_send_ie(mac_ctx, vdev_id, DOT11F_EID_HE_CAP, CDS_BAND_2GHZ, &he_caps[2], he_caps[1] + 1 + num_ppe_th); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(status_2g)) pe_err("Unable send HE Cap IE for 2GHZ band, status: %d", status_2g); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status_2g) && QDF_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status_5g)) return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } /** * lim_populate_he_mcs_per_bw() - pouldate HE mcs set per BW (le 80, 160, 80+80) * @mac_ctx: Global MAC context * @self_rx: self rx mcs set * @self_tx: self tx mcs set * @peer_rx: peer rx mcs set * @peer_tx: peer tx mcs set * @nss: nss * @cfg_rx_param: rx wni param to read * @cfg_tx_param: tx wni param to read * * MCS values are interpreted as in IEEE 11ax-D1.4 spec onwards * +-----------------------------------------------------+ * | SS8 | SS7 | SS6 | SS5 | SS4 | SS3 | SS2 | SS1 | * +-----------------------------------------------------+ * | 15-14 | 13-12 | 11-10 | 9-8 | 7-6 | 5-4 | 3-2 | 1-0 | * +-----------------------------------------------------+ * * Return: status of operation */ QDF_STATUS lim_populate_he_mcs_per_bw(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint16_t *supp_rx_mcs, uint16_t *supp_tx_mcs, uint16_t peer_rx, uint16_t peer_tx, uint8_t nss, uint16_t rx_mcs, uint16_t tx_mcs) { pe_debug("peer rates: rx_mcs - 0x%04x tx_mcs - 0x%04x", peer_rx, peer_tx); pe_debug("self rates: rx_mcs - 0x%04x tx_mcs - 0x%04x", rx_mcs, tx_mcs); *supp_tx_mcs = HE_INTERSECT_MCS(rx_mcs, peer_tx); *supp_rx_mcs = HE_INTERSECT_MCS(tx_mcs, peer_rx); if (nss == NSS_1x1_MODE) { *supp_rx_mcs |= HE_MCS_INV_MSK_4_NSS(1); *supp_tx_mcs |= HE_MCS_INV_MSK_4_NSS(1); } /* if nss is 2, disable higher NSS */ if (nss == NSS_2x2_MODE) { *supp_rx_mcs |= (HE_MCS_INV_MSK_4_NSS(1) & HE_MCS_INV_MSK_4_NSS(2)); *supp_tx_mcs |= (HE_MCS_INV_MSK_4_NSS(1) & HE_MCS_INV_MSK_4_NSS(2)); } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } QDF_STATUS lim_populate_he_mcs_set(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct supported_rates *rates, tDot11fIEhe_cap *peer_he_caps, struct pe_session *session_entry, uint8_t nss) { bool support_2x2 = false; uint32_t self_sta_dot11mode = mac_ctx->mlme_cfg->dot11_mode.dot11_mode; if (!IS_DOT11_MODE_HE(self_sta_dot11mode)) return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; if ((!peer_he_caps) || (!peer_he_caps->present)) { pe_debug("peer not he capable or he_caps NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (!session_entry) { pe_err("session is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } pe_debug("session chan width: %d", session_entry->ch_width); pe_debug("PEER: lt 80: rx 0x%04x tx 0x%04x, 160: rx 0x%04x tx 0x%04x, 80+80: rx 0x%04x tx 0x%04x", peer_he_caps->rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80, peer_he_caps->tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80, (*(uint16_t *)peer_he_caps->rx_he_mcs_map_160), (*(uint16_t *)peer_he_caps->tx_he_mcs_map_160), (*(uint16_t *)peer_he_caps->rx_he_mcs_map_80_80), (*(uint16_t *)peer_he_caps->tx_he_mcs_map_80_80)); if (nss == NSS_2x2_MODE) { if (mac_ctx->mlme_cfg->gen.as_enabled && wlan_reg_is_24ghz_ch_freq(session_entry->curr_op_freq)) { if (IS_2X2_CHAIN(session_entry->chainMask)) support_2x2 = true; else pe_err("2x2 not enabled %d", session_entry->chainMask); } else { support_2x2 = true; } } if (wlan_reg_is_24ghz_ch_freq(session_entry->curr_op_freq)) lim_populate_he_mcs_per_bw(mac_ctx, &rates->rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80, &rates->tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80, peer_he_caps->rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80, peer_he_caps->tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80, nss, mac_ctx->he_cap_2g.rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80, mac_ctx->he_cap_2g.tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80); else lim_populate_he_mcs_per_bw(mac_ctx, &rates->rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80, &rates->tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80, peer_he_caps->rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80, peer_he_caps->tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80, nss, mac_ctx->he_cap_5g.rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80, mac_ctx->he_cap_5g.tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80); if ((session_entry->ch_width == CH_WIDTH_160MHZ || lim_is_session_chwidth_320mhz(session_entry)) && peer_he_caps->chan_width_2) { lim_populate_he_mcs_per_bw( mac_ctx, &rates->rx_he_mcs_map_160, &rates->tx_he_mcs_map_160, *((uint16_t *)peer_he_caps->rx_he_mcs_map_160), *((uint16_t *)peer_he_caps->tx_he_mcs_map_160), nss, *((uint16_t *)mac_ctx->mlme_cfg->he_caps.dot11_he_cap. rx_he_mcs_map_160), *((uint16_t *)mac_ctx->mlme_cfg->he_caps.dot11_he_cap. tx_he_mcs_map_160)); } else { rates->tx_he_mcs_map_160 = HE_MCS_ALL_DISABLED; rates->rx_he_mcs_map_160 = HE_MCS_ALL_DISABLED; } if (session_entry->ch_width == CH_WIDTH_80P80MHZ) { lim_populate_he_mcs_per_bw( mac_ctx, &rates->rx_he_mcs_map_80_80, &rates->tx_he_mcs_map_80_80, *((uint16_t *)peer_he_caps->rx_he_mcs_map_80_80), *((uint16_t *)peer_he_caps->tx_he_mcs_map_80_80), nss, *((uint16_t *)mac_ctx->mlme_cfg->he_caps.dot11_he_cap. rx_he_mcs_map_80_80), *((uint16_t *)mac_ctx->mlme_cfg->he_caps.dot11_he_cap. tx_he_mcs_map_80_80)); } else { rates->tx_he_mcs_map_80_80 = HE_MCS_ALL_DISABLED; rates->rx_he_mcs_map_80_80 = HE_MCS_ALL_DISABLED; } if (!support_2x2) { /* disable 2 and higher NSS MCS sets */ rates->rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80 |= HE_MCS_INV_MSK_4_NSS(1); rates->tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80 |= HE_MCS_INV_MSK_4_NSS(1); rates->rx_he_mcs_map_160 |= HE_MCS_INV_MSK_4_NSS(1); rates->tx_he_mcs_map_160 |= HE_MCS_INV_MSK_4_NSS(1); rates->rx_he_mcs_map_80_80 |= HE_MCS_INV_MSK_4_NSS(1); rates->tx_he_mcs_map_80_80 |= HE_MCS_INV_MSK_4_NSS(1); } pe_debug("lt 80: rx 0x%x tx 0x%x, 160: rx 0x%x tx 0x%x, 80_80: rx 0x%x tx 0x%x", rates->rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80, rates->tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80, rates->rx_he_mcs_map_160, rates->tx_he_mcs_map_160, rates->rx_he_mcs_map_80_80, rates->tx_he_mcs_map_80_80); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } #endif #ifdef WLAN_FEATURE_11BE_MLO void lim_update_sta_mlo_info(struct pe_session *session, tpAddStaParams add_sta_params, tpDphHashNode sta_ds) { if (lim_is_add_sta_params_eht_capable(add_sta_params) && lim_is_mlo_conn(session, sta_ds)) { WLAN_ADDR_COPY(add_sta_params->mld_mac_addr, sta_ds->mld_addr); add_sta_params->is_assoc_peer = lim_is_mlo_recv_assoc(sta_ds); pe_debug("mld mac " QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT " assoc peer %d", QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(add_sta_params->mld_mac_addr), add_sta_params->is_assoc_peer); return; } pe_debug("is not mlo capable"); } void lim_set_mlo_caps(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *session, uint8_t *ie_start, uint32_t num_bytes) { const uint8_t *ie = NULL; struct wlan_mlo_ie dot11_cap; struct wlan_mlo_ie_info *mlo_ie_info; populate_dot11f_mlo_caps(mac, session, &dot11_cap); ie = wlan_get_ext_ie_ptr_from_ext_id(MLO_IE_OUI_TYPE, MLO_IE_OUI_SIZE, ie_start, num_bytes); if (ie) { /* convert from unpacked to packed structure */ mlo_ie_info = (struct wlan_mlo_ie_info *)&ie[2 + MLO_IE_OUI_SIZE]; mlo_ie_info->type = dot11_cap.type; mlo_ie_info->reserved = dot11_cap.reserved; mlo_ie_info->link_id_info_present = dot11_cap.link_id_info_present; mlo_ie_info->bss_param_change_cnt_present = dot11_cap.bss_param_change_cnt_present; mlo_ie_info->medium_sync_delay_info_present = dot11_cap.medium_sync_delay_info_present; mlo_ie_info->eml_capab_present = dot11_cap.eml_capab_present; mlo_ie_info->mld_capab_and_op_present = dot11_cap.mld_capab_and_op_present; mlo_ie_info->mld_id_present = dot11_cap.mld_id_present; mlo_ie_info->ext_mld_capab_and_op_present = dot11_cap.ext_mld_capab_and_op_present; mlo_ie_info->reserved_1 = dot11_cap.reserved_1; mlo_ie_info->common_info_length = dot11_cap.common_info_length; qdf_mem_copy(&mlo_ie_info->mld_mac_addr, &dot11_cap.mld_mac_addr, QDF_MAC_ADDR_SIZE); ie_start[1] += QDF_MAC_ADDR_SIZE; } } QDF_STATUS lim_send_mlo_caps_ie(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct wlan_objmgr_vdev *vdev, enum QDF_OPMODE device_mode, uint8_t vdev_id) { QDF_STATUS status_2g, status_5g; struct wlan_mlo_ie mlo_ie; populate_dot11f_mlo_ie(mac_ctx, vdev, &mlo_ie); status_2g = lim_send_ie(mac_ctx, vdev_id, DOT11F_EID_MLO_IE, CDS_BAND_2GHZ, &mlo_ie.data[2], mlo_ie.num_data - 2); status_5g = lim_send_ie(mac_ctx, vdev_id, DOT11F_EID_MLO_IE, CDS_BAND_5GHZ, &mlo_ie.data[2], mlo_ie.num_data - 2); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status_2g) && QDF_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status_5g)) { return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } void lim_strip_mlo_ie(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t *add_ie, uint16_t *add_ielen) { uint8_t *mlo_ie_buff = NULL; uint16_t mlo_ie_buff_len = 0; QDF_STATUS qdf_status; /* MLO ext ie in addition IE*/ if (wlan_get_ext_ie_ptr_from_ext_id(MLO_IE_OUI_TYPE, ONE_BYTE, add_ie, *add_ielen)) { mlo_ie_buff = qdf_mem_malloc(WLAN_MAX_IE_LEN + 2); if (!mlo_ie_buff) { pe_err("Failed to allocate MLO IE buff"); return; } qdf_status = lim_strip_ie(mac_ctx, add_ie, add_ielen, WLAN_ELEMID_EXTN_ELEM, ONE_BYTE, MLO_IE_OUI_TYPE, MLO_IE_OUI_SIZE, mlo_ie_buff, WLAN_MAX_IE_LEN); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(qdf_status)) { pe_err("Failed to strip MLO IE"); qdf_mem_free(mlo_ie_buff); return; } mlo_ie_buff_len = mlo_ie_buff[1] + 2; /* 2 - EID+LEN */ pe_debug("remove supplicant mlo ie, %d bytes", mlo_ie_buff[1]); qdf_trace_hex_dump(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG, mlo_ie_buff, mlo_ie_buff_len); qdf_mem_free(mlo_ie_buff); } } #endif #ifdef WLAN_FEATURE_11BE static void lim_populate_eht_320_mcs_set(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct supported_rates *rates, tDot11fIEeht_cap *peer_eht_caps) { tDot11fIEeht_cap *fw_5g_eht_cap; fw_5g_eht_cap = &mac_ctx->eht_cap_5g; rates->bw_320_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_320_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13, fw_5g_eht_cap->bw_320_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13); rates->bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13, fw_5g_eht_cap->bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13); rates->bw_320_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_320_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11, fw_5g_eht_cap->bw_320_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11); rates->bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11, fw_5g_eht_cap->bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11); rates->bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9, fw_5g_eht_cap->bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9); rates->bw_320_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_320_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9, fw_5g_eht_cap->bw_320_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9); rates->bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9, fw_5g_eht_cap->bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9); rates->bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9, fw_5g_eht_cap->bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9); } static void lim_populate_eht_160_mcs_set(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct supported_rates *rates, tDot11fIEeht_cap *peer_eht_caps) { tDot11fIEeht_cap *fw_5g_eht_cap; fw_5g_eht_cap = &mac_ctx->eht_cap_5g; rates->bw_160_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_160_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13, fw_5g_eht_cap->bw_160_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13); rates->bw_160_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_160_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13, fw_5g_eht_cap->bw_160_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13); rates->bw_160_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_160_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11, fw_5g_eht_cap->bw_160_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11); rates->bw_160_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_160_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11, fw_5g_eht_cap->bw_160_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11); rates->bw_160_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_160_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9, fw_5g_eht_cap->bw_160_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9); rates->bw_160_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_160_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9, fw_5g_eht_cap->bw_160_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9); } static void lim_populate_eht_le80_mcs_set(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct supported_rates *rates, tDot11fIEeht_cap *peer_eht_caps) { tDot11fIEeht_cap *fw_le80_eht_cap; fw_le80_eht_cap = &mac_ctx->eht_cap_5g; rates->bw_le_80_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_le_80_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13, fw_le80_eht_cap->bw_le_80_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13); rates->bw_le_80_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_le_80_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13, fw_le80_eht_cap->bw_le_80_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13); rates->bw_le_80_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_le_80_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11, fw_le80_eht_cap->bw_le_80_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11); rates->bw_le_80_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_le_80_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11, fw_le80_eht_cap->bw_le_80_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11); rates->bw_le_80_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_le_80_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9, fw_le80_eht_cap->bw_le_80_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9); rates->bw_le_80_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_le_80_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9, fw_le80_eht_cap->bw_le_80_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9); } static void lim_populate_eht_20only_mcs_set(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct supported_rates *rates, tDot11fIEeht_cap *peer_eht_caps) { tDot11fIEeht_cap *fw_2g_eht_cap; fw_2g_eht_cap = &mac_ctx->eht_cap_2g; rates->bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13, fw_2g_eht_cap->bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13); rates->bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13, fw_2g_eht_cap->bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13); rates->bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11, fw_2g_eht_cap->bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11); rates->bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11, fw_2g_eht_cap->bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11); rates->bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_8_and_9 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_8_and_9, fw_2g_eht_cap->bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_8_and_9); rates->bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_8_and_9 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_8_and_9, fw_2g_eht_cap->bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_8_and_9); rates->bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_7 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_7, fw_2g_eht_cap->bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_7); rates->bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_7 = QDF_MIN(peer_eht_caps->bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_7, fw_2g_eht_cap->bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_7); } QDF_STATUS lim_populate_eht_mcs_set(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct supported_rates *rates, tDot11fIEeht_cap *peer_eht_caps, struct pe_session *session_entry, enum phy_ch_width ch_width) { if ((!peer_eht_caps) || (!peer_eht_caps->present)) { pe_debug("peer not eht capable or eht_caps NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (!lim_is_session_eht_capable(session_entry)) { pe_debug("session not eht capable"); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } switch (ch_width) { case CH_WIDTH_320MHZ: lim_populate_eht_320_mcs_set(mac_ctx, rates, peer_eht_caps); fallthrough; case CH_WIDTH_160MHZ: lim_populate_eht_160_mcs_set(mac_ctx, rates, peer_eht_caps); fallthrough; case CH_WIDTH_80MHZ: case CH_WIDTH_40MHZ: lim_populate_eht_le80_mcs_set(mac_ctx, rates, peer_eht_caps); break; case CH_WIDTH_20MHZ: lim_populate_eht_20only_mcs_set(mac_ctx, rates, peer_eht_caps); break; default: break; } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } void lim_add_self_eht_cap(tpAddStaParams add_sta_params, struct pe_session *session) { if (!session) return; add_sta_params->eht_capable = true; qdf_mem_copy(&add_sta_params->eht_config, &session->eht_config, sizeof(add_sta_params->eht_config)); qdf_mem_copy(&add_sta_params->eht_op, &session->eht_op, sizeof(add_sta_params->eht_op)); } /** * lim_intersect_eht_caps() - Intersect peer capability and self capability * @rcvd_eht: pointer to received peer capability * @peer_eht: pointer to Intersected capability * @session: A pointer to session entry. * * Return: None */ static void lim_intersect_eht_caps(tDot11fIEeht_cap *rcvd_eht, tDot11fIEeht_cap *peer_eht, struct pe_session *session) { tDot11fIEeht_cap *session_eht = &session->eht_config; qdf_mem_copy(peer_eht, rcvd_eht, sizeof(*peer_eht)); peer_eht->su_beamformer = session_eht->su_beamformee ? peer_eht->su_beamformer : 0; peer_eht->su_beamformee = (session_eht->su_beamformer || session_eht->mu_bformer_le_80mhz || session_eht->mu_bformer_160mhz || session_eht->mu_bformer_320mhz) ? peer_eht->su_beamformee : 0; peer_eht->mu_bformer_le_80mhz = session_eht->su_beamformee ? peer_eht->mu_bformer_le_80mhz : 0; peer_eht->mu_bformer_160mhz = session_eht->su_beamformee ? peer_eht->mu_bformer_160mhz : 0; peer_eht->mu_bformer_320mhz = session_eht->su_beamformee ? peer_eht->mu_bformer_320mhz : 0; if (session_eht->support_320mhz_6ghz && rcvd_eht->support_320mhz_6ghz) peer_eht->support_320mhz_6ghz = 1; else peer_eht->support_320mhz_6ghz = 0; } void lim_update_usr_eht_cap(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct pe_session *session) { struct add_ie_params *add_ie = &session->add_ie_params; tDot11fIEeht_cap *eht_cap = &session->eht_config; struct wlan_eht_cap_info_network_endian *eht_cap_from_ie; uint8_t extracted_buff[DOT11F_IE_EHT_CAP_MAX_LEN + 2]; QDF_STATUS status; struct wlan_vht_config *vht_cfg = &session->vht_config; tDot11fIEhe_cap *he_cap = &session->he_config; struct mlme_legacy_priv *mlme_priv; qdf_mem_zero(extracted_buff, sizeof(extracted_buff)); status = lim_strip_ie(mac_ctx, add_ie->probeRespBCNData_buff, &add_ie->probeRespBCNDataLen, DOT11F_EID_EHT_CAP, ONE_BYTE, EHT_CAP_OUI_TYPE, (uint8_t)EHT_CAP_OUI_SIZE, extracted_buff, DOT11F_IE_EHT_CAP_MAX_LEN); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(status)) { pe_debug("Failed to strip EHT cap IE status: %d", status); return; } pe_debug("Before update: su_bformer: %d, su_bformee: %d, mu_bformer <= 80MHZ: %d 160MHZ: %d 320MHZ: %d", eht_cap->su_beamformer, eht_cap->su_beamformee, eht_cap->mu_bformer_le_80mhz, eht_cap->mu_bformer_160mhz, eht_cap->mu_bformer_320mhz); eht_cap_from_ie = (struct wlan_eht_cap_info_network_endian *) &extracted_buff[EHT_CAP_OUI_SIZE + 2]; eht_cap->su_beamformer = eht_cap->su_beamformer & eht_cap_from_ie->su_beamformer; eht_cap->su_beamformee = eht_cap->su_beamformee & eht_cap_from_ie->su_beamformee; eht_cap->mu_bformer_le_80mhz = eht_cap->mu_bformer_le_80mhz & eht_cap_from_ie->mu_bformer_le_80mhz; eht_cap->mu_bformer_160mhz = eht_cap->mu_bformer_160mhz & eht_cap_from_ie->mu_bformer_160mhz; eht_cap->mu_bformer_320mhz = eht_cap->mu_bformer_320mhz & eht_cap_from_ie->mu_bformer_320mhz; pe_debug("After update: su_bformer: %d, su_bformee: %d, mu_bformer <= 80MHZ: %d 160MHZ: %d 320MHZ: %d", eht_cap->su_beamformer, eht_cap->su_beamformee, eht_cap->mu_bformer_le_80mhz, eht_cap->mu_bformer_160mhz, eht_cap->mu_bformer_320mhz); if (!eht_cap->su_beamformer) { eht_cap->mu_bformer_le_80mhz = 0; eht_cap->mu_bformer_160mhz = 0; eht_cap->mu_bformer_320mhz = 0; eht_cap->num_sounding_dim_le_80mhz = 0; eht_cap->num_sounding_dim_160mhz = 0; eht_cap->num_sounding_dim_320mhz = 0; he_cap->mu_beamformer = 0; he_cap->num_sounding_lt_80 = 0; he_cap->num_sounding_gt_80 = 0; vht_cfg->su_beam_former = 0; vht_cfg->mu_beam_former = 0; vht_cfg->num_soundingdim = 0; } if (!eht_cap->su_beamformee) { eht_cap->bfee_ss_le_80mhz = 0; eht_cap->bfee_ss_160mhz = 0; eht_cap->bfee_ss_320mhz = 0; he_cap->bfee_sts_lt_80 = 0; he_cap->bfee_sts_gt_80 = 0; vht_cfg->su_beam_formee = 0; vht_cfg->mu_beam_formee = 0; vht_cfg->csnof_beamformer_antSup = 0; } mlme_priv = wlan_vdev_mlme_get_ext_hdl(session->vdev); if (mlme_priv) { mlme_priv->eht_config.mu_bformer_le_80mhz = eht_cap->mu_bformer_le_80mhz; mlme_priv->eht_config.mu_bformer_160mhz = eht_cap->mu_bformer_160mhz; mlme_priv->eht_config.mu_bformer_320mhz = eht_cap->mu_bformer_320mhz; mlme_priv->eht_config.su_beamformer = eht_cap->su_beamformer; mlme_priv->eht_config.su_beamformee = eht_cap->su_beamformee; mlme_priv->eht_config.bfee_ss_le_80mhz = eht_cap->bfee_ss_le_80mhz; mlme_priv->eht_config.bfee_ss_160mhz = eht_cap->bfee_ss_160mhz; mlme_priv->eht_config.bfee_ss_320mhz = eht_cap->bfee_ss_320mhz; mlme_priv->eht_config.num_sounding_dim_le_80mhz = eht_cap->num_sounding_dim_le_80mhz; mlme_priv->eht_config.num_sounding_dim_160mhz = eht_cap->num_sounding_dim_160mhz; mlme_priv->eht_config.num_sounding_dim_320mhz = eht_cap->num_sounding_dim_320mhz; } wma_set_eht_txbf_params(session->vdev_id, eht_cap->su_beamformer, eht_cap->su_beamformee, eht_cap->mu_bformer_le_80mhz || eht_cap->mu_bformer_160mhz || eht_cap->mu_bformer_320mhz); } static void lim_revise_req_eht_cap_per_band(struct mlme_legacy_priv *mlme_priv, struct pe_session *session) { struct mac_context *mac = session->mac_ctx; if (wlan_reg_is_24ghz_ch_freq(session->curr_op_freq)) mlme_priv->eht_config = mac->eht_cap_2g; else mlme_priv->eht_config = mac->eht_cap_5g; } /** * lim_revise_req_eht_cap_per_mode() - revise eht capabilities per device mode * @mlme_legacy_priv: vdev mlme legacy priv object * @session: pointer to session entry. * * Return: None */ static void lim_revise_req_eht_cap_per_mode(struct mlme_legacy_priv *mlme_priv, struct pe_session *session) { if (session->opmode == QDF_SAP_MODE || session->opmode == QDF_P2P_GO_MODE) { pe_debug("Disable eht cap for SAP/GO"); mlme_priv->eht_config.tx_1024_4096_qam_lt_242_tone_ru = 0; mlme_priv->eht_config.rx_1024_4096_qam_lt_242_tone_ru = 0; } mlme_priv->eht_config.non_ofdma_ul_mu_mimo_le_80mhz = 0; mlme_priv->eht_config.non_ofdma_ul_mu_mimo_160mhz = 0; mlme_priv->eht_config.non_ofdma_ul_mu_mimo_320mhz = 0; } void lim_copy_bss_eht_cap(struct pe_session *session) { struct mlme_legacy_priv *mlme_priv; mlme_priv = wlan_vdev_mlme_get_ext_hdl(session->vdev); if (!mlme_priv) return; lim_revise_req_eht_cap_per_band(mlme_priv, session); /* * As per firmware, SAP/GO doesn’t support some EHT capabilities. So if * unsupported capabilities are advertised in beacon, probe rsp and * assoc rsp can cause IOT issues. * Disable unsupported capabilities per mode. */ lim_revise_req_eht_cap_per_mode(mlme_priv, session); lim_update_eht_caps_mcs(session->mac_ctx, session); qdf_mem_copy(&session->eht_config, &mlme_priv->eht_config, sizeof(session->eht_config)); if (wlan_epcs_get_config(session->vdev)) session->eht_config.epcs_pri_access = 1; else session->eht_config.epcs_pri_access = 0; } void lim_copy_join_req_eht_cap(struct pe_session *session) { struct mlme_legacy_priv *mlme_priv; mlme_priv = wlan_vdev_mlme_get_ext_hdl(session->vdev); if (!mlme_priv) return; lim_revise_req_eht_cap_per_band(mlme_priv, session); lim_revise_req_eht_cap_per_mode(mlme_priv, session); qdf_mem_copy(&session->eht_config, &mlme_priv->eht_config, sizeof(session->eht_config)); } void lim_add_eht_cap(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct pe_session *pe_session, tpAddStaParams add_sta_params, tpSirAssocReq assoc_req) { if (!add_sta_params->eht_capable || !assoc_req) return; qdf_mem_copy(&add_sta_params->eht_config, &assoc_req->eht_cap, sizeof(add_sta_params->eht_config)); } void lim_intersect_ap_eht_caps(struct pe_session *session, struct bss_params *add_bss, tSchBeaconStruct *beacon, tpSirAssocRsp assoc_rsp) { tDot11fIEeht_cap *rcvd_eht; tDot11fIEeht_cap *peer_eht = &add_bss->staContext.eht_config; if (assoc_rsp && assoc_rsp->eht_cap.present) rcvd_eht = &assoc_rsp->eht_cap; else rcvd_eht = &beacon->eht_cap; lim_intersect_eht_caps(rcvd_eht, peer_eht, session); add_bss->staContext.eht_capable = true; } void lim_add_bss_eht_cap(struct bss_params *add_bss, tpSirAssocRsp assoc_rsp) { tDot11fIEeht_cap *eht_cap; tDot11fIEeht_op *eht_op; eht_cap = &assoc_rsp->eht_cap; eht_op = &assoc_rsp->eht_op; add_bss->eht_capable = eht_cap->present; if (eht_cap) qdf_mem_copy(&add_bss->staContext.eht_config, eht_cap, sizeof(*eht_cap)); if (eht_op) qdf_mem_copy(&add_bss->staContext.eht_op, eht_op, sizeof(*eht_op)); } void lim_intersect_sta_eht_caps(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tpSirAssocReq assoc_req, struct pe_session *session, tpDphHashNode sta_ds) { tDot11fIEeht_cap *rcvd_eht = &assoc_req->eht_cap; tDot11fIEeht_cap *peer_eht = &sta_ds->eht_config; if (!sta_ds->mlmStaContext.eht_capable) return; /* If EHT is not supported, do not fill sta_ds and return */ if (!IS_DOT11_MODE_EHT(session->dot11mode)) return; lim_intersect_eht_caps(rcvd_eht, peer_eht, session); } void lim_update_session_eht_capable(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *session) { session->eht_capable = true; } void lim_add_bss_eht_cfg(struct bss_params *add_bss, struct pe_session *session) { } #define EHT_OP_LEN (DOT11F_IE_EHT_OP_MAX_LEN + EHT_OP_OUI_SIZE * 2 + ONE_BYTE) void lim_decide_eht_op(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint32_t *mlme_eht_ops, struct pe_session *session) { struct add_ie_params *add_ie = &session->add_ie_params; uint8_t extracted_buff[EHT_OP_LEN + 2]; QDF_STATUS status; uint16_t ori_puncture_bitmap; uint8_t len; pe_debug("beacon ie:"); qdf_trace_hex_dump(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG, add_ie->probeRespBCNData_buff, add_ie->probeRespBCNDataLen); qdf_mem_zero(extracted_buff, sizeof(extracted_buff)); status = lim_strip_ie(mac_ctx, add_ie->probeRespBCNData_buff, &add_ie->probeRespBCNDataLen, DOT11F_EID_EHT_OP, ONE_BYTE, EHT_OP_OUI_TYPE, (uint8_t)EHT_OP_OUI_SIZE, extracted_buff, EHT_OP_LEN); if (QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS != status) { pe_debug("Failed to strip EHT OP IE status: %d", status); return; } pe_debug("eht op:"); qdf_trace_hex_dump(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG, extracted_buff, EHT_OP_LEN); session->eht_op.present = 1; len = qdf_min((uint8_t)(sizeof(tDot11fIEeht_op) - 1), (uint8_t)(DOT11F_IE_EHT_OP_MAX_LEN)); qdf_mem_copy((uint8_t *)(&session->eht_op) + 1, &extracted_buff[EHT_OP_OUI_SIZE * 2 + ONE_BYTE], len); ori_puncture_bitmap = *(uint16_t *)session->eht_op.disabled_sub_chan_bitmap; pe_debug("puncture bitmap: %d, ch width: %d, ccfs0: %d, ccfs1: %d", ori_puncture_bitmap, session->eht_op.channel_width, session->eht_op.ccfs0, session->eht_op.ccfs1); wma_update_vdev_eht_ops(mlme_eht_ops, &session->eht_op); } void lim_update_stads_eht_capable(tpDphHashNode sta_ds, tpSirAssocReq assoc_req) { sta_ds->mlmStaContext.eht_capable = assoc_req->eht_cap.present; } #ifdef FEATURE_WLAN_TDLS #ifdef WLAN_FEATURE_11BE void lim_update_tdls_sta_eht_capable(struct mac_context *mac, tpAddStaParams add_sta_params, tpDphHashNode sta_ds, struct pe_session *session_entry) { if (sta_ds->staType == STA_ENTRY_TDLS_PEER) { if (!sta_ds->eht_config.present) add_sta_params->eht_capable = 0; } pe_debug("tdls eht_capable: %d", add_sta_params->eht_capable); } #endif #endif void lim_update_sta_eht_capable(struct mac_context *mac, tpAddStaParams add_sta_params, tpDphHashNode sta_ds, struct pe_session *session_entry) { if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session_entry)) add_sta_params->eht_capable = sta_ds->mlmStaContext.eht_capable && session_entry->eht_capable; else add_sta_params->eht_capable = session_entry->eht_capable; pe_debug("eht_capable: %d", add_sta_params->eht_capable); } void lim_update_session_eht_capable_chan_switch(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *session, uint32_t new_chan_freq) { session->eht_capable = true; session->he_capable = true; /* TODO: Update */ if (wlan_reg_is_6ghz_chan_freq(session->curr_op_freq) && !wlan_reg_is_6ghz_chan_freq(new_chan_freq)) { session->htCapability = 1; session->vhtCapability = 1; session->he_6ghz_band = 0; } else if (!wlan_reg_is_6ghz_chan_freq(session->curr_op_freq) && wlan_reg_is_6ghz_chan_freq(new_chan_freq)) { session->htCapability = 0; session->vhtCapability = 0; session->he_6ghz_band = 1; } /* * If new channel is 2.4gh set VHT as per the b24ghz_band INI * if new channel is 5Ghz set the vht, this will happen if we move from * 2.4Ghz to 5Ghz. */ if (wlan_reg_is_24ghz_ch_freq(new_chan_freq) && !mac->mlme_cfg->vht_caps.vht_cap_info.b24ghz_band) session->vhtCapability = 0; else if (wlan_reg_is_5ghz_ch_freq(new_chan_freq)) session->vhtCapability = 1; pe_debug("eht_capable:%d he_capable:%d ht:%d vht:%d 6ghz_band:%d new freq:%d vht in 2.4gh:%d", session->eht_capable, session->he_capable, session->htCapability, session->vhtCapability, session->he_6ghz_band, new_chan_freq, mac->mlme_cfg->vht_caps.vht_cap_info.b24ghz_band); } void lim_update_bss_eht_capable(struct mac_context *mac, struct bss_params *add_bss) { add_bss->eht_capable = true; pe_debug("eht_capable: %d", add_bss->eht_capable); } void lim_log_eht_cap(struct mac_context *mac, tDot11fIEeht_cap *eht_cap) { if (!eht_cap->present) return; pe_nofl_debug("EHT Capabilities:"); QDF_TRACE_HEX_DUMP(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG, eht_cap, sizeof(tDot11fIEeht_cap)); } void lim_log_eht_op(struct mac_context *mac, tDot11fIEeht_op *eht_ops, struct pe_session *session) { if (!eht_ops->present) return; pe_nofl_debug("EHT operation element:"); QDF_TRACE_HEX_DUMP(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG, eht_ops, sizeof(tDot11fIEeht_op)); } static void lim_revise_eht_caps(struct mac_context *mac, tDot11fIEeht_cap *eht_cap) { uint32_t country_max_allowed_bw; country_max_allowed_bw = wlan_reg_get_country_max_allowed_bw(mac->pdev); if (!country_max_allowed_bw) { pe_debug("Failed to get country_max_allowed_bw"); return; } if (country_max_allowed_bw < BW_320_MHZ) eht_cap->support_320mhz_6ghz = 0; } void lim_set_eht_caps(struct mac_context *mac, uint8_t *ie_start, uint32_t num_bytes, uint8_t band, uint8_t vdev_id) { const uint8_t *ie = NULL; uint8_t offset = 0; uint8_t offset_1 = 0; tDot11fIEeht_cap dot11_cap; tDot11fIEhe_cap dot11_he_cap; struct wlan_eht_cap_info *eht_cap; struct wlan_eht_cap_info eht_mcs_cap; bool is_band_2g = false; uint32_t cbm_24ghz; struct wlan_objmgr_vdev *vdev; if (band == CDS_BAND_2GHZ) is_band_2g = true; populate_dot11f_eht_caps_by_band(mac, is_band_2g, &dot11_cap, NULL); lim_revise_eht_caps(mac, &dot11_cap); populate_dot11f_he_caps_by_band(mac, is_band_2g, &dot11_he_cap, NULL); lim_log_eht_cap(mac, &dot11_cap); if (is_band_2g) { cbm_24ghz = lim_get_sta_cb_mode_for_24ghz(mac, vdev_id); if (!cbm_24ghz) { /* B0: 40Mhz channel width in the 2.4GHz band */ dot11_he_cap.chan_width_0 = 0; dot11_he_cap.he_ppdu_20_in_40Mhz_2G = 0; } } ie = wlan_get_ext_ie_ptr_from_ext_id(EHT_CAP_OUI_TYPE, EHT_CAP_OUI_SIZE, ie_start, num_bytes); if (ie) { /* convert from unpacked to packed structure */ eht_cap = (struct wlan_eht_cap_info *)&ie[2 + EHT_CAP_OUI_SIZE]; vdev = wlan_objmgr_get_vdev_by_id_from_psoc(mac->psoc, vdev_id, WLAN_MLME_CM_ID); if (wlan_epcs_get_config(vdev)) eht_cap->epcs_pri_access = 1; else eht_cap->epcs_pri_access = 0; if (vdev) wlan_objmgr_vdev_release_ref(vdev, WLAN_MLME_CM_ID); eht_cap->eht_om_ctl = dot11_cap.eht_om_ctl; eht_cap->triggered_txop_sharing_mode1 = dot11_cap.triggered_txop_sharing_mode1; eht_cap->triggered_txop_sharing_mode2 = dot11_cap.triggered_txop_sharing_mode2; eht_cap->restricted_twt = dot11_cap.restricted_twt; eht_cap->scs_traffic_desc = dot11_cap.scs_traffic_desc; eht_cap->max_mpdu_len = dot11_cap.max_mpdu_len; eht_cap->max_a_mpdu_len_exponent_ext = dot11_cap.max_a_mpdu_len_exponent_ext; eht_cap->eht_trs_support = dot11_cap.eht_trs_support; eht_cap->txop_return_support_txop_share_m2 = dot11_cap.txop_return_support_txop_share_m2; eht_cap->two_bqrs_support = dot11_cap.two_bqrs_support; eht_cap->eht_link_adaptation_support = dot11_cap.eht_link_adaptation_support; eht_cap->support_320mhz_6ghz = dot11_cap.support_320mhz_6ghz; eht_cap->ru_242tone_wt_20mhz = dot11_cap.ru_242tone_wt_20mhz; eht_cap->ndp_4x_eht_ltf_3dot2_us_gi = dot11_cap.ndp_4x_eht_ltf_3dot2_us_gi; eht_cap->partial_bw_mu_mimo = dot11_cap.partial_bw_mu_mimo; eht_cap->su_beamformer = dot11_cap.su_beamformer; eht_cap->su_beamformee = dot11_cap.su_beamformee; eht_cap->bfee_ss_le_80mhz = dot11_cap.bfee_ss_le_80mhz; eht_cap->bfee_ss_160mhz = dot11_cap.bfee_ss_160mhz; eht_cap->bfee_ss_320mhz = dot11_cap.bfee_ss_320mhz; eht_cap->num_sounding_dim_le_80mhz = dot11_cap.num_sounding_dim_le_80mhz; eht_cap->num_sounding_dim_160mhz = dot11_cap.num_sounding_dim_160mhz; eht_cap->num_sounding_dim_320mhz = dot11_cap.num_sounding_dim_320mhz; eht_cap->ng_16_su_feedback = dot11_cap.ng_16_su_feedback; eht_cap->ng_16_mu_feedback = dot11_cap.ng_16_mu_feedback; eht_cap->cb_sz_4_2_su_feedback = dot11_cap.cb_sz_4_2_su_feedback; eht_cap->cb_sz_7_5_su_feedback = dot11_cap.cb_sz_7_5_su_feedback; eht_cap->trig_su_bforming_feedback = dot11_cap.trig_su_bforming_feedback; eht_cap->trig_mu_bforming_partial_bw_feedback = dot11_cap.trig_mu_bforming_partial_bw_feedback; eht_cap->triggered_cqi_feedback = dot11_cap.triggered_cqi_feedback; eht_cap->partial_bw_dl_mu_mimo = dot11_cap.partial_bw_dl_mu_mimo; eht_cap->psr_based_sr = dot11_cap.psr_based_sr; eht_cap->power_boost_factor = dot11_cap.power_boost_factor; eht_cap->eht_mu_ppdu_4x_ltf_0_8_us_gi = dot11_cap.eht_mu_ppdu_4x_ltf_0_8_us_gi; eht_cap->max_nc = dot11_cap.max_nc; eht_cap->non_trig_cqi_feedback = dot11_cap.non_trig_cqi_feedback; eht_cap->tx_1024_4096_qam_lt_242_tone_ru = dot11_cap.tx_1024_4096_qam_lt_242_tone_ru; eht_cap->rx_1024_4096_qam_lt_242_tone_ru = dot11_cap.rx_1024_4096_qam_lt_242_tone_ru; eht_cap->ppet_present = dot11_cap.ppet_present; eht_cap->common_nominal_pkt_padding = dot11_cap.common_nominal_pkt_padding; eht_cap->max_num_eht_ltf = dot11_cap.max_num_eht_ltf; eht_cap->mcs_15 = dot11_cap.mcs_15; eht_cap->eht_dup_6ghz = dot11_cap.eht_dup_6ghz; eht_cap->op_sta_rx_ndp_wider_bw_20mhz = dot11_cap.op_sta_rx_ndp_wider_bw_20mhz; eht_cap->non_ofdma_ul_mu_mimo_le_80mhz = dot11_cap.non_ofdma_ul_mu_mimo_le_80mhz; eht_cap->non_ofdma_ul_mu_mimo_160mhz = dot11_cap.non_ofdma_ul_mu_mimo_160mhz; eht_cap->non_ofdma_ul_mu_mimo_320mhz = dot11_cap.non_ofdma_ul_mu_mimo_320mhz; eht_cap->mu_bformer_le_80mhz = dot11_cap.mu_bformer_le_80mhz; eht_cap->mu_bformer_160mhz = dot11_cap.mu_bformer_160mhz; eht_cap->mu_bformer_320mhz = dot11_cap.mu_bformer_320mhz; eht_cap->tb_sounding_feedback_rl = dot11_cap.tb_sounding_feedback_rl; eht_cap->rx_1k_qam_in_wider_bw_dl_ofdma = dot11_cap.rx_1k_qam_in_wider_bw_dl_ofdma; eht_cap->rx_4k_qam_in_wider_bw_dl_ofdma = dot11_cap.rx_4k_qam_in_wider_bw_dl_ofdma; eht_cap->limited_cap_support_20mhz = dot11_cap.limited_cap_support_20mhz; eht_cap->triggered_mu_bf_full_bw_fb_and_dl_mumimo = dot11_cap.triggered_mu_bf_full_bw_fb_and_dl_mumimo; eht_cap->mru_support_20mhz = dot11_cap.mru_support_20mhz; if ((is_band_2g && !dot11_he_cap.chan_width_0) || (!is_band_2g && !dot11_he_cap.chan_width_1 && !dot11_he_cap.chan_width_2 && !dot11_he_cap.chan_width_3)) { eht_mcs_cap.bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_7 = dot11_cap.bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_7; eht_mcs_cap.bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_7 = dot11_cap.bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_7; eht_mcs_cap.bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_8_and_9 = dot11_cap.bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_8_and_9; eht_mcs_cap.bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_8_and_9 = dot11_cap.bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_8_and_9; eht_mcs_cap.bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11 = dot11_cap.bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11; eht_mcs_cap.bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11 = dot11_cap.bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11; eht_mcs_cap.bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13 = dot11_cap.bw_20_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13; eht_mcs_cap.bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13 = dot11_cap.bw_20_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13; offset = ie_start[1] + 3; qdf_mem_copy(&ie_start[offset], (((uint8_t *)&eht_mcs_cap) + EHT_CAP_FIXED_FIELDS), EHT_CAP_20M_MCS_MAP_LEN); ie_start[1] += EHT_CAP_20M_MCS_MAP_LEN; return; } if ((is_band_2g && dot11_he_cap.chan_width_0) || (!is_band_2g && dot11_he_cap.chan_width_1)) { eht_mcs_cap.bw_le_80_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9 = dot11_cap.bw_le_80_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9; eht_mcs_cap.bw_le_80_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9 = dot11_cap.bw_le_80_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9; eht_mcs_cap.bw_le_80_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11 = dot11_cap.bw_le_80_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11; eht_mcs_cap.bw_le_80_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11 = dot11_cap.bw_le_80_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11; eht_mcs_cap.bw_le_80_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13 = dot11_cap.bw_le_80_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13; eht_mcs_cap.bw_le_80_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13 = dot11_cap.bw_le_80_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13; offset = ie_start[1] + 3; offset_1 = EHT_CAP_FIXED_FIELDS + EHT_CAP_20M_MCS_MAP_LEN; qdf_mem_copy(&ie_start[offset], (((uint8_t *)&eht_mcs_cap) + offset_1), EHT_CAP_80M_MCS_MAP_LEN); ie_start[1] += EHT_CAP_80M_MCS_MAP_LEN; } if (!is_band_2g && dot11_he_cap.chan_width_2) { eht_mcs_cap.bw_160_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9 = dot11_cap.bw_160_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9; eht_mcs_cap.bw_160_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9 = dot11_cap.bw_160_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9; eht_mcs_cap.bw_160_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11 = dot11_cap.bw_160_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11; eht_mcs_cap.bw_160_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11 = dot11_cap.bw_160_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11; eht_mcs_cap.bw_160_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13 = dot11_cap.bw_160_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13; eht_mcs_cap.bw_160_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13 = dot11_cap.bw_160_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13; offset = ie_start[1] + 3; offset_1 = EHT_CAP_FIXED_FIELDS + EHT_CAP_20M_MCS_MAP_LEN + EHT_CAP_80M_MCS_MAP_LEN; qdf_mem_copy(&ie_start[offset], (((uint8_t *)&eht_mcs_cap) + offset_1), EHT_CAP_160M_MCS_MAP_LEN); ie_start[1] += EHT_CAP_160M_MCS_MAP_LEN; } if (!is_band_2g && eht_cap->support_320mhz_6ghz) { eht_mcs_cap.bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9 = dot11_cap.bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9; eht_mcs_cap.bw_320_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9 = dot11_cap.bw_320_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_0_to_9; eht_mcs_cap.bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11 = dot11_cap.bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11; eht_mcs_cap.bw_320_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11 = dot11_cap.bw_320_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_10_and_11; eht_mcs_cap.bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13 = dot11_cap.bw_320_rx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13; eht_mcs_cap.bw_320_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13 = dot11_cap.bw_320_tx_max_nss_for_mcs_12_and_13; offset = ie_start[1] + 3; offset_1 = EHT_CAP_FIXED_FIELDS + EHT_CAP_20M_MCS_MAP_LEN + EHT_CAP_80M_MCS_MAP_LEN + EHT_CAP_160M_MCS_MAP_LEN; qdf_mem_copy(&ie_start[offset], (((uint8_t *)&eht_mcs_cap) + offset_1), EHT_CAP_320M_MCS_MAP_LEN); ie_start[1] += EHT_CAP_320M_MCS_MAP_LEN; } } } QDF_STATUS lim_send_eht_caps_ie(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, enum QDF_OPMODE device_mode, uint8_t vdev_id) { uint8_t eht_cap_total_len = DOT11F_IE_EHT_CAP_MIN_LEN + EHT_CAP_OUI_LEN + EHT_CAP_20M_MCS_MAP_LEN + EHT_CAP_80M_MCS_MAP_LEN + EHT_CAP_160M_MCS_MAP_LEN + EHT_CAP_320M_MCS_MAP_LEN; QDF_STATUS status_2g, status_5g; uint8_t eht_caps_2g[DOT11F_IE_EHT_CAP_MIN_LEN + EHT_CAP_OUI_LEN + EHT_CAP_20M_MCS_MAP_LEN + EHT_CAP_80M_MCS_MAP_LEN + EHT_CAP_160M_MCS_MAP_LEN + EHT_CAP_320M_MCS_MAP_LEN] = {0}; uint8_t eht_caps_5g[DOT11F_IE_EHT_CAP_MIN_LEN + EHT_CAP_OUI_LEN + EHT_CAP_20M_MCS_MAP_LEN + EHT_CAP_80M_MCS_MAP_LEN + EHT_CAP_160M_MCS_MAP_LEN + EHT_CAP_320M_MCS_MAP_LEN] = {0}; eht_caps_2g[0] = DOT11F_EID_EHT_CAP; eht_caps_2g[1] = EHT_CAP_FIXED_FIELDS; qdf_mem_copy(&eht_caps_2g[2], EHT_CAP_OUI_TYPE, EHT_CAP_OUI_SIZE); lim_set_eht_caps(mac_ctx, eht_caps_2g, eht_cap_total_len, CDS_BAND_2GHZ, vdev_id); status_2g = lim_send_ie(mac_ctx, vdev_id, DOT11F_EID_EHT_CAP, CDS_BAND_2GHZ, &eht_caps_2g[2], eht_caps_2g[1] + 1); eht_caps_5g[0] = DOT11F_EID_EHT_CAP; eht_caps_5g[1] = EHT_CAP_FIXED_FIELDS; qdf_mem_copy(&eht_caps_5g[2], EHT_CAP_OUI_TYPE, EHT_CAP_OUI_SIZE); lim_set_eht_caps(mac_ctx, eht_caps_5g, eht_cap_total_len, CDS_BAND_5GHZ, vdev_id); status_5g = lim_send_ie(mac_ctx, vdev_id, DOT11F_EID_EHT_CAP, CDS_BAND_5GHZ, &eht_caps_5g[2], eht_caps_5g[1] + 1); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status_2g) && QDF_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status_5g)) { return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } void lim_update_stads_eht_caps(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tpDphHashNode sta_ds, tpSirAssocRsp assoc_rsp, struct pe_session *session_entry, tSchBeaconStruct *beacon) { /* If EHT is not supported, do not fill sta_ds and return */ if (!IS_DOT11_MODE_EHT(session_entry->dot11mode)) return; if (!assoc_rsp->eht_cap.present && beacon && beacon->eht_cap.present) { /* Use beacon EHT caps if assoc resp doesn't have he caps */ pe_debug("eht_caps missing in assoc rsp"); qdf_mem_copy(&assoc_rsp->eht_cap, &beacon->eht_cap, sizeof(tDot11fIEeht_cap)); } /* assoc resp and beacon doesn't have eht caps */ if (!assoc_rsp->eht_cap.present) return; sta_ds->mlmStaContext.eht_capable = assoc_rsp->eht_cap.present; qdf_mem_copy(&sta_ds->eht_config, &assoc_rsp->eht_cap, sizeof(tDot11fIEeht_cap)); } void lim_update_stads_eht_bw_320mhz(struct pe_session *session, tpDphHashNode sta_ds) { tDot11fIEeht_cap *peer_eht = &sta_ds->eht_config; if (!IS_DOT11_MODE_EHT(session->dot11mode) || !peer_eht->present) return; /* EHT only defines 320 MHz. If session is not in 320 MHz, BW will be * set in HE mode. * * Set ch_width to 320 MHz only when session is in 320 MHz and peer eht * caps support 320 MHz after eht caps intersection. */ if (session->ch_width == CH_WIDTH_320MHZ && peer_eht->support_320mhz_6ghz) { sta_ds->ch_width = CH_WIDTH_320MHZ; pe_debug("ch_width %d", sta_ds->ch_width); } } #endif #ifdef WLAN_FEATURE_11BE_MLO void lim_extract_per_link_id(struct pe_session *session, struct bss_params *add_bss, tpSirAssocRsp assoc_rsp) { uint8_t vdev_id = wlan_vdev_get_id(session->vdev); if (!wlan_vdev_mlme_is_mlo_link_vdev(session->vdev) && assoc_rsp->mlo_ie.mlo_ie.link_id_info_present) add_bss->staContext.link_id = assoc_rsp->mlo_ie.mlo_ie.link_id; else add_bss->staContext.link_id = wlan_vdev_get_link_id(session->vdev); pe_debug("vdev: %d, link id: %d", vdev_id, add_bss->staContext.link_id); } void lim_extract_ml_info(struct pe_session *session, struct bss_params *add_bss, tpSirAssocRsp assoc_rsp) { uint8_t i, link_id, partner_idx = 0; struct mlo_partner_info *ml_partner_info; struct mlo_link_info *link_info; struct peer_ml_info *ml_link; if (!wlan_vdev_mlme_is_mlo_vdev(session->vdev)) return; ml_link = &add_bss->staContext.ml_info; ml_partner_info = &session->ml_partner_info; ml_link->vdev_id = wlan_vdev_get_id(session->vdev); ml_link->link_id = wlan_vdev_get_link_id(session->vdev); ml_link->rec_max_simultaneous_links = session->vdev->mlo_dev_ctx->mlo_max_recom_simult_links; link_info = mlo_mgr_get_ap_link_by_link_id(session->vdev->mlo_dev_ctx, ml_link->link_id); if (!link_info) return; qdf_mem_copy(&ml_link->channel_info, link_info->link_chan_info, sizeof(ml_link->channel_info)); qdf_mem_copy(&ml_link->link_addr, &link_info->ap_link_addr, QDF_MAC_ADDR_SIZE); qdf_mem_copy(&ml_link->self_mac_addr, &link_info->link_addr, QDF_MAC_ADDR_SIZE); if (wlan_vdev_mlme_is_mlo_link_vdev(session->vdev)) return; for (i = 0; i < ml_partner_info->num_partner_links; i++) { link_id = ml_partner_info->partner_link_info[i].link_id; link_info = mlo_mgr_get_ap_link_by_link_id( session->vdev->mlo_dev_ctx, link_id); if (!link_info) continue; ml_link->partner_info[partner_idx].vdev_id = link_info->vdev_id; ml_link->partner_info[partner_idx].link_id = link_info->link_id; qdf_mem_copy(&ml_link->partner_info[partner_idx].channel_info, link_info->link_chan_info, sizeof(ml_link->partner_info[partner_idx].channel_info)); qdf_mem_copy(&ml_link->partner_info[partner_idx].link_addr, &link_info->ap_link_addr, QDF_MAC_ADDR_SIZE); qdf_mem_copy(&ml_link->partner_info[partner_idx].self_mac_addr, &link_info->link_addr, QDF_MAC_ADDR_SIZE); partner_idx++; } ml_link->num_links = partner_idx; pe_debug("vdev:%d Num of partner links: %d", session->vdev_id, ml_link->num_links); } void lim_intersect_ap_emlsr_caps(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct pe_session *session, struct bss_params *add_bss, tpSirAssocRsp assoc_rsp) { struct wlan_mlo_sta *sta_ctx; struct wlan_objmgr_vdev *vdev = session->vdev; struct emlsr_capability *ml_emlcap; wlan_objmgr_vdev_get_ref(vdev, WLAN_MLME_NB_ID); if (!vdev) { pe_err("vdev is null"); return; } if (!vdev->mlo_dev_ctx) { pe_err("mlo dev ctx is null"); goto end; } sta_ctx = vdev->mlo_dev_ctx->sta_ctx; if (!sta_ctx) { pe_err("sta ctx is null"); goto end; } ml_emlcap = &sta_ctx->emlsr_cap; if (!wlan_vdev_mlme_cap_get(vdev, WLAN_VDEV_C_EMLSR_CAP)) { add_bss->staContext.emlsr_support = false; goto end; } if (wlan_vdev_mlme_is_mlo_link_vdev(session->vdev)) { add_bss->staContext.emlsr_support = ml_emlcap->emlsr_supp; add_bss->staContext.emlsr_trans_timeout = ml_emlcap->trans_timeout; } else { add_bss->staContext.emlsr_support = true; add_bss->staContext.emlsr_trans_timeout = assoc_rsp->mlo_ie.mlo_ie.eml_capabilities_info.transition_timeout; ml_emlcap->emlsr_supp = add_bss->staContext.emlsr_support; ml_emlcap->trans_timeout = add_bss->staContext.emlsr_trans_timeout; } end: pe_debug("emlsr support: %d, transition timeout:%d", add_bss->staContext.emlsr_support, add_bss->staContext.emlsr_trans_timeout); wlan_objmgr_vdev_release_ref(vdev, WLAN_MLME_NB_ID); } #define MAX_MSD_OFDM_ED_THRESHOLD 10 void lim_extract_msd_caps(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct pe_session *session, struct bss_params *add_bss, tpSirAssocRsp assoc_rsp) { struct wlan_objmgr_peer *peer; struct wlan_mlo_peer_context *mlo_peer_ctx; peer = wlan_objmgr_get_peer_by_mac(mac_ctx->psoc, add_bss->bssId, WLAN_LEGACY_MAC_ID); if (!peer) { pe_err("peer is null"); return; } mlo_peer_ctx = peer->mlo_peer_ctx; if (!mlo_peer_ctx) { pe_err("mlo peer ctx is null"); wlan_objmgr_peer_release_ref(peer, WLAN_LEGACY_MAC_ID); return; } if (wlan_vdev_mlme_is_mlo_link_vdev(session->vdev)) { add_bss->staContext.msd_caps_present = mlo_peer_ctx->msd_cap_present; add_bss->staContext.msd_caps.med_sync_duration = mlo_peer_ctx->mlpeer_msdcap.medium_sync_duration; add_bss->staContext.msd_caps.med_sync_ofdm_ed_thresh = mlo_peer_ctx->mlpeer_msdcap.medium_sync_ofdm_ed_thresh; add_bss->staContext.msd_caps.med_sync_max_txop_num = mlo_peer_ctx->mlpeer_msdcap.medium_sync_max_txop_num; } else { add_bss->staContext.msd_caps_present = assoc_rsp->mlo_ie.mlo_ie.medium_sync_delay_info_present; if (add_bss->staContext.msd_caps_present) { add_bss->staContext.msd_caps.med_sync_duration = assoc_rsp->mlo_ie.mlo_ie.medium_sync_delay_info.medium_sync_duration; add_bss->staContext.msd_caps.med_sync_ofdm_ed_thresh = assoc_rsp->mlo_ie.mlo_ie.medium_sync_delay_info.medium_sync_ofdm_ed_thresh; if (add_bss->staContext.msd_caps.med_sync_ofdm_ed_thresh > MAX_MSD_OFDM_ED_THRESHOLD) add_bss->staContext.msd_caps.med_sync_ofdm_ed_thresh = 0; add_bss->staContext.msd_caps.med_sync_max_txop_num = assoc_rsp->mlo_ie.mlo_ie.medium_sync_delay_info.medium_sync_max_txop_num; } else { /** * Fill MSD params with default values if MSD caps are * absent. * MSD duration = 5484usec / 32 = 171. * OFDM ED threshold = 0. FW adds -72 to Host value. * Maximum number of TXOPs = AP value (default = 0). */ add_bss->staContext.msd_caps.med_sync_duration = 171; add_bss->staContext.msd_caps.med_sync_ofdm_ed_thresh = 0; add_bss->staContext.msd_caps.med_sync_max_txop_num = 0; } mlo_peer_ctx->msd_cap_present = add_bss->staContext.msd_caps_present; mlo_peer_ctx->mlpeer_msdcap.medium_sync_duration = add_bss->staContext.msd_caps.med_sync_duration; mlo_peer_ctx->mlpeer_msdcap.medium_sync_ofdm_ed_thresh = add_bss->staContext.msd_caps.med_sync_ofdm_ed_thresh; mlo_peer_ctx->mlpeer_msdcap.medium_sync_max_txop_num = add_bss->staContext.msd_caps.med_sync_max_txop_num; } wlan_objmgr_peer_release_ref(peer, WLAN_LEGACY_MAC_ID); pe_debug("MSD caps: %d, Duration: %d, Threshold:%d, TXOP num: %d", add_bss->staContext.msd_caps_present, add_bss->staContext.msd_caps.med_sync_duration, add_bss->staContext.msd_caps.med_sync_ofdm_ed_thresh, add_bss->staContext.msd_caps.med_sync_max_txop_num); } #endif #if defined(CONFIG_BAND_6GHZ) && defined(WLAN_FEATURE_11AX) QDF_STATUS lim_send_he_6g_band_caps_ie(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t vdev_id) { uint8_t he_6g_band_caps_ie[DOT11F_IE_HE_6GHZ_BAND_CAP_MIN_LEN + 3]; tDot11fIEhe_6ghz_band_cap he_6g_band_cap; QDF_STATUS status; uint32_t size = 0; uint32_t result; qdf_mem_zero(&he_6g_band_cap, sizeof(he_6g_band_cap)); populate_dot11f_he_6ghz_cap(mac_ctx, NULL, &he_6g_band_cap); if (!he_6g_band_cap.present) { pe_debug("no HE 6g band cap for vdev %d", vdev_id); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } qdf_mem_zero(he_6g_band_caps_ie, sizeof(he_6g_band_caps_ie)); result = dot11f_pack_ie_he_6ghz_band_cap(mac_ctx, &he_6g_band_cap, he_6g_band_caps_ie, sizeof(he_6g_band_caps_ie), &size); if (result != DOT11F_PARSE_SUCCESS) { pe_err("pack error for HE 6g band cap for vdev %d", vdev_id); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } pe_debug("send HE 6ghz band cap: 0x%01x 0x%01x for vdev %d", he_6g_band_caps_ie[3], he_6g_band_caps_ie[4], vdev_id); status = lim_send_ie(mac_ctx, vdev_id, DOT11F_EID_HE_6GHZ_BAND_CAP, CDS_BAND_5GHZ, &he_6g_band_caps_ie[2], DOT11F_IE_HE_6GHZ_BAND_CAP_MIN_LEN + 1); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(status)) pe_err("Unable send HE 6g band Cap IE for 5GHZ band, status: %d", status); return status; } #endif int lim_assoc_rej_get_remaining_delta(struct sir_rssi_disallow_lst *node) { qdf_time_t cur_time; uint32_t time_diff; cur_time = qdf_do_div(qdf_get_monotonic_boottime(), QDF_MC_TIMER_TO_MS_UNIT); time_diff = cur_time - node->time_during_rejection; return node->retry_delay - time_diff; } QDF_STATUS lim_rem_denylist_entry_with_lowest_delta(qdf_list_t *list) { struct sir_rssi_disallow_lst *oldest_node = NULL; struct sir_rssi_disallow_lst *cur_node; qdf_list_node_t *cur_list = NULL; qdf_list_node_t *next_list = NULL; qdf_list_peek_front(list, &cur_list); while (cur_list) { cur_node = qdf_container_of(cur_list, struct sir_rssi_disallow_lst, node); if (!oldest_node || (lim_assoc_rej_get_remaining_delta(oldest_node) > lim_assoc_rej_get_remaining_delta(cur_node))) oldest_node = cur_node; qdf_list_peek_next(list, cur_list, &next_list); cur_list = next_list; next_list = NULL; } if (oldest_node) { pe_debug("remove node "QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT" with lowest delta %d", QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(oldest_node->bssid.bytes), lim_assoc_rej_get_remaining_delta(oldest_node)); qdf_list_remove_node(list, &oldest_node->node); qdf_mem_free(oldest_node); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } void lim_add_bssid_to_reject_list(struct wlan_objmgr_pdev *pdev, struct sir_rssi_disallow_lst *entry) { struct reject_ap_info ap_info; qdf_mem_zero(&ap_info, sizeof(struct reject_ap_info)); ap_info.bssid = entry->bssid; ap_info.reject_ap_type = DRIVER_RSSI_REJECT_TYPE; ap_info.rssi_reject_params.expected_rssi = entry->expected_rssi; ap_info.rssi_reject_params.retry_delay = entry->retry_delay; ap_info.reject_reason = entry->reject_reason; ap_info.source = entry->source; ap_info.rssi_reject_params.received_time = entry->received_time; ap_info.rssi_reject_params.original_timeout = entry->original_timeout; /* Add this ap info to the rssi reject ap type in denylist manager */ wlan_dlm_add_bssid_to_reject_list(pdev, &ap_info); } void lim_decrement_pending_mgmt_count(struct mac_context *mac_ctx) { qdf_spin_lock(&mac_ctx->sys.bbt_mgmt_lock); if (!mac_ctx->sys.sys_bbt_pending_mgmt_count) { qdf_spin_unlock(&mac_ctx->sys.bbt_mgmt_lock); return; } mac_ctx->sys.sys_bbt_pending_mgmt_count--; qdf_spin_unlock(&mac_ctx->sys.bbt_mgmt_lock); } bool lim_check_if_vendor_oui_match(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t *oui, uint8_t oui_len, uint8_t *ie, uint8_t ie_len) { uint8_t *ptr = ie; uint8_t elem_id; if (!ie || 0 == ie_len) { pe_err("IE Null or ie len zero %d", ie_len); return false; } elem_id = *ie; if (elem_id == WLAN_ELEMID_VENDOR && !qdf_mem_cmp(&ptr[2], oui, oui_len)) return true; else return false; } QDF_STATUS lim_util_get_type_subtype(void *pkt, uint8_t *type, uint8_t *subtype) { cds_pkt_t *cds_pkt; QDF_STATUS status; tpSirMacMgmtHdr hdr; uint8_t *rxpktinfor; cds_pkt = (cds_pkt_t *) pkt; if (!cds_pkt) { pe_err("NULL packet received"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } status = wma_ds_peek_rx_packet_info(cds_pkt, (void *)&rxpktinfor); if (!QDF_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) { pe_err("Failed extract cds packet. status %d", status); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } hdr = WMA_GET_RX_MAC_HEADER(rxpktinfor); if (hdr->fc.type == SIR_MAC_MGMT_FRAME) { pe_debug("RxBd: %pK mHdr: %pK Type: %d Subtype: %d SizeFC: %zu", rxpktinfor, hdr, hdr->fc.type, hdr->fc.subType, sizeof(tSirMacFrameCtl)); *type = hdr->fc.type; *subtype = hdr->fc.subType; } else { pe_err("Not a management packet type %d", hdr->fc.type); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static void lim_get_min_rate(uint8_t *min_rate, tSirMacRateSet *rateset) { uint8_t curr_rate, i; for (i = 0; i < rateset->numRates; i++) { /* Ignore MSB - set to indicate basic rate */ curr_rate = rateset->rate[i] & 0x7F; *min_rate = (curr_rate < *min_rate) ? curr_rate : *min_rate; } pe_debug("supported min_rate: %0x(%d)", *min_rate, *min_rate); } static bool lim_is_enable_he_mcs0_for_6ghz_mgmt(struct pe_session *session, qdf_freq_t freq) { bool enable_he_mcs0_for_6ghz_mgmt = false; if (!wlan_reg_is_6ghz_chan_freq(freq)) return enable_he_mcs0_for_6ghz_mgmt; /* * For 6GHz freq and if enable_he_mcs0_for_mgmt_6ghz INI is * enabled then FW will use rate of MCS0 for 11AX and configured * via WMI_MGMT_TX_SEND_CMDID */ wlan_mlme_get_mgmt_6ghz_rate_support( session->mac_ctx->psoc, &enable_he_mcs0_for_6ghz_mgmt); return enable_he_mcs0_for_6ghz_mgmt; } enum rateid lim_get_min_session_txrate(struct pe_session *session, qdf_freq_t *pre_auth_freq) { enum rateid rid = RATEID_DEFAULT; uint8_t min_rate = SIR_MAC_RATE_54; tSirMacRateSet *rateset; qdf_freq_t op_freq; if (!session) return rid; rateset = &session->rateSet; if (pre_auth_freq) { pe_debug("updated rateset to pre auth freq %d", *pre_auth_freq); if (*pre_auth_freq && !lim_is_enable_he_mcs0_for_6ghz_mgmt(session, *pre_auth_freq)) lim_get_basic_rates(rateset, *pre_auth_freq); else return rid; } op_freq = wlan_get_operation_chan_freq(session->vdev); if (lim_is_enable_he_mcs0_for_6ghz_mgmt(session, op_freq)) return rid; lim_get_min_rate(&min_rate, rateset); if (session->is_oui_auth_assoc_6mbps_2ghz_enable) min_rate = SIR_MAC_RATE_6; switch (min_rate) { case SIR_MAC_RATE_1: rid = RATEID_1MBPS; break; case SIR_MAC_RATE_2: rid = RATEID_2MBPS; break; case SIR_MAC_RATE_5_5: rid = RATEID_5_5MBPS; break; case SIR_MAC_RATE_11: rid = RATEID_11MBPS; break; case SIR_MAC_RATE_6: rid = RATEID_6MBPS; break; case SIR_MAC_RATE_9: rid = RATEID_9MBPS; break; case SIR_MAC_RATE_12: rid = RATEID_12MBPS; break; case SIR_MAC_RATE_18: rid = RATEID_18MBPS; break; case SIR_MAC_RATE_24: rid = RATEID_24MBPS; break; case SIR_MAC_RATE_36: rid = RATEID_36MBPS; break; case SIR_MAC_RATE_48: rid = RATEID_48MBPS; break; case SIR_MAC_RATE_54: rid = RATEID_54MBPS; break; default: rid = RATEID_DEFAULT; break; } return rid; } void lim_send_sme_mgmt_frame_ind(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t frame_type, uint8_t *frame, uint32_t frame_len, uint16_t vdev_id, uint32_t rx_freq, int8_t rx_rssi, enum rxmgmt_flags rx_flags) { tpSirSmeMgmtFrameInd sme_mgmt_frame = NULL; uint16_t length; struct wlan_objmgr_vdev *vdev; length = sizeof(tSirSmeMgmtFrameInd) + frame_len; sme_mgmt_frame = qdf_mem_malloc(length); if (!sme_mgmt_frame) return; if (qdf_is_macaddr_broadcast( (struct qdf_mac_addr *)(frame + 4)) && !vdev_id) { pe_debug("Broadcast action frame"); vdev_id = SME_SESSION_ID_BROADCAST; } sme_mgmt_frame->frame_len = frame_len; sme_mgmt_frame->sessionId = vdev_id; sme_mgmt_frame->frameType = frame_type; sme_mgmt_frame->rxRssi = rx_rssi; sme_mgmt_frame->rx_freq = rx_freq; sme_mgmt_frame->rx_flags = rx_flags; qdf_mem_zero(sme_mgmt_frame->frameBuf, frame_len); qdf_mem_copy(sme_mgmt_frame->frameBuf, frame, frame_len); if (vdev_id != SME_SESSION_ID_BROADCAST && frame_type == SIR_MAC_MGMT_ACTION) { vdev = wlan_objmgr_get_vdev_by_id_from_psoc(mac_ctx->psoc, vdev_id, WLAN_LEGACY_MAC_ID); if (!vdev) { pe_debug("Invalid VDEV %d", vdev_id); goto send_frame; } wlan_mlo_update_action_frame_to_user(vdev, sme_mgmt_frame->frameBuf, sme_mgmt_frame->frame_len); wlan_objmgr_vdev_release_ref(vdev, WLAN_LEGACY_MAC_ID); } send_frame: if (mac_ctx->mgmt_frame_ind_cb) mac_ctx->mgmt_frame_ind_cb(sme_mgmt_frame); else pe_debug_rl("Management indication callback not registered!!"); qdf_mem_free(sme_mgmt_frame); return; } void lim_send_dfs_chan_sw_ie_update(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct pe_session *session) { /* Update the beacon template and send to FW */ if (sch_set_fixed_beacon_fields(mac_ctx, session) != QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS) { pe_err("Unable to set CSA IE in beacon"); return; } /* Send update beacon template message */ lim_send_beacon_ind(mac_ctx, session, REASON_CHANNEL_SWITCH); pe_debug("Updated CSA IE, IE COUNT: %d", session->gLimChannelSwitch.switchCount); } bool lim_is_csa_tx_pending(uint8_t vdev_id) { struct pe_session *session; struct mac_context *mac_ctx = cds_get_context(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE); bool csa_tx_offload; if (!mac_ctx) { mlme_err("Invalid mac context"); return false; } session = pe_find_session_by_vdev_id(mac_ctx, vdev_id); if (!session) { pe_err("Session does not exist for given vdev_id %d", vdev_id); return false; } csa_tx_offload = wlan_psoc_nif_fw_ext_cap_get(mac_ctx->psoc, WLAN_SOC_CEXT_CSA_TX_OFFLOAD); if (session->dfsIncludeChanSwIe && (session->gLimChannelSwitch.switchCount == mac_ctx->sap.SapDfsInfo.sap_ch_switch_beacon_cnt) && csa_tx_offload) return true; return false; } void lim_send_csa_tx_complete(uint8_t vdev_id) { QDF_STATUS status; tSirSmeCSAIeTxCompleteRsp *chan_switch_tx_rsp; struct pe_session *session; struct scheduler_msg msg = {0}; bool csa_tx_offload; uint8_t length = sizeof(*chan_switch_tx_rsp); struct mac_context *mac_ctx = cds_get_context(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE); if (!mac_ctx) { mlme_err("Invalid mac context"); return; } session = pe_find_session_by_vdev_id(mac_ctx, vdev_id); if (!session) { pe_err("Session does not exist for given vdev_id %d", vdev_id); return; } /* Stop the timer if already running in case of csa*/ csa_tx_offload = wlan_psoc_nif_fw_ext_cap_get(mac_ctx->psoc, WLAN_SOC_CEXT_CSA_TX_OFFLOAD); if (csa_tx_offload) qdf_mc_timer_stop(&session->ap_ecsa_timer); /* Done with CSA IE update, send response back to SME */ session->gLimChannelSwitch.switchCount = 0; if (mac_ctx->sap.SapDfsInfo.disable_dfs_ch_switch == false) session->gLimChannelSwitch.switchMode = 0; session->dfsIncludeChanSwIe = false; session->dfsIncludeChanWrapperIe = false; chan_switch_tx_rsp = qdf_mem_malloc(length); if (!chan_switch_tx_rsp) return; chan_switch_tx_rsp->sessionId = session->smeSessionId; chan_switch_tx_rsp->chanSwIeTxStatus = QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; msg.type = eWNI_SME_DFS_CSAIE_TX_COMPLETE_IND; msg.bodyptr = chan_switch_tx_rsp; status = scheduler_post_message(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE, QDF_MODULE_ID_SME, QDF_MODULE_ID_SME, &msg); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(status)) qdf_mem_free(chan_switch_tx_rsp); } void lim_process_ap_ecsa_timeout(void *data) { struct pe_session *session = (struct pe_session *)data; struct mac_context *mac_ctx; uint8_t bcn_int, ch_width; uint32_t ch_freq; bool csa_tx_offload; QDF_STATUS status; if (!session || !session->valid) { pe_err("Session is not valid"); return; } mac_ctx = session->mac_ctx; if (!session->dfsIncludeChanSwIe && !session->bw_update_include_ch_sw_ie) { pe_debug("session->dfsIncludeChanSwIe/chWidthUpdateIncludeChanSwIe not set"); return; } if (session->bw_update_include_ch_sw_ie) { /* Stop the timer if already running */ qdf_mc_timer_stop(&session->ap_ecsa_timer); lim_nss_or_ch_width_update_rsp(mac_ctx, session->vdev_id, QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS, REASON_CH_WIDTH_UPDATE); session->gLimChannelSwitch.switchCount = 0; session->bw_update_include_ch_sw_ie = false; /* Clear CSA IE count and update beacon */ lim_send_dfs_chan_sw_ie_update(mac_ctx, session); return; } if (lim_is_csa_tx_pending(session->vdev_id)) return lim_send_csa_tx_complete(session->vdev_id); csa_tx_offload = wlan_psoc_nif_fw_ext_cap_get(mac_ctx->psoc, WLAN_SOC_CEXT_CSA_TX_OFFLOAD); if (csa_tx_offload) return; /* Stop the timer if already running */ qdf_mc_timer_stop(&session->ap_ecsa_timer); if (session->gLimChannelSwitch.switchCount) /* Decrement the beacon switch count */ session->gLimChannelSwitch.switchCount--; /* * Send only g_sap_chanswitch_beacon_cnt beacons with CSA IE Set in * when a radar is detected */ if (session->gLimChannelSwitch.switchCount > 0) { /* Send the next beacon with updated CSA IE count */ lim_send_dfs_chan_sw_ie_update(mac_ctx, session); ch_freq = session->gLimChannelSwitch.sw_target_freq; ch_width = session->gLimChannelSwitch.ch_width; if (mac_ctx->mlme_cfg->dfs_cfg.dfs_beacon_tx_enhanced) { if (WLAN_REG_IS_6GHZ_CHAN_FREQ(ch_freq)) { send_extended_chan_switch_action_frame (mac_ctx, ch_freq, ch_width, session); } else { /* Send Action frame after updating beacon */ lim_send_chan_switch_action_frame (mac_ctx, ch_freq, ch_width, session); } } /* Restart the timer */ if (session->beaconParams.beaconInterval) bcn_int = session->beaconParams.beaconInterval; else bcn_int = MLME_CFG_BEACON_INTERVAL_DEF; status = qdf_mc_timer_start(&session->ap_ecsa_timer, bcn_int); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(status)) { pe_err("cannot start ap_ecsa_timer"); lim_process_ap_ecsa_timeout(session); } } else { lim_send_csa_tx_complete(session->vdev_id); /* Clear CSA IE count and update beacon */ lim_send_dfs_chan_sw_ie_update(mac_ctx, session); } } QDF_STATUS lim_sta_mlme_vdev_start_send(struct vdev_mlme_obj *vdev_mlme, uint16_t data_len, void *data) { struct mac_context *mac_ctx; enum vdev_assoc_type assoc_type; mac_ctx = cds_get_context(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE); if (!mac_ctx) { if (data) qdf_mem_free(data); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } assoc_type = mlme_get_assoc_type(vdev_mlme->vdev); switch (assoc_type) { case VDEV_ASSOC: lim_process_mlm_join_req(mac_ctx, (tLimMlmJoinReq *)data); break; case VDEV_REASSOC: lim_process_mlm_reassoc_req(mac_ctx, (tLimMlmReassocReq *)data); break; case VDEV_FT_REASSOC: lim_process_mlm_ft_reassoc_req(mac_ctx, (tLimMlmReassocReq *)data); break; default: pe_err("assoc_type %d is invalid", assoc_type); } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } QDF_STATUS lim_sta_mlme_vdev_restart_send(struct vdev_mlme_obj *vdev_mlme, uint16_t data_len, void *data) { struct pe_session *session; QDF_STATUS status = QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; session = (struct pe_session *)data; if (!session) { pe_err("Invalid session"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } if (!vdev_mlme) { pe_err("vdev_mlme is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } if (!data) { pe_err("event_data is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } if (mlme_is_chan_switch_in_progress(vdev_mlme->vdev)) { switch (session->channelChangeReasonCode) { case LIM_SWITCH_CHANNEL_OPERATION: status = __lim_process_channel_switch_timeout(session); break; case LIM_SWITCH_CHANNEL_HT_WIDTH: status = lim_ht_switch_chnl_params(session); break; case LIM_SWITCH_CHANNEL_REASSOC: status = lim_send_switch_chnl_params(session->mac_ctx, session); break; default: break; } } if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(status)) { pe_err_rl("Failed to send VDEV_RESTART for chan switch vdev %d", wlan_vdev_get_id(vdev_mlme->vdev)); mlme_set_chan_switch_in_progress(vdev_mlme->vdev, false); } return status; } QDF_STATUS lim_sta_mlme_vdev_stop_send(struct vdev_mlme_obj *vdev_mlme, uint16_t data_len, void *data) { QDF_STATUS status = QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; bool connection_fail = false; enum vdev_assoc_type assoc_type; if (!vdev_mlme) { pe_err("vdev_mlme is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } if (!data) { pe_err("event_data is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } connection_fail = mlme_is_connection_fail(vdev_mlme->vdev); pe_debug("Send vdev stop, connection_fail %d", connection_fail); if (connection_fail) { assoc_type = mlme_get_assoc_type(vdev_mlme->vdev); switch (assoc_type) { case VDEV_ASSOC: status = lim_sta_handle_connect_fail((join_params *)data); break; case VDEV_REASSOC: case VDEV_FT_REASSOC: status = lim_sta_reassoc_error_handler( (struct reassoc_params *)data); break; default: pe_info("Invalid assoc_type %d", assoc_type); status = QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; break; } mlme_set_connection_fail(vdev_mlme->vdev, false); } else { status = lim_sta_send_del_bss((struct pe_session *)data); } return status; } QDF_STATUS lim_sta_mlme_vdev_sta_disconnect_start(struct vdev_mlme_obj *vdev_mlme, uint16_t data_len, void *data) { tpDphHashNode stads; struct pe_session *session; struct mac_context *mac_ctx; uint8_t vdev_id = wlan_vdev_get_id(vdev_mlme->vdev); mac_ctx = cds_get_context(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE); if (!mac_ctx) return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; session = pe_find_session_by_vdev_id(mac_ctx, vdev_id); if (!session) { pe_err("session is NULL for vdevid %d", vdev_id); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } stads = dph_get_hash_entry(mac_ctx, DPH_STA_HASH_INDEX_PEER, &session->dph.dphHashTable); if (!stads) return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; mlme_set_connection_fail(vdev_mlme->vdev, false); session->limPrevSmeState = session->limSmeState; session->limSmeState = eLIM_SME_WT_DISASSOC_STATE; stads->mlmStaContext.disassocReason = REASON_UNSPEC_FAILURE; stads->mlmStaContext.cleanupTrigger = eLIM_HOST_DISASSOC; stads->mlmStaContext.mlmState = eLIM_MLM_WT_DEL_STA_RSP_STATE; wlan_vdev_mlme_sm_deliver_evt(session->vdev, WLAN_VDEV_SM_EV_CONNECTION_FAIL, sizeof(*session), session); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } QDF_STATUS lim_sta_mlme_vdev_req_fail(struct vdev_mlme_obj *vdev_mlme, uint16_t data_len, void *data) { QDF_STATUS status = QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; enum vdev_assoc_type assoc_type; if (!vdev_mlme) { pe_err("vdev_mlme is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } if (!data) { pe_err("event_data is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } assoc_type = mlme_get_assoc_type(vdev_mlme->vdev); switch (assoc_type) { case VDEV_ASSOC: status = lim_sta_handle_connect_fail((join_params *)data); break; case VDEV_REASSOC: case VDEV_FT_REASSOC: status = lim_sta_reassoc_error_handler( (struct reassoc_params *)data); break; default: pe_info("Invalid assoc_type %d", assoc_type); status = QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; break; } return status; } void lim_send_beacon(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct pe_session *session) { if (wlan_vdev_mlme_get_state(session->vdev) == WLAN_VDEV_S_DFS_CAC_WAIT) wlan_vdev_mlme_sm_deliver_evt(session->vdev, WLAN_VDEV_SM_EV_DFS_CAC_COMPLETED, sizeof(*session), session); else if (mac_ctx->mlme_cfg->dfs_cfg.dfs_disable_channel_switch && (wlan_vdev_mlme_get_substate(session->vdev) == WLAN_VDEV_SS_SUSPEND_CSA_RESTART)) wlan_vdev_mlme_sm_deliver_evt( session->vdev, WLAN_VDEV_SM_EV_CHAN_SWITCH_DISABLED, sizeof(*session), session); else wlan_vdev_mlme_sm_deliver_evt(session->vdev, WLAN_VDEV_SM_EV_START_SUCCESS, sizeof(*session), session); } void lim_ndi_mlme_vdev_up_transition(struct pe_session *session) { if (!LIM_IS_NDI_ROLE(session)) return; wlan_vdev_mlme_sm_deliver_evt(session->vdev, WLAN_VDEV_SM_EV_START_SUCCESS, sizeof(*session), session); } QDF_STATUS lim_sap_move_to_cac_wait_state(struct pe_session *session) { QDF_STATUS status; status = wlan_vdev_mlme_sm_deliver_evt(session->vdev, WLAN_VDEV_SM_EV_DFS_CAC_WAIT, sizeof(*session), session); return status; } QDF_STATUS lim_ap_mlme_vdev_start_send(struct vdev_mlme_obj *vdev_mlme, uint16_t data_len, void *data) { struct pe_session *session; tpLimMlmStartReq start_req = (tLimMlmStartReq *)data; struct mac_context *mac_ctx; if (!data) { pe_err("data is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } mac_ctx = cds_get_context(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE); if (!mac_ctx) return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; session = pe_find_session_by_session_id(mac_ctx, start_req->sessionId); if (!session) { pe_err("session is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } lim_process_mlm_start_req(session->mac_ctx, start_req); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static inline void lim_send_csa_restart_resp(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct pe_session *session) { struct scheduler_msg msg = {0}; QDF_STATUS status; msg.type = eWNI_SME_CSA_RESTART_RSP; msg.bodyptr = NULL; msg.bodyval = session->smeSessionId; status = scheduler_post_message(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE, QDF_MODULE_ID_SME, QDF_MODULE_ID_SME, &msg); } QDF_STATUS lim_ap_mlme_vdev_update_beacon(struct vdev_mlme_obj *vdev_mlme, enum beacon_update_op op, uint16_t data_len, void *data) { struct pe_session *session; struct mac_context *mac_ctx; if (!data) { mac_ctx = cds_get_context(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE); if (!mac_ctx) { pe_err("mac ctx is null"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } session = pe_find_session_by_vdev_id( mac_ctx, vdev_mlme->vdev->vdev_objmgr.vdev_id); if (!session) { pe_err("session is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } } else { session = (struct pe_session *)data; } if (LIM_IS_NDI_ROLE(session)) return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; if (op == BEACON_INIT) lim_send_beacon_ind(session->mac_ctx, session, REASON_DEFAULT); else if (op == BEACON_UPDATE) lim_send_beacon_ind(session->mac_ctx, session, REASON_CONFIG_UPDATE); else if (op == BEACON_CSA) lim_send_csa_restart_resp(session->mac_ctx, session); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } QDF_STATUS lim_ap_mlme_vdev_up_send(struct vdev_mlme_obj *vdev_mlme, uint16_t data_len, void *data) { struct scheduler_msg msg = {0}; QDF_STATUS status; struct pe_session *session; struct mac_context *mac_ctx; if (!data) { mac_ctx = cds_get_context(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE); if (!mac_ctx) { pe_err("mac ctx is null"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } session = pe_find_session_by_vdev_id( mac_ctx, vdev_mlme->vdev->vdev_objmgr.vdev_id); if (!session) { pe_err("session is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } } else { session = (struct pe_session *)data; } if (LIM_IS_NDI_ROLE(session)) return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; if (!wlan_vdev_mlme_is_mlo_ap(vdev_mlme->vdev)) lim_configure_fd_for_existing_6ghz_sap(session, true); msg.type = SIR_HAL_SEND_AP_VDEV_UP; msg.bodyval = session->smeSessionId; status = scheduler_post_message(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE, QDF_MODULE_ID_WMA, QDF_MODULE_ID_WMA, &msg); return status; } QDF_STATUS lim_ap_mlme_vdev_rnr_notify(struct pe_session *session) { struct mac_context *mac_ctx; uint8_t vdev_id_list[MAX_NUMBER_OF_CONC_CONNECTIONS]; qdf_freq_t freq_list[MAX_NUMBER_OF_CONC_CONNECTIONS]; uint8_t vdev_num; uint8_t i; struct pe_session *co_session; QDF_STATUS status = QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; mac_ctx = cds_get_context(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE); if (!mac_ctx) { pe_err("mac ctx is null"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } if (!session) { pe_err("session is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } if (!mlme_is_notify_co_located_ap_update_rnr(session->vdev)) return status; mlme_set_notify_co_located_ap_update_rnr(session->vdev, false); // Only 6G SAP need to notify co-located SAP to add RNR if (!wlan_reg_is_6ghz_chan_freq(session->curr_op_freq)) return status; pe_debug("vdev id %d non mlo 6G AP notify co-located AP to update RNR", wlan_vdev_get_id(session->vdev)); vdev_num = policy_mgr_get_sap_mode_info(mac_ctx->psoc, freq_list, vdev_id_list); for (i = 0; i < vdev_num; i++) { if (vdev_id_list[i] == session->vdev_id) continue; if (wlan_reg_is_6ghz_chan_freq(freq_list[i])) continue; co_session = pe_find_session_by_vdev_id(mac_ctx, vdev_id_list[i]); if (!co_session) continue; status = sch_set_fixed_beacon_fields(mac_ctx, co_session); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(status)) { pe_err("Unable to update 6g co located RNR in beacon"); return status; } status = lim_send_beacon_ind(mac_ctx, co_session, REASON_RNR_UPDATE); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(status)) { pe_err("Unable to send beacon indication"); return status; } } return status; } QDF_STATUS lim_ap_mlme_vdev_disconnect_peers(struct vdev_mlme_obj *vdev_mlme, uint16_t data_len, void *data) { struct pe_session *session; struct mac_context *mac_ctx; if (!data) { mac_ctx = cds_get_context(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE); if (!mac_ctx) { pe_err("mac ctx is null"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } session = pe_find_session_by_vdev_id( mac_ctx, vdev_mlme->vdev->vdev_objmgr.vdev_id); if (!session) { pe_err("session is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } } else { session = (struct pe_session *)data; } lim_delete_all_peers(session); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } #ifdef WLAN_FEATURE_11BE static void lim_apply_puncture(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *session, qdf_freq_t sec_chan_freq) { uint16_t puncture_bitmap; puncture_bitmap = *(uint16_t *)session->eht_op.disabled_sub_chan_bitmap; if (puncture_bitmap) { pe_debug("Apply puncture to reg: bitmap 0x%x, freq: %d, bw %d, mhz_freq_seg1: %d", puncture_bitmap, session->curr_op_freq, session->ch_width, sec_chan_freq); wlan_reg_apply_puncture(mac->pdev, puncture_bitmap, session->curr_op_freq, session->ch_width, sec_chan_freq); } } static void lim_remove_puncture(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *session) { uint16_t puncture_bitmap; puncture_bitmap = *(uint16_t *)session->eht_op.disabled_sub_chan_bitmap; if (puncture_bitmap) { pe_debug("Remove puncture from reg: bitmap 0x%x", puncture_bitmap); wlan_reg_remove_puncture(mac->pdev); } } #else static inline void lim_apply_puncture(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *session, qdf_freq_t sec_chan_freq) { } static inline void lim_remove_puncture(struct mac_context *mac, struct pe_session *session) { } #endif QDF_STATUS lim_ap_mlme_vdev_stop_send(struct vdev_mlme_obj *vdev_mlme, uint16_t data_len, void *data) { struct pe_session *session = (struct pe_session *)data; QDF_STATUS status = QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct mac_context *mac_ctx = session->mac_ctx; if (!data) { pe_err("data is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } lim_remove_puncture(mac_ctx, session); if (!wlan_vdev_mlme_is_mlo_ap(vdev_mlme->vdev)) { mlme_set_notify_co_located_ap_update_rnr(vdev_mlme->vdev, true); lim_ap_mlme_vdev_rnr_notify(session); lim_configure_fd_for_existing_6ghz_sap(session, false); } status = lim_send_vdev_stop(session); return status; } QDF_STATUS lim_ap_mlme_vdev_restart_send(struct vdev_mlme_obj *vdev_mlme, uint16_t data_len, void *data) { struct pe_session *session = (struct pe_session *)data; if (!data) { pe_err("data is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } if (ap_mlme_is_hidden_ssid_restart_in_progress(vdev_mlme->vdev)) lim_send_vdev_restart(session->mac_ctx, session, session->smeSessionId); else lim_send_switch_chnl_params(session->mac_ctx, session); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } QDF_STATUS lim_ap_mlme_vdev_start_req_failed(struct vdev_mlme_obj *vdev_mlme, uint16_t data_len, void *data) { struct mac_context *mac_ctx; mac_ctx = cds_get_context(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE); if (!mac_ctx) { if (data) qdf_mem_free(data); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } lim_process_mlm_start_cnf(mac_ctx, data); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } QDF_STATUS lim_mon_mlme_vdev_start_send(struct vdev_mlme_obj *vdev_mlme, uint16_t data_len, void *data) { struct mac_context *mac_ctx; struct pe_session *session = (struct pe_session *)data; if (!data) { pe_err("data is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } mac_ctx = session->mac_ctx; if (!mac_ctx) { pe_err("mac_ctx is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } lim_send_switch_chnl_params(mac_ctx, session); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } void lim_send_start_bss_confirm(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tLimMlmStartCnf *start_cnf) { if (start_cnf->resultCode == eSIR_SME_SUCCESS) { lim_post_sme_message(mac_ctx, LIM_MLM_START_CNF, (uint32_t *)start_cnf); } else { struct pe_session *session; session = pe_find_session_by_session_id(mac_ctx, start_cnf->sessionId); if (!session) { pe_err("session is NULL"); return; } mlme_set_vdev_start_failed(session->vdev, true); wlan_vdev_mlme_sm_deliver_evt(session->vdev, WLAN_VDEV_SM_EV_START_REQ_FAIL, sizeof(*start_cnf), start_cnf); } } QDF_STATUS lim_get_capability_info(struct mac_context *mac, uint16_t *pcap, struct pe_session *pe_session) { uint32_t val = 0; tpSirMacCapabilityInfo pcap_info; *pcap = 0; pcap_info = (tpSirMacCapabilityInfo)pcap; if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session) || LIM_IS_STA_ROLE(pe_session)) pcap_info->ess = 1; /* ESS bit */ else if (LIM_IS_P2P_DEVICE_ROLE(pe_session) || LIM_IS_NDI_ROLE(pe_session)) { pcap_info->ess = 0; pcap_info->ibss = 0; } else pe_warn("can't get capability, role is UNKNOWN!!"); if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session)) { val = pe_session->privacy; } else { /* PRIVACY bit */ val = mac->mlme_cfg->wep_params.is_privacy_enabled; } if (val) pcap_info->privacy = 1; /* Short preamble bit */ if (mac->mlme_cfg->ht_caps.short_preamble) pcap_info->shortPreamble = mac->mlme_cfg->ht_caps.short_preamble; /* criticalUpdateFlag bit */ pcap_info->criticalUpdateFlag = 0; /* Channel agility bit */ pcap_info->channelAgility = 0; /* If STA/AP operating in 11B mode, don't set rest of the * capability info bits. */ if (pe_session->dot11mode == MLME_DOT11_MODE_11B) return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* Short slot time bit */ if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(pe_session)) { pcap_info->shortSlotTime = pe_session->shortSlotTimeSupported; } else { /* When in STA mode, we need to check if short slot is * enabled as well as check if the current operating * mode is short slot time and then decide whether to * enable short slot or not. It is safe to check both * cfg values to determine short slot value in this * funcn since this funcn is always used after assoc * when these cfg values are already set based on * peer's capability. Even in case of IBSS, its value * is set to correct value either in delBSS as part of * deleting the previous IBSS or in start BSS as part * of coalescing */ if (mac->mlme_cfg->feature_flags.enable_short_slot_time_11g) { pcap_info->shortSlotTime = pe_session->shortSlotTimeSupported; } } /* Spectrum Management bit */ if (pe_session->lim11hEnable) { if (mac->mlme_cfg->gen.enabled_11h) pcap_info->spectrumMgt = 1; } /* QoS bit */ if (mac->mlme_cfg->wmm_params.qos_enabled) pcap_info->qos = 1; /* APSD bit */ if (mac->mlme_cfg->roam_scoring.apsd_enabled) pcap_info->apsd = 1; pcap_info->rrm = mac->rrm.rrmConfig.rrm_enabled; pe_debug("RRM: %d", pcap_info->rrm); /* DSSS-OFDM */ /* FIXME : no config defined yet. */ /* Block ack bit */ val = mac->mlme_cfg->feature_flags.enable_block_ack; pcap_info->delayedBA = (uint16_t) ((val >> WNI_CFG_BLOCK_ACK_ENABLED_DELAYED) & 1); pcap_info->immediateBA = (uint16_t) ((val >> WNI_CFG_BLOCK_ACK_ENABLED_IMMEDIATE) & 1); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } void lim_flush_bssid(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t *bssid) { struct scan_filter *filter; struct wlan_objmgr_pdev *pdev = NULL; QDF_STATUS status; if (!bssid) return; filter = qdf_mem_malloc(sizeof(*filter)); if (!filter) return; filter->num_of_bssid = 1; qdf_mem_copy(filter->bssid_list[0].bytes, bssid, QDF_MAC_ADDR_SIZE); pdev = wlan_objmgr_get_pdev_by_id(mac_ctx->psoc, 0, WLAN_LEGACY_MAC_ID); if (!pdev) { pe_err("pdev is NULL"); qdf_mem_free(filter); return; } status = ucfg_scan_flush_results(pdev, filter); wlan_objmgr_pdev_release_ref(pdev, WLAN_LEGACY_MAC_ID); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) pe_debug("Removed BSS entry:"QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT" from scan cache", QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(bssid)); if (filter) qdf_mem_free(filter); } bool lim_is_sha384_akm(enum ani_akm_type akm) { switch (akm) { case ANI_AKM_TYPE_FILS_SHA384: case ANI_AKM_TYPE_FT_FILS_SHA384: case ANI_AKM_TYPE_SUITEB_EAP_SHA384: case ANI_AKM_TYPE_FT_SUITEB_EAP_SHA384: return true; default: return false; } } QDF_STATUS lim_set_ch_phy_mode(struct wlan_objmgr_vdev *vdev, uint8_t dot11mode) { struct vdev_mlme_obj *mlme_obj; struct wlan_channel *des_chan; uint32_t chan_mode; enum phy_ch_width ch_width; struct mac_context *mac_ctx = cds_get_context(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE); uint16_t bw_val; enum reg_wifi_band band; uint8_t band_mask; enum channel_state ch_state; uint32_t start_ch_freq; struct ch_params ch_params = {0}; if (!mac_ctx) return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; mlme_obj = wlan_vdev_mlme_get_cmpt_obj(vdev); if (!mlme_obj) { pe_err("vdev component object is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } des_chan = vdev->vdev_mlme.des_chan; /* * Set ch_cfreq1 to ch_freq for 20Mhz. If BW is greater than 20 it * will be updated from ch_freq_seg1. */ des_chan->ch_cfreq1 = des_chan->ch_freq; band = wlan_reg_freq_to_band(des_chan->ch_freq); band_mask = 1 << band; ch_width = des_chan->ch_width; bw_val = wlan_reg_get_bw_value(ch_width); if (bw_val > 20) { if (des_chan->ch_freq_seg1) { des_chan->ch_cfreq1 = wlan_reg_chan_band_to_freq(mac_ctx->pdev, des_chan->ch_freq_seg1, band_mask); } else if (bw_val >= 160) { pe_debug("Skip center_freq check for bw %d", bw_val); } else { pe_err("Invalid cntr_freq for bw %d, drop to 20", bw_val); ch_width = CH_WIDTH_20MHZ; bw_val = 20; if (des_chan->ch_cfreq1) des_chan->ch_freq_seg1 = wlan_reg_freq_to_chan( mac_ctx->pdev, des_chan->ch_cfreq1); } } else if (des_chan->ch_cfreq1) { des_chan->ch_freq_seg1 = wlan_reg_freq_to_chan(mac_ctx->pdev, des_chan->ch_cfreq1); } if (bw_val > 80) { if (des_chan->ch_freq_seg2) { des_chan->ch_cfreq2 = wlan_reg_chan_band_to_freq(mac_ctx->pdev, des_chan->ch_freq_seg2, band_mask); } else { pe_err("Invalid cntr_freq for bw %d, drop to 80", bw_val); des_chan->ch_cfreq2 = 0; des_chan->ch_freq_seg2 = 0; ch_width = CH_WIDTH_80MHZ; } } else { des_chan->ch_cfreq2 = 0; des_chan->ch_freq_seg2 = 0; } des_chan->ch_width = ch_width; des_chan->ch_flags = 0; switch (ch_width) { case CH_WIDTH_20MHZ: des_chan->ch_flags |= IEEE80211_CHAN_VHT20; break; case CH_WIDTH_40MHZ: des_chan->ch_flags |= IEEE80211_CHAN_VHT40PLUS; break; case CH_WIDTH_80MHZ: des_chan->ch_flags |= IEEE80211_CHAN_VHT80; break; case CH_WIDTH_80P80MHZ: des_chan->ch_flags |= IEEE80211_CHAN_VHT80_80; break; case CH_WIDTH_160MHZ: des_chan->ch_flags |= IEEE80211_CHAN_VHT160; break; default: break; } if (WLAN_REG_IS_24GHZ_CH_FREQ(des_chan->ch_freq)) des_chan->ch_flags |= IEEE80211_CHAN_2GHZ; else des_chan->ch_flags |= IEEE80211_CHAN_5GHZ; des_chan->ch_flagext = 0; if (wlan_reg_is_dfs_for_freq(mac_ctx->pdev, des_chan->ch_freq)) des_chan->ch_flagext |= IEEE80211_CHAN_DFS; if (des_chan->ch_cfreq2) { if (CH_WIDTH_80P80MHZ == des_chan->ch_width) start_ch_freq = des_chan->ch_cfreq2 - 30; else start_ch_freq = des_chan->ch_freq; if (IS_DOT11_MODE_EHT(dot11mode)) wlan_reg_set_create_punc_bitmap(&ch_params, true); ch_params.ch_width = des_chan->ch_width; ch_state = wlan_reg_get_5g_bonded_channel_state_for_pwrmode(mac_ctx->pdev, start_ch_freq, &ch_params, REG_CURRENT_PWR_MODE); if (CHANNEL_STATE_DFS == ch_state) des_chan->ch_flagext |= IEEE80211_CHAN_DFS_CFREQ2; } chan_mode = wma_chan_phy_mode(des_chan->ch_freq, ch_width, dot11mode); if (chan_mode == WLAN_PHYMODE_AUTO || chan_mode == WLAN_PHYMODE_MAX) { pe_err("Invalid phy mode!"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } if (!des_chan->ch_cfreq1) { pe_err("Invalid center freq1"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } if ((ch_width == CH_WIDTH_160MHZ || ch_width == CH_WIDTH_80P80MHZ) && !des_chan->ch_cfreq2) { pe_err("Invalid center freq2 for 160MHz"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } /* Till conversion is not done in WMI we need to fill fw phy mode */ mlme_obj->mgmt.generic.phy_mode = wmi_host_to_fw_phymode(chan_mode); des_chan->ch_phymode = chan_mode; return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } #ifdef WLAN_FEATURE_11BE /** * lim_update_ap_puncture() - set puncture_bitmap for ap session * @session: session * @ch_params: pointer to ch_params * * Return: void */ static void lim_update_ap_puncture(struct pe_session *session, struct ch_params *ch_params) { if (ch_params->reg_punc_bitmap) { *(uint16_t *)session->eht_op.disabled_sub_chan_bitmap = ch_params->reg_punc_bitmap; session->eht_op.disabled_sub_chan_bitmap_present = true; pe_debug("vdev %d, puncture %d", session->vdev_id, ch_params->reg_punc_bitmap); } } void lim_update_des_chan_puncture(struct wlan_channel *des_chan, struct ch_params *ch_params) { des_chan->puncture_bitmap = ch_params->reg_punc_bitmap; } void lim_overwrite_sta_puncture(struct pe_session *session, struct ch_params *ch_param) { uint16_t new_punc = 0; wlan_reg_extract_puncture_by_bw(session->ch_width, session->puncture_bitmap, session->curr_op_freq, ch_param->mhz_freq_seg1, ch_param->ch_width, &new_punc); ch_param->reg_punc_bitmap = new_punc; session->puncture_bitmap = new_punc; } #else static void lim_update_ap_puncture(struct pe_session *session, struct ch_params *ch_params) { } #endif QDF_STATUS lim_pre_vdev_start(struct mac_context *mac, struct vdev_mlme_obj *mlme_obj, struct pe_session *session) { struct wlan_channel *des_chan; enum reg_wifi_band band; uint8_t band_mask; struct ch_params ch_params = {0}; qdf_freq_t sec_chan_freq = 0; band = wlan_reg_freq_to_band(session->curr_op_freq); band_mask = 1 << band; ch_params.ch_width = session->ch_width; ch_params.mhz_freq_seg0 = wlan_reg_chan_band_to_freq(mac->pdev, session->ch_center_freq_seg0, band_mask); if (session->ch_center_freq_seg1) ch_params.mhz_freq_seg1 = wlan_reg_chan_band_to_freq(mac->pdev, session->ch_center_freq_seg1, band_mask); if (band == (REG_BAND_2G) && (ch_params.ch_width == CH_WIDTH_40MHZ)) { if (ch_params.mhz_freq_seg0 == session->curr_op_freq + 10) sec_chan_freq = session->curr_op_freq + 20; if (ch_params.mhz_freq_seg0 == session->curr_op_freq - 10) sec_chan_freq = session->curr_op_freq - 20; } if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session) && !mlme_is_chan_switch_in_progress(mlme_obj->vdev)) lim_apply_puncture(mac, session, ch_params.mhz_freq_seg1); if (LIM_IS_STA_ROLE(session)) wlan_cdp_set_peer_freq(mac->psoc, session->bssId, session->curr_op_freq, wlan_vdev_get_id(session->vdev)); if (IS_DOT11_MODE_EHT(session->dot11mode)) wlan_reg_set_create_punc_bitmap(&ch_params, true); wlan_reg_set_channel_params_for_pwrmode(mac->pdev, session->curr_op_freq, sec_chan_freq, &ch_params, REG_CURRENT_PWR_MODE); pe_debug("vdev id %d freq %d seg0 %d seg1 %d ch_width %d cac_duration_ms %d beacon_interval %d hidden_ssid: %d dtimPeriod %d slot_time %d bcn tx rate %d mhz seg0 %d mhz seg1 %d", session->vdev_id, session->curr_op_freq, ch_params.center_freq_seg0, ch_params.center_freq_seg1, ch_params.ch_width, session->cac_duration_ms, session->beaconParams.beaconInterval, session->ssidHidden, session->dtimPeriod, session->shortSlotTimeSupported, session->beacon_tx_rate, ch_params.mhz_freq_seg0, ch_params.mhz_freq_seg1); /* Invalid channel width means no suitable channel bonding in current * regdomain for requested channel frequency. Abort vdev start. */ if (ch_params.ch_width == CH_WIDTH_INVALID) { pe_debug("abort vdev start invalid chan parameters"); return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; } if (LIM_IS_STA_ROLE(session)) lim_overwrite_sta_puncture(session, &ch_params); des_chan = mlme_obj->vdev->vdev_mlme.des_chan; des_chan->ch_freq = session->curr_op_freq; des_chan->ch_width = ch_params.ch_width; des_chan->ch_freq_seg1 = ch_params.center_freq_seg0; des_chan->ch_freq_seg2 = ch_params.center_freq_seg1; des_chan->ch_ieee = wlan_reg_freq_to_chan(mac->pdev, des_chan->ch_freq); lim_update_des_chan_puncture(des_chan, &ch_params); if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session)) lim_update_ap_puncture(session, &ch_params); session->ch_width = ch_params.ch_width; session->ch_center_freq_seg0 = ch_params.center_freq_seg0; session->ch_center_freq_seg1 = ch_params.center_freq_seg1; if (LIM_IS_AP_ROLE(session)) { /* Update he ops for puncture */ wlan_reg_set_create_punc_bitmap(&ch_params, false); wlan_reg_set_channel_params_for_pwrmode(mac->pdev, session->curr_op_freq, sec_chan_freq, &ch_params, REG_CURRENT_PWR_MODE); lim_update_ap_he_op(session, &ch_params); wlan_mlme_set_ap_oper_ch_width(session->vdev, session->ch_width); if (session->ch_width == CH_WIDTH_320MHZ && policy_mgr_is_conn_lead_to_dbs_sbs(mac->psoc, session->vdev_id, session->curr_op_freq)) wlan_mlme_set_ap_oper_ch_width(session->vdev, CH_WIDTH_160MHZ); } mlme_obj->mgmt.generic.maxregpower = session->maxTxPower; mlme_obj->proto.generic.beacon_interval = session->beaconParams.beaconInterval; if (mlme_obj->mgmt.generic.type == WLAN_VDEV_MLME_TYPE_AP) { mlme_obj->mgmt.ap.hidden_ssid = session->ssidHidden; wlan_util_vdev_mgr_set_cac_timeout_for_vdev( mlme_obj->vdev, session->cac_duration_ms); } mlme_obj->proto.generic.dtim_period = session->dtimPeriod; mlme_obj->proto.generic.slot_time = session->shortSlotTimeSupported; mlme_obj->mgmt.rate_info.bcn_tx_rate = session->beacon_tx_rate; mlme_obj->proto.ht_info.allow_ht = !!session->htCapability; mlme_obj->proto.vht_info.allow_vht = !!session->vhtCapability; mlme_obj->ext_vdev_ptr->connect_info.uapsd_per_ac_bitmask = session->gUapsdPerAcBitmask; if (cds_is_5_mhz_enabled()) mlme_obj->mgmt.rate_info.quarter_rate = 1; else if (cds_is_10_mhz_enabled()) mlme_obj->mgmt.rate_info.half_rate = 1; if (session->nss == 2) { mlme_obj->mgmt.chainmask_info.num_rx_chain = 2; mlme_obj->mgmt.chainmask_info.num_tx_chain = 2; } else { mlme_obj->mgmt.chainmask_info.num_rx_chain = 1; mlme_obj->mgmt.chainmask_info.num_tx_chain = 1; } wlan_vdev_mlme_set_ssid(mlme_obj->vdev, session->ssId.ssId, session->ssId.length); return lim_set_ch_phy_mode(mlme_obj->vdev, session->dot11mode); } uint8_t lim_get_he_max_mcs_idx(enum phy_ch_width ch_width, tDot11fIEhe_cap *he_cap) { uint16_t hecap_rxmcsnssmap[HECAP_TXRX_MCS_NSS_IDX_80_80 + 1]; uint16_t hecap_txmcsnssmap[HECAP_TXRX_MCS_NSS_IDX_80_80 + 1]; qdf_mem_zero(hecap_rxmcsnssmap, sizeof(hecap_rxmcsnssmap)); qdf_mem_zero(hecap_txmcsnssmap, sizeof(hecap_txmcsnssmap)); qdf_mem_copy(&hecap_rxmcsnssmap[HECAP_TXRX_MCS_NSS_IDX_80], &he_cap->rx_he_mcs_map_lt_80, sizeof(u_int16_t)); qdf_mem_copy(&hecap_txmcsnssmap[HECAP_TXRX_MCS_NSS_IDX_80], &he_cap->tx_he_mcs_map_lt_80, sizeof(u_int16_t)); if (he_cap->chan_width_2) { qdf_mem_copy(&hecap_rxmcsnssmap[HECAP_TXRX_MCS_NSS_IDX_160], &he_cap->rx_he_mcs_map_160, sizeof(u_int16_t)); qdf_mem_copy(&hecap_txmcsnssmap[HECAP_TXRX_MCS_NSS_IDX_160], &he_cap->tx_he_mcs_map_160, sizeof(u_int16_t)); } if (he_cap->chan_width_3) { qdf_mem_copy(&hecap_rxmcsnssmap[HECAP_TXRX_MCS_NSS_IDX_80_80], &he_cap->rx_he_mcs_map_80_80, sizeof(u_int16_t)); qdf_mem_copy(&hecap_txmcsnssmap[HECAP_TXRX_MCS_NSS_IDX_80_80], &he_cap->tx_he_mcs_map_80_80, sizeof(u_int16_t)); } return mlme_get_max_he_mcs_idx(ch_width, hecap_rxmcsnssmap, hecap_txmcsnssmap); } uint8_t lim_get_vht_max_mcs_idx(tDot11fIEVHTCaps *vht_cap) { return mlme_get_max_vht_mcs_idx(vht_cap->rxMCSMap & 0xff, vht_cap->txMCSMap & 0xff); } uint8_t lim_get_ht_max_mcs_idx(tDot11fIEHTCaps *ht_cap) { uint8_t i, maxidx = INVALID_MCS_NSS_INDEX; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (ht_cap->supportedMCSSet[0] & (1 << i)) maxidx = i; } return maxidx; } uint8_t lim_get_max_rate_idx(tSirMacRateSet *rateset) { uint8_t maxidx; int i; maxidx = rateset->rate[0] & 0x7f; for (i = 1; i < rateset->numRates; i++) { if ((rateset->rate[i] & 0x7f) > maxidx) maxidx = rateset->rate[i] & 0x7f; } return maxidx; } void lim_update_nss(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tpDphHashNode sta_ds, uint8_t rx_nss, struct pe_session *session) { if (sta_ds->vhtSupportedRxNss != (rx_nss + 1)) { if (session->nss_forced_1x1) { pe_debug("Not Updating NSS for special AP"); return; } sta_ds->vhtSupportedRxNss = rx_nss + 1; lim_set_nss_change(mac_ctx, session, sta_ds->vhtSupportedRxNss, sta_ds->staAddr); } } bool lim_update_channel_width(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, tpDphHashNode sta_ptr, struct pe_session *session, enum phy_ch_width ch_width, enum phy_ch_width *new_ch_width) { uint8_t cb_mode; enum phy_ch_width oper_mode; enum phy_ch_width fw_vht_ch_wd; cb_mode = lim_get_cb_mode_for_freq(mac_ctx, session, session->curr_op_freq); /* * Do not update the channel bonding mode if channel bonding * mode is disabled in INI. */ if (cb_mode == WNI_CFG_CHANNEL_BONDING_MODE_DISABLE) return false; if (sta_ptr->htSupportedChannelWidthSet) { if (sta_ptr->vhtSupportedChannelWidthSet > WNI_CFG_VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_80MHZ) oper_mode = CH_WIDTH_160MHZ; else oper_mode = sta_ptr->vhtSupportedChannelWidthSet + 1; } else { oper_mode = CH_WIDTH_20MHZ; } fw_vht_ch_wd = wlan_mlme_get_max_bw(); if (ch_width > fw_vht_ch_wd) { pe_debug_rl(QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT ": Downgrade new bw: %d to max %d", QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(sta_ptr->staAddr), ch_width, fw_vht_ch_wd); ch_width = fw_vht_ch_wd; } if (oper_mode == ch_width) return false; pe_debug(QDF_MAC_ADDR_FMT ": Current : %d, New: %d max %d ", QDF_MAC_ADDR_REF(sta_ptr->staAddr), oper_mode, ch_width, fw_vht_ch_wd); if (ch_width >= CH_WIDTH_160MHZ) { sta_ptr->vhtSupportedChannelWidthSet = WNI_CFG_VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_160MHZ; ch_width = CH_WIDTH_160MHZ; } else if (ch_width == CH_WIDTH_80MHZ) { sta_ptr->vhtSupportedChannelWidthSet = WNI_CFG_VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_80MHZ; } else if (ch_width == CH_WIDTH_40MHZ) { sta_ptr->vhtSupportedChannelWidthSet = WNI_CFG_VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40MHZ; } else if (ch_width == CH_WIDTH_20MHZ) { sta_ptr->vhtSupportedChannelWidthSet = WNI_CFG_VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40MHZ; } else { return false; } if (ch_width >= CH_WIDTH_40MHZ) sta_ptr->htSupportedChannelWidthSet = CH_WIDTH_40MHZ; else sta_ptr->htSupportedChannelWidthSet = CH_WIDTH_20MHZ; *new_ch_width = ch_width; return lim_check_vht_op_mode_change(mac_ctx, session, *new_ch_width, sta_ptr->staAddr); } uint8_t lim_get_vht_ch_width(tDot11fIEVHTCaps *vht_cap, tDot11fIEVHTOperation *vht_op, tDot11fIEHTInfo *ht_info) { uint8_t ccfs0, ccfs1, offset; uint8_t ch_width; ccfs0 = vht_op->chan_center_freq_seg0; ccfs1 = vht_op->chan_center_freq_seg1; ch_width = vht_op->chanWidth; if (ch_width > WNI_CFG_VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_80_PLUS_80MHZ) { pe_err("Invalid ch width in vht operation IE %d", ch_width); return WNI_CFG_VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40MHZ; } if (vht_cap->vht_extended_nss_bw_cap && vht_cap->extended_nss_bw_supp && ht_info && ht_info->present) ccfs1 = ht_info->chan_center_freq_seg2; /* According to new VHTOP IE definition, vht ch_width will * be 1 for 80MHz, 160MHz and 80+80MHz. * * To get the correct operation ch_width, find center * frequency difference. */ if (ch_width == WNI_CFG_VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_80MHZ && ccfs1) { offset = abs(ccfs0 - ccfs1); if (offset == 8) ch_width = WNI_CFG_VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_160MHZ; else if (offset > 16) ch_width = WNI_CFG_VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_80_PLUS_80MHZ; } return ch_width; } bool lim_set_tpc_power(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct pe_session *session, struct bss_description *bss_desc) { struct wlan_lmac_if_reg_tx_ops *tx_ops; struct vdev_mlme_obj *mlme_obj; bool tpe_change = false; if (!wlan_reg_is_ext_tpc_supported(mac_ctx->psoc)) return true; tx_ops = wlan_reg_get_tx_ops(mac_ctx->psoc); if (!tx_ops || !tx_ops->set_tpc_power) return false; mlme_obj = wlan_vdev_mlme_get_cmpt_obj(session->vdev); if (!mlme_obj) return false; if ((session->opmode == QDF_STA_MODE || session->opmode == QDF_P2P_CLIENT_MODE) && bss_desc) lim_process_tpe_ie_from_beacon(mac_ctx, session, bss_desc, &tpe_change); if (session->opmode == QDF_SAP_MODE || session->opmode == QDF_P2P_GO_MODE) mlme_obj->reg_tpc_obj.num_pwr_levels = 0; lim_calculate_tpc(mac_ctx, session); tx_ops->set_tpc_power(mac_ctx->psoc, session->vdev_id, &mlme_obj->reg_tpc_obj); return true; } /* * lim_get_tx_power() - Function to get the Tx power of the center frequency * of the sap interface. * * @reg_tpc: reg_tpc mlme obj pointer * @freq: center frequency of the SAP. * * Return: tx power */ static uint8_t lim_get_tx_power(struct reg_tpc_power_info *reg_tpc, qdf_freq_t freq) { int i; for (i = 0; i < reg_tpc->num_pwr_levels; i++) { if (reg_tpc->chan_power_info[i].chan_cfreq == freq) return reg_tpc->chan_power_info[i].tx_power; } return 0; } struct pe_session * lim_get_concurrent_session(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, uint8_t vdev_id, enum QDF_OPMODE opmode) { uint8_t mac_id, conc_vdev_id; struct pe_session *session; policy_mgr_get_mac_id_by_session_id(mac_ctx->psoc, vdev_id, &mac_id); conc_vdev_id = policy_mgr_get_conc_vdev_on_same_mac(mac_ctx->psoc, vdev_id, mac_id); session = pe_find_session_by_vdev_id(mac_ctx, conc_vdev_id); if (!session) return NULL; switch (opmode) { case QDF_STA_MODE: case QDF_P2P_CLIENT_MODE: if (session->opmode != QDF_SAP_MODE && session->opmode != QDF_P2P_GO_MODE) return NULL; break; case QDF_SAP_MODE: case QDF_P2P_GO_MODE: if (session->opmode != QDF_STA_MODE && session->opmode != QDF_P2P_CLIENT_MODE) return NULL; break; default: return NULL; } return session; } QDF_STATUS lim_update_tx_power(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct pe_session *sap_session, struct pe_session *sta_session, bool restore_sta_power) { uint8_t pwr_level; struct vdev_mlme_obj *sta_mlme_obj, *sap_mlme_obj; struct reg_tpc_power_info *reg_info; uint8_t tx_power, i; struct bss_description *bss_desc = NULL; sta_mlme_obj = wlan_vdev_mlme_get_cmpt_obj(sta_session->vdev); sap_mlme_obj = wlan_vdev_mlme_get_cmpt_obj(sap_session->vdev); if (!sta_mlme_obj || !sap_mlme_obj) return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; if (restore_sta_power) { /* SAP interface is removed, restore the STA power */ wlan_set_tpc_update_required_for_sta(sap_session->vdev, false); sta_session->sta_follows_sap_power = false; if (sta_session->lim_join_req) bss_desc = &sta_session->lim_join_req->bssDescription; lim_set_tpc_power(mac_ctx, sta_session, bss_desc); } else { /* * SAP and STA are in different AP power types. Therefore, * update the reg_tpc_obj of STA with new power levels. * Do not send new TPC power to FW. */ sta_session->sta_follows_sap_power = true; if (sta_mlme_obj->reg_tpc_obj.power_type_6g == sap_mlme_obj->reg_tpc_obj.power_type_6g) { pe_err("STA and SAP are in same power type"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } pe_debug("STA is moved to %d from %d power type", sap_mlme_obj->reg_tpc_obj.power_type_6g, sta_mlme_obj->reg_tpc_obj.power_type_6g); sta_mlme_obj->reg_tpc_obj.power_type_6g = sap_mlme_obj->reg_tpc_obj.power_type_6g; tx_power = lim_get_tx_power(&sap_mlme_obj->reg_tpc_obj, sap_session->curr_op_freq); reg_info = &sta_mlme_obj->reg_tpc_obj; pwr_level = reg_info->num_pwr_levels; for (i = 0; i < pwr_level; i++) reg_info->chan_power_info[i].tx_power = tx_power; wlan_set_tpc_update_required_for_sta(sap_session->vdev, true); } return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } bool lim_is_power_change_required_for_sta(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct pe_session *sta_session, struct pe_session *sap_session) { enum channel_state channel_state; struct vdev_mlme_obj *mlme_obj; uint32_t ap_power_type_6g = 0; channel_state = wlan_reg_get_channel_state_for_pwrmode(mac_ctx->pdev, sap_session->curr_op_freq, REG_AP_VLP); mlme_obj = wlan_vdev_mlme_get_cmpt_obj(sap_session->vdev); if (!mlme_obj) { pe_err("vdev component object is NULL"); return false; } if (sta_session->curr_op_freq != sap_session->curr_op_freq) return false; wlan_reg_get_cur_6g_ap_pwr_type(mac_ctx->pdev, &ap_power_type_6g); if (sta_session->best_6g_power_type == REG_INDOOR_AP && channel_state & CHANNEL_STATE_ENABLE && ap_power_type_6g == REG_VERY_LOW_POWER_AP) { pe_debug("Change the power type of STA from LPI to VLP"); return true; } return false; } void lim_check_conc_power_for_csa(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct pe_session *sap_session) { struct pe_session *sta_session; bool update_required_scc_sta_power = wlan_get_tpc_update_required_for_sta(sap_session->vdev); /* * If SCC power has changed and concurrent session doesn't exist, * then STA must have got deleted or moved out of 6GHz. * In that case, reset the change scc power flag for SAP. */ sta_session = lim_get_concurrent_session(mac_ctx, sap_session->vdev_id, sap_session->opmode); if (!sta_session) { pe_debug("STA session doesn't exist"); return; } /* If SCC power has changed and the SAP is moving away from 6GHz, * reset the scc power flag in SAP vdev and restore the STA * power */ if (update_required_scc_sta_power && !WLAN_REG_IS_6GHZ_CHAN_FREQ(sap_session->curr_op_freq) && WLAN_REG_IS_6GHZ_CHAN_FREQ(sta_session->curr_op_freq)) { pe_debug("SAP has moved from 6GHz, restore STA power"); lim_update_tx_power(mac_ctx, sap_session, sta_session, true); return; } /* If SAP is moving to 6GHz. Then: * a) If change scc power is not set, check if it needs to be set * If it is getting set, then send new tpc power to FW. * b) If change scc power is already set, then SAP is moving from one * 6GHz to another 6GHz. Recompute the TPC. */ if (WLAN_REG_IS_6GHZ_CHAN_FREQ(sap_session->curr_op_freq) && sta_session && WLAN_REG_IS_6GHZ_CHAN_FREQ(sta_session->curr_op_freq) && (wlan_vdev_mlme_get_state(sap_session->vdev) == WLAN_VDEV_S_UP)) { if (lim_is_power_change_required_for_sta(mac_ctx, sta_session, sap_session)) { lim_set_tpc_power(mac_ctx, sap_session, NULL); if (lim_update_tx_power(mac_ctx, sap_session, sta_session, false) == QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS) wlan_set_tpc_update_required_for_sta( sap_session->vdev, true); } } } void lim_cleanup_power_change(struct mac_context *mac_ctx, struct pe_session *session) { struct pe_session *sap_session; if (session->opmode != QDF_STA_MODE && session->opmode != QDF_P2P_CLIENT_MODE) return; sap_session = lim_get_concurrent_session(mac_ctx, session->vdev_id, session->opmode); if (!sap_session) return; wlan_set_tpc_update_required_for_sta(sap_session->vdev, false); } void lim_update_tx_pwr_on_ctry_change_cb(uint8_t vdev_id) { struct mac_context *mac_ctx; struct pe_session *session; struct bss_description *bss_desc = NULL; mac_ctx = cds_get_context(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE); if (!mac_ctx) { pe_err("mac ctx is null"); return; } session = pe_find_session_by_vdev_id(mac_ctx, vdev_id); if (!session) { pe_err("Unable to find session"); return; } if (session->lim_join_req) bss_desc = &session->lim_join_req->bssDescription; lim_set_tpc_power(mac_ctx, session, bss_desc); } struct wlan_channel * lim_get_connected_chan_for_mode(struct wlan_objmgr_psoc *psoc, enum QDF_OPMODE device_mode, qdf_freq_t start_freq, qdf_freq_t end_freq) { struct wlan_channel *des_chan; struct wlan_objmgr_vdev *vdev; uint8_t vdev_id; for (vdev_id = 0; vdev_id < WLAN_UMAC_PSOC_MAX_VDEVS; vdev_id++) { vdev = wlan_objmgr_get_vdev_by_id_from_psoc(psoc, vdev_id, WLAN_LEGACY_MAC_ID); if (!vdev) continue; if (vdev->vdev_mlme.vdev_opmode != device_mode) goto next; if ((device_mode == QDF_STA_MODE || device_mode == QDF_P2P_CLIENT_MODE) && !wlan_cm_is_vdev_connected(vdev)) goto next; des_chan = vdev->vdev_mlme.des_chan; if (!des_chan) goto next; if (des_chan->ch_freq < start_freq || des_chan->ch_freq > end_freq) goto next; wlan_objmgr_vdev_release_ref(vdev, WLAN_LEGACY_MAC_ID); return des_chan; next: wlan_objmgr_vdev_release_ref(vdev, WLAN_LEGACY_MAC_ID); } return NULL; } enum phy_ch_width lim_convert_vht_chwidth_to_phy_chwidth(uint8_t ch_width, bool is_40) { switch (ch_width) { case WNI_CFG_VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_80_PLUS_80MHZ: return CH_WIDTH_80P80MHZ; case WNI_CFG_VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_160MHZ: return CH_WIDTH_160MHZ; case WNI_CFG_VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_80MHZ: return CH_WIDTH_80MHZ; case WNI_CFG_VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40MHZ: if (is_40) return CH_WIDTH_40MHZ; else return CH_WIDTH_20MHZ; default: pe_debug("Unknown VHT ch width %d", ch_width); break; } return CH_WIDTH_20MHZ; } void lim_configure_fd_for_existing_6ghz_sap(struct pe_session *session, bool is_sap_starting) { uint8_t vdev_id_list[MAX_NUMBER_OF_CONC_CONNECTIONS]; qdf_freq_t freq_list[MAX_NUMBER_OF_CONC_CONNECTIONS]; struct wlan_objmgr_vdev *vdev; struct vdev_mlme_obj *mlme_obj; uint8_t vdev_num, i; bool is_legacy_sap_present = false; if (session->opmode != QDF_SAP_MODE) return; vdev_num = policy_mgr_get_sap_mode_info(session->mac_ctx->psoc, freq_list, vdev_id_list); for (i = 0; i < vdev_num; i++) { if (vdev_id_list[i] == session->vdev_id) continue; if (!wlan_reg_is_6ghz_chan_freq(freq_list[i])) { is_legacy_sap_present = true; break; } } if (is_sap_starting) { /* * The SAP which is coming up is also in 6 GHz, therefore do not * modify the FD config for other 6 GHz SAPs. * vdev start will enable/disable the FD config for this SAP. */ if (wlan_reg_is_6ghz_chan_freq(session->curr_op_freq)) { wlan_mlme_disable_fd_in_6ghz_band(session->vdev, is_legacy_sap_present); return; } /* * Atleast one legacy SAP is present, disable FD for all the * existing 6 GHz SAPs. */ for (i = 0; i < vdev_num; i++) { if (!wlan_reg_is_6ghz_chan_freq(freq_list[i])) continue; vdev = wlan_objmgr_get_vdev_by_id_from_psoc( session->mac_ctx->psoc, vdev_id_list[i], WLAN_LEGACY_MAC_ID); if (!vdev) continue; mlme_obj = wlan_vdev_mlme_get_cmpt_obj(vdev); if (!mlme_obj) { pe_err("Unable to get mlme obj for vdev %d", vdev_id_list[i]); goto rel; } if (!wlan_mlme_is_fd_disabled_in_6ghz_band(vdev)) { wlan_mlme_disable_fd_in_6ghz_band(vdev, true); vdev_mgr_configure_fd_for_sap(mlme_obj); } rel: wlan_objmgr_vdev_release_ref(vdev, WLAN_LEGACY_MAC_ID); } } else { if (wlan_reg_is_6ghz_chan_freq(session->curr_op_freq)) { wlan_mlme_disable_fd_in_6ghz_band(session->vdev, false); return; } if (is_legacy_sap_present) return; /* * If no other legacy SAP is present, and the last legacy SAP * is going down, re-enable FD for all the 6 GHz SAP. */ for (i = 0; i < vdev_num; i++) { if (!wlan_reg_is_6ghz_chan_freq(freq_list[i])) continue; vdev = wlan_objmgr_get_vdev_by_id_from_psoc( session->mac_ctx->psoc, vdev_id_list[i], WLAN_LEGACY_MAC_ID); if (!vdev) continue; mlme_obj = wlan_vdev_mlme_get_cmpt_obj(vdev); if (!mlme_obj) { pe_err("Unable to get mlme obj for vdev %d", vdev_id_list[i]); goto rel_vdev; } if (wlan_mlme_is_fd_disabled_in_6ghz_band(vdev)) { wlan_mlme_disable_fd_in_6ghz_band(vdev, false); vdev_mgr_configure_fd_for_sap(mlme_obj); } rel_vdev: wlan_objmgr_vdev_release_ref(vdev, WLAN_LEGACY_MAC_ID); } } } #ifdef WLAN_CHIPSET_STATS void lim_cp_stats_cstats_log_assoc_resp_evt(struct pe_session *session_entry, enum cstats_dir dir, uint16_t status_code, uint16_t aid, uint8_t *bssid, uint8_t *da, bool is_ht, bool is_vht, bool is_he, bool is_eht, bool is_reassoc) { struct cstats_assoc_resp_mgmt_frm stat = {0}; if (is_reassoc) { stat.cmn.hdr.evt_id = WLAN_CHIPSET_STATS_MGMT_REASSOC_RESP_EVENT_ID; } else { stat.cmn.hdr.evt_id = WLAN_CHIPSET_STATS_MGMT_ASSOC_RESP_EVENT_ID; } stat.cmn.hdr.length = sizeof(struct cstats_assoc_resp_mgmt_frm) - sizeof(struct cstats_hdr); stat.cmn.vdev_id = session_entry->vdev_id; stat.cmn.opmode = session_entry->opmode; stat.cmn.timestamp_us = qdf_get_time_of_the_day_us(); stat.cmn.time_tick = qdf_get_log_timestamp(); stat.direction = dir; stat.status_code = status_code; stat.aid = aid; if (is_ht) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_HT); if (is_vht) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_VHT); if (is_he) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_HE); if (is_eht) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_EHT); CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.bssid, bssid); CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.dest_mac, da); wlan_cstats_host_stats(sizeof(struct cstats_assoc_resp_mgmt_frm), &stat); } void lim_cp_stats_cstats_log_auth_evt(struct pe_session *pe_session, enum cstats_dir dir, uint16_t algo, uint16_t seq, uint16_t status) { struct cstats_auth_mgmt_frm stat = {0}; stat.cmn.hdr.evt_id = WLAN_CHIPSET_STATS_MGMT_AUTH_EVENT_ID; stat.cmn.hdr.length = sizeof(struct cstats_auth_mgmt_frm) - sizeof(struct cstats_hdr); stat.cmn.opmode = pe_session->opmode; stat.cmn.vdev_id = pe_session->vdev_id; stat.cmn.timestamp_us = qdf_get_time_of_the_day_us(); stat.cmn.time_tick = qdf_get_log_timestamp(); stat.direction = dir; stat.auth_algo = algo; stat.auth_seq_num = seq; stat.status = status; wlan_cstats_host_stats(sizeof(struct cstats_auth_mgmt_frm), &stat); } void lim_cp_stats_cstats_log_deauth_evt(struct pe_session *pe_session, enum cstats_dir dir, uint16_t reasonCode) { struct cstats_deauth_mgmt_frm stat = {0}; stat.cmn.hdr.evt_id = WLAN_CHIPSET_STATS_MGMT_DEAUTH_EVENT_ID; stat.cmn.hdr.length = sizeof(struct cstats_deauth_mgmt_frm) - sizeof(struct cstats_hdr); stat.cmn.opmode = pe_session->opmode; stat.cmn.vdev_id = pe_session->vdev_id; stat.cmn.timestamp_us = qdf_get_time_of_the_day_us(); stat.cmn.time_tick = qdf_get_log_timestamp(); stat.reason = reasonCode; stat.direction = dir; wlan_cstats_host_stats(sizeof(struct cstats_deauth_mgmt_frm), &stat); } void lim_cp_stats_cstats_log_disassoc_evt(struct pe_session *pe_session, enum cstats_dir dir, uint16_t reasonCode) { struct cstats_disassoc_mgmt_frm stat = {0}; stat.cmn.hdr.evt_id = WLAN_CHIPSET_STATS_MGMT_DISASSOC_EVENT_ID; stat.cmn.hdr.length = sizeof(struct cstats_disassoc_mgmt_frm) - sizeof(struct cstats_hdr); stat.cmn.opmode = pe_session->opmode; stat.cmn.vdev_id = pe_session->vdev_id; stat.cmn.timestamp_us = qdf_get_time_of_the_day_us(); stat.cmn.time_tick = qdf_get_log_timestamp(); stat.reason = reasonCode; stat.direction = dir; wlan_cstats_host_stats(sizeof(struct cstats_disassoc_mgmt_frm), &stat); } void lim_cp_stats_cstats_log_assoc_req_evt(struct pe_session *pe_session, enum cstats_dir dir, uint8_t *bssid, uint8_t *sa, uint8_t ssid_len, uint8_t *ssid, bool is_ht, bool is_vht, bool is_he, bool is_eht, bool is_reassoc) { struct cstats_assoc_req_mgmt_frm stat = {0}; if (is_reassoc) { stat.cmn.hdr.evt_id = WLAN_CHIPSET_STATS_MGMT_REASSOC_REQ_EVENT_ID; } else { stat.cmn.hdr.evt_id = WLAN_CHIPSET_STATS_MGMT_ASSOC_REQ_EVENT_ID; } stat.cmn.hdr.length = sizeof(struct cstats_assoc_req_mgmt_frm) - sizeof(struct cstats_hdr); stat.cmn.opmode = pe_session->opmode; stat.cmn.vdev_id = pe_session->vdev_id; stat.cmn.timestamp_us = qdf_get_time_of_the_day_us(); stat.cmn.time_tick = qdf_get_log_timestamp(); stat.freq = pe_session->curr_op_freq; stat.ssid_len = ssid_len; qdf_mem_copy(stat.ssid, ssid, ssid_len); stat.direction = dir; CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.bssid, bssid); CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.sa, sa); if (is_ht) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_HT); if (is_vht) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_VHT); if (is_he) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_HE); if (is_eht) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_EHT); wlan_cstats_host_stats(sizeof(struct cstats_assoc_req_mgmt_frm), &stat); } void lim_cp_stats_cstats_log_disc_req_evt(tDot11fTDLSDisReq *frm, struct pe_session *pe_session) { struct cstats_tdls_disc_req stat = {0}; stat.cmn.hdr.evt_id = WLAN_CHIPSET_STATS_STA_TDLS_DISCOVERY_REQ_EVENT_ID; stat.cmn.hdr.length = sizeof(struct cstats_tdls_disc_req) - sizeof(struct cstats_hdr); stat.cmn.opmode = pe_session->opmode; stat.cmn.vdev_id = pe_session->vdev_id; stat.cmn.timestamp_us = qdf_get_time_of_the_day_us(); stat.cmn.time_tick = qdf_get_log_timestamp(); stat.act_category = frm->Category.category; stat.act = frm->Action.action; stat.dt = frm->DialogToken.token; stat.direction = CSTATS_DIR_TX; CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.init_sta_addr, frm->LinkIdentifier.InitStaAddr); CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.bssid, frm->LinkIdentifier.bssid); CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.resp_sta_addr, frm->LinkIdentifier.RespStaAddr); wlan_cstats_host_stats(sizeof(struct cstats_tdls_disc_req), &stat); } void lim_cp_stats_cstats_log_disc_resp_evt(tDot11fTDLSDisRsp *frm, struct pe_session *pe_session) { struct cstats_tdls_disc_resp stat = {0}; stat.cmn.hdr.evt_id = WLAN_CHIPSET_STATS_STA_TDLS_DISCOVERY_RESP_EVENT_ID; stat.cmn.hdr.length = sizeof(struct cstats_tdls_disc_resp) - sizeof(struct cstats_hdr); stat.cmn.opmode = pe_session->opmode; stat.cmn.vdev_id = pe_session->vdev_id; stat.cmn.timestamp_us = qdf_get_time_of_the_day_us(); stat.cmn.time_tick = qdf_get_log_timestamp(); stat.act_category = frm->Category.category; stat.act = frm->Action.action; stat.dt = frm->DialogToken.token; stat.direction = CSTATS_DIR_TX; if (frm->HTCaps.present) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_HT); if (frm->VHTCaps.present) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_VHT); if (frm->he_cap.present) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_HE); CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.init_sta_addr, frm->LinkIdentifier.InitStaAddr); CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.bssid, frm->LinkIdentifier.bssid); CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.resp_sta_addr, frm->LinkIdentifier.RespStaAddr); wlan_cstats_host_stats(sizeof(struct cstats_tdls_disc_resp), &stat); } void lim_cp_stats_cstats_log_setup_req_evt(tDot11fTDLSSetupReq *frm, struct pe_session *pe_session) { struct cstats_tdls_setup_req stat = {0}; stat.cmn.hdr.evt_id = WLAN_CHIPSET_STATS_STA_TDLS_SETUP_REQ_EVENT_ID; stat.cmn.hdr.length = sizeof(struct cstats_tdls_setup_req) - sizeof(struct cstats_hdr); stat.cmn.opmode = pe_session->opmode; stat.cmn.vdev_id = pe_session->vdev_id; stat.cmn.timestamp_us = qdf_get_time_of_the_day_us(); stat.cmn.time_tick = qdf_get_log_timestamp(); stat.act_category = frm->Category.category; stat.act = frm->Action.action; stat.dt = frm->DialogToken.token; stat.direction = CSTATS_DIR_TX; if (frm->HTCaps.present) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_HT); if (frm->VHTCaps.present) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_VHT); if (frm->he_cap.present) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_HE); CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.init_sta_addr, frm->LinkIdentifier.InitStaAddr); CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.bssid, frm->LinkIdentifier.bssid); CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.resp_sta_addr, frm->LinkIdentifier.RespStaAddr); wlan_cstats_host_stats(sizeof(struct cstats_tdls_setup_req), &stat); } void lim_cp_stats_cstats_log_setup_resp_evt(tDot11fTDLSSetupRsp *frm, struct pe_session *pe_session) { struct cstats_tdls_setup_resp stat = {0}; stat.cmn.hdr.evt_id = WLAN_CHIPSET_STATS_STA_TDLS_SETUP_RESP_EVENT_ID; stat.cmn.hdr.length = sizeof(struct cstats_tdls_setup_resp) - sizeof(struct cstats_hdr); stat.cmn.opmode = pe_session->opmode; stat.cmn.vdev_id = pe_session->vdev_id; stat.cmn.timestamp_us = qdf_get_time_of_the_day_us(); stat.cmn.time_tick = qdf_get_log_timestamp(); stat.act_category = frm->Category.category; stat.act = frm->Action.action; stat.dt = frm->DialogToken.token; stat.direction = CSTATS_DIR_TX; if (frm->HTCaps.present) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_HT); if (frm->VHTCaps.present) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_VHT); if (frm->he_cap.present) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_HE); stat.status = frm->Status.status; CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.init_sta_addr, frm->LinkIdentifier.InitStaAddr); CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.bssid, frm->LinkIdentifier.bssid); CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.resp_sta_addr, frm->LinkIdentifier.RespStaAddr); wlan_cstats_host_stats(sizeof(struct cstats_tdls_setup_resp), &stat); } void lim_cp_stats_cstats_log_setup_confirm_evt(tDot11fTDLSSetupCnf *frm, struct pe_session *pe_session) { struct cstats_tdls_setup_confirm stat = {0}; stat.cmn.hdr.evt_id = WLAN_CHIPSET_STATS_STA_TDLS_SETUP_CONFIRM_EVENT_ID; stat.cmn.hdr.length = sizeof(struct cstats_tdls_setup_confirm) - sizeof(struct cstats_hdr); stat.cmn.opmode = pe_session->opmode; stat.cmn.vdev_id = pe_session->vdev_id; stat.cmn.timestamp_us = qdf_get_time_of_the_day_us(); stat.cmn.time_tick = qdf_get_log_timestamp(); stat.act_category = frm->Category.category; stat.act = frm->Action.action; stat.dt = frm->DialogToken.token; stat.direction = CSTATS_DIR_TX; if (frm->HTInfo.present) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_HT); if (frm->VHTOperation.present) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_VHT); if (frm->he_op.present) CSTATS_SET_BIT(stat.flags, CSTATS_FLAG_HE); stat.status = frm->Status.status; CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.init_sta_addr, frm->LinkIdentifier.InitStaAddr); CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.bssid, frm->LinkIdentifier.bssid); CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.resp_sta_addr, frm->LinkIdentifier.RespStaAddr); wlan_cstats_host_stats(sizeof(struct cstats_tdls_setup_confirm), &stat); } void lim_cp_stats_cstats_log_tear_down_evt(tDot11fTDLSTeardown *frm, struct pe_session *pe_session) { struct cstats_tdls_tear_down stat = {0}; stat.cmn.hdr.evt_id = WLAN_CHIPSET_STATS_STA_TDLS_TEARDOWN_EVENT_ID; stat.cmn.hdr.length = sizeof(struct cstats_tdls_setup_confirm) - sizeof(struct cstats_hdr); stat.cmn.opmode = pe_session->opmode; stat.cmn.vdev_id = pe_session->vdev_id; stat.cmn.timestamp_us = qdf_get_time_of_the_day_us(); stat.cmn.time_tick = qdf_get_log_timestamp(); stat.act_category = frm->Category.category; stat.act = frm->Action.action; stat.direction = CSTATS_DIR_TX; stat.reason = frm->Reason.code; CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.init_sta_addr, frm->LinkIdentifier.InitStaAddr); CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.bssid, frm->LinkIdentifier.bssid); CSTATS_MAC_COPY(stat.resp_sta_addr, frm->LinkIdentifier.RespStaAddr); wlan_cstats_host_stats(sizeof(struct cstats_tdls_tear_down), &stat); } void lim_cp_stats_cstats_log_csa_evt(struct pe_session *pe_session, enum cstats_dir dir, uint16_t target_freq, uint8_t target_ch_width, uint8_t switch_mode) { struct cstats_csa_evt stat = {0}; stat.cmn.hdr.evt_id = WLAN_CHIPSET_STATS_CSA_EVENT_ID; stat.cmn.hdr.length = sizeof(struct cstats_csa_evt) - sizeof(struct cstats_hdr); stat.cmn.opmode = pe_session->opmode; stat.cmn.vdev_id = pe_session->vdev_id; stat.cmn.timestamp_us = qdf_get_time_of_the_day_us(); stat.cmn.time_tick = qdf_get_log_timestamp(); stat.direction = dir; stat.target_freq = target_freq; stat.target_ch_width = target_ch_width; stat.current_freq = pe_session->curr_op_freq; stat.current_ch_width = pe_session->ch_width; stat.switch_mode = switch_mode; wlan_cstats_host_stats(sizeof(struct cstats_csa_evt), &stat); } #endif /* WLAN_CHIPSET_STATS */ uint16_t lim_get_tpe_ie_length(enum phy_ch_width chan_width, tDot11fIEtransmit_power_env *tpe_ie, uint16_t num_tpe) { uint16_t total_ie_len = 0; uint16_t idx = 0; for (idx = 0; idx < num_tpe; idx++) { if (!tpe_ie[idx].present) return total_ie_len; /* +2 for including element id and length */ total_ie_len += 2; /* +1 for including tx power info */ total_ie_len += 1; total_ie_len += tpe_ie[idx].num_tx_power; if (!(chan_width == CH_WIDTH_320MHZ && tpe_ie[idx].max_tx_pwr_interpret)) continue; if (tpe_ie[idx].max_tx_pwr_interpret == LOCAL_EIRP || tpe_ie[idx].max_tx_pwr_interpret == REGULATORY_CLIENT_EIRP) { /* Maximum Transmit Power For 320 MHz */ total_ie_len += 1; } else if (tpe_ie[idx].max_tx_pwr_interpret == LOCAL_EIRP_PSD || tpe_ie[idx].max_tx_pwr_interpret == REGULATORY_CLIENT_EIRP_PSD) { /* Extension Transmit PSD Information */ total_ie_len += 1; /* Maximum Transmit PSD power */ total_ie_len += MAX_TX_PSD_POWER; } } return total_ie_len; } QDF_STATUS lim_fill_complete_tpe_ie(enum phy_ch_width chan_width, uint16_t tpe_ie_len, tDot11fIEtransmit_power_env *tpe_ptr, uint16_t num_tpe, uint8_t *target) { uint8_t *ie_len = NULL; uint32_t consumed = 0; uint32_t total_consumed = 0; uint8_t tx_pwr_info = 0U; uint8_t local_psd = 0U; uint8_t reg_psd = 0U; uint8_t *on_entry_target = target; QDF_STATUS status = QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; uint16_t idx = 0; for (idx = 0; idx < num_tpe; idx++) { if (!tpe_ptr[idx].present) return QDF_STATUS_E_INVAL; consumed = 0; *target = WLAN_ELEMID_VHT_TX_PWR_ENVLP; ++target; ++consumed; ie_len = target; ++target; ++consumed; tx_pwr_info = 0U; tx_pwr_info |= (tpe_ptr[idx].max_tx_pwr_count << 0); tx_pwr_info |= (tpe_ptr[idx].max_tx_pwr_interpret << 3); tx_pwr_info |= (tpe_ptr[idx].max_tx_pwr_category << 6); *target = tx_pwr_info; ++consumed; ++target; qdf_mem_copy(target, &tpe_ptr[idx].tx_power, tpe_ptr[idx].num_tx_power); consumed += tpe_ptr[idx].num_tx_power; target += tpe_ptr[idx].num_tx_power; if (!(chan_width == CH_WIDTH_320MHZ && tpe_ptr[idx].max_tx_pwr_interpret)) goto end; switch (tpe_ptr[idx].max_tx_pwr_interpret) { case LOCAL_EIRP: /* Maximum Local EIRP Transmit Power For 320 MHz */ *target = tpe_ptr[idx].ext_max_tx_power.ext_max_tx_power_local_eirp.max_tx_power_for_320; target += 1; consumed += 1; break; case LOCAL_EIRP_PSD: local_psd = 0U; local_psd |= (tpe_ptr[idx].ext_max_tx_power.ext_max_tx_power_local_psd.ext_count << 0); local_psd |= (tpe_ptr[idx].ext_max_tx_power.ext_max_tx_power_local_psd.reserved << 4); /* Extension Transmit Local PSD Information */ *target = local_psd; target += 1; consumed += 1; /* Maximum Transmit Local PSD power */ qdf_mem_copy(target, tpe_ptr[idx].ext_max_tx_power.ext_max_tx_power_local_psd.max_tx_psd_power, MAX_TX_PSD_POWER); target += MAX_TX_PSD_POWER; consumed += MAX_TX_PSD_POWER; break; case REGULATORY_CLIENT_EIRP: /* Maximum Regulatory EIRP Transmit Power For 320 MHz */ *target = tpe_ptr[idx].ext_max_tx_power.ext_max_tx_power_reg_eirp.max_tx_power_for_320; target += 1; consumed += 1; break; case REGULATORY_CLIENT_EIRP_PSD: reg_psd = 0U; reg_psd |= (tpe_ptr[idx].ext_max_tx_power.ext_max_tx_power_reg_psd.ext_count << 0); reg_psd |= (tpe_ptr[idx].ext_max_tx_power.ext_max_tx_power_reg_psd.reserved << 4); /* Extension Transmit Regulatory PSD Information */ *target = reg_psd; consumed += 1; target += 1; /* Maximum Transmit Regulatory PSD power */ qdf_mem_copy(target, tpe_ptr[idx].ext_max_tx_power.ext_max_tx_power_reg_psd.max_tx_psd_power, MAX_TX_PSD_POWER); target += MAX_TX_PSD_POWER; consumed += MAX_TX_PSD_POWER; break; } end: if (ie_len && consumed >= 2) { total_consumed += consumed; /* -2 for element id and length */ *ie_len = consumed - 2; } } pe_debug("pack tpe ie %d bytes, expected to copy %d bytes", total_consumed, tpe_ie_len); qdf_trace_hex_dump(QDF_MODULE_ID_PE, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG, on_entry_target, total_consumed); return status; }