/* * Copyright (c) 2020 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for * any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the * above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all * copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL * WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR * PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ // // DO NOT EDIT! This file is automatically generated // These definitions are tied to a particular hardware layout #ifndef _TCL_GSE_CMD_H_ #define _TCL_GSE_CMD_H_ #if !defined(__ASSEMBLER__) #endif // ################ START SUMMARY ################# // // Dword Fields // 0 control_buffer_addr_31_0[31:0] // 1 control_buffer_addr_39_32[7:0], gse_ctrl[11:8], gse_sel[12], status_destination_ring_id[13], swap[14], index_search_en[15], cache_set_num[19:16], reserved_1a[31:20] // 2 cmd_meta_data_31_0[31:0] // 3 cmd_meta_data_63_32[31:0] // 4 reserved_4a[31:0] // 5 reserved_5a[31:0] // 6 reserved_6a[19:0], ring_id[27:20], looping_count[31:28] // // ################ END SUMMARY ################# #define NUM_OF_DWORDS_TCL_GSE_CMD 7 struct tcl_gse_cmd { uint32_t control_buffer_addr_31_0 : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t control_buffer_addr_39_32 : 8, //[7:0] gse_ctrl : 4, //[11:8] gse_sel : 1, //[12] status_destination_ring_id : 1, //[13] swap : 1, //[14] index_search_en : 1, //[15] cache_set_num : 4, //[19:16] reserved_1a : 12; //[31:20] uint32_t cmd_meta_data_31_0 : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t cmd_meta_data_63_32 : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_4a : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_5a : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_6a : 20, //[19:0] ring_id : 8, //[27:20] looping_count : 4; //[31:28] }; /* control_buffer_addr_31_0 Address (lower 32 bits) of a control buffer containing additional info needed for this command execution. <legal all> control_buffer_addr_39_32 Address (upper 8 bits) of a control buffer containing additional info needed for this command execution. <legal all> gse_ctrl GSE control operations. This includes cache operations and table entry statistics read/clear operation. <enum 0 rd_stat> Report or Read statistics <enum 1 srch_dis> Search disable. Report only Hash <enum 2 Wr_bk_single> Write Back single entry <enum 3 wr_bk_all> Write Back entire cache entry <enum 4 inval_single> Invalidate single cache entry <enum 5 inval_all> Invalidate entire cache <enum 6 wr_bk_inval_single> Write back and Invalidate single entry in cache <enum 7 wr_bk_inval_all> write back and invalidate entire cache <enum 8 clr_stat_single> Clear statistics for single entry <legal 0-8> Rest of the values reserved. For all single entry control operations (write back, Invalidate or both)Statistics will be reported gse_sel Bit to select the ASE or FSE to do the operation mention by GSE_ctrl bit 0: FSE select 1: ASE select status_destination_ring_id The TCL status ring to which the GSE status needs to be send. <enum 0 tcl_status_0_ring> <enum 1 tcl_status_1_ring> <legal all> swap Bit to enable byte swapping of contents of buffer <enum 0 Byte_swap_disable > <enum 1 byte_swap_enable > <legal all> index_search_en When this bit is set to 1 control_buffer_addr[19:0] will be considered as index of the AST or Flow table and GSE commands will be executed accordingly on the entry pointed by the index. This feature is disabled by setting this bit to 0. <enum 0 index_based_cmd_disable> <enum 1 index_based_cmd_enable> <legal all> cache_set_num Cache set number that should be used to cache the index based search results, for address and flow search. This value should be equal to value of cache_set_num for the index that is issued in TCL_DATA_CMD during search index based ASE or FSE. This field is valid for index based GSE commands <legal all> reserved_1a <legal 0> cmd_meta_data_31_0 Meta data to be returned in the status descriptor <legal all> cmd_meta_data_63_32 Meta data to be returned in the status descriptor <legal all> reserved_4a <legal 0> reserved_5a <legal 0> reserved_6a <legal 0> ring_id Helps with debugging when dumping ring contents. <legal all> looping_count A count value that indicates the number of times the producer of entries into the Ring has looped around the ring. At initialization time, this value is set to 0. On the first loop, this value is set to 1. After the max value is reached allowed by the number of bits for this field, the count value continues with 0 again. In case SW is the consumer of the ring entries, it can use this field to figure out up to where the producer of entries has created new entries. This eliminates the need to check where the head pointer' of the ring is located once the SW starts processing an interrupt indicating that new entries have been put into this ring... Also note that SW if it wants only needs to look at the LSB bit of this count value. <legal all> */ /* Description TCL_GSE_CMD_0_CONTROL_BUFFER_ADDR_31_0 Address (lower 32 bits) of a control buffer containing additional info needed for this command execution. <legal all> */ #define TCL_GSE_CMD_0_CONTROL_BUFFER_ADDR_31_0_OFFSET 0x00000000 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_0_CONTROL_BUFFER_ADDR_31_0_LSB 0 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_0_CONTROL_BUFFER_ADDR_31_0_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description TCL_GSE_CMD_1_CONTROL_BUFFER_ADDR_39_32 Address (upper 8 bits) of a control buffer containing additional info needed for this command execution. <legal all> */ #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_CONTROL_BUFFER_ADDR_39_32_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_CONTROL_BUFFER_ADDR_39_32_LSB 0 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_CONTROL_BUFFER_ADDR_39_32_MASK 0x000000ff /* Description TCL_GSE_CMD_1_GSE_CTRL GSE control operations. This includes cache operations and table entry statistics read/clear operation. <enum 0 rd_stat> Report or Read statistics <enum 1 srch_dis> Search disable. Report only Hash <enum 2 Wr_bk_single> Write Back single entry <enum 3 wr_bk_all> Write Back entire cache entry <enum 4 inval_single> Invalidate single cache entry <enum 5 inval_all> Invalidate entire cache <enum 6 wr_bk_inval_single> Write back and Invalidate single entry in cache <enum 7 wr_bk_inval_all> write back and invalidate entire cache <enum 8 clr_stat_single> Clear statistics for single entry <legal 0-8> Rest of the values reserved. For all single entry control operations (write back, Invalidate or both)Statistics will be reported */ #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_GSE_CTRL_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_GSE_CTRL_LSB 8 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_GSE_CTRL_MASK 0x00000f00 /* Description TCL_GSE_CMD_1_GSE_SEL Bit to select the ASE or FSE to do the operation mention by GSE_ctrl bit 0: FSE select 1: ASE select */ #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_GSE_SEL_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_GSE_SEL_LSB 12 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_GSE_SEL_MASK 0x00001000 /* Description TCL_GSE_CMD_1_STATUS_DESTINATION_RING_ID The TCL status ring to which the GSE status needs to be send. <enum 0 tcl_status_0_ring> <enum 1 tcl_status_1_ring> <legal all> */ #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_STATUS_DESTINATION_RING_ID_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_STATUS_DESTINATION_RING_ID_LSB 13 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_STATUS_DESTINATION_RING_ID_MASK 0x00002000 /* Description TCL_GSE_CMD_1_SWAP Bit to enable byte swapping of contents of buffer <enum 0 Byte_swap_disable > <enum 1 byte_swap_enable > <legal all> */ #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_SWAP_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_SWAP_LSB 14 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_SWAP_MASK 0x00004000 /* Description TCL_GSE_CMD_1_INDEX_SEARCH_EN When this bit is set to 1 control_buffer_addr[19:0] will be considered as index of the AST or Flow table and GSE commands will be executed accordingly on the entry pointed by the index. This feature is disabled by setting this bit to 0. <enum 0 index_based_cmd_disable> <enum 1 index_based_cmd_enable> <legal all> */ #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_INDEX_SEARCH_EN_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_INDEX_SEARCH_EN_LSB 15 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_INDEX_SEARCH_EN_MASK 0x00008000 /* Description TCL_GSE_CMD_1_CACHE_SET_NUM Cache set number that should be used to cache the index based search results, for address and flow search. This value should be equal to value of cache_set_num for the index that is issued in TCL_DATA_CMD during search index based ASE or FSE. This field is valid for index based GSE commands <legal all> */ #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_CACHE_SET_NUM_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_CACHE_SET_NUM_LSB 16 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_CACHE_SET_NUM_MASK 0x000f0000 /* Description TCL_GSE_CMD_1_RESERVED_1A <legal 0> */ #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_RESERVED_1A_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_RESERVED_1A_LSB 20 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_1_RESERVED_1A_MASK 0xfff00000 /* Description TCL_GSE_CMD_2_CMD_META_DATA_31_0 Meta data to be returned in the status descriptor <legal all> */ #define TCL_GSE_CMD_2_CMD_META_DATA_31_0_OFFSET 0x00000008 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_2_CMD_META_DATA_31_0_LSB 0 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_2_CMD_META_DATA_31_0_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description TCL_GSE_CMD_3_CMD_META_DATA_63_32 Meta data to be returned in the status descriptor <legal all> */ #define TCL_GSE_CMD_3_CMD_META_DATA_63_32_OFFSET 0x0000000c #define TCL_GSE_CMD_3_CMD_META_DATA_63_32_LSB 0 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_3_CMD_META_DATA_63_32_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description TCL_GSE_CMD_4_RESERVED_4A <legal 0> */ #define TCL_GSE_CMD_4_RESERVED_4A_OFFSET 0x00000010 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_4_RESERVED_4A_LSB 0 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_4_RESERVED_4A_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description TCL_GSE_CMD_5_RESERVED_5A <legal 0> */ #define TCL_GSE_CMD_5_RESERVED_5A_OFFSET 0x00000014 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_5_RESERVED_5A_LSB 0 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_5_RESERVED_5A_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description TCL_GSE_CMD_6_RESERVED_6A <legal 0> */ #define TCL_GSE_CMD_6_RESERVED_6A_OFFSET 0x00000018 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_6_RESERVED_6A_LSB 0 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_6_RESERVED_6A_MASK 0x000fffff /* Description TCL_GSE_CMD_6_RING_ID Helps with debugging when dumping ring contents. <legal all> */ #define TCL_GSE_CMD_6_RING_ID_OFFSET 0x00000018 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_6_RING_ID_LSB 20 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_6_RING_ID_MASK 0x0ff00000 /* Description TCL_GSE_CMD_6_LOOPING_COUNT A count value that indicates the number of times the producer of entries into the Ring has looped around the ring. At initialization time, this value is set to 0. On the first loop, this value is set to 1. After the max value is reached allowed by the number of bits for this field, the count value continues with 0 again. In case SW is the consumer of the ring entries, it can use this field to figure out up to where the producer of entries has created new entries. This eliminates the need to check where the head pointer' of the ring is located once the SW starts processing an interrupt indicating that new entries have been put into this ring... Also note that SW if it wants only needs to look at the LSB bit of this count value. <legal all> */ #define TCL_GSE_CMD_6_LOOPING_COUNT_OFFSET 0x00000018 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_6_LOOPING_COUNT_LSB 28 #define TCL_GSE_CMD_6_LOOPING_COUNT_MASK 0xf0000000 #endif // _TCL_GSE_CMD_H_