/* * Copyright (c) 2018 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for * any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the * above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all * copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL * WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR * PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _RX_MPDU_END_H_ #define _RX_MPDU_END_H_ #if !defined(__ASSEMBLER__) #endif // ################ START SUMMARY ################# // // Dword Fields // 0 rxpcu_mpdu_filter_in_category[1:0], sw_frame_group_id[8:2], reserved_0[15:9], phy_ppdu_id[31:16] // 1 reserved_1a[10:0], unsup_ktype_short_frame[11], rx_in_tx_decrypt_byp[12], overflow_err[13], mpdu_length_err[14], tkip_mic_err[15], decrypt_err[16], unencrypted_frame_err[17], pn_fields_contain_valid_info[18], fcs_err[19], msdu_length_err[20], rxdma0_destination_ring[22:21], rxdma1_destination_ring[24:23], decrypt_status_code[27:25], rx_bitmap_not_updated[28], reserved_1b[31:29] // // ################ END SUMMARY ################# #define NUM_OF_DWORDS_RX_MPDU_END 2 struct rx_mpdu_end { uint32_t rxpcu_mpdu_filter_in_category : 2, //[1:0] sw_frame_group_id : 7, //[8:2] reserved_0 : 7, //[15:9] phy_ppdu_id : 16; //[31:16] uint32_t reserved_1a : 11, //[10:0] unsup_ktype_short_frame : 1, //[11] rx_in_tx_decrypt_byp : 1, //[12] overflow_err : 1, //[13] mpdu_length_err : 1, //[14] tkip_mic_err : 1, //[15] decrypt_err : 1, //[16] unencrypted_frame_err : 1, //[17] pn_fields_contain_valid_info : 1, //[18] fcs_err : 1, //[19] msdu_length_err : 1, //[20] rxdma0_destination_ring : 2, //[22:21] rxdma1_destination_ring : 2, //[24:23] decrypt_status_code : 3, //[27:25] rx_bitmap_not_updated : 1, //[28] reserved_1b : 3; //[31:29] }; /* rxpcu_mpdu_filter_in_category Field indicates what the reason was that this MPDU frame was allowed to come into the receive path by RXPCU <enum 0 rxpcu_filter_pass> This MPDU passed the normal frame filter programming of rxpcu <enum 1 rxpcu_monitor_client> This MPDU did NOT pass the regular frame filter and would have been dropped, were it not for the frame fitting into the 'monitor_client' category. <enum 2 rxpcu_monitor_other> This MPDU did NOT pass the regular frame filter and also did not pass the rxpcu_monitor_client filter. It would have been dropped accept that it did pass the 'monitor_other' category. <legal 0-2> sw_frame_group_id SW processes frames based on certain classifications. This field indicates to what sw classification this MPDU is mapped. The classification is given in priority order <enum 0 sw_frame_group_NDP_frame> <enum 1 sw_frame_group_Multicast_data> <enum 2 sw_frame_group_Unicast_data> <enum 3 sw_frame_group_Null_data > This includes mpdus of type Data Null as well as QoS Data Null <enum 4 sw_frame_group_mgmt_0000 > <enum 5 sw_frame_group_mgmt_0001 > <enum 6 sw_frame_group_mgmt_0010 > <enum 7 sw_frame_group_mgmt_0011 > <enum 8 sw_frame_group_mgmt_0100 > <enum 9 sw_frame_group_mgmt_0101 > <enum 10 sw_frame_group_mgmt_0110 > <enum 11 sw_frame_group_mgmt_0111 > <enum 12 sw_frame_group_mgmt_1000 > <enum 13 sw_frame_group_mgmt_1001 > <enum 14 sw_frame_group_mgmt_1010 > <enum 15 sw_frame_group_mgmt_1011 > <enum 16 sw_frame_group_mgmt_1100 > <enum 17 sw_frame_group_mgmt_1101 > <enum 18 sw_frame_group_mgmt_1110 > <enum 19 sw_frame_group_mgmt_1111 > <enum 20 sw_frame_group_ctrl_0000 > <enum 21 sw_frame_group_ctrl_0001 > <enum 22 sw_frame_group_ctrl_0010 > <enum 23 sw_frame_group_ctrl_0011 > <enum 24 sw_frame_group_ctrl_0100 > <enum 25 sw_frame_group_ctrl_0101 > <enum 26 sw_frame_group_ctrl_0110 > <enum 27 sw_frame_group_ctrl_0111 > <enum 28 sw_frame_group_ctrl_1000 > <enum 29 sw_frame_group_ctrl_1001 > <enum 30 sw_frame_group_ctrl_1010 > <enum 31 sw_frame_group_ctrl_1011 > <enum 32 sw_frame_group_ctrl_1100 > <enum 33 sw_frame_group_ctrl_1101 > <enum 34 sw_frame_group_ctrl_1110 > <enum 35 sw_frame_group_ctrl_1111 > <enum 36 sw_frame_group_unsupported> This covers type 3 and protocol version != 0 <legal 0-37> reserved_0 <legal 0> phy_ppdu_id A ppdu counter value that PHY increments for every PPDU received. The counter value wraps around <legal all> reserved_1a <legal 0> unsup_ktype_short_frame This bit will be '1' when WEP or TKIP or WAPI key type is received for 11ah short frame. Crypto will bypass the received packet without decryption to RxOLE after setting this bit. rx_in_tx_decrypt_byp Indicates that RX packet is not decrypted as Crypto is busy with TX packet processing. overflow_err RXPCU Receive FIFO ran out of space to receive the full MPDU. Therefor this MPDU is terminated early and is thus corrupted. This MPDU will not be ACKed. RXPCU might still be able to correctly receive the following MPDUs in the PPDU if enough fifo space became available in time mpdu_length_err Set by RXPCU if the expected MPDU length does not correspond with the actually received number of bytes in the MPDU. tkip_mic_err Set by RX CRYPTO when CRYPTO detected a TKIP MIC error for this MPDU decrypt_err Set by RX CRYPTO when CRYPTO detected a decrypt error for this MPDU or CRYPTO received an encrypted frame, but did not get a valid corresponding key id in the peer entry. unencrypted_frame_err Set by RX CRYPTO when CRYPTO detected an unencrypted frame while in the peer entry field 'All_frames_shall_be_encrypted' is set. pn_fields_contain_valid_info Set by RX CRYPTO to indicate that there is a valid PN field present in this MPDU fcs_err Set by RXPCU when there is an FCS error detected for this MPDU NOTE that when this field is set, all other (error) field settings should be ignored as modules could have made wrong decisions based on the corrupted data. msdu_length_err Set by RXOLE when there is an msdu length error detected in at least 1 of the MSDUs embedded within the MPDU rxdma0_destination_ring The ring to which RXDMA0 shall push the frame, assuming no MPDU level errors are detected. In case of MPDU level errors, RXDMA0 might change the RXDMA0 destination <enum 0 rxdma_release_ring > RXDMA0 shall push the frame to the Release ring. Effectively this means the frame needs to be dropped. <enum 1 rxdma2fw_ring > RXDMA0 shall push the frame to the FW ring <enum 2 rxdma2sw_ring > RXDMA0 shall push the frame to the SW ring <enum 3 rxdma2reo_ring > RXDMA0 shall push the frame to the REO entrance ring <legal all> rxdma1_destination_ring The ring to which RXDMA1 shall push the frame, assuming no MPDU level errors are detected. In case of MPDU level errors, RXDMA1 might change the RXDMA destination <enum 0 rxdma_release_ring > RXDMA1 shall push the frame to the Release ring. Effectively this means the frame needs to be dropped. <enum 1 rxdma2fw_ring > RXDMA1 shall push the frame to the FW ring <enum 2 rxdma2sw_ring > RXDMA1 shall push the frame to the SW ring <enum 3 rxdma2reo_ring > RXDMA1 shall push the frame to the REO entrance ring <legal all> decrypt_status_code Field provides insight into the decryption performed <enum 0 decrypt_ok> Frame had protection enabled and decrypted properly <enum 1 decrypt_unprotected_frame > Frame is unprotected and hence bypassed <enum 2 decrypt_data_err > Frame has protection enabled and could not be properly decrypted due to MIC/ICV mismatch etc. <enum 3 decrypt_key_invalid > Frame has protection enabled but the key that was required to decrypt this frame was not valid <enum 4 decrypt_peer_entry_invalid > Frame has protection enabled but the key that was required to decrypt this frame was not valid <enum 5 decrypt_other > Reserved for other indications <legal 0 - 5> rx_bitmap_not_updated Frame is received, but RXPCU could not update the receive bitmap due to (temporary) fifo contraints. <legal all> reserved_1b <legal 0> */ /* Description RX_MPDU_END_0_RXPCU_MPDU_FILTER_IN_CATEGORY Field indicates what the reason was that this MPDU frame was allowed to come into the receive path by RXPCU <enum 0 rxpcu_filter_pass> This MPDU passed the normal frame filter programming of rxpcu <enum 1 rxpcu_monitor_client> This MPDU did NOT pass the regular frame filter and would have been dropped, were it not for the frame fitting into the 'monitor_client' category. <enum 2 rxpcu_monitor_other> This MPDU did NOT pass the regular frame filter and also did not pass the rxpcu_monitor_client filter. It would have been dropped accept that it did pass the 'monitor_other' category. <legal 0-2> */ #define RX_MPDU_END_0_RXPCU_MPDU_FILTER_IN_CATEGORY_OFFSET 0x00000000 #define RX_MPDU_END_0_RXPCU_MPDU_FILTER_IN_CATEGORY_LSB 0 #define RX_MPDU_END_0_RXPCU_MPDU_FILTER_IN_CATEGORY_MASK 0x00000003 /* Description RX_MPDU_END_0_SW_FRAME_GROUP_ID SW processes frames based on certain classifications. This field indicates to what sw classification this MPDU is mapped. The classification is given in priority order <enum 0 sw_frame_group_NDP_frame> <enum 1 sw_frame_group_Multicast_data> <enum 2 sw_frame_group_Unicast_data> <enum 3 sw_frame_group_Null_data > This includes mpdus of type Data Null as well as QoS Data Null <enum 4 sw_frame_group_mgmt_0000 > <enum 5 sw_frame_group_mgmt_0001 > <enum 6 sw_frame_group_mgmt_0010 > <enum 7 sw_frame_group_mgmt_0011 > <enum 8 sw_frame_group_mgmt_0100 > <enum 9 sw_frame_group_mgmt_0101 > <enum 10 sw_frame_group_mgmt_0110 > <enum 11 sw_frame_group_mgmt_0111 > <enum 12 sw_frame_group_mgmt_1000 > <enum 13 sw_frame_group_mgmt_1001 > <enum 14 sw_frame_group_mgmt_1010 > <enum 15 sw_frame_group_mgmt_1011 > <enum 16 sw_frame_group_mgmt_1100 > <enum 17 sw_frame_group_mgmt_1101 > <enum 18 sw_frame_group_mgmt_1110 > <enum 19 sw_frame_group_mgmt_1111 > <enum 20 sw_frame_group_ctrl_0000 > <enum 21 sw_frame_group_ctrl_0001 > <enum 22 sw_frame_group_ctrl_0010 > <enum 23 sw_frame_group_ctrl_0011 > <enum 24 sw_frame_group_ctrl_0100 > <enum 25 sw_frame_group_ctrl_0101 > <enum 26 sw_frame_group_ctrl_0110 > <enum 27 sw_frame_group_ctrl_0111 > <enum 28 sw_frame_group_ctrl_1000 > <enum 29 sw_frame_group_ctrl_1001 > <enum 30 sw_frame_group_ctrl_1010 > <enum 31 sw_frame_group_ctrl_1011 > <enum 32 sw_frame_group_ctrl_1100 > <enum 33 sw_frame_group_ctrl_1101 > <enum 34 sw_frame_group_ctrl_1110 > <enum 35 sw_frame_group_ctrl_1111 > <enum 36 sw_frame_group_unsupported> This covers type 3 and protocol version != 0 <legal 0-37> */ #define RX_MPDU_END_0_SW_FRAME_GROUP_ID_OFFSET 0x00000000 #define RX_MPDU_END_0_SW_FRAME_GROUP_ID_LSB 2 #define RX_MPDU_END_0_SW_FRAME_GROUP_ID_MASK 0x000001fc /* Description RX_MPDU_END_0_RESERVED_0 <legal 0> */ #define RX_MPDU_END_0_RESERVED_0_OFFSET 0x00000000 #define RX_MPDU_END_0_RESERVED_0_LSB 9 #define RX_MPDU_END_0_RESERVED_0_MASK 0x0000fe00 /* Description RX_MPDU_END_0_PHY_PPDU_ID A ppdu counter value that PHY increments for every PPDU received. The counter value wraps around <legal all> */ #define RX_MPDU_END_0_PHY_PPDU_ID_OFFSET 0x00000000 #define RX_MPDU_END_0_PHY_PPDU_ID_LSB 16 #define RX_MPDU_END_0_PHY_PPDU_ID_MASK 0xffff0000 /* Description RX_MPDU_END_1_RESERVED_1A <legal 0> */ #define RX_MPDU_END_1_RESERVED_1A_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_RESERVED_1A_LSB 0 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_RESERVED_1A_MASK 0x000007ff /* Description RX_MPDU_END_1_UNSUP_KTYPE_SHORT_FRAME This bit will be '1' when WEP or TKIP or WAPI key type is received for 11ah short frame. Crypto will bypass the received packet without decryption to RxOLE after setting this bit. */ #define RX_MPDU_END_1_UNSUP_KTYPE_SHORT_FRAME_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_UNSUP_KTYPE_SHORT_FRAME_LSB 11 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_UNSUP_KTYPE_SHORT_FRAME_MASK 0x00000800 /* Description RX_MPDU_END_1_RX_IN_TX_DECRYPT_BYP Indicates that RX packet is not decrypted as Crypto is busy with TX packet processing. */ #define RX_MPDU_END_1_RX_IN_TX_DECRYPT_BYP_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_RX_IN_TX_DECRYPT_BYP_LSB 12 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_RX_IN_TX_DECRYPT_BYP_MASK 0x00001000 /* Description RX_MPDU_END_1_OVERFLOW_ERR RXPCU Receive FIFO ran out of space to receive the full MPDU. Therefor this MPDU is terminated early and is thus corrupted. This MPDU will not be ACKed. RXPCU might still be able to correctly receive the following MPDUs in the PPDU if enough fifo space became available in time */ #define RX_MPDU_END_1_OVERFLOW_ERR_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_OVERFLOW_ERR_LSB 13 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_OVERFLOW_ERR_MASK 0x00002000 /* Description RX_MPDU_END_1_MPDU_LENGTH_ERR Set by RXPCU if the expected MPDU length does not correspond with the actually received number of bytes in the MPDU. */ #define RX_MPDU_END_1_MPDU_LENGTH_ERR_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_MPDU_LENGTH_ERR_LSB 14 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_MPDU_LENGTH_ERR_MASK 0x00004000 /* Description RX_MPDU_END_1_TKIP_MIC_ERR Set by RX CRYPTO when CRYPTO detected a TKIP MIC error for this MPDU */ #define RX_MPDU_END_1_TKIP_MIC_ERR_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_TKIP_MIC_ERR_LSB 15 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_TKIP_MIC_ERR_MASK 0x00008000 /* Description RX_MPDU_END_1_DECRYPT_ERR Set by RX CRYPTO when CRYPTO detected a decrypt error for this MPDU or CRYPTO received an encrypted frame, but did not get a valid corresponding key id in the peer entry. */ #define RX_MPDU_END_1_DECRYPT_ERR_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_DECRYPT_ERR_LSB 16 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_DECRYPT_ERR_MASK 0x00010000 /* Description RX_MPDU_END_1_UNENCRYPTED_FRAME_ERR Set by RX CRYPTO when CRYPTO detected an unencrypted frame while in the peer entry field 'All_frames_shall_be_encrypted' is set. */ #define RX_MPDU_END_1_UNENCRYPTED_FRAME_ERR_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_UNENCRYPTED_FRAME_ERR_LSB 17 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_UNENCRYPTED_FRAME_ERR_MASK 0x00020000 /* Description RX_MPDU_END_1_PN_FIELDS_CONTAIN_VALID_INFO Set by RX CRYPTO to indicate that there is a valid PN field present in this MPDU */ #define RX_MPDU_END_1_PN_FIELDS_CONTAIN_VALID_INFO_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_PN_FIELDS_CONTAIN_VALID_INFO_LSB 18 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_PN_FIELDS_CONTAIN_VALID_INFO_MASK 0x00040000 /* Description RX_MPDU_END_1_FCS_ERR Set by RXPCU when there is an FCS error detected for this MPDU NOTE that when this field is set, all other (error) field settings should be ignored as modules could have made wrong decisions based on the corrupted data. */ #define RX_MPDU_END_1_FCS_ERR_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_FCS_ERR_LSB 19 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_FCS_ERR_MASK 0x00080000 /* Description RX_MPDU_END_1_MSDU_LENGTH_ERR Set by RXOLE when there is an msdu length error detected in at least 1 of the MSDUs embedded within the MPDU */ #define RX_MPDU_END_1_MSDU_LENGTH_ERR_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_MSDU_LENGTH_ERR_LSB 20 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_MSDU_LENGTH_ERR_MASK 0x00100000 /* Description RX_MPDU_END_1_RXDMA0_DESTINATION_RING The ring to which RXDMA0 shall push the frame, assuming no MPDU level errors are detected. In case of MPDU level errors, RXDMA0 might change the RXDMA0 destination <enum 0 rxdma_release_ring > RXDMA0 shall push the frame to the Release ring. Effectively this means the frame needs to be dropped. <enum 1 rxdma2fw_ring > RXDMA0 shall push the frame to the FW ring <enum 2 rxdma2sw_ring > RXDMA0 shall push the frame to the SW ring <enum 3 rxdma2reo_ring > RXDMA0 shall push the frame to the REO entrance ring <legal all> */ #define RX_MPDU_END_1_RXDMA0_DESTINATION_RING_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_RXDMA0_DESTINATION_RING_LSB 21 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_RXDMA0_DESTINATION_RING_MASK 0x00600000 /* Description RX_MPDU_END_1_RXDMA1_DESTINATION_RING The ring to which RXDMA1 shall push the frame, assuming no MPDU level errors are detected. In case of MPDU level errors, RXDMA1 might change the RXDMA destination <enum 0 rxdma_release_ring > RXDMA1 shall push the frame to the Release ring. Effectively this means the frame needs to be dropped. <enum 1 rxdma2fw_ring > RXDMA1 shall push the frame to the FW ring <enum 2 rxdma2sw_ring > RXDMA1 shall push the frame to the SW ring <enum 3 rxdma2reo_ring > RXDMA1 shall push the frame to the REO entrance ring <legal all> */ #define RX_MPDU_END_1_RXDMA1_DESTINATION_RING_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_RXDMA1_DESTINATION_RING_LSB 23 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_RXDMA1_DESTINATION_RING_MASK 0x01800000 /* Description RX_MPDU_END_1_DECRYPT_STATUS_CODE Field provides insight into the decryption performed <enum 0 decrypt_ok> Frame had protection enabled and decrypted properly <enum 1 decrypt_unprotected_frame > Frame is unprotected and hence bypassed <enum 2 decrypt_data_err > Frame has protection enabled and could not be properly decrypted due to MIC/ICV mismatch etc. <enum 3 decrypt_key_invalid > Frame has protection enabled but the key that was required to decrypt this frame was not valid <enum 4 decrypt_peer_entry_invalid > Frame has protection enabled but the key that was required to decrypt this frame was not valid <enum 5 decrypt_other > Reserved for other indications <legal 0 - 5> */ #define RX_MPDU_END_1_DECRYPT_STATUS_CODE_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_DECRYPT_STATUS_CODE_LSB 25 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_DECRYPT_STATUS_CODE_MASK 0x0e000000 /* Description RX_MPDU_END_1_RX_BITMAP_NOT_UPDATED Frame is received, but RXPCU could not update the receive bitmap due to (temporary) fifo contraints. <legal all> */ #define RX_MPDU_END_1_RX_BITMAP_NOT_UPDATED_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_RX_BITMAP_NOT_UPDATED_LSB 28 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_RX_BITMAP_NOT_UPDATED_MASK 0x10000000 /* Description RX_MPDU_END_1_RESERVED_1B <legal 0> */ #define RX_MPDU_END_1_RESERVED_1B_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_RESERVED_1B_LSB 29 #define RX_MPDU_END_1_RESERVED_1B_MASK 0xe0000000 #endif // _RX_MPDU_END_H_