/* * Copyright (c) 2018 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for * any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the * above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all * copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL * WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR * PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _REO_FLUSH_CACHE_H_ #define _REO_FLUSH_CACHE_H_ #if !defined(__ASSEMBLER__) #endif #include "uniform_reo_cmd_header.h" // ################ START SUMMARY ################# // // Dword Fields // 0 struct uniform_reo_cmd_header cmd_header; // 1 flush_addr_31_0[31:0] // 2 flush_addr_39_32[7:0], forward_all_mpdus_in_queue[8], release_cache_block_index[9], cache_block_resource_index[11:10], flush_without_invalidate[12], block_cache_usage_after_flush[13], flush_entire_cache[14], reserved_2b[31:15] // 3 reserved_3a[31:0] // 4 reserved_4a[31:0] // 5 reserved_5a[31:0] // 6 reserved_6a[31:0] // 7 reserved_7a[31:0] // 8 reserved_8a[31:0] // // ################ END SUMMARY ################# #define NUM_OF_DWORDS_REO_FLUSH_CACHE 9 struct reo_flush_cache { struct uniform_reo_cmd_header cmd_header; uint32_t flush_addr_31_0 : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t flush_addr_39_32 : 8, //[7:0] forward_all_mpdus_in_queue : 1, //[8] release_cache_block_index : 1, //[9] cache_block_resource_index : 2, //[11:10] flush_without_invalidate : 1, //[12] block_cache_usage_after_flush : 1, //[13] flush_entire_cache : 1, //[14] reserved_2b : 17; //[31:15] uint32_t reserved_3a : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_4a : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_5a : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_6a : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_7a : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_8a : 32; //[31:0] }; /* struct uniform_reo_cmd_header cmd_header Consumer: REO Producer: SW Details for command execution tracking purposes. flush_addr_31_0 Consumer: REO Producer: SW Address (lower 32 bits) of the descriptor to flush <legal all> flush_addr_39_32 Consumer: REO Producer: SW Address (upper 8 bits) of the descriptor to flush <legal all> forward_all_mpdus_in_queue Is only allowed to be set when the flush address corresponds with a REO descriptor. When set, REO shall first forward all the MPDUs held in the indicated re-order queue, before flushing the descriptor from the cache. <legal all> release_cache_block_index Field not valid when Flush_entire_cache is set. If SW has previously used a blocking resource that it now wants to re-use for this command, this bit shall be set. It prevents SW from having to send a separate REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE command. When set, HW will first release the blocking resource (indicated in field 'Cache_block_resouce_index') before this command gets executed. If that resource was already unblocked, this will be considered an error. This command will not be executed, and an error shall be returned. <legal all> cache_block_resource_index Field not valid when Flush_entire_cache is set. Indicates which of the four blocking resources in REO will be assigned for managing the blocking of this (descriptor) address <legal all> flush_without_invalidate Field not valid when Flush_entire_cache is set. When set, REO shall flush the cache line contents from the cache, but there is NO need to invalidate the cache line entry... The contents in the cache can be maintained. This feature can be used by SW (and DV) to get a current snapshot of the contents in the cache <legal all> block_cache_usage_after_flush Field not valid when Flush_entire_cache is set. When set, REO shall block any cache accesses to this address till explicitly unblocked. Whenever SW sets this bit, SW shall also set bit 'Forward_all_mpdus_in_queue' to ensure all packets are flushed out in order to make sure this queue desc is not in one of the aging link lists. In case SW does not want to flush the MPDUs in the queue, see the recipe description below this TLV definition. The 'blocking' index to be used for this is indicated in field 'cache_block_resource_index'. If SW had previously used this blocking resource and was not freed up yet, SW shall first unblock that index (by setting bit Release_cache_block_index) or use an unblock command. If the resource indicated here was already blocked (and did not get unblocked in this command), it is considered an error scenario... No flush shall happen. The status for this command shall indicate error. <legal all> flush_entire_cache When set, the entire cache shall be flushed. The entire cache will also remain blocked, till the 'REO_UNBLOCK_COMMAND' is received with bit unblock type set to unblock_cache. All other fields in this command are to be ignored. Note that flushing the entire cache has no changes to the current settings of the blocking resource settings <legal all> reserved_2b <legal 0> reserved_3a <legal 0> reserved_4a <legal 0> reserved_5a <legal 0> reserved_6a <legal 0> reserved_7a <legal 0> reserved_8a <legal 0> */ #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_0_UNIFORM_REO_CMD_HEADER_CMD_HEADER_OFFSET 0x00000000 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_0_UNIFORM_REO_CMD_HEADER_CMD_HEADER_LSB 0 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_0_UNIFORM_REO_CMD_HEADER_CMD_HEADER_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_FLUSH_CACHE_1_FLUSH_ADDR_31_0 Consumer: REO Producer: SW Address (lower 32 bits) of the descriptor to flush <legal all> */ #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_1_FLUSH_ADDR_31_0_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_1_FLUSH_ADDR_31_0_LSB 0 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_1_FLUSH_ADDR_31_0_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_FLUSH_ADDR_39_32 Consumer: REO Producer: SW Address (upper 8 bits) of the descriptor to flush <legal all> */ #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_FLUSH_ADDR_39_32_OFFSET 0x00000008 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_FLUSH_ADDR_39_32_LSB 0 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_FLUSH_ADDR_39_32_MASK 0x000000ff /* Description REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_FORWARD_ALL_MPDUS_IN_QUEUE Is only allowed to be set when the flush address corresponds with a REO descriptor. When set, REO shall first forward all the MPDUs held in the indicated re-order queue, before flushing the descriptor from the cache. <legal all> */ #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_FORWARD_ALL_MPDUS_IN_QUEUE_OFFSET 0x00000008 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_FORWARD_ALL_MPDUS_IN_QUEUE_LSB 8 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_FORWARD_ALL_MPDUS_IN_QUEUE_MASK 0x00000100 /* Description REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_RELEASE_CACHE_BLOCK_INDEX Field not valid when Flush_entire_cache is set. If SW has previously used a blocking resource that it now wants to re-use for this command, this bit shall be set. It prevents SW from having to send a separate REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE command. When set, HW will first release the blocking resource (indicated in field 'Cache_block_resouce_index') before this command gets executed. If that resource was already unblocked, this will be considered an error. This command will not be executed, and an error shall be returned. <legal all> */ #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_RELEASE_CACHE_BLOCK_INDEX_OFFSET 0x00000008 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_RELEASE_CACHE_BLOCK_INDEX_LSB 9 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_RELEASE_CACHE_BLOCK_INDEX_MASK 0x00000200 /* Description REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_CACHE_BLOCK_RESOURCE_INDEX Field not valid when Flush_entire_cache is set. Indicates which of the four blocking resources in REO will be assigned for managing the blocking of this (descriptor) address <legal all> */ #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_CACHE_BLOCK_RESOURCE_INDEX_OFFSET 0x00000008 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_CACHE_BLOCK_RESOURCE_INDEX_LSB 10 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_CACHE_BLOCK_RESOURCE_INDEX_MASK 0x00000c00 /* Description REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_FLUSH_WITHOUT_INVALIDATE Field not valid when Flush_entire_cache is set. When set, REO shall flush the cache line contents from the cache, but there is NO need to invalidate the cache line entry... The contents in the cache can be maintained. This feature can be used by SW (and DV) to get a current snapshot of the contents in the cache <legal all> */ #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_FLUSH_WITHOUT_INVALIDATE_OFFSET 0x00000008 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_FLUSH_WITHOUT_INVALIDATE_LSB 12 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_FLUSH_WITHOUT_INVALIDATE_MASK 0x00001000 /* Description REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_BLOCK_CACHE_USAGE_AFTER_FLUSH Field not valid when Flush_entire_cache is set. When set, REO shall block any cache accesses to this address till explicitly unblocked. Whenever SW sets this bit, SW shall also set bit 'Forward_all_mpdus_in_queue' to ensure all packets are flushed out in order to make sure this queue desc is not in one of the aging link lists. In case SW does not want to flush the MPDUs in the queue, see the recipe description below this TLV definition. The 'blocking' index to be used for this is indicated in field 'cache_block_resource_index'. If SW had previously used this blocking resource and was not freed up yet, SW shall first unblock that index (by setting bit Release_cache_block_index) or use an unblock command. If the resource indicated here was already blocked (and did not get unblocked in this command), it is considered an error scenario... No flush shall happen. The status for this command shall indicate error. <legal all> */ #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_BLOCK_CACHE_USAGE_AFTER_FLUSH_OFFSET 0x00000008 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_BLOCK_CACHE_USAGE_AFTER_FLUSH_LSB 13 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_BLOCK_CACHE_USAGE_AFTER_FLUSH_MASK 0x00002000 /* Description REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_FLUSH_ENTIRE_CACHE When set, the entire cache shall be flushed. The entire cache will also remain blocked, till the 'REO_UNBLOCK_COMMAND' is received with bit unblock type set to unblock_cache. All other fields in this command are to be ignored. Note that flushing the entire cache has no changes to the current settings of the blocking resource settings <legal all> */ #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_FLUSH_ENTIRE_CACHE_OFFSET 0x00000008 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_FLUSH_ENTIRE_CACHE_LSB 14 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_FLUSH_ENTIRE_CACHE_MASK 0x00004000 /* Description REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_RESERVED_2B <legal 0> */ #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_RESERVED_2B_OFFSET 0x00000008 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_RESERVED_2B_LSB 15 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_2_RESERVED_2B_MASK 0xffff8000 /* Description REO_FLUSH_CACHE_3_RESERVED_3A <legal 0> */ #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_3_RESERVED_3A_OFFSET 0x0000000c #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_3_RESERVED_3A_LSB 0 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_3_RESERVED_3A_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_FLUSH_CACHE_4_RESERVED_4A <legal 0> */ #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_4_RESERVED_4A_OFFSET 0x00000010 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_4_RESERVED_4A_LSB 0 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_4_RESERVED_4A_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_FLUSH_CACHE_5_RESERVED_5A <legal 0> */ #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_5_RESERVED_5A_OFFSET 0x00000014 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_5_RESERVED_5A_LSB 0 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_5_RESERVED_5A_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_FLUSH_CACHE_6_RESERVED_6A <legal 0> */ #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_6_RESERVED_6A_OFFSET 0x00000018 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_6_RESERVED_6A_LSB 0 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_6_RESERVED_6A_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_FLUSH_CACHE_7_RESERVED_7A <legal 0> */ #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_7_RESERVED_7A_OFFSET 0x0000001c #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_7_RESERVED_7A_LSB 0 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_7_RESERVED_7A_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_FLUSH_CACHE_8_RESERVED_8A <legal 0> */ #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_8_RESERVED_8A_OFFSET 0x00000020 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_8_RESERVED_8A_LSB 0 #define REO_FLUSH_CACHE_8_RESERVED_8A_MASK 0xffffffff #endif // _REO_FLUSH_CACHE_H_