/* Copyright (c) 2022, Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _TX_MSDU_START_H_ #define _TX_MSDU_START_H_ #if !defined(__ASSEMBLER__) #endif #define NUM_OF_DWORDS_TX_MSDU_START 8 #define NUM_OF_QWORDS_TX_MSDU_START 4 struct tx_msdu_start { #ifndef WIFI_BIT_ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN uint32_t msdu_len : 14, // [13:0] first_msdu : 1, // [14:14] last_msdu : 1, // [15:15] encap_type : 2, // [17:16] epd_en : 1, // [18:18] da_sa_present : 2, // [20:19] ipv4_checksum_en : 1, // [21:21] udp_over_ipv4_checksum_en : 1, // [22:22] udp_over_ipv6_checksum_en : 1, // [23:23] tcp_over_ipv4_checksum_en : 1, // [24:24] tcp_over_ipv6_checksum_en : 1, // [25:25] dummy_msdu_delimitation : 1, // [26:26] reserved_0a : 5; // [31:27] uint32_t tso_enable : 1, // [0:0] reserved_1a : 6, // [6:1] tcp_flag : 9, // [15:7] tcp_flag_mask : 9, // [24:16] mesh_enable : 1, // [25:25] reserved_1b : 6; // [31:26] uint32_t l2_length : 16, // [15:0] ip_length : 16; // [31:16] uint32_t tcp_seq_number : 32; // [31:0] uint32_t ip_identification : 16, // [15:0] checksum_offset : 13, // [28:16] partial_checksum_en : 1, // [29:29] reserved_4 : 2; // [31:30] uint32_t payload_start_offset : 14, // [13:0] reserved_5a : 2, // [15:14] payload_end_offset : 14, // [29:16] reserved_5b : 2; // [31:30] uint32_t udp_length : 16, // [15:0] reserved_6 : 16; // [31:16] uint32_t tlv64_padding : 32; // [31:0] #else uint32_t reserved_0a : 5, // [31:27] dummy_msdu_delimitation : 1, // [26:26] tcp_over_ipv6_checksum_en : 1, // [25:25] tcp_over_ipv4_checksum_en : 1, // [24:24] udp_over_ipv6_checksum_en : 1, // [23:23] udp_over_ipv4_checksum_en : 1, // [22:22] ipv4_checksum_en : 1, // [21:21] da_sa_present : 2, // [20:19] epd_en : 1, // [18:18] encap_type : 2, // [17:16] last_msdu : 1, // [15:15] first_msdu : 1, // [14:14] msdu_len : 14; // [13:0] uint32_t reserved_1b : 6, // [31:26] mesh_enable : 1, // [25:25] tcp_flag_mask : 9, // [24:16] tcp_flag : 9, // [15:7] reserved_1a : 6, // [6:1] tso_enable : 1; // [0:0] uint32_t ip_length : 16, // [31:16] l2_length : 16; // [15:0] uint32_t tcp_seq_number : 32; // [31:0] uint32_t reserved_4 : 2, // [31:30] partial_checksum_en : 1, // [29:29] checksum_offset : 13, // [28:16] ip_identification : 16; // [15:0] uint32_t reserved_5b : 2, // [31:30] payload_end_offset : 14, // [29:16] reserved_5a : 2, // [15:14] payload_start_offset : 14; // [13:0] uint32_t reserved_6 : 16, // [31:16] udp_length : 16; // [15:0] uint32_t tlv64_padding : 32; // [31:0] #endif }; /* Description MSDU_LEN MSDU length before encapsulation. It is the same value as the length in the MSDU packet TLV */ #define TX_MSDU_START_MSDU_LEN_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define TX_MSDU_START_MSDU_LEN_LSB 0 #define TX_MSDU_START_MSDU_LEN_MSB 13 #define TX_MSDU_START_MSDU_LEN_MASK 0x0000000000003fff /* Description FIRST_MSDU If set the current MSDU is the first MSDU in MPDU. Used by the OLE during encapsulation. */ #define TX_MSDU_START_FIRST_MSDU_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define TX_MSDU_START_FIRST_MSDU_LSB 14 #define TX_MSDU_START_FIRST_MSDU_MSB 14 #define TX_MSDU_START_FIRST_MSDU_MASK 0x0000000000004000 /* Description LAST_MSDU If set the current MSDU is the last MSDU in MPDU. Used by the OLE during encapsulation. */ #define TX_MSDU_START_LAST_MSDU_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define TX_MSDU_START_LAST_MSDU_LSB 15 #define TX_MSDU_START_LAST_MSDU_MSB 15 #define TX_MSDU_START_LAST_MSDU_MASK 0x0000000000008000 /* Description ENCAP_TYPE Indicates the encapsulation that HW will perform: <enum 0 RAW> No encapsulation <enum 1 Native_WiFi> <enum 2 Ethernet> Ethernet 2 (DIX) or 802.3 (uses SNAP/LLC) <enum 3 802_3> DO NOT USE. Indicate Ethernet Used by the OLE during encapsulation. <legal all> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_ENCAP_TYPE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define TX_MSDU_START_ENCAP_TYPE_LSB 16 #define TX_MSDU_START_ENCAP_TYPE_MSB 17 #define TX_MSDU_START_ENCAP_TYPE_MASK 0x0000000000030000 /* Description EPD_EN Consumer: TXOLE Producer: SW/TCL If set to one use EPD instead of LPD <legal all> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_EPD_EN_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define TX_MSDU_START_EPD_EN_LSB 18 #define TX_MSDU_START_EPD_EN_MSB 18 #define TX_MSDU_START_EPD_EN_MASK 0x0000000000040000 /* Description DA_SA_PRESENT Used for 11ah Indicates the encapsulation that HW will perform: <enum 0 DA_SA_IS_ABSENT> DA and SA absent <enum 1 DA_IS_PRESENT> DA Present, SA Absent <enum 2 SA_IS_PRESENT> <enum 3 DA_SA_IS_PRESENT> Both DA and SA are present Used by the OLE during encapsulation. TXDMA gets this configuration from a sw configuration register. <legal all> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_DA_SA_PRESENT_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define TX_MSDU_START_DA_SA_PRESENT_LSB 19 #define TX_MSDU_START_DA_SA_PRESENT_MSB 20 #define TX_MSDU_START_DA_SA_PRESENT_MASK 0x0000000000180000 /* Description IPV4_CHECKSUM_EN Enable IPv4 checksum replacement */ #define TX_MSDU_START_IPV4_CHECKSUM_EN_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define TX_MSDU_START_IPV4_CHECKSUM_EN_LSB 21 #define TX_MSDU_START_IPV4_CHECKSUM_EN_MSB 21 #define TX_MSDU_START_IPV4_CHECKSUM_EN_MASK 0x0000000000200000 /* Description UDP_OVER_IPV4_CHECKSUM_EN Enable UDP over IPv4 checksum replacement. UDP checksum over IPv4 is optional for TCP/IP stacks. */ #define TX_MSDU_START_UDP_OVER_IPV4_CHECKSUM_EN_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define TX_MSDU_START_UDP_OVER_IPV4_CHECKSUM_EN_LSB 22 #define TX_MSDU_START_UDP_OVER_IPV4_CHECKSUM_EN_MSB 22 #define TX_MSDU_START_UDP_OVER_IPV4_CHECKSUM_EN_MASK 0x0000000000400000 /* Description UDP_OVER_IPV6_CHECKSUM_EN Enable UDP over IPv6 checksum replacement. UDP checksum over IPv6 is mandatory for TCP/IP stacks. */ #define TX_MSDU_START_UDP_OVER_IPV6_CHECKSUM_EN_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define TX_MSDU_START_UDP_OVER_IPV6_CHECKSUM_EN_LSB 23 #define TX_MSDU_START_UDP_OVER_IPV6_CHECKSUM_EN_MSB 23 #define TX_MSDU_START_UDP_OVER_IPV6_CHECKSUM_EN_MASK 0x0000000000800000 /* Description TCP_OVER_IPV4_CHECKSUM_EN Enable TCP checksum over IPv4 replacement */ #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_OVER_IPV4_CHECKSUM_EN_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_OVER_IPV4_CHECKSUM_EN_LSB 24 #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_OVER_IPV4_CHECKSUM_EN_MSB 24 #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_OVER_IPV4_CHECKSUM_EN_MASK 0x0000000001000000 /* Description TCP_OVER_IPV6_CHECKSUM_EN Enable TCP checksum over IPv6 eplacement */ #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_OVER_IPV6_CHECKSUM_EN_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_OVER_IPV6_CHECKSUM_EN_LSB 25 #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_OVER_IPV6_CHECKSUM_EN_MSB 25 #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_OVER_IPV6_CHECKSUM_EN_MASK 0x0000000002000000 /* Description DUMMY_MSDU_DELIMITATION This bit is mainly for debug. TXDMA sets this bit when sending a dummy 'TX_MSDU_END' + 'TX_MSDU_START' sequence for a user to delimit user arbitration where it could switch to packet data from other users before continuing this MSDU. This is done mainly for long raw Wi-Fi packets where TXDMA needs to switch users in the midst of the packet but other blocks assume TXDMA switch only at MSDU boundaries. <legal all> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_DUMMY_MSDU_DELIMITATION_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define TX_MSDU_START_DUMMY_MSDU_DELIMITATION_LSB 26 #define TX_MSDU_START_DUMMY_MSDU_DELIMITATION_MSB 26 #define TX_MSDU_START_DUMMY_MSDU_DELIMITATION_MASK 0x0000000004000000 /* Description RESERVED_0A FW will set to 0, MAC will ignore. <legal 0> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_0A_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_0A_LSB 27 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_0A_MSB 31 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_0A_MASK 0x00000000f8000000 /* Description TSO_ENABLE Enable transmit segmentation offload. In case MSDU_EXTENSION is used, TXDMA gets the setting for this bit from that descriptor. In case MSDU_EXTENSION is NOT use, TXDMA gets the setting for this bit from an internal SW programmable register. <legal all> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_TSO_ENABLE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define TX_MSDU_START_TSO_ENABLE_LSB 32 #define TX_MSDU_START_TSO_ENABLE_MSB 32 #define TX_MSDU_START_TSO_ENABLE_MASK 0x0000000100000000 /* Description RESERVED_1A FW will set to 0, MAC will ignore. <legal 0> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_1A_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_1A_LSB 33 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_1A_MSB 38 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_1A_MASK 0x0000007e00000000 /* Description TCP_FLAG TCP flags {NS,CWR,ECE,URG,ACK,PSH, RST ,SYN,FIN}<legal all> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_FLAG_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_FLAG_LSB 39 #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_FLAG_MSB 47 #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_FLAG_MASK 0x0000ff8000000000 /* Description TCP_FLAG_MASK TCP flag mask. Tcp_flag is inserted into the header based on the mask, if TSO is enabled */ #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_FLAG_MASK_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_FLAG_MASK_LSB 48 #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_FLAG_MASK_MSB 56 #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_FLAG_MASK_MASK 0x01ff000000000000 /* Description MESH_ENABLE If set to 1: * For raw WiFi frames, this indicates transmission to a mesh STA but is ignored by HW * For native WiFi frames, this is used to indicate to TX OLE that a 'Mesh Control' field is present between the header and the LLC */ #define TX_MSDU_START_MESH_ENABLE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define TX_MSDU_START_MESH_ENABLE_LSB 57 #define TX_MSDU_START_MESH_ENABLE_MSB 57 #define TX_MSDU_START_MESH_ENABLE_MASK 0x0200000000000000 /* Description RESERVED_1B FW will set to 0, MAC will ignore. <legal 0> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_1B_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_1B_LSB 58 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_1B_MSB 63 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_1B_MASK 0xfc00000000000000 /* Description L2_LENGTH L2 length for the msdu, if TSO is enabled <legal all> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_L2_LENGTH_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define TX_MSDU_START_L2_LENGTH_LSB 0 #define TX_MSDU_START_L2_LENGTH_MSB 15 #define TX_MSDU_START_L2_LENGTH_MASK 0x000000000000ffff /* Description IP_LENGTH IP length for the msdu, if TSO is enabled <legal all> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_IP_LENGTH_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define TX_MSDU_START_IP_LENGTH_LSB 16 #define TX_MSDU_START_IP_LENGTH_MSB 31 #define TX_MSDU_START_IP_LENGTH_MASK 0x00000000ffff0000 /* Description TCP_SEQ_NUMBER Tcp_seq_number for the msdu, if TSO is enabled <legal all> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_SEQ_NUMBER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_SEQ_NUMBER_LSB 32 #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_SEQ_NUMBER_MSB 63 #define TX_MSDU_START_TCP_SEQ_NUMBER_MASK 0xffffffff00000000 /* Description IP_IDENTIFICATION IP_identification for the msdu, if TSO is enabled <legal all> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_IP_IDENTIFICATION_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define TX_MSDU_START_IP_IDENTIFICATION_LSB 0 #define TX_MSDU_START_IP_IDENTIFICATION_MSB 15 #define TX_MSDU_START_IP_IDENTIFICATION_MASK 0x000000000000ffff /* Description CHECKSUM_OFFSET The calculated checksum from start offset to end offset will be added to the checksum at the offset given by this field<legal all> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_CHECKSUM_OFFSET_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define TX_MSDU_START_CHECKSUM_OFFSET_LSB 16 #define TX_MSDU_START_CHECKSUM_OFFSET_MSB 28 #define TX_MSDU_START_CHECKSUM_OFFSET_MASK 0x000000001fff0000 /* Description PARTIAL_CHECKSUM_EN Enable Partial Checksum, MAV feature */ #define TX_MSDU_START_PARTIAL_CHECKSUM_EN_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define TX_MSDU_START_PARTIAL_CHECKSUM_EN_LSB 29 #define TX_MSDU_START_PARTIAL_CHECKSUM_EN_MSB 29 #define TX_MSDU_START_PARTIAL_CHECKSUM_EN_MASK 0x0000000020000000 /* Description RESERVED_4 <legal 0> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_4_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_4_LSB 30 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_4_MSB 31 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_4_MASK 0x00000000c0000000 /* Description PAYLOAD_START_OFFSET L4 checksum calculations will start fromt this offset <legal all> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_PAYLOAD_START_OFFSET_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define TX_MSDU_START_PAYLOAD_START_OFFSET_LSB 32 #define TX_MSDU_START_PAYLOAD_START_OFFSET_MSB 45 #define TX_MSDU_START_PAYLOAD_START_OFFSET_MASK 0x00003fff00000000 /* Description RESERVED_5A <legal 0> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_5A_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_5A_LSB 46 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_5A_MSB 47 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_5A_MASK 0x0000c00000000000 /* Description PAYLOAD_END_OFFSET L4 checksum calculations will end at this offset. <legal all> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_PAYLOAD_END_OFFSET_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define TX_MSDU_START_PAYLOAD_END_OFFSET_LSB 48 #define TX_MSDU_START_PAYLOAD_END_OFFSET_MSB 61 #define TX_MSDU_START_PAYLOAD_END_OFFSET_MASK 0x3fff000000000000 /* Description RESERVED_5B <legal 0> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_5B_OFFSET 0x0000000000000010 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_5B_LSB 62 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_5B_MSB 63 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_5B_MASK 0xc000000000000000 /* Description UDP_LENGTH This field indicates UDP length/UDP lite checksum coverage field to be used by L4 checksum engine in case TSO is enabled for UDP/UDP lite respectively <legal all> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_UDP_LENGTH_OFFSET 0x0000000000000018 #define TX_MSDU_START_UDP_LENGTH_LSB 0 #define TX_MSDU_START_UDP_LENGTH_MSB 15 #define TX_MSDU_START_UDP_LENGTH_MASK 0x000000000000ffff /* Description RESERVED_6 <legal 0> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_6_OFFSET 0x0000000000000018 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_6_LSB 16 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_6_MSB 31 #define TX_MSDU_START_RESERVED_6_MASK 0x00000000ffff0000 /* Description TLV64_PADDING Automatic DWORD padding inserted while converting TLV32 to TLV64 for 64 bit ARCH <legal 0> */ #define TX_MSDU_START_TLV64_PADDING_OFFSET 0x0000000000000018 #define TX_MSDU_START_TLV64_PADDING_LSB 32 #define TX_MSDU_START_TLV64_PADDING_MSB 63 #define TX_MSDU_START_TLV64_PADDING_MASK 0xffffffff00000000 #endif // TX_MSDU_START