/* Copyright (c) 2022, Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _MACTX_PHY_DESC_H_ #define _MACTX_PHY_DESC_H_ #if !defined(__ASSEMBLER__) #endif #define NUM_OF_DWORDS_MACTX_PHY_DESC 4 #define NUM_OF_QWORDS_MACTX_PHY_DESC 2 struct mactx_phy_desc { #ifndef WIFI_BIT_ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN uint32_t reserved_0a : 16, // [15:0] bf_type : 2, // [17:16] wait_sifs : 2, // [19:18] dot11b_preamble_type : 1, // [20:20] pkt_type : 4, // [24:21] su_or_mu : 2, // [26:25] mu_type : 1, // [27:27] bandwidth : 3, // [30:28] channel_capture : 1; // [31:31] uint32_t mcs : 4, // [3:0] global_ofdma_mimo_enable : 1, // [4:4] reserved_1a : 1, // [5:5] stbc : 1, // [6:6] dot11ax_su_extended : 1, // [7:7] dot11ax_trigger_frame_embedded : 1, // [8:8] tx_pwr_shared : 8, // [16:9] tx_pwr_unshared : 8, // [24:17] measure_power : 1, // [25:25] tpc_glut_self_cal : 1, // [26:26] back_to_back_transmission_expected : 1, // [27:27] heavy_clip_nss : 3, // [30:28] txbf_per_packet_no_csd_no_walsh : 1; // [31:31] uint32_t ndp : 2, // [1:0] ul_flag : 1, // [2:2] triggered : 1, // [3:3] ap_pkt_bw : 3, // [6:4] ru_position_start : 8, // [14:7] pcu_ppdu_setup_start_reason : 3, // [17:15] tlv_source : 1, // [18:18] reserved_2a : 2, // [20:19] nss : 3, // [23:21] stream_offset : 3, // [26:24] reserved_2b : 2, // [28:27] clpc_enable : 1, // [29:29] mu_ndp : 1, // [30:30] response_expected : 1; // [31:31] uint32_t rx_chain_mask : 8, // [7:0] rx_chain_mask_valid : 1, // [8:8] ant_sel_valid : 1, // [9:9] ant_sel : 1, // [10:10] cp_setting : 2, // [12:11] he_ppdu_subtype : 2, // [14:13] active_channel : 3, // [17:15] generate_phyrx_tx_start_timing : 1, // [18:18] ltf_size : 2, // [20:19] ru_size_updated_v2 : 4, // [24:21] reserved_3c : 1, // [25:25] u_sig_puncture_pattern_encoding : 6; // [31:26] #else uint32_t channel_capture : 1, // [31:31] bandwidth : 3, // [30:28] mu_type : 1, // [27:27] su_or_mu : 2, // [26:25] pkt_type : 4, // [24:21] dot11b_preamble_type : 1, // [20:20] wait_sifs : 2, // [19:18] bf_type : 2, // [17:16] reserved_0a : 16; // [15:0] uint32_t txbf_per_packet_no_csd_no_walsh : 1, // [31:31] heavy_clip_nss : 3, // [30:28] back_to_back_transmission_expected : 1, // [27:27] tpc_glut_self_cal : 1, // [26:26] measure_power : 1, // [25:25] tx_pwr_unshared : 8, // [24:17] tx_pwr_shared : 8, // [16:9] dot11ax_trigger_frame_embedded : 1, // [8:8] dot11ax_su_extended : 1, // [7:7] stbc : 1, // [6:6] reserved_1a : 1, // [5:5] global_ofdma_mimo_enable : 1, // [4:4] mcs : 4; // [3:0] uint32_t response_expected : 1, // [31:31] mu_ndp : 1, // [30:30] clpc_enable : 1, // [29:29] reserved_2b : 2, // [28:27] stream_offset : 3, // [26:24] nss : 3, // [23:21] reserved_2a : 2, // [20:19] tlv_source : 1, // [18:18] pcu_ppdu_setup_start_reason : 3, // [17:15] ru_position_start : 8, // [14:7] ap_pkt_bw : 3, // [6:4] triggered : 1, // [3:3] ul_flag : 1, // [2:2] ndp : 2; // [1:0] uint32_t u_sig_puncture_pattern_encoding : 6, // [31:26] reserved_3c : 1, // [25:25] ru_size_updated_v2 : 4, // [24:21] ltf_size : 2, // [20:19] generate_phyrx_tx_start_timing : 1, // [18:18] active_channel : 3, // [17:15] he_ppdu_subtype : 2, // [14:13] cp_setting : 2, // [12:11] ant_sel : 1, // [10:10] ant_sel_valid : 1, // [9:9] rx_chain_mask_valid : 1, // [8:8] rx_chain_mask : 8; // [7:0] #endif }; /* Description RESERVED_0A <legal 0> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_0A_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_0A_LSB 0 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_0A_MSB 15 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_0A_MASK 0x000000000000ffff /* Description BF_TYPE <enum 0 NO_BF> Transmit a non-beamformed packet. NOTE that MAC might have send MACTX_BF_PARAMS... related TLVs to the PHY for this upcoming transmission, but if this field indicates NO_BF, MAC_TX has for some reason decided at the last moment that actual beamform transmission shall not happen anymore... <enum 1 LEGACY_BF> Transmit a legacy beamformed packet. This means beamforming starts at the L-STF. The possible preamble formats are 11a, 11n mixed mode and 11ac. This is used to support legacy implicit beamforming. <enum 2 SU_BF> Transmit a single-user beamformed packet starting at the HT-STF or VHT-STF. <enum 3 MU_BF> Transmit a multi-user beamformed packet starting at the VHT-STF. In case of an MU transmission, where maybe not all users are being transmitted in a 'beamformed' way, but at least one is, this e_num setting will be used as well <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_BF_TYPE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_BF_TYPE_LSB 16 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_BF_TYPE_MSB 17 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_BF_TYPE_MASK 0x0000000000030000 /* Description WAIT_SIFS This bit is evaluated by the PHY TX to determine if this transmission start on the air needs to be exactly SIFS aligned compared to the end of the previous reception or previous transmission. This feature is typically required for Triggered UL response transmissions, where SIFS accuracy is really required. For RTT this is also usefull, but not absolutely needed. This field is filled in by TXPCU. <enum 0 NO_SIFS_TIMING> Transmission shall start with the normal delay in PHY after receiving this notification <enum 1 SIFS_TIMING_DESIRED> Transmission shall be made at the SIFS boundary. If shall never start before SIFS boundary, but if it a little later, it is not ideal and should be flagged, but transmission shall not be aborted. <enum 2 SIFS_TIMING_MANDATED> Transmission shall be made at exactly SIFS boundary. If this notification is received by the PHY after SIFS boundary already passed, the PHY shall abort the transmission <legal 0-2> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_WAIT_SIFS_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_WAIT_SIFS_LSB 18 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_WAIT_SIFS_MSB 19 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_WAIT_SIFS_MASK 0x00000000000c0000 /* Description DOT11B_PREAMBLE_TYPE Valid for 802.11b packets only. <enum 0 short_preamble> <enum 1 long_preamble> <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_DOT11B_PREAMBLE_TYPE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_DOT11B_PREAMBLE_TYPE_LSB 20 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_DOT11B_PREAMBLE_TYPE_MSB 20 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_DOT11B_PREAMBLE_TYPE_MASK 0x0000000000100000 /* Description PKT_TYPE Packet type: Note: in case of 11ax, see field he_ppdu_subtype for additional info... <enum 0 dot11a>802.11a PPDU type <enum 1 dot11b>802.11b PPDU type <enum 2 dot11n_mm>802.11n Mixed Mode PPDU type <enum 3 dot11ac>802.11ac PPDU type <enum 4 dot11ax>802.11ax PPDU type <enum 5 dot11ba>802.11ba (WUR) PPDU type <enum 6 dot11be>802.11be PPDU type <enum 7 dot11az>802.11az (ranging) PPDU type <enum 8 dot11n_gf>802.11n Green Field PPDU type (unsupported & aborted) */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_PKT_TYPE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_PKT_TYPE_LSB 21 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_PKT_TYPE_MSB 24 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_PKT_TYPE_MASK 0x0000000001e00000 /* Description SU_OR_MU Type of transmission: For 11ax: <enum 0 SU_transmission> 11ax: This setting is used for the following preamble type of transmissions: 11ax HE_SU PPDU 11ax HE_EXT_SU PPDU 11ax HE_TRIG PPDU Note that the above implies all single user transmissions 11ac and other pkt_types: Single user transmission <enum 1 MU_transmission> 11ax: This setting is used for the following preamble type of transmissions: 11ax HE_MU Note that this type of transmission implies multiple users For 11ac: Multi-user transmission <enum 2 MU_SU_transmission> 11ax: This setting is used for the following preamble type of transmissions: 11ax HE_MU Note that this type of transmission implies a SINGLE user, but using HE_MU preamble type... 11ac and other pkt_types: Reserved <legal 0-2> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_SU_OR_MU_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_SU_OR_MU_LSB 25 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_SU_OR_MU_MSB 26 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_SU_OR_MU_MASK 0x0000000006000000 /* Description MU_TYPE Field only valid when SU_or_MU == MU_transmission or SU_or_MU == MU_SU_transmission <enum 0 MU_MIMO_Transmission> <enum 1 MU_OFDMA_Transmission> Note that within the RUs, there might still be MU-MIMO... <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_MU_TYPE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_MU_TYPE_LSB 27 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_MU_TYPE_MSB 27 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_MU_TYPE_MASK 0x0000000008000000 /* Description BANDWIDTH Packet bandwidth: The physical bandwidth that this device will be transmitting in. Note that for 11ax Trigger response transmissions (when Field triggered == is_triggered), this bandwith is min(AP_pkt_bw, STA_ch_bw) <enum 0 20_mhz>20 Mhz BW <enum 1 40_mhz>40 Mhz BW <enum 2 80_mhz>80 Mhz BW <enum 3 160_mhz>160 Mhz BW <enum 4 320_mhz>320 Mhz BW <enum 5 240_mhz>240 Mhz BW */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_BANDWIDTH_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_BANDWIDTH_LSB 28 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_BANDWIDTH_MSB 30 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_BANDWIDTH_MASK 0x0000000070000000 /* Description CHANNEL_CAPTURE Indicates that the PHY should be armed to capture the channel on the next received packet. This channel estimate is passed to the MAC if the packet is successfully received. <legal 0-1> This field is not applicable for 11ah since implicit beamforming is not supported */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_CHANNEL_CAPTURE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_CHANNEL_CAPTURE_LSB 31 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_CHANNEL_CAPTURE_MSB 31 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_CHANNEL_CAPTURE_MASK 0x0000000080000000 /* Description MCS In case of SU_or_MU == SU_transmission Note that this includes trigger response transmission The MCS to be used for the upcoming transmission. It must match the 4-bit MCS value that is sent in the appropriate signal field for the given packet type, except that EHT BPSK with DCM and/or duplicate is encoded as '0.' In case of .11ba (WUR), this field is filled according to what is on the MAC side defined as "MCS_TYPE". In case of SU_or_MU == MU_transmission .11ac: highest MCS of all users .11ax or .11be: highest 4-bit MCS field in all the HE_SIG_B or EHT_SIG TLVs that MAC S/W informs to MAC H/W. Actual highest 4-bit MCS to be sent to PHY might be lower after MAC H/W computation. For details, refer to the SIG field, related to this pkt_type. (Note that this is slightly different then what is on the MAC side defined as "MCS_TYPE". For this reason, the 'legal values' here are NOT defined as MCS_TYPE) <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_MCS_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_MCS_LSB 32 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_MCS_MSB 35 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_MCS_MASK 0x0000000f00000000 /* Description GLOBAL_OFDMA_MIMO_ENABLE When set, this transmission contains at least 1 user for which MU-MIMO is enabled in its RU. After per-BW/puncture pattern user disabling, in case of pure OFDMA, PDG will clear this bit, but full BW MU-MIMO is still possible with this bit set. <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_GLOBAL_OFDMA_MIMO_ENABLE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_GLOBAL_OFDMA_MIMO_ENABLE_LSB 36 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_GLOBAL_OFDMA_MIMO_ENABLE_MSB 36 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_GLOBAL_OFDMA_MIMO_ENABLE_MASK 0x0000001000000000 /* Description RESERVED_1A */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_1A_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_1A_LSB 37 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_1A_MSB 37 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_1A_MASK 0x0000002000000000 /* Description STBC When set, this transmission is based on stbc rates. */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_STBC_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_STBC_LSB 38 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_STBC_MSB 38 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_STBC_MASK 0x0000004000000000 /* Description DOT11AX_SU_EXTENDED This field is only valid for pkt_type == 11ax OR pkt_type == 11be When set, the 11ax or 11be transmission is extended range SU */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_DOT11AX_SU_EXTENDED_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_DOT11AX_SU_EXTENDED_LSB 39 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_DOT11AX_SU_EXTENDED_MSB 39 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_DOT11AX_SU_EXTENDED_MASK 0x0000008000000000 /* Description DOT11AX_TRIGGER_FRAME_EMBEDDED When set, there is an 11ax trigger frame OR 11be trigger frame embedded in this transmission. PHY shall latch the transmit BW of this transmission and use it to select the 'MACTX_UPLINK_COMMON/USER...' TLVs parameters belonging to this BW. Note that these 'MACTX_UPLINK_COMMON/USER...' might already have been received by the PHY, or will come in later. <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_DOT11AX_TRIGGER_FRAME_EMBEDDED_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_DOT11AX_TRIGGER_FRAME_EMBEDDED_LSB 40 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_DOT11AX_TRIGGER_FRAME_EMBEDDED_MSB 40 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_DOT11AX_TRIGGER_FRAME_EMBEDDED_MASK 0x0000010000000000 /* Description TX_PWR_SHARED Transmit Power (signed value) in units of 0.25 dBm <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TX_PWR_SHARED_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TX_PWR_SHARED_LSB 41 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TX_PWR_SHARED_MSB 48 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TX_PWR_SHARED_MASK 0x0001fe0000000000 /* Description TX_PWR_UNSHARED Transmit Power (signed value) in units of 0.25 dBm <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TX_PWR_UNSHARED_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TX_PWR_UNSHARED_LSB 49 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TX_PWR_UNSHARED_MSB 56 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TX_PWR_UNSHARED_MASK 0x01fe000000000000 /* Description MEASURE_POWER This field enables the TPC to use power measurement for current packet in CLPC updates. <enum 0 measure_dis> TPC will not latch power measurement result for current packet <enum 1 measure_en> TPC will latch power measurement result for current packet <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_MEASURE_POWER_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_MEASURE_POWER_LSB 57 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_MEASURE_POWER_MSB 57 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_MEASURE_POWER_MASK 0x0200000000000000 /* Description TPC_GLUT_SELF_CAL Setting related to transmit power control calibration. <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TPC_GLUT_SELF_CAL_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TPC_GLUT_SELF_CAL_LSB 58 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TPC_GLUT_SELF_CAL_MSB 58 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TPC_GLUT_SELF_CAL_MASK 0x0400000000000000 /* Description BACK_TO_BACK_TRANSMISSION_EXPECTED When set, the next transmission is expected to follow this one in SIFS time (without any response reception in between). For example used when transmitting beacons followed by the broadcast or multicast frames <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_BACK_TO_BACK_TRANSMISSION_EXPECTED_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_BACK_TO_BACK_TRANSMISSION_EXPECTED_LSB 59 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_BACK_TO_BACK_TRANSMISSION_EXPECTED_MSB 59 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_BACK_TO_BACK_TRANSMISSION_EXPECTED_MASK 0x0800000000000000 /* Description HEAVY_CLIP_NSS Number of active spatial streams in current packet. This parameter is used by the heavy clip function in the transmitter. In case of MU PPDU, this is total Nss of all users. <enum 0 1_spatial_stream>Single spatial stream <enum 1 2_spatial_streams>2 spatial streams <enum 2 3_spatial_streams>3 spatial streams <enum 3 4_spatial_streams>4 spatial streams <enum 4 5_spatial_streams>5 spatial streams <enum 5 6_spatial_streams>6 spatial streams <enum 6 7_spatial_streams>7 spatial streams <enum 7 8_spatial_streams>8 spatial streams */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_HEAVY_CLIP_NSS_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_HEAVY_CLIP_NSS_LSB 60 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_HEAVY_CLIP_NSS_MSB 62 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_HEAVY_CLIP_NSS_MASK 0x7000000000000000 /* Description TXBF_PER_PACKET_NO_CSD_NO_WALSH This is a global switch that is applied to beamformed packets If set, no_csd and no_walsh is applied to steering packet. */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TXBF_PER_PACKET_NO_CSD_NO_WALSH_OFFSET 0x0000000000000000 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TXBF_PER_PACKET_NO_CSD_NO_WALSH_LSB 63 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TXBF_PER_PACKET_NO_CSD_NO_WALSH_MSB 63 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TXBF_PER_PACKET_NO_CSD_NO_WALSH_MASK 0x8000000000000000 /* Description NDP When not "0", upcoming transmission is one of the indicated NDP types. <enum 0 no_ndp>No NDP transmission <enum 1 beamforming_ndp>Beamforming NDP <enum 2 he_ranging_ndp>11az NDP (HE Ranging NDP) <enum 3 he_feedback_ndp>Short TB (HE Feedback NDP) */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_NDP_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_NDP_LSB 0 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_NDP_MSB 1 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_NDP_MASK 0x0000000000000003 /* Description UL_FLAG This field is only valid for pkt_type == 11ax OR pkt_type == 11be Used for HE_SIGB <enum 1 uplink> <enum 0 downlink> <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_UL_FLAG_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_UL_FLAG_LSB 2 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_UL_FLAG_MSB 2 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_UL_FLAG_MASK 0x0000000000000004 /* Description TRIGGERED This field is only valid for pkt_type == 11ax OR pkt_type == 11be Denotes whether it's a triggered uplink transmission Must be set for HE-TB NDPs used in Secure Ranging NDPs (11az) and Short-NDP (HE TB Feedback NDP). <enum 0 non_trigerred> <enum 1 is_triggered> <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TRIGGERED_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TRIGGERED_LSB 3 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TRIGGERED_MSB 3 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TRIGGERED_MASK 0x0000000000000008 /* Description AP_PKT_BW Field only valid when triggered == is_triggered This indicates the total bandwidth of the UL_TRIG packet as indicated in the Trigger Frame. <enum 0 20_mhz>20 Mhz BW <enum 1 40_mhz>40 Mhz BW <enum 2 80_mhz>80 Mhz BW <enum 3 160_mhz>160 Mhz BW <enum 4 320_mhz>320 Mhz BW <enum 5 240_mhz>240 Mhz BW */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_AP_PKT_BW_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_AP_PKT_BW_LSB 4 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_AP_PKT_BW_MSB 6 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_AP_PKT_BW_MASK 0x0000000000000070 /* Description RU_POSITION_START Field only valid when triggered == is_triggered This field indicates the start basic (26 tone) RU number assigned to this user RU Numbering is based only on the order in which the RUs are allocated over the available BW, starting from 0 and in increasing frequency order and not primary-secondary order. The RU number within 80 MHz is available from the RU allocation information in the trigger. For 160 MHz transmissions, the trigger RU allocation only mentions primary/secondary 80 MHz. PDG needs to convert this to lower/higher 80 MHz. If in 'PCU_PPDU_SETUP_START'/'MACTX_PRE_PHY_DESC,' CCA_Subband_channel_bonding_mask bit 0 is mapped to any of bits 4 - 7 of Freq_Subband_channel_bonding_mask, then the primary 80 MHz is the higher 80 MHz and the secondary 80 MHz is the lower one. Otherwise (if CCA_Subband_channel_bonding_mask bit 0 is mapped to any of bits 0 - 3 of Freq_Subband_channel_bonding_mask, then the primary 80 MHz is the lower 80 MHz and the secondary 80 MHz is the higher one. Note: this type of encoding decouples the formatting of the trigger from from how info between MAC-PHY is exchanged <legal 0- 147> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RU_POSITION_START_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RU_POSITION_START_LSB 7 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RU_POSITION_START_MSB 14 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RU_POSITION_START_MASK 0x0000000000007f80 /* Description PCU_PPDU_SETUP_START_REASON PDG shall fill this with the value it fills in the setup_start_reason in 'PCU_PPDU_SETUP_START.' It indicates what triggered the PDG to start Tx setup. Used for debugging purposes. <enum 0 fes_protection_frame> RTS or CTS-to-self transmission preceding the regular PPDU portion of the coming FES. The transmit is initiated by PDG_TX_REQ TLV from TXPCU <enum 1 fes_after_protection > Regular PPDU transmission that follows the transmission of medium protection: Either RTS - CTS exchanges or CTS to self. The transmit is initiated by PDG_TX_REQ TLV from TXPCU <enum 2 fes_only> Regular PPDU transmission without preceding medium protection frame exchanges. The transmit is initiated by PDG_TX_REQ TLV from TXPCU <enum 3 response_frame> response frame transmission. The transmit is initiated by PDG_RESPONSE TLV from TXPCU <enum 4 trig_response_frame> 11ax triggered response frame transmission. The transmit is initiated by PDG_TRIG_RESPONSE TLV from TXPCU <enum 5 dynamic_protection_fes_only> Regular PPDU transmission without preceding medium protection frame exchanges, because the dynamic medium protection constraints were not satisfied. The transmit is initiated by PDG_TX_REQ TLV from TXPCU. <legal 0-5> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_PCU_PPDU_SETUP_START_REASON_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_PCU_PPDU_SETUP_START_REASON_LSB 15 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_PCU_PPDU_SETUP_START_REASON_MSB 17 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_PCU_PPDU_SETUP_START_REASON_MASK 0x0000000000038000 /* Description TLV_SOURCE <enum 1 phy_desc_from_pdg> This MACTX_PHY_DESC TLV is generated by PDG. <enum 0 phy_desc_from_fw> PDG is in bypass mode and this MACTX_PHY_DESC TLV is queued by firmware. <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TLV_SOURCE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TLV_SOURCE_LSB 18 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TLV_SOURCE_MSB 18 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_TLV_SOURCE_MASK 0x0000000000040000 /* Description RESERVED_2A <legal 0> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_2A_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_2A_LSB 19 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_2A_MSB 20 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_2A_MASK 0x0000000000180000 /* Description NSS Field only valid when triggered == is_triggered Number of Spatial Streams occupied by the User <enum 0 1_spatial_stream>Single spatial stream <enum 1 2_spatial_streams>2 spatial streams <enum 2 3_spatial_streams>3 spatial streams <enum 3 4_spatial_streams>4 spatial streams <enum 4 5_spatial_streams>5 spatial streams <enum 5 6_spatial_streams>6 spatial streams <enum 6 7_spatial_streams>7 spatial streams <enum 7 8_spatial_streams>8 spatial streams */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_NSS_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_NSS_LSB 21 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_NSS_MSB 23 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_NSS_MASK 0x0000000000e00000 /* Description STREAM_OFFSET Field only valid when triggered == is_triggered Specify Stream-offset of the user for HE_TB Ranging NDP or Short-NDP Stream Offset from which the User occupies the Streams */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_STREAM_OFFSET_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_STREAM_OFFSET_LSB 24 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_STREAM_OFFSET_MSB 26 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_STREAM_OFFSET_MASK 0x0000000007000000 /* Description RESERVED_2B <legal 0> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_2B_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_2B_LSB 27 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_2B_MSB 28 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_2B_MASK 0x0000000018000000 /* Description CLPC_ENABLE This field enables closed-loop TPC operation by enabling CLPC adjustment of DAC gain for the next packet. <enum 0 clpc_off> TPC error update disabled <enum 1 clpc_on> TPC error will be applied to DAC gain setting for the next packet <legal 0-1> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_CLPC_ENABLE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_CLPC_ENABLE_LSB 29 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_CLPC_ENABLE_MSB 29 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_CLPC_ENABLE_MASK 0x0000000020000000 /* Description MU_NDP If set indicates that this packet is an NDP used for MU channel estimation. This bit will be used by the TPC to signal that the analog gain settings can be updated. The analog gain settings will not change for subsequent MU data packets. */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_MU_NDP_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_MU_NDP_LSB 30 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_MU_NDP_MSB 30 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_MU_NDP_MASK 0x0000000040000000 /* Description RESPONSE_EXPECTED When set, a response frame in SIFS time is expected after this transmission. <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESPONSE_EXPECTED_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESPONSE_EXPECTED_LSB 31 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESPONSE_EXPECTED_MSB 31 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESPONSE_EXPECTED_MASK 0x0000000080000000 /* Description RX_CHAIN_MASK Chain mask to support up to 8 antennas. <legal 1-255> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RX_CHAIN_MASK_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RX_CHAIN_MASK_LSB 32 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RX_CHAIN_MASK_MSB 39 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RX_CHAIN_MASK_MASK 0x000000ff00000000 /* Description RX_CHAIN_MASK_VALID Indicates rx_chain_mask field is valid. <enum 0 RX_CHAIN_MASK_IS_NOT_VALID> <enum 1 RX_CHAIN_MASK_IS_VALID> <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RX_CHAIN_MASK_VALID_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RX_CHAIN_MASK_VALID_LSB 40 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RX_CHAIN_MASK_VALID_MSB 40 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RX_CHAIN_MASK_VALID_MASK 0x0000010000000000 /* Description ANT_SEL_VALID Field only valid when ant_sel_valid is set. TX Antenna select valid <enum 0 ANT_SEL_IS_NOT_VALID> <enum 1 ANT_SEL_IS_VALID> <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_ANT_SEL_VALID_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_ANT_SEL_VALID_LSB 41 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_ANT_SEL_VALID_MSB 41 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_ANT_SEL_VALID_MASK 0x0000020000000000 /* Description ANT_SEL Field only valid when ant_sel_valid is set. Antenna select for TX antenna diversity. <enum 0 ANTENNA_0> <enum 1 ANTENNA_1> <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_ANT_SEL_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_ANT_SEL_LSB 42 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_ANT_SEL_MSB 42 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_ANT_SEL_MASK 0x0000040000000000 /* Description CP_SETTING Field only valid when pkt type is HT, VHT or HE. Specify the right CP for HE-Ranging NDPs (11az)/Short NDP <enum 0 gi_0_8_us > Legacy normal GI <enum 1 gi_0_4_us > Legacy short GI <enum 2 gi_1_6_us > HE related GI <enum 3 gi_3_2_us > HE related GI <legal 0 - 3> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_CP_SETTING_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_CP_SETTING_LSB 43 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_CP_SETTING_MSB 44 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_CP_SETTING_MASK 0x0000180000000000 /* Description HE_PPDU_SUBTYPE The subtype of HE transmission: Specify as HE-SU for HE-SU Ranging NDP in 11az ; Specify as HE-TB for HE-TB Ranging NDP in 11az ; Specify as HE-TB for Short -NDP Re-use the same for EHT PPDU types also <enum 0 he_subtype_SU> <enum 1 he_subtype_TRIG> <enum 2 he_subtype_MU> <enum 3 he_subtype_EXT_SU> <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_HE_PPDU_SUBTYPE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_HE_PPDU_SUBTYPE_LSB 45 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_HE_PPDU_SUBTYPE_MSB 46 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_HE_PPDU_SUBTYPE_MASK 0x0000600000000000 /* Description ACTIVE_CHANNEL Field only valid when triggered == non_trigerred In case of a triggered response transmission, this field will always be set to 0 This field indicates the active frequency band when the packet bandwidth is less than the channel bandwidth. For non 11ax packets this is same as the primary channel <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_ACTIVE_CHANNEL_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_ACTIVE_CHANNEL_LSB 47 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_ACTIVE_CHANNEL_MSB 49 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_ACTIVE_CHANNEL_MASK 0x0003800000000000 /* Description GENERATE_PHYRX_TX_START_TIMING When set, PHY shall generate the PHYRX_TX_START_TIMING TLV at the earliest opportunity during the preamble transmission <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_GENERATE_PHYRX_TX_START_TIMING_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_GENERATE_PHYRX_TX_START_TIMING_LSB 50 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_GENERATE_PHYRX_TX_START_TIMING_MSB 50 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_GENERATE_PHYRX_TX_START_TIMING_MASK 0x0004000000000000 /* Description LTF_SIZE Field only valid when pkt type is HE. Ltf size Specify right LTF-size for HE-Ranging NDPs (11az)/Short-NDP <enum 0 ltf_1x > <enum 1 ltf_2x > <enum 2 ltf_4x > <legal 0 - 2> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_LTF_SIZE_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_LTF_SIZE_LSB 51 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_LTF_SIZE_MSB 52 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_LTF_SIZE_MASK 0x0018000000000000 /* Description RU_SIZE_UPDATED_V2 Field only valid for pkt_type == 11ax or 11be and SU_or_MU == SU_transmission or SU_or_MU == MU_SU_transmission The RU size of the upcoming transmission. PHY uses this info to apply different min/max BO if payload bandwidth is less than 10MHz In case of HE extended range transmission, e-num 2 (10MHz) or e-num 7 (20MHz) are used. In case of trig transmission or OFDMA single user or MU-MIMO single user transmission, if the ru_size allocated to the user is the fullBW (with respect to AP_bw) ru size then the e-num 7 is used. For all other cases, e-nums corresponding to the ru size allocated to the user is used. In case of EHT duplicate transmissions, this field indicates the width of the actual content before duplication, e.g. a 40 MHz PPDU duplicated to 160 MHz will have the bandwidth fields indicating 160 MHz and this field set to e-num 4 (RU_484). <enum 0 RU_26> <enum 1 RU_52> <enum 2 RU_106> <enum 3 RU_242><enum 4 RU_484><enum 5 RU_996><enum 6 RU_1992> <enum 7 RU_FULLBW> Set when the RU occupies the full packet bandwidth Note that for an MU-RTS trigger, the response will also go out in legacy CTS rate... and thus e-num 7 will be used. <enum 8 RU_FULLBW_240> Set when the RU occupies the full packet bandwidth <enum 9 RU_FULLBW_320> Set when the RU occupies the full packet bandwidth <enum 10 RU_MULTI_LARGE> HW will use per-user sub-band-mask to infer the actual RU-size for Multi-large-RU/SU-Puncturing <enum 11 RU_78> multi small RU <enum 12 RU_132> multi small RU NOTE: See the table following this TLV definition that explains the relationship between this field and the RU size allocated to users. <legal all> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RU_SIZE_UPDATED_V2_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RU_SIZE_UPDATED_V2_LSB 53 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RU_SIZE_UPDATED_V2_MSB 56 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RU_SIZE_UPDATED_V2_MASK 0x01e0000000000000 /* Description RESERVED_3C <legal 0> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_3C_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_3C_LSB 57 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_3C_MSB 57 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_RESERVED_3C_MASK 0x0200000000000000 /* Description U_SIG_PUNCTURE_PATTERN_ENCODING Field only valid for pkt_type == 11be The 6-bit value to be used in U-SIG and/or EHT-SIG Common field for the puncture pattern <legal 0-29> */ #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_U_SIG_PUNCTURE_PATTERN_ENCODING_OFFSET 0x0000000000000008 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_U_SIG_PUNCTURE_PATTERN_ENCODING_LSB 58 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_U_SIG_PUNCTURE_PATTERN_ENCODING_MSB 63 #define MACTX_PHY_DESC_U_SIG_PUNCTURE_PATTERN_ENCODING_MASK 0xfc00000000000000 #endif // MACTX_PHY_DESC