/* * Copyright (c) 2019 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for * any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the * above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all * copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL * WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR * PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef COM_DTYPES_H #define COM_DTYPES_H /** @file com_dtypes.h @brief This header file contains general data types that are of use to all modules. */ /*=========================================================================== NOTE: The @brief description and any detailed descriptions above do not appear in the PDF. The Utility_Services_API_mainpage.dox file contains all file/group descriptions that are in the output PDF generated using Doxygen and Latex. To edit or update any of the file/group text in the PDF, edit the Utility_Services_API_mainpage.dox file or contact Tech Pubs. The above description for this file is part of the "utils_services" group description in the Utility_Services_API_mainpage.dox file. ===========================================================================*/ /*=========================================================================== S T A N D A R D D E C L A R A T I O N S DESCRIPTION This header file contains general data types that are of use to all modules. The values or definitions are dependent on the specified target. T_WINNT specifies Windows NT based targets, otherwise the default is for ARM targets. T_WINNT Software is hosted on an NT platforn, triggers macro and type definitions, unlike definition above which triggers actual OS calls ===========================================================================*/ /*=========================================================================== EDIT HISTORY FOR FILE This section contains comments describing changes made to this file. Notice that changes are listed in reverse chronological order. $Header: //depot/prj/qca/chips/hastings/cores/wcss/verif/native/register/include/com_dtypes.h#1 $ when who what, where, why -------- --- ---------------------------------------------------------- 03/21/11 llg (Tech Pubs) Edited/added Doxygen comments and markup. 11/09/10 EBR Doxygenated file. 09/15/09 pc Created file. ===========================================================================*/ /*=========================================================================== Data Declarations ===========================================================================*/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* For NT apps we want to use the Win32 definitions and/or those supplied by the Win32 compiler for things like NULL, MAX, MIN abs, labs, etc. */ #ifdef T_WINNT #ifndef WIN32 #define WIN32 #endif #include #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** Constants ** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #ifdef TRUE #undef TRUE #endif #ifdef FALSE #undef FALSE #endif /** @addtogroup utils_services @{ */ /** @name Macros for Common Data Types @{ */ #define TRUE 1 /**< Boolean TRUE value. */ #define FALSE 0 /**< Boolean FALSE value. */ #define ON 1 /**< ON value. */ #define OFF 0 /**< OFF value. */ #ifndef NULL #define NULL 0 /**< NULL value. */ #endif /** @} */ /* end_name_group Macros for Common Data Types */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Standard Types ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @} */ /* end_addtogroup utils_services */ /* The following definitions are the same across platforms. This first group are the sanctioned types. */ #ifndef _ARM_ASM_ #ifndef _BOOLEAN_DEFINED /** @addtogroup utils_services @{ */ /** Boolean value type. */ typedef unsigned char boolean; #define _BOOLEAN_DEFINED #endif /** @cond */ #if defined(DALSTDDEF_H) /* guards against a known re-definer */ #define _BOOLEAN_DEFINED #define _UINT32_DEFINED #define _UINT16_DEFINED #define _UINT8_DEFINED #define _INT32_DEFINED #define _INT16_DEFINED #define _INT8_DEFINED #define _UINT64_DEFINED #define _INT64_DEFINED #define _BYTE_DEFINED #endif /* #if !defined(DALSTDDEF_H) */ /** @endcond */ #ifndef _UINT32_DEFINED /** Unsigned 32-bit value. */ typedef unsigned long int uint32; #define _UINT32_DEFINED #endif #ifndef _UINT16_DEFINED /** Unsigned 16-bit value. */ typedef unsigned short uint16; #define _UINT16_DEFINED #endif #ifndef _UINT8_DEFINED /** Unsigned 8-bit value. */ typedef unsigned char uint8; #define _UINT8_DEFINED #endif #ifndef _INT32_DEFINED /** Signed 32-bit value. */ typedef signed long int int32; #define _INT32_DEFINED #endif #ifndef _INT16_DEFINED /** Signed 16-bit value. */ typedef signed short int16; #define _INT16_DEFINED #endif #ifndef _INT8_DEFINED /** Signed 8-bit value. */ typedef signed char int8; #define _INT8_DEFINED #endif /** @cond */ /* This group are the deprecated types. Their use should be ** discontinued and new code should use the types above */ #ifndef _BYTE_DEFINED /** DEPRECATED: Unsigned 8 bit value type. */ typedef unsigned char byte; #define _BYTE_DEFINED #endif /** DEPRECATED: Unsinged 16 bit value type. */ typedef unsigned short word; /** DEPRECATED: Unsigned 32 bit value type. */ typedef unsigned long dword; /** DEPRECATED: Unsigned 8 bit value type. */ typedef unsigned char uint1; /** DEPRECATED: Unsigned 16 bit value type. */ typedef unsigned short uint2; /** DEPRECATED: Unsigned 32 bit value type. */ typedef unsigned long uint4; /** DEPRECATED: Signed 8 bit value type. */ typedef signed char int1; /** DEPRECATED: Signed 16 bit value type. */ typedef signed short int2; /** DEPRECATED: Signed 32 bit value type. */ typedef long int int4; /** DEPRECATED: Signed 32 bit value. */ typedef signed long sint31; /** DEPRECATED: Signed 16 bit value. */ typedef signed short sint15; /** DEPRECATED: Signed 8 bit value. */ typedef signed char sint7; typedef uint16 UWord16 ; typedef uint32 UWord32 ; typedef int32 Word32 ; typedef int16 Word16 ; typedef uint8 UWord8 ; typedef int8 Word8 ; typedef int32 Vect32 ; /** @endcond */ #if (! defined T_WINNT) && (! defined __GNUC__) /* Non WinNT Targets */ #ifndef _INT64_DEFINED /** Signed 64-bit value. */ typedef long long int64; #define _INT64_DEFINED #endif #ifndef _UINT64_DEFINED /** Unsigned 64-bit value. */ typedef unsigned long long uint64; #define _UINT64_DEFINED #endif #else /* T_WINNT || TARGET_OS_SOLARIS || __GNUC__ */ /* WINNT or SOLARIS based targets */ #if (defined __GNUC__) #ifndef _INT64_DEFINED typedef long long int64; #define _INT64_DEFINED #endif #ifndef _UINT64_DEFINED typedef unsigned long long uint64; #define _UINT64_DEFINED #endif #else typedef __int64 int64; /* Signed 64-bit value */ #ifndef _UINT64_DEFINED typedef unsigned __int64 uint64; /* Unsigned 64-bit value */ #define _UINT64_DEFINED #endif #endif #endif /* T_WINNT */ #endif /* _ARM_ASM_ */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /** @} */ /* end_addtogroup utils_services */ #endif /* COM_DTYPES_H */