/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2017 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for * any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the * above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all * copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL * WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR * PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ // // DO NOT EDIT! This file is automatically generated // These definitions are tied to a particular hardware layout #ifndef _REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_H_ #define _REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_H_ #if !defined(__ASSEMBLER__) #endif #include "uniform_reo_cmd_header.h" // ################ START SUMMARY ################# // // Dword Fields // 0 struct uniform_reo_cmd_header cmd_header; // 1 unblock_type[0], cache_block_resource_index[2:1], reserved_1a[31:3] // 2 reserved_2a[31:0] // 3 reserved_3a[31:0] // 4 reserved_4a[31:0] // 5 reserved_5a[31:0] // 6 reserved_6a[31:0] // 7 reserved_7a[31:0] // 8 reserved_8a[31:0] // // ################ END SUMMARY ################# #define NUM_OF_DWORDS_REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE 9 struct reo_unblock_cache { struct uniform_reo_cmd_header cmd_header; uint32_t unblock_type : 1, //[0] cache_block_resource_index : 2, //[2:1] reserved_1a : 29; //[31:3] uint32_t reserved_2a : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_3a : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_4a : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_5a : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_6a : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_7a : 32; //[31:0] uint32_t reserved_8a : 32; //[31:0] }; /* struct uniform_reo_cmd_header cmd_header Consumer: REO Producer: SW Details for command execution tracking purposes. unblock_type Unblock type <enum 0 unblock_resource_index> Unblock a block resource, whose index is given in field 'cache_block_resource_index'. If the indicated blocking resource is not in use (=> not blocking an address at the moment), the command status will indicate an error. <enum 1 unblock_cache> The entire cache usage is unblocked. If the entire cache is not in a blocked mode at the moment this command is received, the command status will indicate an error. Note that unlocking the entire cache has no changes to the current settings of the blocking resource settings <legal all> cache_block_resource_index Field not valid when field Unblock_type is set to unblock_cache. Indicates which of the four blocking resources in REO should be released from blocking a (descriptor) address. <legal all> reserved_1a <legal 0> reserved_2a <legal 0> reserved_3a <legal 0> reserved_4a <legal 0> reserved_5a <legal 0> reserved_6a <legal 0> reserved_7a <legal 0> reserved_8a <legal 0> */ #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_0_UNIFORM_REO_CMD_HEADER_CMD_HEADER_OFFSET 0x00000000 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_0_UNIFORM_REO_CMD_HEADER_CMD_HEADER_LSB 0 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_0_UNIFORM_REO_CMD_HEADER_CMD_HEADER_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_1_UNBLOCK_TYPE Unblock type <enum 0 unblock_resource_index> Unblock a block resource, whose index is given in field 'cache_block_resource_index'. If the indicated blocking resource is not in use (=> not blocking an address at the moment), the command status will indicate an error. <enum 1 unblock_cache> The entire cache usage is unblocked. If the entire cache is not in a blocked mode at the moment this command is received, the command status will indicate an error. Note that unlocking the entire cache has no changes to the current settings of the blocking resource settings <legal all> */ #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_1_UNBLOCK_TYPE_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_1_UNBLOCK_TYPE_LSB 0 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_1_UNBLOCK_TYPE_MASK 0x00000001 /* Description REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_1_CACHE_BLOCK_RESOURCE_INDEX Field not valid when field Unblock_type is set to unblock_cache. Indicates which of the four blocking resources in REO should be released from blocking a (descriptor) address. <legal all> */ #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_1_CACHE_BLOCK_RESOURCE_INDEX_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_1_CACHE_BLOCK_RESOURCE_INDEX_LSB 1 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_1_CACHE_BLOCK_RESOURCE_INDEX_MASK 0x00000006 /* Description REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_1_RESERVED_1A <legal 0> */ #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_1_RESERVED_1A_OFFSET 0x00000004 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_1_RESERVED_1A_LSB 3 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_1_RESERVED_1A_MASK 0xfffffff8 /* Description REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_2_RESERVED_2A <legal 0> */ #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_2_RESERVED_2A_OFFSET 0x00000008 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_2_RESERVED_2A_LSB 0 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_2_RESERVED_2A_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_3_RESERVED_3A <legal 0> */ #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_3_RESERVED_3A_OFFSET 0x0000000c #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_3_RESERVED_3A_LSB 0 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_3_RESERVED_3A_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_4_RESERVED_4A <legal 0> */ #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_4_RESERVED_4A_OFFSET 0x00000010 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_4_RESERVED_4A_LSB 0 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_4_RESERVED_4A_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_5_RESERVED_5A <legal 0> */ #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_5_RESERVED_5A_OFFSET 0x00000014 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_5_RESERVED_5A_LSB 0 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_5_RESERVED_5A_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_6_RESERVED_6A <legal 0> */ #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_6_RESERVED_6A_OFFSET 0x00000018 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_6_RESERVED_6A_LSB 0 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_6_RESERVED_6A_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_7_RESERVED_7A <legal 0> */ #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_7_RESERVED_7A_OFFSET 0x0000001c #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_7_RESERVED_7A_LSB 0 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_7_RESERVED_7A_MASK 0xffffffff /* Description REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_8_RESERVED_8A <legal 0> */ #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_8_RESERVED_8A_OFFSET 0x00000020 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_8_RESERVED_8A_LSB 0 #define REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_8_RESERVED_8A_MASK 0xffffffff #endif // _REO_UNBLOCK_CACHE_H_