/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for * any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the * above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all * copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL * WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR * PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /** * DOC: qdf_crypto.c * * This source file contains linux specific definitions for QDF crypto APIs */ /* Include Files */ #include "qdf_crypto.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Function Definitions and Documentation */ #define MAX_HMAC_ELEMENT_CNT 10 /* * xor: API to calculate xor * @a: first variable * @b: second variable * @len: length of variables */ static void xor(uint8_t *a, const uint8_t *b, size_t len) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) a[i] ^= b[i]; } int qdf_get_hash(uint8_t *type, uint8_t element_cnt, uint8_t *addr[], uint32_t *addr_len, int8_t *hash) { return qdf_get_hmac_hash(type, NULL, 0, element_cnt, addr, addr_len, hash); } int qdf_get_hmac_hash(uint8_t *type, uint8_t *key, uint32_t keylen, uint8_t element_cnt, uint8_t *addr[], uint32_t *addr_len, int8_t *hash) { int i; size_t src_len[MAX_HMAC_ELEMENT_CNT]; if (element_cnt > MAX_HMAC_ELEMENT_CNT) { QDF_TRACE(QDF_MODULE_ID_QDF, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, FL("Invalid element count %d"), element_cnt); return -EINVAL; } for (i = 0; i < element_cnt; i++) src_len[i] = addr_len[i]; return qdf_get_keyed_hash(type, key, keylen, (const uint8_t **)addr, src_len, element_cnt, hash); } /* qdf_update_dbl from RFC 5297. Length of d is AES_BLOCK_SIZE (128 bits) */ void qdf_update_dbl(uint8_t *d) { int i; uint8_t msb, msb_prev = 0; /* left shift by 1 */ for (i = AES_BLOCK_SIZE - 1; i >= 0; i--) { msb = d[i] & 0x80; d[i] = d[i] << 1; d[i] += msb_prev ? 1 : 0; msb_prev = msb; } if (msb) d[AES_BLOCK_SIZE - 1] ^= 0x87; } int qdf_get_keyed_hash(const char *alg, const uint8_t *key, unsigned int key_len, const uint8_t *src[], size_t *src_len, size_t num_elements, uint8_t *out) { struct crypto_shash *tfm; int ret; size_t i; tfm = crypto_alloc_shash(alg, 0, CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC); if (IS_ERR(tfm)) { QDF_TRACE(QDF_MODULE_ID_QDF, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, FL("Failed to allocate transformation for %s: %ld"), alg, PTR_ERR(tfm)); return -EINVAL; } if (key && key_len) { ret = crypto_shash_setkey(tfm, key, key_len); if (ret) { QDF_TRACE(QDF_MODULE_ID_QDF, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, FL("Set key failed for %s, ret:%d"), alg, -ret); goto error; } } do { SHASH_DESC_ON_STACK(desc, tfm); desc->tfm = tfm; desc->flags = crypto_shash_get_flags(tfm); ret = crypto_shash_init(desc); if (ret) { QDF_TRACE(QDF_MODULE_ID_QDF, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, FL("Failed to init hash for %s, ret:%d"), alg, -ret); goto error; } for (i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) { ret = crypto_shash_update(desc, src[i], src_len[i]); if (ret) { QDF_TRACE(QDF_MODULE_ID_QDF, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, FL("Failed to update hash for %s, ret:%d"), alg, -ret); goto error; } } ret = crypto_shash_final(desc, out); if (ret) QDF_TRACE(QDF_MODULE_ID_QDF, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, FL("Failed to get digest for %s, ret:%d"), alg, -ret); } while (0); error: crypto_free_shash(tfm); return ret; } /* AES String to Vector from RFC 5297, 'out' should be of length AES_BLOCK_SIZE */ int qdf_aes_s2v(const uint8_t *key, unsigned int key_len, const uint8_t *s[], size_t s_len[], size_t num_s, uint8_t *out) { const char *alg = "cmac(aes)"; uint8_t d[AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; uint8_t buf[AES_BLOCK_SIZE] = { 0 }; size_t buf_len = AES_BLOCK_SIZE; const uint8_t *a[1]; unsigned int i; uint8_t *t = NULL; size_t t_len; int ret; if (num_s == 0) { /* V = AES-CMAC(K, ) */ buf[0] = 0x01; a[0] = buf; ret = qdf_get_keyed_hash(alg, key, key_len, a, &buf_len, 1, out); return ret; } /* D = AES-CMAC(K, ) */ a[0] = buf; ret = qdf_get_keyed_hash(alg, key, key_len, a, &buf_len, 1, d); if (ret) goto error; for (i = 0; i < num_s - 1; i++) { /* D = qdf_update_dbl(D) xor AES-CMAC(K, Si) */ qdf_update_dbl(d); ret = qdf_get_keyed_hash(alg, key, key_len, &s[i], &s_len[i], 1, buf); if (ret) goto error; xor(d, buf, AES_BLOCK_SIZE); } if (s_len[i] >= AES_BLOCK_SIZE) { /* len(Sn) >= 128 */ /* T = Sn xorend D */ t = qdf_mem_malloc(s_len[i]); if (!t) return -EINVAL; qdf_mem_copy(t, s[i], s_len[i]); xor(t + s_len[i] - AES_BLOCK_SIZE, d, AES_BLOCK_SIZE); t_len = s_len[i]; } else { /* len(Sn) < 128 */ /* T = qdf_update_dbl(D) xor pad(Sn) */ qdf_update_dbl(d); qdf_mem_zero(buf, AES_BLOCK_SIZE); qdf_mem_copy(buf, s[i], s_len[i]); buf[s_len[i]] = 0x80; xor(d, s[i], AES_BLOCK_SIZE); t = d; t_len = AES_BLOCK_SIZE; } /* V = AES-CMAC(K, T) */ a[0] = t; ret = qdf_get_keyed_hash(alg, key, key_len, a, &t_len, 1, out); error: if (t && t != d) qdf_mem_free(t); return ret; } #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(4, 3, 0)) int qdf_aes_ctr(const uint8_t *key, unsigned int key_len, uint8_t *siv, const uint8_t *src, size_t src_len, uint8_t *dest, bool enc) { struct crypto_skcipher *tfm; struct skcipher_request *req = NULL; struct scatterlist sg_in, sg_out; int ret; if (!IS_VALID_CTR_KEY_LEN(key_len)) { QDF_TRACE(QDF_MODULE_ID_QDF, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, FL("Invalid key length: %u"), key_len); return -EINVAL; } tfm = crypto_alloc_skcipher("ctr(aes)", 0, CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC); if (IS_ERR(tfm)) { QDF_TRACE(QDF_MODULE_ID_QDF, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, FL("Failed to alloc transformation for ctr(aes):%ld"), PTR_ERR(tfm)); return -EAGAIN; } req = skcipher_request_alloc(tfm, GFP_KERNEL); if (!req) { QDF_TRACE(QDF_MODULE_ID_QDF, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, FL("Failed to allocate request for ctr(aes)")); crypto_free_skcipher(tfm); return -EAGAIN; } ret = crypto_skcipher_setkey(tfm, key, key_len); if (ret) { QDF_TRACE(QDF_MODULE_ID_QDF, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, FL("Set key failed for ctr(aes), ret:%d"), -ret); skcipher_request_free(req); crypto_free_skcipher(tfm); return ret; } sg_init_one(&sg_in, src, src_len); sg_init_one(&sg_out, dest, src_len); skcipher_request_set_crypt(req, &sg_in, &sg_out, src_len, siv); if (enc) ret = crypto_skcipher_encrypt(req); else ret = crypto_skcipher_decrypt(req); if (ret) { QDF_TRACE(QDF_MODULE_ID_QDF, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, FL("%s failed for ctr(aes), ret:%d"), enc ? "Encryption" : "Decryption", -ret); } skcipher_request_free(req); crypto_free_skcipher(tfm); return ret; } #elif (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(3, 18, 0)) int qdf_aes_ctr(const uint8_t *key, unsigned int key_len, uint8_t *siv, const uint8_t *src, size_t src_len, uint8_t *dest, bool enc) { struct crypto_ablkcipher *tfm; struct ablkcipher_request *req = NULL; struct scatterlist sg_in, sg_out; int ret; if (!IS_VALID_CTR_KEY_LEN(key_len)) { QDF_TRACE(QDF_MODULE_ID_QDF, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, FL("Invalid key length: %u"), key_len); return -EINVAL; } tfm = crypto_alloc_ablkcipher("ctr(aes)", 0, CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC); if (IS_ERR(tfm)) { QDF_TRACE(QDF_MODULE_ID_QDF, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, FL("Failed to alloc transformation for ctr(aes):%ld"), PTR_ERR(tfm)); return -EAGAIN; } req = ablkcipher_request_alloc(tfm, GFP_KERNEL); if (!req) { QDF_TRACE(QDF_MODULE_ID_QDF, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, FL("Failed to allocate request for ctr(aes)")); crypto_free_ablkcipher(tfm); return -EAGAIN; } ret = crypto_ablkcipher_setkey(tfm, key, key_len); if (ret) { QDF_TRACE(QDF_MODULE_ID_QDF, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, FL("Set key failed for ctr(aes), ret:%d"), -ret); ablkcipher_request_free(req); crypto_free_ablkcipher(tfm); return ret; } sg_init_one(&sg_in, src, src_len); sg_init_one(&sg_out, dest, src_len); ablkcipher_request_set_crypt(req, &sg_in, &sg_out, src_len, siv); if (enc) ret = crypto_ablkcipher_encrypt(req); else ret = crypto_ablkcipher_decrypt(req); if (ret) { QDF_TRACE(QDF_MODULE_ID_QDF, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, FL("%s failed for ctr(aes), ret:%d"), enc ? "Encryption" : "Decryption", -ret); } ablkcipher_request_free(req); crypto_free_ablkcipher(tfm); return ret; } #else int qdf_aes_ctr(const uint8_t *key, unsigned int key_len, uint8_t *siv, const uint8_t *src, size_t src_len, uint8_t *dest, bool enc) { return -EINVAL; } #endif #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(4, 4, 0)) int qdf_crypto_aes_gmac(uint8_t *key, uint16_t key_length, uint8_t *iv, uint8_t *aad, uint8_t *data, uint16_t data_len, uint8_t *mic) { struct crypto_aead *tfm; int ret = 0; struct scatterlist sg[4]; uint16_t req_size; struct aead_request *req = NULL; uint8_t *aad_ptr, *input; tfm = crypto_alloc_aead("gcm(aes)", 0, CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC); if (IS_ERR(tfm)) { ret = PTR_ERR(tfm); tfm = NULL; QDF_TRACE(QDF_MODULE_ID_QDF, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "%s: crypto_alloc_aead failed (%d)", __func__, ret); goto err_tfm; } ret = crypto_aead_setkey(tfm, key, key_length); if (ret) { QDF_TRACE(QDF_MODULE_ID_QDF, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "crypto_aead_setkey failed (%d)", ret); goto err_tfm; } ret = crypto_aead_setauthsize(tfm, IEEE80211_MMIE_GMAC_MICLEN); if (ret) { QDF_TRACE(QDF_MODULE_ID_QDF, QDF_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "crypto_aead_setauthsize failed (%d)", ret); goto err_tfm; } /* Prepare aead request */ req_size = sizeof(*req) + crypto_aead_reqsize(tfm) + IEEE80211_MMIE_GMAC_MICLEN + AAD_LEN; req = qdf_mem_malloc(req_size); if (!req) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto err_tfm; } input = (uint8_t *)req + sizeof(*req) + crypto_aead_reqsize(tfm); aad_ptr = input + IEEE80211_MMIE_GMAC_MICLEN; qdf_mem_copy(aad_ptr, aad, AAD_LEN); /* Scatter list operations */ sg_init_table(sg, 4); sg_set_buf(&sg[0], aad_ptr, AAD_LEN); sg_set_buf(&sg[1], data, data_len); sg_set_buf(&sg[2], input, IEEE80211_MMIE_GMAC_MICLEN); sg_set_buf(&sg[3], mic, IEEE80211_MMIE_GMAC_MICLEN); aead_request_set_tfm(req, tfm); aead_request_set_crypt(req, sg, sg, 0, iv); aead_request_set_ad(req, AAD_LEN + data_len + IEEE80211_MMIE_GMAC_MICLEN); crypto_aead_encrypt(req); err_tfm: if (tfm) crypto_free_aead(tfm); if (req) qdf_mem_free(req); return ret; } #else int qdf_crypto_aes_gmac(uint8_t *key, uint16_t key_length, uint8_t *iv, uint8_t *aad, uint8_t *data, uint16_t data_len, uint8_t *mic) { return -EINVAL; } #endif