/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ /* Copyright 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. */ #ifndef __SPL_FIXED31_32_H__ #define __SPL_FIXED31_32_H__ #include "os_types.h" #include "spl_os_types.h" // swap #ifndef ASSERT #define ASSERT(_bool) ((void *)0) #endif #ifndef LLONG_MAX #define LLONG_MAX 9223372036854775807ll #endif #ifndef LLONG_MIN #define LLONG_MIN (-LLONG_MAX - 1ll) #endif #define FIXED31_32_BITS_PER_FRACTIONAL_PART 32 #ifndef LLONG_MIN #define LLONG_MIN (1LL<<63) #endif #ifndef LLONG_MAX #define LLONG_MAX (-1LL>>1) #endif /* * @brief * Arithmetic operations on real numbers * represented as fixed-point numbers. * There are: 1 bit for sign, * 31 bit for integer part, * 32 bits for fractional part. * * @note * Currently, overflows and underflows are asserted; * no special result returned. */ struct spl_fixed31_32 { long long value; }; /* * @brief * Useful constants */ static const struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_zero = { 0 }; static const struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_epsilon = { 1LL }; static const struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_half = { 0x80000000LL }; static const struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_one = { 0x100000000LL }; /* * @brief * Initialization routines */ /* * @brief * result = numerator / denominator */ struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_from_fraction(long long numerator, long long denominator); /* * @brief * result = arg */ static inline struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_from_int(int arg) { struct spl_fixed31_32 res; res.value = (long long) arg << FIXED31_32_BITS_PER_FRACTIONAL_PART; return res; } /* * @brief * Unary operators */ /* * @brief * result = -arg */ static inline struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_neg(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg) { struct spl_fixed31_32 res; res.value = -arg.value; return res; } /* * @brief * result = abs(arg) := (arg >= 0) ? arg : -arg */ static inline struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_abs(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg) { if (arg.value < 0) return spl_fixpt_neg(arg); else return arg; } /* * @brief * Binary relational operators */ /* * @brief * result = arg1 < arg2 */ static inline bool spl_fixpt_lt(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg1, struct spl_fixed31_32 arg2) { return arg1.value < arg2.value; } /* * @brief * result = arg1 <= arg2 */ static inline bool spl_fixpt_le(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg1, struct spl_fixed31_32 arg2) { return arg1.value <= arg2.value; } /* * @brief * result = arg1 == arg2 */ static inline bool spl_fixpt_eq(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg1, struct spl_fixed31_32 arg2) { return arg1.value == arg2.value; } /* * @brief * result = min(arg1, arg2) := (arg1 <= arg2) ? arg1 : arg2 */ static inline struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_min(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg1, struct spl_fixed31_32 arg2) { if (arg1.value <= arg2.value) return arg1; else return arg2; } /* * @brief * result = max(arg1, arg2) := (arg1 <= arg2) ? arg2 : arg1 */ static inline struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_max(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg1, struct spl_fixed31_32 arg2) { if (arg1.value <= arg2.value) return arg2; else return arg1; } /* * @brief * | min_value, when arg <= min_value * result = | arg, when min_value < arg < max_value * | max_value, when arg >= max_value */ static inline struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_clamp( struct spl_fixed31_32 arg, struct spl_fixed31_32 min_value, struct spl_fixed31_32 max_value) { if (spl_fixpt_le(arg, min_value)) return min_value; else if (spl_fixpt_le(max_value, arg)) return max_value; else return arg; } /* * @brief * Binary shift operators */ /* * @brief * result = arg << shift */ static inline struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_shl(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg, unsigned char shift) { ASSERT(((arg.value >= 0) && (arg.value <= LLONG_MAX >> shift)) || ((arg.value < 0) && (arg.value >= ~(LLONG_MAX >> shift)))); arg.value = arg.value << shift; return arg; } /* * @brief * result = arg >> shift */ static inline struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_shr(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg, unsigned char shift) { bool negative = arg.value < 0; if (negative) arg.value = -arg.value; arg.value = arg.value >> shift; if (negative) arg.value = -arg.value; return arg; } /* * @brief * Binary additive operators */ /* * @brief * result = arg1 + arg2 */ static inline struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_add(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg1, struct spl_fixed31_32 arg2) { struct spl_fixed31_32 res; ASSERT(((arg1.value >= 0) && (LLONG_MAX - arg1.value >= arg2.value)) || ((arg1.value < 0) && (LLONG_MIN - arg1.value <= arg2.value))); res.value = arg1.value + arg2.value; return res; } /* * @brief * result = arg1 + arg2 */ static inline struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_add_int(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg1, int arg2) { return spl_fixpt_add(arg1, spl_fixpt_from_int(arg2)); } /* * @brief * result = arg1 - arg2 */ static inline struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_sub(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg1, struct spl_fixed31_32 arg2) { struct spl_fixed31_32 res; ASSERT(((arg2.value >= 0) && (LLONG_MIN + arg2.value <= arg1.value)) || ((arg2.value < 0) && (LLONG_MAX + arg2.value >= arg1.value))); res.value = arg1.value - arg2.value; return res; } /* * @brief * result = arg1 - arg2 */ static inline struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_sub_int(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg1, int arg2) { return spl_fixpt_sub(arg1, spl_fixpt_from_int(arg2)); } /* * @brief * Binary multiplicative operators */ /* * @brief * result = arg1 * arg2 */ struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_mul(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg1, struct spl_fixed31_32 arg2); /* * @brief * result = arg1 * arg2 */ static inline struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_mul_int(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg1, int arg2) { return spl_fixpt_mul(arg1, spl_fixpt_from_int(arg2)); } /* * @brief * result = square(arg) := arg * arg */ struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_sqr(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg); /* * @brief * result = arg1 / arg2 */ static inline struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_div_int(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg1, long long arg2) { return spl_fixpt_from_fraction(arg1.value, spl_fixpt_from_int((int)arg2).value); } /* * @brief * result = arg1 / arg2 */ static inline struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_div(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg1, struct spl_fixed31_32 arg2) { return spl_fixpt_from_fraction(arg1.value, arg2.value); } /* * @brief * Reciprocal function */ /* * @brief * result = reciprocal(arg) := 1 / arg * * @note * No special actions taken in case argument is zero. */ struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_recip(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg); /* * @brief * Trigonometric functions */ /* * @brief * result = sinc(arg) := sin(arg) / arg * * @note * Argument specified in radians, * internally it's normalized to [-2pi...2pi] range. */ struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_sinc(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg); /* * @brief * result = sin(arg) * * @note * Argument specified in radians, * internally it's normalized to [-2pi...2pi] range. */ struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_sin(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg); /* * @brief * result = cos(arg) * * @note * Argument specified in radians * and should be in [-2pi...2pi] range - * passing arguments outside that range * will cause incorrect result! */ struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_cos(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg); /* * @brief * Transcendent functions */ /* * @brief * result = exp(arg) * * @note * Currently, function is verified for abs(arg) <= 1. */ struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_exp(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg); /* * @brief * result = log(arg) * * @note * Currently, abs(arg) should be less than 1. * No normalization is done. * Currently, no special actions taken * in case of invalid argument(s). Take care! */ struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_log(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg); /* * @brief * Power function */ /* * @brief * result = pow(arg1, arg2) * * @note * Currently, abs(arg1) should be less than 1. Take care! */ static inline struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_pow(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg1, struct spl_fixed31_32 arg2) { if (arg1.value == 0) return arg2.value == 0 ? spl_fixpt_one : spl_fixpt_zero; return spl_fixpt_exp( spl_fixpt_mul( spl_fixpt_log(arg1), arg2)); } /* * @brief * Rounding functions */ /* * @brief * result = floor(arg) := greatest integer lower than or equal to arg */ static inline int spl_fixpt_floor(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg) { unsigned long long arg_value = arg.value > 0 ? arg.value : -arg.value; if (arg.value >= 0) return (int)(arg_value >> FIXED31_32_BITS_PER_FRACTIONAL_PART); else return -(int)(arg_value >> FIXED31_32_BITS_PER_FRACTIONAL_PART); } /* * @brief * result = round(arg) := integer nearest to arg */ static inline int spl_fixpt_round(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg) { unsigned long long arg_value = arg.value > 0 ? arg.value : -arg.value; const long long summand = spl_fixpt_half.value; ASSERT(LLONG_MAX - (long long)arg_value >= summand); arg_value += summand; if (arg.value >= 0) return (int)(arg_value >> FIXED31_32_BITS_PER_FRACTIONAL_PART); else return -(int)(arg_value >> FIXED31_32_BITS_PER_FRACTIONAL_PART); } /* * @brief * result = ceil(arg) := lowest integer greater than or equal to arg */ static inline int spl_fixpt_ceil(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg) { unsigned long long arg_value = arg.value > 0 ? arg.value : -arg.value; const long long summand = spl_fixpt_one.value - spl_fixpt_epsilon.value; ASSERT(LLONG_MAX - (long long)arg_value >= summand); arg_value += summand; if (arg.value >= 0) return (int)(arg_value >> FIXED31_32_BITS_PER_FRACTIONAL_PART); else return -(int)(arg_value >> FIXED31_32_BITS_PER_FRACTIONAL_PART); } /* the following two function are used in scaler hw programming to convert fixed * point value to format 2 bits from integer part and 19 bits from fractional * part. The same applies for u0d19, 0 bits from integer part and 19 bits from * fractional */ unsigned int spl_fixpt_u4d19(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg); unsigned int spl_fixpt_u3d19(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg); unsigned int spl_fixpt_u2d19(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg); unsigned int spl_fixpt_u0d19(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg); unsigned int spl_fixpt_clamp_u0d14(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg); unsigned int spl_fixpt_clamp_u0d10(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg); int spl_fixpt_s4d19(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg); static inline struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_truncate(struct spl_fixed31_32 arg, unsigned int frac_bits) { bool negative = arg.value < 0; if (frac_bits >= FIXED31_32_BITS_PER_FRACTIONAL_PART) { ASSERT(frac_bits == FIXED31_32_BITS_PER_FRACTIONAL_PART); return arg; } if (negative) arg.value = -arg.value; arg.value &= (~0ULL) << (FIXED31_32_BITS_PER_FRACTIONAL_PART - frac_bits); if (negative) arg.value = -arg.value; return arg; } struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_from_ux_dy(unsigned int value, unsigned int integer_bits, unsigned int fractional_bits); struct spl_fixed31_32 spl_fixpt_from_int_dy(unsigned int int_value, unsigned int frac_value, unsigned int integer_bits, unsigned int fractional_bits); #endif