# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause)
%YAML 1.2
$id: http://devicetree.org/schemas/soc/fsl/fsl,qman-fqd.yaml#
$schema: http://devicetree.org/meta-schemas/core.yaml#

title: QMan Private Memory Nodes

  - Frank Li <Frank.Li@nxp.com>

description: |
  QMan requires two contiguous range of physical memory used for the backing store
  for QMan Frame Queue Descriptor (FQD) and Packed Frame Descriptor Record (PFDR).
  This memory is reserved/allocated as a node under the /reserved-memory node.

  BMan requires a contiguous range of physical memory used for the backing store
  for BMan Free Buffer Proxy Records (FBPR). This memory is reserved/allocated as
  a node under the /reserved-memory node.

  The QMan FQD memory node must be named "qman-fqd"
  The QMan PFDR memory node must be named "qman-pfdr"
  The BMan FBPR memory node must be named "bman-fbpr"

  The following constraints are relevant to the FQD and PFDR private memory:
    - The size must be 2^(size + 1), with size = 11..29. That is 4 KiB to
      1 GiB
    - The alignment must be a muliptle of the memory size

  The size of the FQD and PFDP must be chosen by observing the hardware features
  configured via the Reset Configuration Word (RCW) and that are relevant to a
  specific board (e.g. number of MAC(s) pinned-out, number of offline/host command
  FMan ports, etc.). The size configured in the DT must reflect the hardware
  capabilities and not the specific needs of an application

  For additional details about reserved memory regions see
  reserved-memory/reserved-memory.yaml in dtschema project.

    pattern: '^(qman-fqd|qman-pfdr|bman-fbpr)+$'

      - fsl,qman-fqd
      - fsl,qman-pfdr
      - fsl,bman-fbpr

  - compatible

  - $ref: reserved-memory.yaml

unevaluatedProperties: false

  - |
    reserved-memory {
        #address-cells = <2>;
        #size-cells = <2>;

        qman-fqd {
            compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
            size = <0 0x400000>;
            alignment = <0 0x400000>;