What: /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/state Date: June 2022 KernelVersion: 6.0 Contact: qat-linux@intel.com Description: (RW) Reports the current state of the QAT device. Write to the file to start or stop the device. The values are: * up: the device is up and running * down: the device is down It is possible to transition the device from up to down only if the device is up and vice versa. This attribute is only available for qat_4xxx devices. What: /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/cfg_services Date: June 2022 KernelVersion: 6.0 Contact: qat-linux@intel.com Description: (RW) Reports the current configuration of the QAT device. Write to the file to change the configured services. The values are: * sym;asym: the device is configured for running crypto services * asym;sym: identical to sym;asym * dc: the device is configured for running compression services * dcc: identical to dc but enables the dc chaining feature, hash then compression. If this is not required chose dc * sym: the device is configured for running symmetric crypto services * asym: the device is configured for running asymmetric crypto services * asym;dc: the device is configured for running asymmetric crypto services and compression services * dc;asym: identical to asym;dc * sym;dc: the device is configured for running symmetric crypto services and compression services * dc;sym: identical to sym;dc It is possible to set the configuration only if the device is in the `down` state (see /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/state) The following example shows how to change the configuration of a device configured for running crypto services in order to run data compression:: # cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/state up # cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/cfg_services sym;asym # echo down > /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/state # echo dc > /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/cfg_services # echo up > /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/state # cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/cfg_services dc This attribute is only available for qat_4xxx devices. What: /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/pm_idle_enabled Date: June 2023 KernelVersion: 6.5 Contact: qat-linux@intel.com Description: (RW) This configuration option provides a way to force the device into remaining in the MAX power state. If idle support is enabled the device will transition to the `MIN` power state when idle, otherwise will stay in the MAX power state. Write to the file to enable or disable idle support. The values are: * 0: idle support is disabled * 1: idle support is enabled Default value is 1. It is possible to set the pm_idle_enabled value only if the device is in the `down` state (see /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/state) The following example shows how to change the pm_idle_enabled of a device:: # cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/state up # cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/pm_idle_enabled 1 # echo down > /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/state # echo 0 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/pm_idle_enabled # echo up > /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/state # cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/pm_idle_enabled 0 This attribute is only available for qat_4xxx devices. What: /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/rp2srv Date: January 2024 KernelVersion: 6.7 Contact: qat-linux@intel.com Description: (RW) This attribute provides a way for a user to query a specific ring pair for the type of service that it is currently configured for. When written to, the value is cached and used to perform the read operation. Allowed values are in the range 0 to N-1, where N is the max number of ring pairs supported by a device. This can be queried using the attribute qat/num_rps. A read returns the service associated to the ring pair queried. The values are: * dc: the ring pair is configured for running compression services * sym: the ring pair is configured for running symmetric crypto services * asym: the ring pair is configured for running asymmetric crypto services Example usage:: # echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/rp2srv # cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/rp2srv sym This attribute is only available for qat_4xxx devices. What: /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/num_rps Date: January 2024 KernelVersion: 6.7 Contact: qat-linux@intel.com Description: (RO) Returns the number of ring pairs that a single device has. Example usage:: # cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/num_rps 64 This attribute is only available for qat_4xxx devices. What: /sys/bus/pci/devices/<BDF>/qat/auto_reset Date: May 2024 KernelVersion: 6.9 Contact: qat-linux@intel.com Description: (RW) Reports the current state of the autoreset feature for a QAT device Write to the attribute to enable or disable device auto reset. Device auto reset is disabled by default. The values are: * 1/Yy/on: auto reset enabled. If the device encounters an unrecoverable error, it will be reset automatically. * 0/Nn/off: auto reset disabled. If the device encounters an unrecoverable error, it will not be reset. This attribute is only available for qat_4xxx devices.