Lines Matching refs:__u64
66 __u64 ring_base_address; /* to KFD */
67 __u64 write_pointer_address; /* from KFD */
68 __u64 read_pointer_address; /* from KFD */
69 __u64 doorbell_offset; /* from KFD */
78 __u64 eop_buffer_address; /* to KFD */
79 __u64 eop_buffer_size; /* to KFD */
80 __u64 ctx_save_restore_address; /* to KFD */
93 __u64 ring_base_address; /* to KFD */
104 __u64 cu_mask_ptr; /* to KFD */
108 __u64 ctl_stack_address; /* to KFD */
116 __u64 available; /* from KFD */
122 __u64 exception_status;
123 __u64 lds_base;
124 __u64 lds_limit;
125 __u64 scratch_base;
126 __u64 scratch_limit;
127 __u64 gpuvm_base;
128 __u64 gpuvm_limit;
152 __u64 alternate_aperture_base; /* to KFD */
153 __u64 alternate_aperture_size; /* to KFD */
169 __u64 gpu_clock_counter; /* from KFD */
170 __u64 cpu_clock_counter; /* from KFD */
171 __u64 system_clock_counter; /* from KFD */
172 __u64 system_clock_freq; /* from KFD */
179 __u64 lds_base; /* from KFD */
180 __u64 lds_limit; /* from KFD */
181 __u64 scratch_base; /* from KFD */
182 __u64 scratch_limit; /* from KFD */
183 __u64 gpuvm_base; /* from KFD */
184 __u64 gpuvm_limit; /* from KFD */
208 __u64 kfd_process_device_apertures_ptr;
232 __u64 content_ptr; /* a pointer to the actual content */
238 __u64 content_ptr; /* a pointer to the actual content */
277 __u64 event_page_offset; /* from KFD */
312 __u64 va;
332 __u64 last_event_age; /* to and from KFD */
344 __u64 kfd_event_data_ext; /* pointer to an extension structure
351 __u64 events_ptr; /* pointed to struct
360 __u64 va_addr; /* to KFD */
367 __u64 tile_config_ptr;
369 __u64 macro_tile_config_ptr;
389 __u64 tba_addr; /* to KFD */
390 __u64 tma_addr; /* to KFD */
430 __u64 va_addr; /* to KFD */
431 __u64 size; /* to KFD */
432 __u64 handle; /* from KFD */
433 __u64 mmap_offset; /* to KFD (userptr), from KFD (mmap offset) */
443 __u64 handle; /* to KFD */
462 __u64 handle; /* to KFD */
463 __u64 device_ids_array_ptr; /* to KFD */
473 __u64 handle; /* to KFD */
474 __u64 device_ids_array_ptr; /* to KFD */
494 __u64 size; /* from KFD */
495 __u64 metadata_ptr; /* to KFD */
505 __u64 va_addr; /* to KFD */
506 __u64 handle; /* from KFD */
512 __u64 handle; /* to KFD */
691 __u64 devices; /* Used during ops: CHECKPOINT, RESTORE */
692 __u64 bos; /* Used during ops: CHECKPOINT, RESTORE */
693 __u64 priv_data; /* Used during ops: CHECKPOINT, RESTORE */
694 __u64 priv_data_size; /* Used during ops: PROCESS_INFO, RESTORE */
710 __u64 addr;
711 __u64 size;
712 __u64 offset;
713 __u64 restored_offset; /* During restore, updated offset for BO */
850 __u64 start_addr;
851 __u64 size;
1028 __u64 r_debug;
1057 __u64 r_debug;
1064 __u64 exception_status;
1065 __u64 ring_base_address;
1066 __u64 write_pointer_address;
1067 __u64 read_pointer_address;
1068 __u64 ctx_save_restore_address;
1093 __u64 err_payload_addr;
1164 __u64 exception_mask;
1165 __u64 rinfo_ptr;
1190 __u64 exception_mask;
1207 __u64 exception_mask;
1287 __u64 exception_mask;
1288 __u64 queue_array_ptr;
1312 __u64 queue_array_ptr;
1336 __u64 address;
1403 __u64 exception_mask;
1430 __u64 info_ptr;
1467 __u64 exception_mask;
1468 __u64 snapshot_buf_ptr;
1503 __u64 exception_mask;
1504 __u64 snapshot_buf_ptr;