Lines Matching defs:eccprivkeytoken
98 struct eccprivkeytoken { struct
99 u8 type; /* 0x1f for internal asym key token */
100 u8 version; /* should be 0x00 */
101 u16 len; /* total key token length in bytes */
102 u8 res1[4];
103 u8 secid; /* 0x20 for ECC priv key section marker */
104 u8 secver; /* section version */
105 u16 seclen; /* section length */
106 u8 wtype; /* wrapping method, 0x00 clear, 0x01 AES */
107 u8 htype; /* hash method, 0x02 for SHA-256 */
108 u8 res2[2];
109 u8 kutc; /* key usage and translation control */
110 u8 ctype; /* curve type */
111 u8 kfs; /* key format and security */
112 u8 ksrc; /* key source */
113 u16 pbitlen; /* length of prime p in bits */
114 u16 ibmadlen; /* IBM associated data length in bytes */
115 u64 mkvp; /* master key verification pattern */
116 u8 opk[48]; /* encrypted object protection key data */
117 u16 adatalen; /* associated data length in bytes */
118 u16 fseclen; /* formatted section length in bytes */
119 u8 more_data[]; /* more data follows */