Lines Matching +full:monitor +full:- +full:interval +full:- +full:ms

38 /* uS: 83mS is max packet time (64KB ampdu @ 6Mbps) */
48 * Usage example, e.g. a three-bit field (bits 4-6):
52 * regval = R_REG(osh, &regs->regfoo);
55 * W_REG(osh, &regs->regfoo, regval);
58 (((unsigned)1 << (width)) - 1)
67 /* max # supported core revisions (0 .. MAXCOREREV - 1) */
76 #define BRCMS_SHORTSLOT_AUTO -1 /* Driver will manage Shortslot setting */
91 #define TXFID_QUEUE_MASK 0x0007 /* Bits 0-2 */
92 #define TXFID_SEQ_MASK 0x7FE0 /* Bits 5-15 */
136 /* hold pll for radio monitor register checking */
145 ((uint)((wlc)->band->bandunit ? BAND_2G_INDEX : BAND_5G_INDEX))
152 * gmode_user: user config gmode, operating band->gmode is different.
154 * nmode_user: user config nmode, operating pub->nmode is different.
157 * nongf: non-GF present protection.
160 * n_obss: indicated OBSS Non-HT STA present.
189 * ss_algosel_auto: if true, use wlc->stf->ss_algo_channel;
190 * else use wlc->band->stf->ss_mode_band.
191 * ss_algo_channel: ss based on per-channel algo: 0: SISO, 1: CDD 2: STBC.
217 (((wlc)->stf->txstreams > 1) && (((wlc)->band->band_stf_stbc_tx == ON) \
218 || (((scb)->flags & SCB_STBCCAP) && \
219 (wlc)->band->band_stf_stbc_tx == AUTO && \
220 isset(&((wlc)->stf->ss_algo_channel), PHY_TXC1_MODE_STBC))))
222 #define BRCMS_STBC_CAP_PHY(wlc) (BRCMS_ISNPHY(wlc->band) && \
223 NREV_GE(wlc->band->phyrev, 3))
225 #define BRCMS_SGI_CAP_PHY(wlc) ((BRCMS_ISNPHY(wlc->band) && \
226 NREV_GE(wlc->band->phyrev, 3)) || \
227 BRCMS_ISLCNPHY(wlc->band))
264 /* band-specific copy of default_bss.rateset */
268 s8 band_stf_stbc_tx; /* STBC TX 0:off; 1:force on; -1:auto */
269 /* rates supported by chip (phy-specific) */
336 struct brcms_hw_band *band;/* pointer to active per-band state */
372 u8 antsel_type; /* Type of boardlevel mimo antenna switch-logic
394 * band: pointer to active per-band state.
395 * corestate: per-core state (one per hw core).
396 * bandstate: per-band state (one per phy/radio).
406 * bandlocked: disable auto multi-band switching.
411 * radio_timer: timer for hw radio button monitor routine.
412 * monitor: monitor (MPDU sniffing) mode.
413 * bcnmisc_monitor: bcns promisc mode override for monitor.
414 * _rifs: enable per-packet rifs.
415 * bcn_li_bcn: beacon listen interval in # beacons.
416 * bcn_li_dtim: beacon listen interval in # dtims.
420 * wme_retries: per-AC retry limits.
430 * country_default: saved country for leaving 802.11d auto-country mode.
431 * autocountry_default: initial country for 802.11d auto-country mode.
437 * fragthresh[NFIFO]: per-fifo fragmentation thresholds.
506 /* AP-STA synchronization, power save */
578 u8 antsel_type; /* Type of boardlevel mimo antenna switch-logic