Lines Matching refs:Step
6704 # Step 1. Set ans := 1.0 #
6706 # Step 2. Return ans := ans + sign(X)*2^(-126). Exit. #
6713 # Step 1. Filter out extreme cases of input argument. #
6714 # 1.1 If |X| >= 2^(-65), go to Step 1.3. #
6715 # 1.2 Go to Step 7. #
6716 # 1.3 If |X| < 16380 log(2), go to Step 2. #
6717 # 1.4 Go to Step 8. #
6727 # 16380 log(2) used in Step 1.3 is also in the compact #
6728 # form. Thus taking the branch to Step 2 guarantees #
6731 # 16380 log(2) and the branch to Step 9 is taken. #
6733 # Step 2. Calculate N = round-to-nearest-int( X * 64/log2 ). #
6757 # Step 3. Calculate X - N*log2/64. #
6770 # after Step 3.2. #
6782 # This bound will be used in Step 4. #
6784 # Step 4. Approximate exp(R)-1 by a polynomial #
6799 # Step 5. Compute 2^(J/64)*exp(R) = 2^(J/64)*(1+p) by #
6811 # Step 6. Reconstruction of exp(X) #
6831 # Step 7. Return 1 + X. #
6838 # in Step 7.1 to avoid unnecessary trapping. (Although #
6844 # Step 8. Handle exp(X) where |X| >= 16380log2. #
6845 # 8.1 If |X| > 16480 log2, go to Step 9. #
6854 # 8.7 Go to Step 3. #
6857 # Step 9. Handle exp(X), |X| > 16480 log2. #
7104 #--Step 1.
7119 #--Step 2.
7141 #--Step 3.
7150 #--Step 4.
7184 #--Step 5
7195 #--Step 6
7207 #--Step 7
7214 #--Step 8
7242 bra.w EXPCONT1 # go back to Step 3
7245 #--Step 9
7267 #--Step 1.
7268 #--Step 1.1
7276 #--Step 1.3
7284 #--Step 2.
7303 #--Step 3.
7313 #--Step 4.
7356 #--Step 5
7361 #--Step 6
7362 #--Step 6.1
7366 #--Step 6.2 M >= 64
7373 #--Step 6.3 M <= 63
7377 #--Step 6.4 M <= -4
7383 #--Step 6.5 -3 <= M <= 63
7390 #--Step 6.6
7396 #--Step 7 |X| < 1/4.
7401 #--Step 8 |X| < 2^(-65)
7404 #--Step 8.2
7415 #--Step 8.3
7428 #--Step 9 exp(X)-1 by a simple polynomial
7479 #--Step 10 |X| > 70 log2
7483 #--Step 10.2
7492 #--Step 0.
7981 # Step 1. If |X-1| < 1/16, approximate log(X) by an odd #
7983 # move on to Step 2. #
7985 # Step 2. X = 2**k * Y where 1 <= Y < 2. Define F to be the first #
7990 # Step 3. Define u = (Y-F)/F. Approximate log(1+u) by a #
7993 # Step 4. Reconstruct #
7999 # Step 1: If |X| < 1/16, approximate log(1+X) by an odd #
8001 # to Step 2. #
8003 # Step 2: Let 1+X = 2**k * Y, where 1 <= Y < 2. Define F as done #
8004 # in Step 2 of the algorithm for LOGN and compute #
8668 # Step 0. If X < 0, create a NaN and raise the invalid operation #
8673 # Step 1. Call slognd to obtain Y = log(X), the natural log of X. #
8676 # Step 2. Compute log_10(X) = log(X) * (1/log(10)). #
8682 # Step 0. If X < 0, create a NaN and raise the invalid operation #
8687 # Step 1. Call sLogN to obtain Y = log(X), the natural log of X. #
8689 # Step 2. Compute log_10(X) = log(X) * (1/log(10)). #
8695 # Step 0. If X < 0, create a NaN and raise the invalid operation #
8700 # Step 1. Call slognd to obtain Y = log(X), the natural log of X. #
8703 # Step 2. Compute log_10(X) = log(X) * (1/log(2)). #
8709 # Step 0. If X < 0, create a NaN and raise the invalid operation #
8714 # Step 1. If X is not an integer power of two, i.e., X != 2^k, #
8715 # go to Step 3. #
8717 # Step 2. Return k. #
8722 # Step 3. Call sLogN to obtain Y = log(X), the natural log of X. #
8724 # Step 4. Compute log_2(X) = log(X) * (1/log(2)). #
9357 # Step 1. Save and strip signs of X and Y: signX := sign(X), #
9362 # Step 2. Set L := expo(X)-expo(Y), k := 0, Q := 0. #
9364 # R := X, go to Step 4. #
9369 # Step 3. Perform MOD(X,Y) #
9370 # 3.1 If R = Y, go to Step 9. #
9372 # 3.3 If j = 0, go to Step 4. #
9374 # Step 3.1. #
9376 # Step 4. At this point, R = X - QY = MOD(X,Y). Set #
9377 # Last_Subtract := false (used in Step 7 below). If #
9378 # MOD is requested, go to Step 6. #
9380 # Step 5. R = MOD(X,Y), but REM(X,Y) is requested. #
9382 # Step 6. #
9384 # Q := Q + 1, Y := signY*Y }. Go to Step 6. #
9388 # Step 6. R := signX*R. #
9390 # Step 7. If Last_Subtract = true, R := R - Y. #
9392 # Step 8. Return signQ, last 7 bits of Q, and R as required. #
9394 # Step 9. At this point, R = 2^(-j)*X - Q Y = Y. Thus, #