Lines Matching full:ldos
26 description: Supply for LDOs vfe28, vxo22, vcn28, vaux18, vaud28, vsim1, vusb, vbif28
28 description: Supply for LDOs vldo28 (MT6358 only), vio28, vmc, vmch, vsim2
30 description: Supply for LDOs vcn33, vcama[12] (MT6358 only), vemc, vibr
51 Supply for LDOs vrf18, vefuse, vcn18, vcamio (MT6358 only), vio18, vm18 (MT6366 only)
53 description: Supply for LDOs vdram2, vmddr (MT6366 only)
55 description: Supply for LDOs vrf12, va12
58 Supply for LDOs vsram-core (MT6366 only), vsram-gpu, vsram-others, vsram-proc11, vsram-proc12
79 description: LDOs with fixed 1.2V output and 0~100/10mV tuning
88 LDOs with fixed 1.8V output and 0~100/10mV tuning (vcn18 on MT6366 has variable output)
96 description: LDOs with fixed 2.2V output and 0~100/10mV tuning
104 description: LDOs with fixed 2.8V output and 0~100/10mV tuning
112 description: LDOs with fixed 3.0V output and 0~100/10mV tuning
120 description: LDOs with variable output
128 description: LDOs with variable output and 0~100/10mV tuning